Only Obsession (Rogue Security Book 3)

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Only Obsession (Rogue Security Book 3) Page 12

by Marissa Garner

  She nodded. Blinking didn’t stop the tears, though, and a few meandered down her cheeks. But she didn’t have time for self-pity. “Maybe we don’t need my computer. There’s no evidence against Richard on it anyway.”

  “I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’m not convinced Carmichael orchestrated your kidnapping. Yeah, he’s a prick. Yeah, he’s controlling and vengeful. And yeah, he’d want to teach you a lesson.”

  She raised her head and met his gaze. “You’re a mind reader, too?”

  “Hardly.” He snorted. “Carmichael is bad news, but would he stoop to dealing with a lowlife to accomplish this? I think the jerk would find a more—let’s say, civilized—way to accomplish his goal. For example, how would he feel about the kidnapper seeing you naked?”

  “I doubt a dress code was specified in the kidnap contract,” she quipped. Luke laughed, and she felt the rumble deep in his chest, causing her to laugh with him. “And masturbating probably wasn’t covered either.”

  “Yeah, maybe not in writing, but don’t you think Carmichael might’ve thought of stuff like that? I mean, he’s still a guy, and he’s not gonna stand for lewd behavior around his woman. A man could anticipate how a male kidnapper might think, the sexual arousal he’d be feeling from having complete control over a female captive.”

  “Yuck,” she said, pulling out of his arms. “All guys think that way?”

  “Not all, but look at the BDSM shit, the Fifty Shades phenomenon. Once the kidnapper decided keeping you naked was good escape prevention, he opened a Pandora’s box of problems for himself. I don’t care how all-American, apple-pie-eating, and mama-lovin’ a dude is, the sight of a woman’s beautiful naked body, day after day, is gonna raise problems.” He glanced down at his groin to be sure she understood.

  She glared at him. “How would you react?”

  He held up one finger. “First, I would never hold a woman captive.” Two fingers. “Second, I’d never force a woman to be naked against her will.” He hesitated. “But frankly, sweetheart, your naked body would damn sure give me a hard-on from hell.”

  “Did you?” she asked softly.

  He frowned. “Did I what?”

  “Did you get a ‘hard-on from hell’ when you saw me naked?”

  He gaped at her for several seconds and then gave her the sexiest grin she’d ever seen. “I plead the fifth.”

  Chapter 14

  That’s not fair,” Elle said and punched Luke’s arm.

  “Look, I’ve dug myself a hole here, but try to focus on my point. I can’t see Carmichael arranging to have you kidnapped for several reasons. Let’s leave it at that. Okay?”

  “We will return to the rest of it at a later time, believe me, Deputy Helpful. But, for now, I’ll accept your arguments against Richard’s involvement at face value.”

  Luke exhaled with relief. How had he managed to talk himself into such a ridiculous position? “Deal. Now call Agent Holmes and enlist his help in getting your computer.”

  “What if he asks me where I am?” She paused. “You know, it’s funny my father didn’t ask.”

  “I bet Carmichael has convinced him that I’m hiding you.”

  “But wouldn’t Father at least try to confirm it?”

  “The blowup with your mom probably blew him off course. Let’s move on.”

  After getting Holmes’s number from Luke’s phone, Elle dialed and hit speakerphone.

  “Damn, am I glad to hear from you, Ms. Bradley,” Holmes said. “Your disappearing act has a lot of people upset.”

  “Well, assure them I’m alive and well.”

  “Are you with Deputy Johnson?”

  She glanced at Luke, who shook his head no.

  “I need some time to recover, so I don’t want to disclose where I am.”

  “That wasn’t my question, Ms. Bradley.”

  “I’m sorry, but you’ll just have to believe I’m where I want to be.”

  “All right. But tell Johnson to keep you safe and not to shoot anyone, especially Carmichael.”

  Luke almost choked on the laugh he swallowed.

  “I need a favor, Special Agent Holmes. My father says the FBI has my computer. I’d like it released so he can send it to me today.”

