Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3)

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Propensity For Love (A Brooks' Family Values Series Book 3) Page 21

by Iris Bolling

  "Objection." James jumped up, angry. "Hearsay, Your Honor."

  "He is testifying to what he was told by Mrs. Brooks, Your Honor," Neal countered.

  "Overruled." Judge Maggie looked at James. "Continue, Mr. Singleton."

  Isaac nodded, pleased he had finally gotten a rise out of Vernon. Everything he mentioned before did not faze Vernon. There was no reaction in his eyes. But once he mentioned the boy, fireworks exploded in those cold eyes of Vernon’s. Then Isaac looked at James. If Vernon's look was the stake, James’ look was the fire that would surely send him to hell.

  "Of course, Your Honor. Connie told me she was afraid of her husband. She stated that her husband had the ability to make people disappear. There was one case I distinctly remember her mentioning. I believe the client’s name was Castiano."

  "I believe I was the prosecutor on that case."

  "Objection, Your Honor. My client’s work ethics are not in question here. If the District Attorney’s office lost cases to Vernon Brooks it was because his case was weak. No other reason and I personally resent the implication."

  "Sustained, Mr. Brooks." Judge Maggie turned to Neal. "Mr. Kirkland, don't push me." She then looked at the jury. "Members of the jury you will disregard that statement by Mr. Kirkland." She turned back to Neal. "One more time, Mr. Kirkland, and I will find you in contempt of court. Believe me, you will not like my judgment."

  "I apologize to the court, Your Honor." Neal was pleased. The judge can tell the jury to disregard the information, but they heard it. He knew one or two of them would keep that information stuck in their minds. He continued with the witness.

  "Mr. Singleton, as Mr. Brooks has stated a good portion of this is hearsay. Did there come a time when you recorded your conversation with Mrs. Brooks?"

  "Yes. There was this one particular time I was very frightened for Connie. When she called I could hear the fear in her voice. She stated her husband was angry about an incident that happened at the studio with his daughter. I was concerned for Connie and also for any liability to my company. Therefore I recorded the conversation in case anything ever happened. I would have something on record in her words."

  "Your Honor, at this time I would like to submit this recording into evidence."

  "Again. Your honor," James stood, "the defense would like to have our objection to this recording being heard by the jury. We have no way of knowing if that tape recording was taken out of context or is indeed Constance Brooks."

  "Your objection is noted, Mr. Brooks. The recording is submitted. You may proceed, Mr. Kirkland."

  Kirkland pushed play on the recorder. Connie's voice played out in court loud and clear as she told Isaac of Vernon's anger over the alleged assault on Taylor. At the end of the recording, she stated, "I think he's going to hurt me this time."

  Neal ended the recording then glanced at the jury. He walked over to stand in front of the witness. "Did you believe Connie's life was in danger?"

  "Yes," Isaac replied.

  "Mr. Singleton, all the time you were seeing Mrs. Brooks did you know who her husband was?"

  "No. We never mentioned him by name."

  "When did you find out who Constance Brooks was married to?"

  Isaac sighed, then hesitated. "A number of incidents began to happen the day that I received that call from Connie. The first was a call I received from one of my artists at B7 Beats, my recording company. Nail, a rapper on my label, indicated three men at the recording studio had just assaulted him. I told him to make a report and put it on file, which he did."

  "Is this the report that was filed?"

  Neal handed Isaac a piece of paper. He looked over it then nodded his head. "Yes."

  "Exhibit three, Your Honor." Neal placed the document back on the table. "What happened next?"

  "A few weeks later I was called for an emergency board meeting at B7 Beats. At the meeting, I found that the recording company was a party to a hostile takeover."

  "Do you know who spearheaded the takeover?"

  "Yes, the takeover was spearhead by a company named the Pendleton Agency. As any businessman would do, I researched the company."

  "Tell the jury what you found."

  "Well, as it turned out I found the Pendleton agency had recently merged with another company and became Brooks-Pendleton Sports Agency."

