Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3)

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Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3) Page 16

by Iris Bolling

Ericka nodded then pulled away. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome." He turned to walk away, then stopped. "I met with Bobby yesterday. He is going to petition the court to do a paternity test."

  "He is?"


  A month or so ago that would have made Ericka's day. But now the only thing that mattered was Nick's recovery. "Bobby doesn't care about money or position. Don't allow Singleton to change or hurt my brother."

  "We will make sure he is protected."

  "Okay." Ericka smiled then walked back into the room with Nick.

  "You are such a ladies’ man."

  Vernon turned to see Naverone leaning against the wall at the end of the corridor. "What a beautiful sight it will be to wake up to you every day. What brings you here so early in the morning?"


  He walked up to her, placed a small kiss on her lips and smiled. "You give me strength to make it through the day."

  "Hmm..." She began walking towards the elevator. "You better not let James hear you say that right now."

  Vernon walked next to her. "Like it or not he's right. I would advise my client to stay away from you too." He glanced sideways at her and smiled. "You are a dangerous woman, especially in jeans and boots."

  She held her jacket open and walked backwards next to him. "You like my outfit today?"

  "No, I liked your outfit yesterday...easy access. I love your outfit today...enticing."

  Naverone blushed, closed her jacket then turned towards the elevator.

  Vernon pushed the button. "Tell me something. Why hasn’t a man taken you off the market yet?"

  "First of all, I've never been on anyone's market. I had plans. I wanted to be an agent. That took priority."

  "Yet, you left. Why?" he asked as they stepped into the elevator.

  Naverone shrugged. "It stopped being fulfilling."

  "Why? What happened?"

  "Do you really want to talk about this right now?" she asked, a little ruffled.

  Vernon leaned back against the wall of the elevator. "I really want to talk about this right now."

  Naverone looked at the buttons as each light lit as they reached the floors. She hesitated then spoke. "I had this case where one of my protectees was the witness in a DEA case. She was 16 years old. The powers that be kept telling her it was her duty to testify against a man who was a part of the cartel. They ensured safety for her and her family. One night while I was on duty I get a call telling me I was needed at a location. Something didn't feel right about the call but it came from my superior and we follow orders. It was a command so I did as instructed, leaving only one man on the girl and her family. Not two hours later I get a distress call from the witness’ location, by the time I got there the entire family was dead...assassination style dead."

  "You blame yourself?"

  "No, I blame my dumbass commander for falling for a routine fake out just to impress the brass."

  Vernon saw the way her eyes narrowed. The way her hands were suddenly clenched. This was that case for her. The one that made you think twice about your career choice. "So you're not with the agency?"

  "No. I took a leave of absence."

  "You’re still an agent?"

  "Technically, yes."

  "How long have you been on a leave of absence?"

  She shrugged. "About four years."

  Vernon began to laugh. "And they let you keep your status after four years?"

  "It's better than taking a chance on the media finding out why that family under Secret Service protection died."

  "Are you planning on ever going back?"

  "I haven't decided yet."

  "What will it take for you to make a move one way or another?"

  "I don't know." She shrugged. "A big house, wrought iron fence, children and the right man taking me off that market you mentioned earlier."

  Suddenly the elevator stopped. The doors opened and people piled on filling the space between them. That did not break their eye contact. The trance remained until they reached the parking deck level. As people escaped the confines of the small space they remained in place. Eyes locked with unspoken promises of time together where there would not be interruptions or obstacles between them.

  They stepped off the elevator and Vernon curled his fingers around hers as they walked towards her SUV. "Who was he?"

  Naverone frowned. "Who was who?" she asked.

  "The man who broke your heart?" She pulled her hand away.

  "What makes you think there was one?"

  He looked ahead and grinned. "Only a man or a woman could influence a decision to leave the agency."

  "I just told you why I left."