  “I’m sure I saw in the files that your hard drive had already been downloaded and reviewed. Your request shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Wonderful. Did they find anything useful?”


  When Holmes didn’t continue, Luke gestured for her to keep him talking.

  “Could you elaborate, please?” Elle asked.

  “I don’t like one-way streets, Ms. Bradley.”


  “The intel should flow both ways.”

  “I see. You have the reports from the Sheriff’s Department with everything I’ve told them, right?”

  “Yes, but we have additional questions. If I get your computer released, will you agree to be interviewed…via phone?”

  “I’ll only talk to you.”

  Holmes grunted. “I doubt that’ll fly, but we’ll see. Can I reach you at this number after I’ve made arrangements for your laptop?”

  “Yes. It won’t take long, will it?”


  After disconnecting, she took both of their cups to the kitchen for refills.

  Luke used the time to call the Ramona station about the license plate on the white pickup, which had seemed to be following them earlier. “Yeah, I already figured the plates were stolen. Thanks for checking.” He laid his cell on the end table. The confirmation raised his suspicions, but it wasn’t proof the kidnapper had been driving.

  “Any help?” Elle asked, returning with their steaming coffee.

  “Nothing conclusive.” He didn’t want to upset her again, so he quickly switched subjects. “Hey, while we’re waiting to hear back from Holmes, let’s talk about plans for tonight.”

  “Are you asking me out on a date?” She grinned mischievously.

  “Hardly. Do you still want to stay at a small hotel?” He found it surprisingly difficult to ask the question. She had announced her decision yesterday after they’d argued about whether he trusted her enough to work together to find her kidnapper. He’d said he needed evidence to believe she was the victim and not involved in some other way. A lot had happened since that conversation. He still had no physical evidence, but his instincts were damn sure Elle hadn’t planned her own abduction. Yet here they were again, still talking about her going to a hotel. If she stuck with her previous decision, he couldn’t let her stay there alone. Which raised a whole new set of issues.

  She sipped her coffee and then fiddled with the handle of the cup while she spoke. “It doesn’t seem right for Richard to be harassing you. If I’m not on your property, then maybe you can let him search until he’s finally convinced enough to leave you alone.”

  “This isn’t about me, Elle. Where do you want to stay?”

  She stared into her coffee until she raised her eyes to meet his. “With you. You make me feel safe.”

  Relief and another emotion he didn’t want to identify swept over him as he held her gaze and nodded solemnly. “Okay. Then I have an option we should discuss.”

  She cocked her head. “Another option?”

  “Yeah. Sean suggested it this morning.”

  “Okay, let’s hear it.”

  “Sean’s boss, Jake Stone, has a huge property, isolated on top of a hill in Valley Center, an even more rural community than Ramona. His place has crazy-good, state-of-the-art security, as well as a long, steep, private driveway being the only access. Sean says the house is built like a fortress, but all the safeguards are so well hidden, it looks normal. Stone seems a little creepy, maybe paranoid, if you ask me.”

  “You know him?”

  “Never met the guy. Even Sean says the dude’s a shadow, but he’d trust Stone with his life. I’m sure Sean knows a bit more about Stone than he’s shared with me bec
ause I gather his boss is damn strict about privacy. I guess that’s to be expected when you’re in the private investigation and security business.”

  “Do you trust this Jake Stone?”

  He thought a moment. “I trust Sean’s judgment, so yeah.”

  Elle narrowed her eyes. “Why would he let me stay at his place?”

  Luke snorted. “I asked the same thing. Can’t imagine he’s fond of reporters either.”

  She gave him a cold stare.

  He chuckled. “Sean said Stone is interested in your case.”

  “‘Interested’ as in he wants to help solve it or ‘interested’ as in he thinks I staged it? Like you do.”

  He detected resentment and hurt in her tone.

  “I don’t think that anymore, Elle.”

  She frowned. “What evidence did you find to convince you?”

  “I decided I didn’t need physical evidence. I just needed…to know you…better.”

  Her face lit up with a smile. Her eyes glistened, and she blinked rapidly. “Thank you.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you right off.”

