Destined (Embracing #3)

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Destined (Embracing #3) Page 9

by Delisa Lynn

  With only ten minutes to get to the school before it lets out, I run to my truck. I call Lila to let her know I’m on my way and she tells me that, when she dropped AJ off this morning, Ansley wasn’t there. I quickly reroute myself and head to her condo. Lila said she would pick little dude up for me.

  When I pull into Ansley’s driveway, I see her car. It’s October, but it’s still about eighty degrees. She has all the blinds closed. I knock once. Nothing, so I ring the doorbell. I pull out my phone and start to call her when the door opens and a red-nosed Ansley is standing there in sweat pants and a St. Mary’s sweatshirt.

  “Jesus, are you sick? You could have called, you know.” I push pass her and make my way into the condo. It’s hot as hell. “Do you have your heat on?”

  “Well, the phone works both ways. I’m sick. I have the flu or something. I haven’t eaten for two days and my fever is over one hundred. I think I purchased all the cold meds Walgreens sells.”

  “Baby, come here.” She walks toward me. I place my hand on her forehead. “You’re burning up. Have you called the doctor?”

  “I don’t have one here,” she whines and then lays her head on my chest. “I just wanna feel better. It hurts.”

  “Come on, where are your shoes? We’re going to the urgent care.”

  “I can’t, I don’t have insurance yet. My credit cards are maxed out.”

  “You don’t have health insurance?”

  “Nope, can’t. I have to be with the school district a year before they offer it.”

  “That’s bullshit. Don’t worry, I have you covered. Get some shoes. Lila picked AJ up. I will take care of you.”

  “No, I can’t afford it and I don’t want you paying for me. I have all this.” She points to a mess of over-the-counter meds on her table. “I’ve been taking this one every four to six hours, as it says.”

  “Ansley, don’t make me carry you to the truck. Shoes, now,” I say as I grab her purse and a blanket from the couch.

  Mumbling, she says, “Ellis, you’re so fucking bossy. I’ll go, only because my throat hurts and nothing is helping. I feel like I’ve coughed up both lungs.”

  “Will he be okay left out or does he need to go in a kennel?” I ask as I see Sal running around her feet.

  “He’s okay. He doesn’t like the kennel. I’ll pay you back, I promise.”

  “Ansley, don’t worry about it. You’ll also have insurance by the end of the week, even if I have to put you on my payroll.”

  I lock her door. This is bullshit. The school district makes plenty of money. I pay a small fortune for my son to attend there. The least they can do is offer their employees health coverage. Opening the door for Ans, I help her in.

  “You’re too kind.” She smiles. “Thank you.”

  “No thanks needed, sweet cheeks.” I place a kiss on her forehead. She must have a very high fever. She is still very warm and clammy.

  “I don’t think my throat has ever hurt this bad. I hope they can make it stop. I used this,” she says, holding up a bottle that says Chloraseptic spray, “and, well, let’s just say it numbs the pain for twenty seconds and then the pain is back.”

  I squeeze her hand to reassure her that I’ll make it all better. “We won’t leave until they find out what’s going on.”

  “You’re the best.” She closes her eyes.

  “Hey, no sleeping until we get treatment. We’re almost there.” I pull into the small parking lot. I stop in front of the building and walk around to let her out. “Come on, I’ll go park after I get you checked in.”

  “I’ll be fine.” She swats at me, but I still lead her in.

  “She needs to be seen. We think it’s the flu or something,” I tell the small blonde behind the glass window.

  “Insurance card and identification card. Fill this out and then we will call you back.”

  “She doesn’t have insurance. I’ll pay for everything.”

  “Okay, the visit starts at two hundred dollars. Then it will be extra for any test they perform.”

  “That’s fine, I have cash and credit cards, whatever you want. Just get my girl better.”

  I rub Ansley’s back. Her blanket is wrapped around her and she’s still trembling as she starts to fill out the paperwork. She gets halfway through and a lady calls her name.

  “Okay, Miss Dolce, you can go into room number three. The nurse will be in shortly.”

  We walk into the room. Ansley climbs up on the bed and snuggles against the pillows. I cover her up with the extra blankets.

