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LavenderLaceTrilogy_Bundle Page 9

by Lynn LaFleur

  Peggy walked up to him, a teasing grin on her lips. “Looks like you made a conquest.”

  “She was being friendly.”

  “Ha! Cierra doesn’t do friendly when it comes to men. Cierra does conquest. Unless you want her claws in you, I suggest you stay away from her.”

  “I’m not interested in Cierra.”

  Keefe looked at Marci. She stood by the window, speaking to someone on the phone. If he hung around until she was through, maybe he could convince her to have dinner with him.

  “Do you need to speak to Marci?” Peggy asked. “I have some things to go over with her.”

  No matter how much he wanted to be with Marci, he wouldn’t interfere with her job. “It isn’t important. I’ll catch up with her when she isn’t busy.” He smiled at Peggy. “See you later.”

  He stopped in the doorway and looked back at Marci. She was still on the phone, but gazing at him. He dipped his head and left.


  Marci drew out her phone conversation as long as possible. She knew Peggy would pounce as soon as she hung up. She’d never been able to lie to her friend, and didn’t want to admit she’d broken her rule about getting involved with an employee and slept with Keefe.

  Luckily, Anne Marshall was in a talkative mood today. Marci called the owner of Marshall Media every Monday after the meeting to give an update. Anne always listened, praised Marci for her good work and said she’d talk to her next week.

  Peggy approached her desk as Marci hung up the phone. “Anne okay?”

  Marci nodded. “She’s going to Arizona tomorrow to visit her son. She said she hasn’t decided yet how long she’ll be gone.”

  “With her money, she doesn’t have to worry about budgeting a trip.”

  “That’s true.”

  “So.” Peggy sat in one of the chairs before Marci’s desk and crossed her legs. “Did you have a good time with Keefe?”

  Denying she’d gone out with Keefe would be useless. Marci sat in her own chair behind her desk. “We had dinner together Saturday.”


  “And what?”

  “I saw the way you two looked at each other. Don’t try to tell me the evening ended with dinner.”

  Marci clasped her hands together on top of her desk. “I went home with him.”

  Peggy grinned. “Was he good?”


  Peggy’s grin widened. She snuggled down in the chair as if she had no intention of leaving for a long time. “Details. Tell me everything.”

  “I’m thirsty. How about you?”

  Marci stood and walked to the small refrigerator before Peggy had a chance to answer the question. Assuming it would be yes, she took out two Pepsis.

  “You do realize I’m not leaving your office until I get answers.”

  “Yeah, I realize that.” She handed Peggy one of the cold sodas. She popped the top on hers and took a long drink. “I really screwed up.”

  “Why? You said he was amazing.”

  “He was. He is. He’s an amazing lover and a wonderful man. Kind, charming, funny, considerate.” She sat in the chair next to Peggy. “He said he wants to keep seeing me.”

  Peggy opened her can of soda. “I fail to see the problem.”

  “I told you the problem.”

  “You told me some bullshit about not getting involved with an employee.”

  “It isn’t bullshit, Peggy. It isn’t professional for me to date an employee.” She laughed without a trace of humor. “I shouldn’t talk to you about my personal life. That isn’t professional either.”

  “That’s even more bullshit, Marci. You and I were coworkers and friends before you ever became my boss. You know you can tell me anything and it’ll never be repeated.”

  “Yes, I know that. You’re a very special friend.” She ran her thumb through the condensation on the can. “I can’t get involved with Keefe. You know what happened with Ben. Everyone in the building knows what happened with Ben.”

  “That’s because he was an asshole and made sure everyone knew. He never should’ve told anyone what the two of you did in private.”

  Marci looked down at the can of soda resting on her thigh. Heat filled her cheeks to remember how humiliated she’d been by Ben’s betrayal…and how hurt.

  Peggy squeezed Marci’s arm. “Keefe isn’t Ben. I doubt if he would ever publicly embarrass you the way Ben did.”

  “He’s six years younger than I am.”