  “You had your reasons, Luke. Good reasons. But I’m glad you trust me now.” She cleared her throat. “Do you think I should stay at Jake Stone’s place?”

  “Yes, but not alone.”

  “You’d come, too?”

  “If he’ll let me. Sean hadn’t even asked his boss about it this morning, so I don’t know what the conditions might be. If I’m not invited, I’ll ask Sean to stay with you.”

  Elle rolled her eyes. “Oh, he’ll love that. He wasn’t too keen on being pulled away from home to babysit me the first time.”

  * * *

  A short time later while Luke was in the bathroom, Elle contemplated the idea of staying at a strange man’s house with another man she barely knew. The prospect was far less enticing than sharing a hotel room with Luke. Unfortunately, hotel rooms weren’t built like fortresses, which was what she might need if her kidnapper or Richard showed up.

  When her borrowed cell phone rang, she was still mulling over her options.

  “Ms. Bradley, I have some bad news. The Washington field office won’t release your computer,” Special Agent Holmes said.

  “What? Why not?”

  “Damned if I know. They gave me some bullshit excuse about confidentiality, privacy, and influential factors.”

  “Confidentiality? Privacy? It’s my goddamn laptop. They’re the ones not respecting my privacy,” Elle said, trying to keep her anger under control without much success.

  “I know. I’m sorry. I can’t explain it.”

  “What does the term ‘influential factors’ mean in the FBI universe?”

  “In my experience, it usually means some self-righteous lawyer, hotshot lobbyist, grandstanding politician, or meddling bureaucrat has poked his nose into our business.”

  “Carmichael,” she seethed.

  “Mr. Carmichael is unaware of your request.”

  “Not my ex. I’m referring to Richard’s father, Secretary of the Interior Arthur Carmichael.” Her throat tightened, but she didn’t know if it was from rage or disappointment. Father, how could you? She drew a deep breath to tamp down her emotions. “Secretary Carmichael and my father are quite close because of my former relationship with Richard, and I spoke to him earlier about my computer. Father probably contacted his buddy, the ‘meddling bureaucrat,’ who immediately called the FBI to put a stop to my request.”

  “Why would Mr. Bradley do that?” Holmes sounded genuinely puzzled.

  “To keep me from working…on anything.”

  “I apologize, Ms. Bradley, but my hands are tied. I left instructions for the Washington office to notify me immediately if the situation changes. It’s the best I can do.”

  “I understand.” She sighed. “And since you tried, I’ll answer the questions you have.”

  “I appreciate your cooperation. And to show I’m also cooperating in good faith, I have some good news to share with you.”

  “Good news? Really?”

  “Yes. The DC police were able to get a line on your stalker with the blue van.”

  “They never told me.” Anger began to simmer.

  “I don’t think they acted on the lead you gave them until after you disappeared.”


  “Anyway, they found the guy on a campus security video, which recorded him watching you leave the dean’s office building after your speech. The police asked the faculty and staff for their help to ID him, and they did. His name is Mike Milton. Then, the cops cross-referenced his enrollment info with the parking permit files and confirmed Milton owns a blue van. Armed with a warrant, a combined law enforcement group raided his apartment in Arlington, Virginia. Unfortunately, he wasn’t home. In fact, no one’s seen him in a month. Not at his apartment complex, not on campus, not at the usual student hangouts. And he’s missed all his classes. Seems Mike Milton disappeared about the same time you did.”

  * * *

  “Are you trying to put me in jail or just put me out of business?” Jake Stone bellowed as he stormed across the office to get in Sean Burke’s face.

  “Relax, Stone. I didn’t make any promises.”

  “What the hell were you thinking?”

  Jake drew a deep breath and forced himself to take a step back. He was still adjusting to working with someone else—instead of operating as a lone wolf—in his Rogue Security agency. Since leaving the Navy SEALs several years ago, he hadn’t been a member of any close-knit team. Of course, later he’d had partners on some of his CIA assignments, but everyone in that business was so secretive, so cautious, personal bonds rarely formed.