  “I’m so cold. I feel like I’m in Alaska.” She tries laughing and starts coughing.

  “Ansley, my name is Betsie. I’m going to get your vitals. Place this under your tongue.” She sticks the thermometer in Ansley’s mouth and it immediately beeps. “Oh my, how long have you been sick? You have a very high temperature.”

  “For three days,” she says, and I feel like an ass. I haven’t called her in four and now she is sick.

  “Your fever is one hundred and three. I’m going to swab your throat for strep. I’ll use two swabs. One is rapid and the other we will send to an outside lab. I’m going to also do a flu swab. This one goes through your nose. So, just take a deep breath. I’ll do the strep after the flu one.”

  “You’re going to stick that wire brush up my nose?” Ansley scrunches her face. “Ellis, hold my hand, please.” I reach for her hand as she tilts her head back.

  “Okay, all done. Now I’ll do the strep ones. This and the flu is rapid, so we’ll know the results in ten minutes.”

  “Just get it all over with, please,” Ansley says, squeezing my hand.

  “Okay, I’ll be back. The doctor will be in to let you know the results.”

  The nurse walks out and I see the tears in Ansley’s eyes. She lays her head back and pulls the cover over her face. “I’m sorry, I’m a cry baby. I rarely get sick. I just want you to hold me.”

  “Scoot over.” I climb on the small exam bed. “Come on, lay your head on my chest.” I’m surprised she wants me to hold her. She’s made it clear she wants to be more than friends, but I’m not sure what’s stopping her.

  “Ashton, thank you for everything. You’re too kind. I will make it all up to you.”

  “Ansley, I’d do anything for you. Haven’t you realized that by now?”

  “I’m scared.” She whimpers. “It’s moving too fast. Before Morris, there was…he hurt me. I know you’re different, but I can’t handle any more heartache. I have no family and only one friend.”

  “I’m not going to hurt you. You have family and friends. My family is your family and you have Nina, Toom, Taz, Meg, Kade, Liam and Lila. We all love you.” Shit, did I just admit I love her? Fuck, who am I kidding, I do love her.

  “They love me? You love me?” She looks up into my eyes. Her nose is bright red and her green eyes are bloodshot. My lips twitch, ready to claim hers. I could care less if I catch what she has. Just as I lean forward, we are interrupted.

  “Miss Dolce, I’m Dr. Lester. You, my dear, have the flu and strep throat.”

  “Crap, that’s why my throat hurts so bad.”

  “Yes, I’m going to give you some prescriptions and you should be better in a few days. I’d say take the rest of the week off of work. You’re a teacher, correct?”

  “Okay, thank you. I am. I probably caught it from one of my students.”

  “Sit tight and the nurse will be back in.”

  “Thank you for bringing me. I hope you don’t catch it.” She sniffles. “What would I do without you?”

  “I’ll be okay. If I catch it, then you can take care of me.” I kiss the top of her head. “Besides, I think you’re even cuter when you’re in whiney mode.”

  “Ugh, I’ve always been a cry baby when I’m sick. The last time I was sick, poor Nina was taking applications for a new best friend.”

  “We will get you feeling better. I’ll stay with you until you’re better. AJ can stay with Liam or I can see
if my mom will come and watch him.”

  “No, I can’t let you do that.”

  “No back talk, lady. I’ll swing by my place and pick up some clothes.”

  “Thank you.” She smiles, cuddling into my chest. I send Lila a text and let her know what’s going on and ask if she will keep AJ and the dog for a few days.

  “It’s all set. Li said she’d keep little dude.”

  “Thank her for me.”

  Chapter Eleven


  We picked up Ansley’s medication and stopped at my house so I could grab some clothes. I made sure AJ was all settled in with his cousins. Ansley’s already knocked out. I swear, I’ve been with a lot of women, but she’s prettier than anyone I’ve ever been with. Even with a fever and snot crusted to her nose, she’s beautiful. I hope I can keep my word and not touch her until she agrees to be more than friends.

  I run my hand down her arm. “Baby, wake up. I need your keys.”