  "Brooks-Pendleton, as in Vernon Brooks?"

  "No, his younger brother, Nicolas Brooks."

  "The defendant's brother?"


  "Before we continue let's make sure the jury is clear on what was happening here. Did you feel that you had become a victim in someway?"

  "Not a victim--a target. And I didn't feel it, sir, I knew it. I just didn't have any idea at that time who was orchestrating these things."

  "What did you do next?”

  “I enlisted my investigator to look into the incidents and report back."

  "Who did your investigator find at the center of the takeover? Who was targeting you, Mr. Singleton?"

  "I came to learn that it was the Brooks who were targeting me."

  "How did you determine this?"

  “When the B7 takeover happened I began to look into a number of different reasons of how this came about. That's when I learned that the man who took over B7 was in partnership with the youngest Brooks brother. In addition, I had the security tape from the recording studio pulled for the day of the assault. The men on the security tape were identified as Vernon Brooks, Nicolas Brooks and Xavier Davenport, the fiancé to Nicole Brooks."

  "It sounds as if you had the entire family after you."

  "Objection, Your Honor." James stood slowly. "I'm not after him.....yet," James stated then sat back down.

  "Sustained. Last warning, Mr. Kirkland."

  "Yes, Your Honor." Neal then continued, "Did you have any idea why?”

  "Naturally I thought it was because of my relationship with Connie."

  "Seems like a reasonable assumption. Was it true?”

  "No. Connie was not the reason."

  Kirkland looked at the clock. It was around 2:30. "Your Honor, this witness has at least another hour to go. This may be a good time to break.”

  Judge Maggie looked at the clock and agreed. "Let's take a 15 minute recess. Court will reconvene at 2:45."

  "Court is in recess," the bailiff called out.

  James and Vernon stood then joined their parents as they walked into the hallway. "It's going to start getting ugly now," James stated.

  "This wasn't ugly?" Gwen asked as she gave Isaac the evil eye as he walked into the foyer of the court.

  "No, Mother," Vernon stated as he stepped in to block her view of Isaac. "He is about to testify that he is my biological father. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing your face when he does. Now would be a good time for you to go check on Nick."

  "I hate to leave you at a time like this." Gwen took her son's hand.

  Vernon kissed and hugged his mother. "Having you here meant the world to me. But I don't want you to come back. You take care of Nick until this is over. I have Butchie." He hit James on the shoulder. Vernon then turned to his father. He shook his hand, then hugged him.

  "You hang in there, son. Butchie is doing a good job. There is always the storm before the rainbow. Remember that."

  "I remember, Pop. Take care, Mother."

  "I'll see you at the hospital when court is over," James said.

  "Take care of your brother." Avery nodded. "I will be back in court in the morning," he said as he walked away, not giving either of his sons a chance to argue with him.

  James and Vernon watched their parents go down the hallway. "I don't want them back in court until this is over."

  James understood Vernon's feelings. Some ugly things about Vernon were going to be revealed and he did not want his parents to have to sit there and listen to his misdeeds. "I'll get Nicole to handle them." James looked at Vernon. "One question. The statement made about witnesses disapp
earing. Is it true?"

  "No," Vernon stated.

  "Maybe," Wade stated.

  James looked at the two of them.

  "None...that I am aware of," Vernon replied to James with his eyes on Wade.

  James watched as Wade glanced in another direction. "Okay. I want the Castiano case in my hands this evening."

  "Listen, Kirkland is going to try to admit the outcome and resulting consequences of that case into court. If he succeeds it will look bad on us."

  "Yet you are just telling me about this?"

  Vernon glared at his brother. "It should not get in."

  "It was mentioned. I should know about the case and any others Kirkland can pull from as evidence against you." The two brothers squared off.

  Wade stepped in. He pulled the file from his briefcase. "Look, here is the case file. Vernon had me pull it weeks ago in case it came up."

  James took the file. "What do you came up," he said sarcastically to Vernon.

  "Court is reconvening," Wade said, hoping the two brothers would stop looking as if World War III was about to break out.