  Vernon nodded. "You did and I can certainly understand the decision. But, you have something to go to when something like that happens. For a man, it’s a woman. We will give up the thing that disappointed us for the love of a good woman. For women it's a man. So I ask again. Who was he?"

  Naverone looked around, always assessing her surroundings as she was trained to do. "You've met him."

  Vernon stopped. "I have?"

  "Yes." She stopped and turned to face him.

  Vernon stared waiting for her to give him the name.

  "Tyrone Pendleton."

  He lowered his head and chuckled. "It couldn't be an average Joe." He began walking again. "No, you had to pull out the big guns. He's married, you know."

  Naverone smiled. "It was before he was married."

  " went to work for his agency to around him?"

  "No. My team worked on his wife's kidnapping. As a show of appreciation he started my agency, Enticement."

  They reached the SUV. "You still love him?"

  "No." She opened the door and slid into the driver's seat. "If I didn't know better I would think you are jealous."

  "You damn right I am." He climbed into the passenger seat. "I'm a man on trial for murder. He's a superstar."

  Naverone laughed. "He's an agent."

  "An agent to superstars."

  "Vernon Brooks, I would have never guessed you were insecure."

  "Insecure?" He reached out and pulled the lapel to her jacket bringing her lips to meet his. Their tongues fused as he ravished her mouth, branding it, once again, his. The sweetness of her taste was intoxicating. He knew he needed to pull away but the inferno inside was consuming his body.

  Naverone had to reach deep to find the strength to push Vernon away. She wanted this man. There was no denying that fact. However, until she knew being with him was not a threat to his freedom, Naverone was not going to put him in jeopardy, no matter how good his hands felt roaming over her body.

  She pushed away and settled back in her seat. She licked her lips and took deep breaths to bring her heart rate back down to normal. "We need to discover what the District Attorney is planning on using as a motive real soon."

  "Ty Pendleton."

  "Is that what's on your mind right now?"

  "Wrong question. Is he on your mind?"

  Naverone laughed shaking her head. She started the vehicle. "You want to get personal with the questions...I will answer your question, if you answer one for me. Why do you still live at home with your parents?"


  Ericka watched as the nurses and doctor worked on preparing Nick to move from the bed to the chair. Gwendolyn was clearly against this. "Maybe this is too much too soon."

  "It's been a week, Mrs. Brooks," Ericka said. "I think Nick is getting a little restless just staying in bed."

  Gwen turned to Ericka with a cutting look. "Well I think he is in too much pain to be moved right now."

  "Mother." Nick winced through the pain. "It's not going to be any easier next week."

  "Mr. Brooks, I'm satisfied there is no damage to your spinal cord. There is no reason to keep you immobile any longer. We’re going to sit you up slowly then remove the brace."

  "I'm ready." Nick inhaled.

  Ericka looked on as they removed th
e brace. With each movement she could see the pain, even worse she could feel it. She kept telling herself the pain was a good sign, but knowing he was in pain caused her heart to break.

  She watched as they laid his head back on the pillow. "How you doing there, Mr. Brooks?"

  "Not good, Doc." Nick grimaced.

  "Those are welcome words to my ears. It lets me know all cylinders are working, as they should. Now let's get you up out of that bed."

  "Wait, he just said he wasn't doing well. Can't you see he is in pain?"

  "Yes," the doctor replied. "I would be worried if he wasn't." He turned to Gwen. "Mrs. Brooks, your son is going to be in pain for a while. Today he is going to feel like he is in hell. But he is healing. This is the next step to getting him out of this place. It can be difficult for loved ones to see this. You may want to wait outside until we have him settled in a chair."

  "I'm not going anywhere," Gwen said in a controlled angry voice. "I'm staying here until my baby is all right."

  Nick glanced at his father. Avery nodded in understanding. "Gwen, we are going to take a walk to the cafe across the street. We'll have some breakfast then we will come back."

  Gwen raised an eyebrow. "You are going across the street. I'm staying with my child."