  “So what? That sounds like a bonus to me. You’re at your sexual peak right now. A younger man can satisfy you a lot better than an older one.”

  “William is two years older than you. You told me he’s an incredible lover.”

  “He is, but I’ve had twenty-one years to train him. It wasn’t easy at times, believe me. Men can be really dense when it comes to what a woman needs in bed.”

  Lauren stepped through the doorway. “Marci, Tyler Wilson is on line two.”

  “Thanks, Lauren,” Marci said over her shoulder. She looked back at Peggy. “I need to get that.”

  “I know you do.” She gave Marci’s arm another quick squeeze. “We’ll talk more later.”

  Once Peggy left, Marci took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. Pushing thoughts of Keefe out of her mind, she picked up the telephone receiver.

  “Mr. Wilson, this is Marci Bayne. How can I help you?”


  Keefe shook his head in amazement as he gazed at the figures on the spreadsheets fanned out over his desk. “And you do all this for every project?” he asked Dara Nash.

  She nodded. “I compute every cost, right down to the paper clips.”

  “I’m impressed. This is a lot of work.”

  “Marci has no problem with a generous budget, as long as we stick to it. If costs start going over, she wants to know why and what we can do to get back on track.”

  “Do projects go over budget a lot?”

  “Not a lot, but it does happen. So many factors go into making a movie. Some we have no control over, like the weather. Sometimes Mother Nature likes to show us she’s still boss.”

  Keefe chuckled. “She can be a bitch, huh?”

  “And then some. Plus there’s always the chance that people won’t like the movie. Not even huge stars stop the box office flops.”

  “Like Genius Takes All?”

  Dara winced. “Don’t remind me. That one barely paid for the paper clips, much less anything else. Luckily, that’s a rarity. Marci is wonderful at spotting a hit. She’s an incredible president.”

  Finally, Keefe had found someone willing to talk about Marci. He knew he had to be subtle with his questions, though, or Dara would wonder why he was so curious. “You’ve worked with Marci a while?”

  “Almost ten years. I was so glad when she became president. No one has cared more about this company or the employees than Marci. Anne—Conrad’s widow—pretty much handed the company to Marci and said to run it the way she wanted. Profits have steadily risen the last two years since she became president. Morale is high, employees are happy. It’s a great place to work.”

  He glanced at Dara’s short silver hair. A few laugh lines fanned out from her eyes. He guessed her to be in her mid-fifties. “Do you have any plans to retire soon?”

  “No way.” She grinned. “I like the bennies too much.” Her grin faded and she shrugged. “I’m a widow. My children are grown with children of their own. I kill anything I try to grow, so gardening is out. I have no patience with sewing or needlework. What would I do if I didn’t work?”

  “Write the Great American Novel?”

  She laughed, a melodious sound that warmed Keefe. Her laugh reminded him of his mother’s. “I’ll stick with numbers.”

  He looked up at the rap on his open office door. He caught himself before he smiled when he saw Marci.

  “Keefe, I just got off the phone with Tyler Wilson. Please come back to my office when you’re through with Dara.”


  Once she left, Keefe ordered his heart to slow down. He didn’t want to give Dara any hint of the way he felt about Marci.

  “These are copies,” Dara said, “so I’ll leave them for you.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

  She smiled and stood. Halfway to the door, she turned back to him. The smile had disappeared from her face.

  “You might hear some talk about Marci regarding…personal things. Please don’t judge her on gossip.”

  “I would never do that.”

  “Good.” She smiled again. “I like you, Keefe. I think you’ll be an asset to Marshall Media.”

  Keefe remained in his chair, thinking about what the accountant had told him. Whatever gossip had traveled around the office about Marci must have been very hurtful to her.

  He didn’t want to do anything to cause her further pain.

  She’d been honest with him from the beginning about not getting involved with an employee, yet he’d pushed her until she’d given in to him. He had no doubt she’d enjoyed their lovemaking. So had he. Sex with Marci had been intense and beautiful. But a relationship had to be based on more than sex. There had to be thoughtfulness and consideration too…something he hadn’t given her.