  "Let's go back in," James said then walked away.

  Vernon and Wade shared a look of concern then followed James back into the courtroom.

  "Court is back in session," the bailiff announced as Judge Maggie walked into the room. "Mr. Singleton, I would like to remind you, you are still under oath. Continue, Mr. Kirkland."

  "Mr. Singleton, when we adjourned you stated you knew you were a target of the Brooks.....I'll rephrase, Your Honor," Kirkland said when he saw James about to rise. "You stated you believed you were a target. Will you tell the court who had targeted you and why?"

  "I found I was targeted by Vernon Brooks. The reason had nothing to do with Connie. See, about two years ago my mother Estelle Singleton passed away. When her will was read I became aware of an addendum to my father William Singleton's will. That addendum indicated I had fathered a child out of wedlock when I was in high school. According to my father's will, we had to find this child, and determine if the child was of sound moral character. At stake was one half of my father’s billion-dollar estate. Seeing no reason not to cooperate I gave my father's attorneys all the information that I knew on the child's mother. Which unfortunately was not much, after all we were talking about over 40 years ago. However, two years into the search they contacted me and indicated that they had found my child, or at least they thought they had. As it turns out the first nor the second child found was my biological child. At this point, I was leery of any person they brought before me suggesting it was the child in question. Approximately 6 months ago another name was submitted. This time I decided to do an investigation myself. My investigation found the young woman I was involved with so many years ago by the name of Gwendolyn Spivey. As it turned out, Gwen, as I was called her, was now Gwendolyn Brooks. I found that she had married Avery Brooks, close to 40 years ago, around the same time she was carrying my child. That child turned out to be her firstborn, Vernon Brooks."

  The reaction to the testimony was the same as when he told Kirkland the story the first time. Gasps could be heard throughout the courtroom as reporters rushed out to be the first to report the news. Isaac paused long enough to allow the impact of his words to sink in.

  "The reason I became a target was to gain half of the billion dollar estate left by my father."

  Kirkland did not say anything for a long moment. "Vernon Brooks." He turned and pointed. "The defendant is your son?"


  Kirkland stood there as if thinking. "To your knowledge is the Brooks’ fortune connected to Avery Brooks or Gwendolyn Brooks?"

  "Objection, Your Honor, the witness would have no knowledge of that."

  "I withdraw the question." Kirkland shook his head as if still wondering. He wanted the jury to wonder if this news would eliminate Vernon from the Brooks’ wealth. "Let's....continue. Did you share this information with anyone?"

  "No. I was concerned. I mean the Brooks are a powerful family. Everyone knows them. Frankly, I did not want any trouble."


  "I was afraid of what they might do."

  "The Brooks?"


  "Okay." Kirkland leaned against the jury box as if they were all best friends. " were sleeping with your son's wife?"

  Isaac sat up and said emphatically, "Yes, but I did not know he was my son."

  "Did this change your feelings for Mrs. Brooks?"

  Isaac sat back and sighed. "I'm close to sixty-years-old. To have a beautiful woman like Connie at my side was a surprise at this point in my life. I never thought I would love like that. It changed my feelings and I stopped seeing her for a while. But then...she came to me not a month ago and told me Vernon found out about us and the fact that I was his father. She was so distraught over the news." He fidgeted in his seat. "But now that there were no secrets, and I had missed her so, I saw no reason not to have her in my life."

  "Okay." Kirkland walked away from the jury and stood in front of Isaac. "The news is out. You and Connie are together. What happened next?"

  "A few days before Connie's death I was called to my father's attorney's office. When I arrived I found the office filled with every member of the Brooks family. Needless to say I was a little shaken."

  "What did they have to say?" a surprised Kirkland asked.

