Captivated by Love (Grangers Book 1)

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Captivated by Love (Grangers Book 1) Page 10

by Brenda Jackson

  “So you let them muddy yours instead? You let your sons assume you were the bad guy? That you actually killed their mother?”

  “In my heart, I don’t think they believe that. They know me and wouldn’t believe I could do such a thing. But the newspapers were brutal. If anyone had gotten a hold of some of the things Sylvia was doing, all her affairs, they would not have hesitated to tear down her character. I couldn’t do that to my sons. So I forbade Youngerman to go forward with that approach.”

  “And the reason you’ve kept him on?”

  “Because he knows how I feel about things.”

  She nodded. “So, in other words, someone else might not be as accommodating in keeping your secrets.”


  “But what about now? Depending on what the private investigator discovers, you might have to muddy your wife’s name in order to clear yours. As your attorney, I would want to reopen your case and put everything out there.”

  “I know. But now my sons are grown men and not teens. They’re old enough to handle anything that might come out in court.”

  “Okay, I understand how you feel about your sons. But after reading the report on the trial, I still think the man could have fought harder for you.”

  “I agree. But it was only after I was convicted that I thought that way. That’s why I agreed to let Dad hire a private investigator.” Sheppard eased a little closer to her. “So what do you think Carson? Do you want to take me on?”

  She saw the heat lining the depths of his eyes and knew the question was two-fold. “Yes, I would love taking you on, Sheppard.”

  A smile touched the corners of his lips. “Good. That means we’ll need to meet more regularly so I can bring you up to speed.”

  His words came out in a deep, husky timbre that sent shivers through her body. “I can handle it.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Was that a challenge he’d just issued? If so, she would show him she rarely backed down. She reached up and traced his sculpted jaw with the tip of her finger. “No, Sheppard Granger, you’re the one who will see.”

  He wasn’t given time to respond when the knock on the door signaled Ambrose’s return.


  Stop worrying. Zina is okay. She’s with her daddy.”

  Roddran placed her cell phone down by her plate and glanced over at Carson with chagrin on her face. “I know I’m being a worrywart but this is the first time Myles has kept her by himself and--”

  “He’ll do fine. Have you forgotten he’s the oldest of five?”

  “No, but that was years ago.”

  “Some things you don’t easily forget.” Carson smiled. She had a sure fire way of shifting Roddran’s attention from what was happening back at her home. “You remember a few months ago I mentioned meeting someone?” she said, stirring Roddran’s memory.

  “Hmm, that extremely handsome man you met at some business meeting?”

  Carson chuckled, not surprised Roddran had remembered those particular details. “Yes, that’s the one. Well, we’ve gotten serious.”

  Roddran’s lashes flew up. “Whoa! Are you saying that you’ve been seeing someone and didn’t tell me?”

  “Something like that. You’ve been busy with Zina and getting ready for your move to Texas.”

  “No excuses, Car. I should have suspected something. You’ve been smiling a lot. Why haven’t you brought him around?”

  “There’s a good reason for that.”

  “Which is?”

  Carson took a sip of her hot tea knowing Roddran’s intense gaze was watching her every move. “Because he’s in jail.”

  Roddran blinked and then gave her one of those, you can’t be serious looks.

  “I am serious, Rod.”

  Roddran shook her head. “You send people to jail, not date them.”

  “He’s different.”

  Roddran stared at her for a minute. “I refuse to believe you’re dating a convict.”

  “And like I said, he’s different.”

  “Who is he? What’s he in for?”

  Carson knew her response would only concern Roddran even more. “His name is Sheppard Granger and he was--”

  “Sent to prison for killing his wife,” Roddran finished for her. “Neither of us was living in Charlottesville at the time, but it made national news. I kept up with the trial while living in New York. He was found guilty, Car.”

  “I know, but he’s innocent.”

  “He told you that?”


  “And you believe him?”

  “Yes. I believed he was innocent even before he told me he was.”

  Roddran obviously couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Carson, you have to be the most level-headed woman I know. Sensible. Practical. Realistic. You are not someone who would date a man in jail for murdering his wife.”

  “He did not murder his wife, Rod,” Carson said in a firm voice, probably firmer than she’d intended. She knew her best friend loved her and wanted the best for her. But as far as she was concerned, Sheppard was the best.

  “I think you need to start from the beginning,” Roddran suggested.

  Carson felt she needed to do so as well. So she began talking, telling Roddran how she and Sheppard had initially met and how those meetings had started every three weeks and then continued every two weeks. When she told Roddran that Sheppard had recently hired her to be his attorney, Carson had expected Roddran to break in with questions--definitely a comment or two--but she hadn’t.

  When Carson had finished telling her everything, Roddran drew in a deep breath and said, “Okay, let me play devil’s advocate for a minute. Let’s say he is innocent and this private investigator that he’s hired can’t help him. That’s almost eight or nine years before he can be considered for parole. Would you willingly put your life on hold, tie yourself to a man who can’t take you out, or spend the night with you to replace your battery-operated toy? Marry you?”

