Destined (Embracing #3)

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Destined (Embracing #3) Page 13

by Delisa Lynn

  Last week, Ashton broke the news to me that my parents were dead. I wasn’t sure how to take it. I love them; they did give me life, and the first eight years were amazing. After Angelo’s death, they just gave up. I always wondered what it would have been like if he hadn’t died, how they would be. Would we have been a normal family, like we were before that day?

  I love watching how Ashton is with AJ. That’s how a father should be. He is amazing and so caring.

  His ex-wife sure is a piece of work. We ran into her last week and the look on her face wasn’t pretty. She isn’t very pleasant. I can still remember her words. I thought Ashton was going to punch her. All she wants is money and she isn’t smart enough to know that it hurts that poor kid more than he lets on. The sad thing is, he was with us when we saw her. The conversation on the way home from dinner was him asking a million questions about her.

  Tonight, I’m going out with Megan. Ashton and Kade are meeting us after they finish some work. I finish getting ready and wait for her to pick me up. She and I have become really close. I miss Nina so much, but I know she is busy and can’t get away. I think I should go visit her. I’d like to see some of my old coworkers too.

  Crap, she’s early. I look at my phone and realize I’ve spent so much time thinking I haven’t gotten ready. I open the door and see that Meg is nowhere around. There is a box on the stoop. I look around and see no one. The last two boxes have contained pink flowers, nothing else. Taking the box inside, I rip it open. It is exactly the same as the others.

  Ashton said to let him know if I ever get another box. He is going to track down whoever is sending them. There’s no return address. It’s just a brown box with no writing or anything. Whoever it is must be leaving them here themselves. I throw the flowers on the table and call him.

  “Hey, babe. I got more flowers.”

  “Are you okay?” he asks and I realize that my voice is panicked.

  “Yes, I’m okay. I don’t know who is sending these. It’s freaking me out.”

  “Look, do you think that Craig knows where you are?” I don’t respond right away. “Ans? You there?”

  “I’m here. Why would he do that? I gave him what he wanted years ago.”

  “It has to be someone that isn’t happy with either of us and knows you hate the color pink.”

  “No one here really knows that except all of you.”

  “Look, wait for Meg and we will figure this all out. Don’t open the door again until she gets there. Okay?”

  “’Kay, I won’t. Love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  As I hang up, I see that Meg is pulling into the driveway. She senses something is wrong as soon as I open the door.

  “You okay, love?” she asks, walking up the first step.

  “Nope. I received flowers again.”

  “What? Who the hell is sending them?”

  “Not sure. Look.” I pull them out to show her and I freeze. I smell something burning. “Megan, do you smell that?”

  “Call 911. There’s something burning out back,” she says, running toward the door.

  “Sal. I have to get him outside.” I see the flames and, before I know it, the double glass sliding door bursts. The flames are blazing through the house now. Grabbing my purse and phone, I call the fire department.

  “Ansley, come on. We can’t stay in here,” Megan yells over the blaze. There is smoke everywhere. I’ve never seen anything like this.

  “I have to get my things,” I say, walking toward my room.

  She pulls me toward the front door. “No. Come on, they aren’t worth it.”

  “I have to. I’ll be right back.”

  I run to my room. I have to save my pictures of Angelo, my aunt and uncle, and my daughter. Although I hate Craig, I love my daughter. That picture is all I have of her. Once I grab the pictures, I start to head out.

  “Ansley!” I hear, then there’s a boom.

  “Megan? Megan, can you hear me?” I scream as I try to make my way toward the front door. I can’t see anything but the smoke and flames, nor can I tell if I’m going the right way. I’m hot and thirsty. “Meg?” I scream again, but I don’t hear a response.

  Turning to go back into the bedroom, I can’t see where the door I just exited is. I thought maybe I could go out the window. I’m so glad I handed Sal to Meg. I hope they got out. I don’t hear either of them.

  The smoke is getting thicker and I feel pressure in my lungs. I reach in front of me and feel a doorknob. The bedroom, I hope. Walking forward, I collapse. Everything is black.