  “We’re here already?” She jumps up. “I feel like shit, Ellis. I hope you can handle me.” She makes a pouty face.

  “Trust me, I can handle whatever you dish out.”

  “I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that shit eating grin of yours. You’re up to something, aren’t you?”

  “Nope, just going to take care of my friend.” I laugh as I unbuckle her seatbelt. “Hang on, I’ll help you.”

  “I can walk, silly man.”

  “I know, but, like I said, I’m going to take care of you.”

  “Okay, I just want to lie down. Will you hold me?” she asks as I pick her up. “Just for tonight, please?”

  “Anything you want, shorty. Let’s get some medicine in you.”

  “I can’t thank you enough. I promise I’ll pay you back.”

  “I told you, no payback needed. I wanted to do this for you. You have to get better. AJ is complaining about the substitute to Lila.”

  “Oh no, I’ll have to make it up to the class next week.”

  “We’ll have to give your students cookies.” I laugh because I know the last time she took cookies to class, AJ talked about the cookies for weeks.

  “Yeah, they loved the ones I took the last time. I’ll order them this weekend.”

  “Wait, you didn’t make them?” I ask.

  “Heavens no, I bought them from that fancy bakery on Ninth Avenue.”

  Grabbing the back of my neck, I laugh. “Please don’t tell AJ you didn’t make them. He will be crushed.”

  “Shit, he thought I made them?”

  “Uh-huh, he bragged about the awesome cookies with his initials on it that Miss Dolce made.”

  She buries her head in my chest. “I better learn to make them. Or I can let him think I did.”

  “Your secret is safe with me. Now, let’s get these meds in you and put you to bed. Will you please try to eat some of this soup? Lila made it and she said you’d feel so much better after you eat it.”

  “I’ll try. Will you have some with me?”

  “Sorry, babe, I don’t do chicken noodle. I’ll order me a pizza.”

  “Pizza? I can’t even think about that right now. Bowls are in the left cabinet next to the stove. Spoons are in the drawer, next to the fridge.”

  “Okay, you go to bed and I’ll fix you a bowl.” I smack her ass. She jumps a little and sighs on her way down the hall. I look down and see Sal watching me.

  I grab a treat from the counter and hand it to him. He takes it and runs toward Ansley’s room. I fix her a bowl of soup and notice a picture on the refrigerator of her and a blonde. The blonde must be Nina. The smile on Ansley’s face is breathtaking.

  “Morris is a fucking idiot,” I say.

  I call Slices, our local pizza joint, and order a pizza. Looking in the fridge, I see all the bottles of wine. Don’t get me wrong, I like our wine, but I need a damn beer. I don’t want to leave her, so I guess wine will do.

  I walk into the bedroom and find her lying on the bed, covered head to toe. “You asleep?” I ask as I sit the soup on the nightstand.

  “No, just cold. I took the pills. I hope they help. Did you order you a pizza?”

  “They should kick in soon. I did. It’ll be here in forty-five minutes. Want me to put a movie on?”

  “The DVDs are in the living room. I don’t have a TV in here.”

  I notice she doesn’t have anything in here except a small dresser, the bed and the nightstand. “Well, that’s going to change. I’ll be right back.”

  I go in the other room and call Kade. “Hey, can you do me a favor?”

  “What’s up, bro?”

  “I’m at Ansley’s. Can you pick me up a DVD Player and a large TV and bring it over?”

  “Yeah, I can do that. I’m actually on my way to Best Buy to have my iPad looked at. I dropped it the other day and it’s not working. Any particular size?”

  “Thanks, man. Umm, maybe like the one I have in my room? Is that a fifty inch?”

  “Yeah, I think that’s it. Must be serious if you’re buying her a flat screen.” He jokes. “I’ll be over in an hour or so. Text me her address.”

  “Use my account or take the money from my safe. I’ll be here a few days. And yes, it’s serious, fucker.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “The flu. She looks like crap, in a good way.” I laugh.

  “Okay. Meg is with me. I’ll have her pick up some chick flicks too.”

  “Thanks. Oh, grab the mounting bracket too.”

  “Got it. See ya in a few. Anything else?”