  He wouldn’t push her again, no matter how much he wanted her.

  Keefe straightened the spreadsheets and stuck them back in the folder Dara had brought, then headed for Marci’s office.

  She was pecking on her computer keyboard when he tapped on her open door. She motioned for him to come in with one hand while she continued to tap with the other.

  “I’m almost done.”

  “No problem.”

  He sat in one of the chairs before her desk and waited for her to finish. She gave a final click of her mouse and swiveled her chair to face him.

  “I spoke to Tyler Wilson a few minutes ago. He wants to meet in person to discuss a movie made from his book. I just made our plane reservations. We leave Thursday morning at nine from Sea-Tac and come back early Sunday. I haven’t made hotel reservations yet. I’m not sure if there’s a hotel near Wilson. He lives out in the boonies of B.C. close to Prince George.”

  “There might be lodges in the area instead of hotels.”

  “I didn’t think about that.” She scribbled something on a notepad on her desk. “I’ll have Lauren check on it.”

  “Is there anything you need me to do before we leave?”

  “Have you read the book yet?”

  “I started it last night. I’m on the third or fourth chapter.”

  “What do you think?”

  “It’s great. He’s a talented writer.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” She sounded relieved, as if it meant a lot to her for him to like the book the way she did. “Do you think you’ll finish it by Thursday?”

  “Probably. If not, I’ll bring it with me and finish it on the plane.”

  “Bring it with you anyway. We can discuss plot points and location. He set the book close to where he lives. It’s possible we might want to shoot in B.C. That’s why I want to stay an extra couple of days, to look over the area.” She jotted something else on her notepad. “I’m going to be in and out of the office tomorrow and Wednesday. If you think of something important, make a note of it.” She tore off the paper she’d written on and wrote something on a fresh piece. “Here are my home and cell numbers. Call me any time if you have questions.”

  She slid the paper across the desk to him. Keefe picked it up and glanced at the numbers before folding it in half. “Will do.”

  “I need to talk to Cierra, unless you have questions now.”

  “I’m good.”

  “Great. I’ll forward all the flight and lodging info to you as soon as I know it.”


  Keefe stood and started to turn and leave but hesitated, unsure whether or not to say what he wanted to say to her.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked.

  “Yes. I owe you an apology.”

  Her eyebrows drew together in a small frown. “For what?”

  “For the comment I made earlier about bending you over the table. I never should’ve said that. I’m sorry.”

  Her frown faded and a gentle smile touched her lips. “Thank you,” she said softly.

  “You told me you only wanted a professional relationship and I crossed the line. I won’t do it again.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  He gazed into her beautiful blue eyes and thought of how badly he wanted to kiss her, hold her. Instead, he tilted his head in goodbye and left.

  Chapter Ten

  Marci checked another item off her list. She and Keefe would be leaving tomorrow morning for British Columbia, so she had to finish all her errands today. Only three things left and she could go home to pack.

  She rounded the corner, and saw the sign for Lavender Lace. Her mind flashed to Saturday night in her office. Keefe’s eyes had flared when he’d seen her sexy lingerie. He’d told her later at his house that he didn’t think there was anything sexier on a woman than a garter belt and stockings.

  She needed more stockings. The ones she’d bought at Lavender Lace were so silky and sheer, she couldn’t tell she was wearing any stockings. She should go in the store while she was here and buy more. She didn’t have to buy anything else, even though she’d love to have more of the demi-bra and thong sets.

  Not that she planned to show them to anyone.

  Keefe was off limits. She knew that, and so did he. She’d always bought pretty lingerie for herself. Just because a man wouldn’t see it didn’t mean she couldn’t wear it for herself.

  Folding her list in half, she tucked it into her pocket and pushed open the door to Lavender Lace.


  “Wasn’t the blonde lass in here Saturday?” Llyr asked Ashlyn.