  Carson met Roddran’s gaze. “Yes. It might seem to you that I’d be putting my life on hold. But I would be living my life.”

  Roddran didn’t say anything for a minute. “I read a book years ago that focused on reasons women considered getting serious about a man behind bars. For the most part, they were women who had been in prior abusive relationships. They were also women who like being in control of their lives and knowing their man is locked up gives them that control. They won’t have to worry about him popping up when they might not want to be bothered. It’s a kind of relationship-when-I-want-it attitude. Those were also mainly women who were emotionally damaged. That’s not you, Car, even if your ex was an asshole.” She shook her head. “Like I said, you are the most sensible, level-headed and realistic person I know. But then, I do know about your soft spot for underdogs. The one that came from having parents who were down-in-the-trenches community activists.”

  “My soft spot, as you put it, has nothing to do with anything. I care for him, Roddran. Sheppard Granger is different than any man I know. Although he’s locked up for a crime he didn’t commit, he still does good work.” She smiled when she remembered something Sheppard once told her. “He enjoys taking lemons and making them into lemonade.”

  “And he’s truly the man you want? No matter what?”

  Carson nodded. “Yes, he is truly the man I want. No matter what.”


  Sheppard leaned back in his chair at the computer station feeling good about his father’s visit. Richard had gotten a call from Imerson, who’d told him that he’d pieced together an interesting puzzle. The man had hoped to meet with the Grangers in a few weeks to bring them up to date on what he’d uncovered and felt it was the evidence needed to clear Sheppard. He wouldn’t give Richard Granger any more information than that.

  Sheppard couldn’t help but smile. The possibility that he could be a free man soon had him elated. That meant there was a chance he could have a future with Carson. A future that wasn’t hinged on
stolen kisses whenever they met.

  Whenever he thought about her, he couldn’t help the flutters that would spread throughout his body. No woman had ever made his pulse kick up just at the sight of her, the sound of her or the smell of her. He shifted his body in the chair at the feel of an erection just from thinking about her. Deciding to swing his thoughts elsewhere, he thought about his father.

  Richard Granger had merely raised a brow when he’d told him he was getting rid of his present attorney and replacing him with Carson. Although Richard had never met Carson, he was familiar with her from all the recent news coverage on her for that huge settlement she’d gotten for her client from Perriman Department Store.

  Sheppard knew his father was a little relieved he’d finally released his former attorney. The man had come highly recommended by Vidal Duncan, who was a close family friend, the company attorney for Granger Aeronautics and a man he considered a godfather.

  Whenever he’d discuss reopening his case, Youngerman would usually suggest that it wouldn’t be in the best interest of his sons to put them through another trial. In the past Sheppard, had conceded to Youngerman’s way of thinking, but like he’d told Carson, his sons were now grown men who could handle a new trial if it came to that.

  Sheppard turned his attention back to the computer screen and the information he’d researched for the past couple of weeks. It was about a form of sex, an old Hindu practice that could increase the intimacy between a man and a woman. It was emotional rather than physical. The end result was usually powerful orgasms. He’d gotten aroused just reading about it and could imagine him and Carson trying something like this. Even now his senses were stimulated in a way that had his entire body stirred up.

  At this point, anything was worth a try. It was getting harder and harder to stop kissing her, to not give in to temptation and make love to her.

  He checked the clock on the wall. His meeting with Carson would be in a couple of hours. He couldn’t wait to see her again.


  Carson walked into the meeting room and couldn’t help the smile that touched her lips when she saw Sheppard. Today they were holding a client-attorney meeting and she’d looked forward to it. Yesterday, she’d gotten a dozen red roses from him, with a card that read simply…I can’t wait to see you. Sheppard.

  Delvers was one of those facilities that allowed inmates to order flowers and gifts to send to their loved ones, but she’d never thought she would be the recipient of such thoughtfulness. “Good afternoon, gentlemen.”

  Both men returned her greeting and then after excusing himself, Ambrose left them alone. As soon as she heard the click of the door closing behind Ambrose, Sheppard moved toward her. The female in her appreciated every single thing about him. She’d never get enough of his chiseled good looks. He’d shown her pictures of his sons and they’d inherited their father’s handsome features.

  When he came to a stop in front of her, she inhaled his scent, an extraordinary blend of aftershave and man. And then he reached out, pulled her into his arms and claimed her mouth. The kiss was definitely what she needed right now.

  Then he slid his tongue between her parted lips, tangling it with hers, kissing her more thoroughly than she’d ever been kissed. She couldn’t help moaning when he deepened the kiss, zapping her senses while exploring her mouth with an expertise that sent desire plummeting through her. Everywhere his tongue touched, it sent sparks of pleasure pulsing beneath her skin, making her arch her body closer to his. She felt his erection poking hard against her.

  Sheppard took the art of French kissing to a whole new level. He was definitely a pro and each time his tongue entered her mouth, she was overwhelmed by passion. Kissing had always been something she could take or leave. It had never been anything that moved her. Definitely, it was nothing that had ever made her breasts ache, her tongue tangle, her hormones rage. But all that had changed with Sheppard.