  "At first they did not say much of anything. My father's attorneys spoke as if on their behalf instead of mine. They informed me that the child in question, my biological child, was indeed Vernon Brooks. I have no idea what they offered as proof. Whatever it was, the attorneys were convinced that Vernon Brooks was indeed my biological son. When I dared to question the decision without any offering of proof I was accosted by Gwendolyn Brooks. She smacked me across the face with witnesses in the room and nothing was said. Then that one," he pointed to James, "attacked me. Vernon did stand at that point and force him to release me. I was thankful for that. Next thing I knew I was given a document stating all assets connected with my father’s estate and businesses were frozen until the matter of the estate was settled."

  "You are telling this court that Vernon Brooks is in control of your father's estate and businesses? Is that correct?"

  "That is correct. He now has control over my father's estate."

  Kirkland acted as if he was in a world of disbelief. He shook his head then stated, "I'm at a loss. You are the only child of William and Estelle Singleton yet it is your son, your biological son, Vernon Brooks who is controlling the estate."

  "Objection. Is there a question?" James stood with his objection.

  "The question, Mr. Singleton, is who has the power to control your father's estate?"

  "Vernon Brooks."

  "At the last accounting what is the worth of the entire estate including the businesses?"

  "$2.5 billion dollars."

  "Was Constance Brooks in line to receive a portion of that estate?"

  "Objection, Your Honor. To my knowledge Mr. Singleton is not an estate attorney. He has no authority to answer that question."

  "The question is withdrawn." Kirkland waved it off then asked another question. "Mr. Singleton, in your opinion what was the motive behind Constance Brooks' death?"

  "Objection. This court is not interested in opinions. We want facts," James argued.

  "This court is interested in justice for a murder victim. Mr. Singleton is intricately involved in this case. The jury should hear his opinion.”

  Judge Maggie thought for a long moment. "I'm going to allow it. Mr. Brooks, your objection is overruled. Please answer the question, Mr. Singleton."

  Neal, tasting blood, walked over to Isaac and looked at the jury. "Mr. Singleton, I ask you again. In your opinion what is the motive for the murder of Constance Brooks?"

  Isaac had his moment. He had the floor and he intended to put the nail in Vernon Brooks' coffin. "I believe Connie was killed for greed, pure and simple. Vernon had
learned that he had a stake in my inheritance. He wanted it all. A divorce from Connie would have uncovered his new found wealth and he did not want to share it with anyone."

  Kirkland stood there glaring at the jury to make certain each person took in what Isaac had just said. "Greed and control. Two powerful motivators."

  "Your Honor," James objected.

  "Withdrawn," Kirkland said shaking his head. "Mr. Singleton, just a few more questions. Will you tell the court what Mrs. Brooks told you the day of her murder?"

  "Objection, hearsay." James rose, said his piece then sat back down.

  "Your Honor, we've had this discussion. You ruled this testimony admissible."

  "I don't need a reminder, Mr. Kirkland." Judge Maggie then turned to James. "Your objection is noted, Mr. Brooks. Let's continue."

  Isaac smirked as the prosecutor continued. "Again, please tell us what Mrs. Brooks told you the day she was murdered."

  "Connie told me she was afraid of what Vernon might do if she did not sign the divorce papers."

  "Did she say why?" The prosecutor looked over at the jurors as he asked the question.

  "Yes. She stated he was angry and on his way over to her home."

  "What more did she say?"

  "She stated the Brooks are a powerful family with deep roots. She said she knew for a fact that all Vernon had to do was make a call and people have and would disappear."

  Kirkland shook his head and walked towards his table. "One last question, Mr. Singleton. Were you ever threatened by Vernon Brooks?"


  "Really?" Kirkland looked up as if surprised. "You were threatened by your own son?" He glanced at Vernon then quickly back to Isaac. "Please share with us what transpired."

  "His exact words were I will kill you, your family and any remnants of your existence."

  A shocked Kirkland returned to the witness stand with newfound curiosity. "Did you believe him?"


  "Did you fear for your life?"

  "I still do."

  Kirkland stared at Isaac in awe. He glanced at Vernon, then the jury and gasped. "Your Honor, in light of this testimony, I believe it is in this court's best interest to offer protection to Mr. Singleton for the remainder of this trial."


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