  "Mother. I need to do this on my own. I don't want to worry about you seeing me like this. Go with Pop and do me a favor. Bring me back some real food." He winked at her.

  Gwen smiled. "Okay, just tell me to leave."

  "We just did," Avery and Nick said in unison, then laughed.

  Gwen sighed. "Well all right." She looked at Ericka. "Come along, Ericka."

  "No." Nick took her hand.

  "I'm not going anywhere." Ericka smiled, then turned to Gwen. "I'll keep an eye on the doctor to make sure he doesn't hurt Nick. If he does, I'll call you after I whip his ass. Okay?"

  Gwen glared at Ericka for a long moment, then back to Nick. "All right."

  Avery took her hand and led her from the room. The doctor looked at Nick. "Let's get you out of that bed.”

  An orderly stood on the left of Nick, placed one hand under the casted leg and the other around his waist. The nurse controlled the right arm and leg. They counted to three then lifted Nick and placed him in a chair. His left leg and arm were propped up, as the nurse put pillows behind his head.

  "On a scale from one to ten, what is your pain level?" the doctor asked.

  For a long moment Nick did not reply. Ericka wanted to reach out to him, but she knew that would interfere in his progress. She held back the tears for his pain and kept the fear in check. This was only the beginning of his journey to come back to her. For days now thoughts of being in his arms again had consumed her. She needed this man. The very thought of needing anyone filled her with a sense of unease. But then she would look at him and the fear would dissipate. This easygoing, piano playing, super-agent to the stars had captured her heart completely. There was nothing that could pull her away from his side.


  The doctor laughed. "You have a sense of humor." He pulled up a chair and sat in front of Nick when the nurse had finished making him comfortable. "It’s good to see you sitting up. Now let’s talk about the plans we have for you."

  Ericka pulled a chair up, sat on Nick's right side and held his hand as the doctor explained the two surgeries they were planning to repair the broken bones in his leg. Then they discussed his physical therapy. The doctor indicated he believed Nick would recover fully, but it would take time. "You are going to need a drill sergeant around. There will be times when you will want to give up. However, you have a good support system, with people who care about you." He smiled at Ericka. "This will require a commitment for all involved." He lowered his head. "May I call you Nick?"

  "Yes." Nick nodded. "I see hesitancy, Doc. Give me all of it. Don't hold back."

  "Nick, there is one area that concerns us. The damage on your left side may cause some level of impotency. You are a young man planning to marry soon, correct?"

  "Yes," Ericka replied.

  The doctor smiled at her direct reply. "Do you plan to have children?"

  Nick looked at Ericka. "Yes," she replied without looking his way. She then turned to Nick. "Maybe after he shaves."

  Nick grinned. The doctor smiled.

  "Where is your pain level now?"

  Nick thought. "Thirty-seven."

  The doctor laughed. "Then we are improving. We are not going to worry until we know there is something to worry about." The doctor stood. "I'm going to leave you now. Just a few hours in the chair today and then maybe a little walking this afternoon. Then it's back in the bed for you. You are doing well, Nick. I will expect that pain level to be in the twenties tomorrow." The doctor waved as he walked out the door.

  "It seems the good doctor is worried if you will be able to get it up." She turned to Nick. "Shall we test it again?"

  Nick smiled. "No, let’s wait until this pain level is down to ten. I don't think I can take anything else standing up right now."

  Ericka smiled, then kissed his cheek. "You don't have to do that with me, you know."

  "Do what?"

  "Make jokes." She put her hand under his chin and brought his eyes up to meet hers. "I know you are in pain. I know you are worried about the agency and I know you are worried about me. The doctors and nurses will control the pain. Donna and Ty have things under control at the agency." She inhaled. "As for me, I'm going to be here with you until we walk out that door, together. I'm going to give you six months to walk me down the aisle. Anything longer than that and I will carry you down the aisle on my back." She kissed his lips. "I showed you the real me and you loved me anyway. Thank you for accepting me as I am. Now it's my turn to accept you any way you are. If you lose a left nut, I'll suck the right."