  He released her mouth and she dropped her head to his chest to draw in much needed breath. The throbbing sensation coursing through her body began to slow.

  “You okay?” he asked her in a throaty voice while his hand slowly stroked up and down her back. His breath was warm against her neck.

  “Yes, I’m okay,” she said, deciding not to tell him how his kiss had pretty much left her in a daze, leaving her drowning in sensations that still made her want to moan.

  Gathering as much strength as she could, she lifted her head and met the dark penetrating eyes staring down at her. “Thanks for the flowers, Sheppard. They are beautiful.”

  She watched as those same lips that had practically devoured her moments ago formed into what she thought was a high-voltage sensual smile. “You are beautiful Carson. Both inside and out.”

  He had a way of saying things that made her feel beautiful. Made her want to be an even better individual, the beautiful person he saw her to be. Sheppard had that kind of effect on people. Knowing she couldn’t stand here in his arms forever, she took a step back, immediately feeling the loss of his closeness. “Thank you.” She drew in a deep breath. “So what’s on the agenda today? Anything in particular we need to discuss? I got your request for a longer meeting. Is everything alright?”

  He reached out and pulled her closer to him, settling her body against his. Heat curled in her stomach from his touch. His gaze held hers and the desire in his eyes made her pulse flicker. “You feel it, Carson?”

  Her body seemed to blaze under his regard and she could feel her womb contract. The air seemed thick with primal need. She could sense it, feel it, nearly touch it. “Yes, I can feel it. I always do whenever we’re together, Sheppard. Especially after we’ve kissed.”

  “The more I kiss you, the more I want you, Carson. And that’s not good.”

  She decided not to remind him that it had been his decision to set the boundaries of their meetings. “I hope you’re not thinking that we shouldn’t ever kiss.”

  He looked at her with a pair of serious eyes. “No, that’s not what I’m thinking, although I have to admit that had crossed my mind a few times. I’ve come up with an idea.”

  She lifted a brow. “What sort of idea?”

  “Tantric sex.”


  Sheppard studied Carson’s features, watching her reaction to what he’d said. He loved kissing her, but now he wanted to try something that neither one of them had done before. Not regular sex requiring a bed, entwined limbs and penetration, but one that involved a meeting of the minds, so to speak. Something more emotional than physical but just as satisfying. In some ways, even more exhilarating. Far more intimate.

  “Tantric sex?” she asked.

  “Yes. Ever heard of it?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Yes, but…”

  “But what?”

  “Can something like that really work? Honestly? Focusing on the mental instead of the physical, meditating, barely touching, prolonging the big O. Sounds pretty much like mind-induced torture to me.”

  He smiled. “It’s just the opposite.”

  She gazed at him curiously. “It sounds like you’re speaking from experience.”

  “I don’t mean to. I’ve never tried it. However, I’ve been reading a lot about it over the past few weeks.”


  “Because I see it as an alternative for us.” She didn’t have to ask him why he’d been looking for alternatives. Unless they did something to take the heat off, temptation would soon get the best of them.

  Ambrose would deliberately allow them private time, essentially giving them the opportunity to engage in conjugal visits if they desired. And God knew, they’d been tempted more than once, when their kisses had gotten out of control. However, he didn’t want to go there.

  Deep down, Sheppard knew he’d fallen in love with her. He had fought it, coming up with every argument against it, but he hadn’t been able to stop it from happening.

  In accepting he loved her and knowing that unless Marshall Imerson’s
investigation turned up something that could set him free, he was faced with the reality that he was locked up for the long haul. He wouldn’t be considered for parole for another eight years, which to him was nearly a lifetime. Although he wished he could be noble and give Carson up, he knew there was no way he could do so. She lit up his world in ways she would never know and had become his hope. He faced each day with more meaning and clarity because he looked forward to this. The time he would look at her, talk to her, smell her scent, share her space and taste her lips.

  On the other hand, he knew Carson deserved more than a few stolen kisses. He wanted her to feel the love, the desire, the want and the need. But more than anything, he wanted her to experience the pleasure. Pleasure from him in a unique way. A profound way. An emotional way. He intended to channel all that sexual energy encasing them into gratified sensuality. And when the day came that he was released from here, he would make love to her in the traditional way. But everything they’d share now would make their first physical union that much hotter, passionate and meaningful.

  They would be taking their relationship to another level. But was she open to it? In order for it to work between them, she had to be engaged, to believe in the power of their desire. She would have to be ready for them to tap into each other’s sexual senses to a degree where she might feel vulnerable. She would have to let herself go and trust him fully. Could she do that?

  Sheppard leaned his hip against the table and held her gaze intently. He would be honest with her, explain what he wanted to do, but first, he wanted to share his feelings so she would understand why he wanted to try such a thing.

  He tightened his hold on her hand while feeling the soothing undercurrent of desire pass between them. In their touch alone was everything he’d need to make his case. It was time they channeled all that energy into pleasure.


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