  I hear my mom yelling for Angelo and me to come and eat supper. I’m so hot. My mouth is so dry. I can see her setting the table. I’m running around with my pigtails bouncing and Angelo is showing off his letterman jacket. I feel a sharp pain in my head. I need Ashton.

  “Ashton,” I whisper.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Brother, come on, we have to go. I’m driving. I’ll explain on the way,” Kade says, bursting through my office.

  “I’m kind of busy right now. I need to find out more about this Craig and see if he is the one sending the flowers to Ansley.” I see the look of worry on his face. “Everything okay?”

  “No, we have to go.” He closes my laptop. “We have to get to the hospital. Ansley and Megan are there. I’m not sure what happened, but Ansley’s place burned down. She went back in for something. Megan tried to save her.”

  “What do you mean save her? Are you saying my girl is dead?” I storm out of Ellis Investigations.

  “Shit, I’m not sure. All I know is we have to get to the hospital, now.”

  “Come on, she can’t be dead. No way. I just spoke to her. She’s a fighter. She made it. Where is she, Kade?” The panic of losing the only woman that I’ve ever loved sets in. The thought of AJ and me losing her hits me. “Kade, you’re not giving me enough fucking information, man. I need to know what’s going on.”

  “Ashton, calm down. I’m not sure. All I know is Megan called me and said she is at the hospital and they won’t tell her anything about Ansley. The last time she saw Ansley was when the place exploded.”

  I don’t even know what to think right now. The woman I was going to propose to tonight is dead? No fucking way. She isn’t dead. She’s my future. She has a good life now, a family that loves her.

  “Fuck. Kade, please get me to that hospital,” I say as I lean my head against the seat of his Cadillac Escalade. I place my arm over my face and try to hold back my tears. I can’t survive if she is gone. I just can’t think about this right now.

  The hospital seems so far away, I can’t even see straight. I have to pull myself together. She has to be alive. She is alive. “She’s alive, brother,” I say. “I’m not going to think the worst.”

  “Almost there. Liam is on his way. Lila is home with all the kids.”

  “They didn’t tell them, did they?”

  “No, man, they didn’t say a word. Lila is pretty torn up, though. Your mom is on her way over to sit with her.”

  I hear Kade speaking. I have no fucking clue what he’s saying. All I can think about is Ansley. That’s all my mind has room for right now. I keep repeating my silent prayers over and over. She has to be okay.

  “Drop me off at the door. I don’t have time to go through the parking garage,” I say as Kade’s SUV comes to a halt at a stop sign. “Meet me in here.”

  It feels like I’ll never make it to the door, like my legs will give out at any moment. Once my body passes that revolving door, my heart feels like it has stopped. I’m greeted by a security guard asking me a million and one fucking questions.

  “Ansley Dolce,” I say as he looks at me as if I’m in trouble.

  “Sir, are you okay?”

  “No.” I look at his name badge. “Chase, I am looking for my girlfriend. She was brought in earlier because of a house fire. I have no fucking clue if she is dead or alive. So no, I am not fucking okay. Now, can y
ou please show me where I can find help?”

  “Yes, follow me, but you don’t look too good, man. You are as white as my shirt.”

  “Just take me to her, please.” Of course I look like shit. My future may be dead or hurt. I follow Chase into a large elevator. The smell of antiseptics and bleach makes my stomach feel worse than it already does.

  We exit on the sixth floor. The sign says burn unit. I am still confused. I just need to know if she is okay. We are greeted by another man in scrubs. He looks a little confused about what Chase is telling him.

  “Sir, Megan Snow is right this way,” he says, showing me the way.

  “No, I’m looking for Ansley Dolce.”

  “I’m sorry, but Megan is the only one that was admitted today. She is right in here.”

  I feel sick. I instantly turn and face the trash can we passed. I throw up everything I ate today. “Sir, I’ll get you some water,” the nurse says.

  “Ansley. Please just tell me where she is,” I say as I lift my head and see Megan standing in the door. Her arm is bandaged as well as her leg. She is holding Sal.