  Nick laughed, as he took her hand and kissed it. "There will never be a dull moment with you around."

  "You get it. Good. Later tonight I’m going to tell you the story of Nicolai getting his first wash up from Ericka."

  An hour later Gwen and Avery stood in the hallway watching the two talk. They looked on as Ericka shaved Nick's face then washed it. He was beginning to look like himself again. She eased his head back against the pillow. They watched Nick watching Ericka walk across the room. When she returned, he rested his head on Ericka's shoulder and she began to read from her tablet.

  Avery smiled. "Looks like he is in good hands."

  Gwen nodded. "I think she loves him. I don't know her story, but I can see she is a strong young woman. She is who she is and makes no excuses for it. I think I like her."

  "Could it be she reminds you of someone?"

  Gwen frowned, thinking. "No." She shook her head. "No one I can think of at this moment."

  "She's a younger version of you, Gwendolyn. She reminds me of you. I will never forget when I asked you to marry me. You said, I'm carrying another man's child. I'm going to love it even though I don't love the father. Take it or leave it because I am...who I am."

  Gwen smiled and rested her head back against her husband’s chest. "I'm very happy you took me."

  Avery put his arms around her waist. "So am I." They stood there watching Nick and Ericka make memories.

  Chapter Eleven

  It was two weeks later when they received word the case against Vernon was going to court. The judge ruled there was sufficient evidence to send the case to trial. The motions to dismiss were denied.

  James now had an office in Vernon's building. James, Vernon, and Wade were sitting in the conference area with the evidence package received from the District Attorney.

  It was now a matter of going through the evidence received during the discovery process and developing their strategy to win Vernon's freedom.

  James was reading the report from Detective Robert Burke on the gun registration.

  "Vernon, the gun came back registered to you." He turned the page on the document. "How do we explain this?"

"That's impossible. My gun is at home in the lock box. We checked to make sure it was still there."

  James looked at the paperwork again. "This one was purchased in Richmond about eight years ago." He looked up. Vernon had removed his jacket and was sitting at the table with the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up. Wade was sitting across from him with his feet stretched out in a chair and a donut in his mouth. James imagined this was how they studied in law school.

  "James." Vernon looked up. "Listen to me. I did not purchase a gun eight....." He paused mid-sentence. James and Wade looked up from their respective documents.

  "Vernon?" James gave him an inquisitive look.

  "Did you say Richmond?"

  James looked at the document again. "Yes, Richmond."

  He glanced at Wade, then back to James. "I did," he said slowly as he stood, his mind clearly working to remember the events. He rubbed his head and nodded. "I did buy that gun. I gave it to Nick." He looked up at James. “I gave the gun to Nick and took him to the shooting range."

  "Nick?" James’ mind began to wonder, then he stopped. "There is no way Nick could have killed Connie. He was on a plane back from New York."

  Wade put his feet on the floor. "Who else would have had access to the gun?"

  "Anyone who visited his house," Vernon responded. "But that is not going to matter. Kirkland is going to claim your brother is only covering for you. Even if Nick states the gun was in his possession," James stated as he sighed. "How did the gun get from Nick's place to Connie's?" A confused Vernon ran his hand down the back of his neck.

  "Before you ask that question you may want to make certain you can eliminate all of your family members," Wade suggested.

  James and Vernon glanced at each other. That was the question they had to answer. James sat back. "He's right. We have been focused on Singleton. But the truth of the matter is there is a small possibility that it may have been someone else."

  "No." Vernon shook his head. "Singleton killed Connie, that I am certain of. The question is how did he get his hands on Nick’s gun?"

  "Ask him," Wade suggested.

  "No," Vernon replied adamantly. "Nick is not to be questioned or talked to about this case. He needs to concentrate on his recovery. Is that understood?"


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