  “Beer. Yeah, just beer.”

  I hang up, walk back into the bedroom, and notice she’s sleeping. I crawl in next to her and kiss the back of her head. Her black hair is on top of her head in a messy bun. I lay there, staring at the ceiling. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know, there is a knock on the door.


  After paying the pizza man, I take the pizza and sit it on the coffee table, then I hear Kade out front. I close Ansley’s bedroom door and jog out to help him.

  “Hey, handsome. Is Ansley okay?” Meg asks, kissing my cheek.

  “She’s sleeping, but she’ll be okay. It’s the flu, they said.”

  “I got some movies for her. I’ll just leave them on the counter for her. I don’t want to wake her.”

  “Okay, there’s pizza. Y’all are welcome to stay and eat.”

  “Thanks, but we just ate. Can you grab the other end? I hope this isn’t too big.” Kade laughs. The sixty-five inch TV is sticking out of the back of his SUV.

  “I told him it would be too big, that her place is small, but he refused to listen.” Meg rolls her eyes. “Of course, the girl was so interested in Kade’s muscles she gave us a discount.”

  “Hey, she was the one flirting, not me,” Kade says.

  I help him unload the television. Then we go back to his car for the rest of the items. I notice he also picked up surround sound speakers.

  “Damn dude, you covered all the bases.” I laugh. “Thanks. Did you get the warranties?”

  “I figured you’d only want the best for her. Yep, all the paperwork is in here,” he says, handing me a folder.

  “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”

  He shakes my hand and says, “No worries, that’s what family is for. Take care of your girl. Let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Thanks again.” I hug Meg.

  “Make sure you give her the bag from me. I added something for her.” She winks.

  “Will do. Thanks, doll,” I reply, waving from the door. I look around and decide I’ll install the new TV in here and put the old TV in her room.



  I awake to a god-awful drilling noise. I look around and see that it’s almost ten o’clock. I’ve slept all evening. I jump up, covered in sweat. My hair is drenched and my mouth is dry. When I open my bedroom door, I see Sal sitting on the couch with a toy hanging out of his mouth and Ashton hanging a ginormous televi
sion on my wall.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you up, shorty.” He isn’t wearing a shirt. His abs are, by far, the best I’ve ever seen. He takes his arms and pushes the sweat from his forehead. I lick my lips, but my mouth is so dry, I can’t even drool.

  “Where’d that come from? You can’t keep paying for me.” Tears well up in my eyes. “I didn’t need a new television.”

  “Hey, come here. No tears. I wanted to get you a new one.” He hugs me.

  “Why’s it so hot in here?” I ask, pulling away. Then I remember the heat is on. “Shit, the heat.” I walk over to the thermostat.

  “Yeah, you were cold. I’m going to need a shower after I finish.” He points to a yellow gift bag. “Megan left a bag for you on the counter.”

  I pick up the bag. “Oh, she was here?”

  “Yes, she and Kade went shopping for me.” He smiles, taking a swig of his beer.

  I open the bag and see some movies and candy. Then I see a card. I open it and laugh once I start reading it.

  I hope you feel better soon. You’re never going to get rid of Ashton until you do. He’s a good guy. Give him a chance! Drinks once you’re better. I hope these movies help with the healing process.



  “She is too funny. Want to watch this movie?” I laugh as I turn it for him to see.

  “Magic Mike? Are you serious? Did she really buy that movie?”

  “Yep, it’s a Channing marathon. There’s Magic Mike, Dear John and The Vow.”

  “All sappy shit. Okay, this remote will control everything. I noticed you don’t have cable. They’ll be here tomorrow to install it.”

  “Wait, what? I can’t afford that Ashton.”

  “It’s already paid for, babe, for the next year.” He wipes the sweat from his forehead. “Can I use your shower?”

  I can’t speak. I just stare at him as I nod my head. Why is he doing all this for me? I know he is being nice, but I feel like he is treating me like a charity case. I grab a bottle of water and take more of my medicine. When I walk into my room, I hear the shower going. I sit on the foot of my bed, trying to think of what I want to say without sounding ungrateful.


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