  She looked up from her pad where she was jotting notes and gazed at Marci. “Yes. She bought stockings and the lace-trimmed royal blue set.”

  “Aye. Now I remember.”

  “Her name is Marci Bayne. She had a dinner date Saturday night.”

  “It must’ve been a success if she’s back for more of yer frilly things.”

  Ashlyn reached out to Marci, but couldn’t get an exact read of her feelings. “Not exactly. I sense she’s upset. I could tell more if I touched her.”

  “Go to her. I’ll help the other two ladies.”

  Ashlyn smiled. Llyr had been a huge help to her the last three weeks. He’d never complained once, even though she knew he’d enjoy many things more than helping her in a lingerie store. She laid her hand on his arm. “Thank you.”

  “Anything for ye, lass. Ye know that.”

  Yes, she did know that. She also knew he would leave her soon. He’d stayed longer this time than he ever had. They’d spent days here in the store and nights in each other’s arms. She’d grown used to waking up beside him every morning. She didn’t know how she’d cope when he left.

  Marci was at the red display when Ashlyn walked up to her. “Looking for something more daring?”

  A hint of pink filled Marci’s cheeks. Ashlyn pressed her lips together to keep from smiling. “No. I mean, red isn’t a good color for me.”

  “Red is a good color for every woman. It depends on the shade and hue.” She tapped her chin as she studied Marci. “Cerise would look beautiful on you. Or maybe fuchsia.”

  “How do you keep track of so many colors?”

  Ashlyn smiled. “Because I love doing it.” She touched the small of Marci’s back and pointed at the display to their right. “Let’s look over here.”

  Sadness flowed from Marci to Ashlyn. Whatever had happened on her date hadn’t pleased Marci. Or perhaps whatever had happened after her date hadn’t pleased her.

  “I didn’t come in for more underwear,” Marci said. “I came in for stockings. I love the ones I bought here.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. But as long as you’re here, you might as well see
some of my newest items. They’re guaranteed to make your guy crazy with lust.”

  “I don’t have a guy.”

  “I find that hard to believe. You’re a lovely woman.”

  Marci remained silent, which prompted Ashlyn to push a little more. Her entire reason for opening the store was to help women find love. She could sense the turmoil inside Marci. “There isn’t anyone who would love to see you in sexy lingerie?”

  Still silent, head lowered, Marci fingered a pair of fuchsia panties. Women usually opened up to Ashlyn after a few minutes of conversation. For some reason Ashlyn didn’t understand, Marci was holding back and not saying how she felt.

  She took a step closer, mentally pouring her energy over Marci in hopes she’d begin to talk. “You had a dinner date Saturday night. It didn’t go well?”

  Marci shrugged. “It was okay.”

  Ashlyn sensed it had been much more than okay. She decided to try a different tactic. “I’m sorry you were disappointed. Sometimes the guys we think will be wonderful turn out to be idiots.”

  Marci jerked up her head. “No, that’s not it. Keefe isn’t an idiot. He’s…” She stopped and bit her lower lip.

  Now that she’d opened up a little, Ashlyn wouldn’t give up. Marci cared far more for Keefe than she wanted to admit. “Keefe? That’s a good Irish name.”

  “His father is Irish.”

  Ashlyn leaned closer to her. “If he’s as lusty as Llyr, you’re a lucky woman.”

  “You told me you and Llyr are friends.”

  “We are. Very special friends.”


  Silence again. Ashlyn didn’t think she’d ever had as much trouble getting a woman to open up. Usually, simply standing next to a woman would make her pour out her heart. Ashlyn couldn’t help Marci if she didn’t know the problem. “If Keefe isn’t an idiot, then what’s wrong?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Nothing is too complicated where love is concerned.”

  Marci couldn’t have looked more surprised if Ashlyn had thrown water on her. “I don’t love Keefe. I barely know him.”

  Ashlyn picked up the pair of panties Marci had been touching. “Wearing something like this will let him get to know you in a hurry.”


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