  However, while Burke was still an LAPD detective, they’d solved two complex cases together. The shared experiences had forged a strong mutual trust, possibly because those investigations were very personal. The unexpected, newfound trust had prompted Jake to consider a permanent working relationship. At the moment, though, he seriously questioned his decision to hire Burke.

  “I was thinking…since you’d said the Bradley kidnapping was interesting, you might want to, you know, get involved,” Burke said.

  “Babysitting a headstrong DC socialite is not my idea of getting involved.”

  “Elle is not your average socialite.”

  Jake shot him a no-shit-Sherlock glare. “You’re right; she’s worse. She’s also an investigative reporter. A damn good one.” He angrily pointed toward the hidden entrance to his secret safe room where he performed his not-so-legal research on state-of-the-art computer equipment and managed multiple privately designed security systems. “Do you think I want a reporter of any kind nosing around my property and possibly discovering my Inner Sanctum?”

  “Of course not. You can just tell Elle this wing is off-limits. Besides, you always keep it secured and monitored.”

  “The worst thing you can say to a reporter is ‘don’t go there’ or ‘don’t look into that.’ It’s like sin. They can’t resist the temptation.”

  “Yeah.” Burke laughed. “Kinda like my new stepdaughter. You tell Callie not to do something, and sure as hell, she can’t stop herself.”

  “Callie’s what…four?” Jake asked.


  “I’m sure it’ll only get worse.”

  Burke heaved a huge sigh. “So, your answer on my Bradley idea is no. Too bad. Luke told me there’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t make sense, and they’re keeping tons of info away from the media because it might be the key to the whole damn thing.”

  “I wasn’t born yesterday. I know you’re baiting me.”

  His annoying new employee shrugged. “Not bait. Just the truth.”

  Jake plopped down in the cushy leather chair behind the desk. “What kind of stuff?”

  Burke grabbed another seat. “Rich parents but no ransom demand. Asshole kept her naked in the RV but never sexually assaulted her. No publicity stunt or crazy manifesto by the kidnapper. No
obvious connection to her job.”

  “You’re saying law enforcement can’t nail the motive.”

  “Right. And then, her escape is off, too.”

  “Off how?” Jake asked. Damn, Burke had succeeded at piquing his interest.

  “The dude took a couple shots at her, but he missed so badly he couldn’t have been seriously trying to shoot her. But what does it mean? Did he want her to escape? Or didn’t want her to escape but also didn’t want to hurt her? Was he just buying time so he could get away? They can’t figure that out either.”

  “Did you get this info from Johnson?”

  “Most of it. Luke’s taking time off, so he’s not at the station, but I know some of the other deputies. Remember, Ramona’s a small town.”

  “Is the San Diego FBI office handling the escape investigation?” Jake asked.

  “Yeah. But so far, Special Agent David Holmes is the only one who’s had direct contact with Elle and Luke. And he’s mostly trying to keep a leash on Richard Carmichael.”

  “Her ex.”


  “Son of Secretary Arthur Carmichael,” Jake said.


  “And Elle’s father is a high-powered lobbyist. Any connection between the two men other than through their kids?”

  Burke shook his head. “No idea. I did a little research on Harlan Bradley. He may be ‘high-powered,’ but he’s also a secretive SOB. He probably does all the filing required for government lobbyists, but his client list is hard to decipher.”


  “No, mostly domestic corporations. It’s almost like he tells people to set up some flimsy shell company before hiring him and to have their lawyers listed as the principals.”

  Jake shrugged, but he was getting more intrigued by the minute. “Privacy is important.”

  “I know. You’ve been hammering your motto into my head since I started working for you.”

  He grunted. “Don’t ever forget it.” He tapped his fingers in rapid succession on the desk. “Why does Elle want to stay here?”

  Burke’s expression brightened for a second, but then he quickly hid it. “Uh, ‘here’ wasn’t her idea; it was mine. When Elle escaped, she was terrified the kidnapper might grab her again. Her ex compounded the problem by insisting she had to fly home with him immediately. She asked Luke to hide her from both men at his place, and he agreed.”


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