  “Ashton, they won’t tell me anything. I have no clue where she is. I begged her not to go back but she refused to leave without her pictures. I tried to go back for her. The flames and smoke were so bad. My parents died in a house fire and I panicked when I couldn’t find her.” She sobs into my chest. I pull her back and take Sal.

  “What the hell happened? Every time you go to pick her up, something happens. The flowers only come when you’re around. Did you do this, Meg?”

  “What? No, why would I do something like that?” She looks confused.

  “It’s just awful damn funny that every time she gets flowers is when she is waiting for you. Are you that jealous of us that you would burn her house down?” I yell.

  “What the hell is going on, Ashton? Are you blaming this on Megan?” Kade says, walking toward us.

  She cries. “I would never harm Ansley. I love her. She is one of my best friends. How could you think that I would do that?”

  “Dude, you need to get a hold of yourself. We have to go talk to someone at the main desk.” He wraps his arm around Meg. “I’m so sorry, baby. Get some rest. I’ll be back.” He kisses her cheek.

  “Baby? You can’t even fucking commit to each other,” I mumble as I walk toward the elevator.

  “Not now, man. I’m family and I’m here for you. Don’t you dare treat me like I’m the enemy, got it?”

  “Fuck you. I don’t have time for the games you two play. I need to find my woman. You know, the woman I have committed to, the one I am ready to spend the rest of my life with. I’m not hiding my feelings from her. I’m not some fucking pansy. Now, we can box it out right here, or you can suck up your asshole ways and help me.”

  “You know what? I’ve had enough of your shit. I can’t believe you are blaming Meg for this. Then to pick a fight with me? You have real class, cousin. Screw you, I’m going back to Megan.” He turns around. I notice Liam talking to a nurse. “Liam, take this ass and help him. I’m done. Let me know if you find Ansley.” He goes the other way.

  “What the hell is going on with you two?” Liam asks,

  “No one will tell me where Ansley is. Megan has a few scratches and my woman could be dead.” I punch the wall with my free hand.

  “Sir, Miss Dolce is in surgery,” a lady says as she places her hand on my shoulder.

  “What did you say?” I ask, swinging around to look at her.

  “She will have a long recovery, but she will be fine. The smoke inhalation is pretty bad. She has second degree burns on her arms and legs. They are fixing her up right now.”

  I throw Sal into Liam’s arms and grab the lady, lifting her up in a big Ellis hug. “I could kiss you right now. This is the best news I’ve heard all damn day. Now, show me where exactly surgery is.”

  “Sir, please sit me down,” she orders. I realize I’m standing in the waiting room with a small older lady in my arms.

  “Sorry, ma’am. I just got a little excited.”

  “It’s okay, son. I understand. You can wait here. I’ll be out as soon as she is finished. Are you her only family?”

  “Yes, we are all she has.” I feel sad that it’s just the two of us here. “Liam, call the others. Tell them to come here. I want everyone here when she wakes up.”

  “Are you going to be nice? I’m not going to get everyone here if you’re going to treat them the way you just did your best friend.” Fuck, I was wrong. I was angry and upset. I was scared and blamed the only person I could.

  “Call Kade and ask him to come back.” I send a text to Toom and Taz. Although I know I shouldn’t have treated my cousin that way, I still think it’s odd that the flowers only come when Megan is around and that Megan is just sitting on the burn unit floor while Ansley is in surgery.

  “Sir, do you know any of Miss Dolce’s medical history? We need to know if she has any medication allergies.”

  “She is healthy, as far as I know. She’s allergic to Cipro.” Shit, the only reason I knew that is because she told me when she had the flu.

  “Okay, I’ll keep you posted,” the lady says as she walks away.

  “Here, drink this.” I look up to see Kade handing me a cup of what is supposed to be coffee. It tastes like tar. “Look, I know you’re hurting. It’s not Meg’s fault.”

  “I know,” is all I say because, although I know it isn’t her fault, I still find it odd that she is always there when the flowers arrive.

  “She has to stay overnight. They are monitoring her arm. Let me take the dog to your house. I’ll grab you some clothes so you can stay here.”

  “Yeah, he’s scared.” I hand a shaking Sal to Kade. “Make sure he eats something. Check on AJ, please.” I run my hand down my face. “And Kade, find out who did this. Call in your favor to take care of that bastard in Pittsburgh.”

  I’ve never been a violent man, but when you fuck with my family and the people I love, you’re going to get dealt with. The bastard that killed my sister is the perfect example. To this day, no one knows that his suicide wasn’t a suicide.

  “Of course, brother.” He gives me a one arm hug and I look over to see my parents with Lila. Sophia is staying with the kids, I assume.

  “Ashton, I’m so sorry.” Lila cries as she lunges into my arms. “What are they saying?”

  “Not much. She is alive. Her arms and legs are bad. She has second degree burns.” She hugs me tighter and I cry. I cry like a fucking baby.

  “Shh, it’s okay. She’ll be okay.” I feel a hand on my back and turn to see my mom. Her eyes are red rimmed. She gives me a look that makes me cry harder. Goddamn, I’m normally not the crying type.

  “Mom, I’m going to find out who did this to her.” And I will. It may take me a while, but Craig and whoever did this will get what they deserve.

  “I know you will, baby. Do you know how to get a hold of her family?”

  “We are her family, Ma. She has a friend named Nina. I’ll look on her Facebook page and find her because I don’t have her number.”

  “Okay, I’m sure she’ll want to know.”

  “Yeah, she will.”

  “Here ya go. I already messaged her. This is her number,” Lila says, handing me her phone. “It wasn’t my place to tell her what happened.”

  “Thanks. Should I call her now?” I’m not sure what to do.

  “Absolutely. Call her. She may want to fly out here. I’ll be back. I’m going to check on Megan.” Placing her hand on her hip, she says, “And Ashton, please know that Meg cares about Ansley. She’d never hurt her, but we will find out who did this.”

  “Thanks for your help, Lila,” I say, kissing her hair. She’s tired. She just had a baby less than two weeks ago. “Hug Meg for me, please.”


  After spending what feels like forever staring at the number on the phone, I hit call. I’m not even sure what to say. I’ve never spoken to this chick. I
know she knows about me, but I’m not sure how much Ansley has told her. Finally, after five rings, a voice comes on the line.

  “This is Nina,” a pleasant voice says.

  “Nina, this is Ashton Ellis.” I sigh. “Ansley is in the hospital.”

  “What?” She yells, panicked. “Is she okay? Lila asked for my number on Facebook but wouldn’t give me any information.”

  “She’s in surgery. They aren’t telling me much, considering we aren’t married yet and she has no family. The lady was nice enough to say as soon as she’s out they’d let me know. Her place is gone. Someone set it on fire with her and a friend inside.”

  “What do you mean, someone set it on fire?” Her tone shifts. Now she sounds pissed

  “Not sure who, but someone has been messing with her, sending her flowers and prank calling her.”

  “Your ex-wife or ex-girlfriend maybe?” She breathes. “I’m on my way. You better find out who did this to my best friend.”

  “Trust me, I’m working on it. Do you know anything about Craig?”

  “You know about him?” she asks, shocked.

  “Yes, I do. I know everything. She told me. She didn’t want any secrets between us.”

  “I know her parents are more than likely deceased. I hope he is as well. I’m going to call the airline. Text me the hospital info.”

  “Okay, I’ll let you know if I hear anything.”

  “Thanks. You better take care of our girl.”

  “Trust me, I will.” And that is the truth. I love this woman more than I’ve ever loved anyone. She and my son are my life.

  While getting ready to sit with my mom, I see a familiar face lurking around the corner, staring at me. I have to do a triple take, and then I walk toward her. She notices that I see her and tries to act casual.

  “Lacy, you checking on Megan?”

  “Oh, Ashton, what are you doing here? I was, um…checking on my mom. She is having surgery. I’ve been here all day. What do you mean, Meg?”

  “Megan was in a fire earlier. She is here on the burn unit floor.”


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