To the Duke, With Love

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To the Duke, With Love Page 17

by Amelia Grey

  Noticing that the light of day was waning, Loretta was beginning to wonder if they would, indeed, make Hawksthorn before nightfall. She thought about laying her head back to nap, but her mind was too busy with thoughts of the duke. Instead, she quietly reached into her satchel and pulled out her copy of A Proper Gentleman’s Guide to Wooing the Perfect Lady. It brought a smile to her face every time she held the small leather-bound book in her hands. It wasn’t a long book, but it had brought her such joy.

  She lightly rubbed her fingertips over the title and the author’s name, feeling the smoothness of the cold leather. Silly as it was, she treasured the volume. Not because of the contents, but because it was an unexpected gift from the duke.

  He was right in that for the most part it was filled with useless advice most men learned from the time they left the cradle. One such rule was: It is never permissible for a gentleman to remove his coat in the presence of a lady.

  That one baffled her. What gentleman would do that anyway? Men were taught that lesson from the time they slid their arms into their first coat.

  And then there was: A gentleman must always watch his language in front of a lady. This, too, was another rule of manners that gentlemen were taught almost from their birth.

  There were a few of the guidelines and rules that she felt were good and something a gentleman might need to be reminded of. Her favorite was: It is never permissible for a gentleman to suggest to a lady that she is wrong. That one made her smile every time she read it.

  Loretta fully agreed with that rule, though she couldn’t see the duke or the earl ever following it. Not as far as Loretta was concerned anyway. The duke and her uncle considered it their duty to tell her when they thought she was wrong. But then, neither of them was trying to woo her, so maybe this would only apply if they were trying to win a certain lady’s favor.

  There were some instructions that were so unbelievably odd it was easy to see humor in them: There is only one time a gentleman should tell a lady how beautiful she is and that is from the time she arrives in his presence until the time she leaves.

  Some of the rules she absolutely agreed with: A proper lady appreciates a gentleman who is always cheerful. And: It is best for a gentleman to always let a young lady have the last word.

  And then there were some guides she wished were true, though she had her doubts: A gentleman should always let a lady know that her heart would be safe if she gave it to him. Now that was a truly romantic notion she and all ladies could agree with.

  Loretta heard a whooping holler from the driver. She closed the book and gently stowed it back in her satchel. Paxton roused from his slumber and rubbed his nose with the back of his hand while he stretched and yawned.

  She leaned over and looked out the window. They were traveling on a curve and turning onto a tree-lined lane. Although it wasn’t quite dusk yet, lampposts had been lit as far down as she could see.

  “What are you looking at?” Paxton asked.

  Her breathing increased sharply. Anticipation at seeing the duke flooded her. “Hawksthorn,” she whispered almost reverently. “We’ve arrived onto the estate.”

  “Splendid,” he said, sitting up straight in the cushion and combing through his hair with his hands. “And about time. I’ve not slept so much in years.”

  In the far distance, she saw the roofline of a large, L-shaped building. It had to be the manor at Hawksthorn. The main building was so long and wide, it looked as if Mammoth House would have fit inside a small section of it. She should have known it would be. It was the center of the dukedom. She could see the tops of smaller buildings that were probably cottages for the workers, servants, and tenants, or possibly even the paddocks, barns, and carriage houses.

  Within a couple of moments the main house came into full view. Loretta was awed at the magnificence of its stately grandeur. To the left, near the horizon, the clouds had separated; the sun hung low in the sky, giving off a spectacular golden glow of light in the heavens, making the stone structure seem majestic.

  The colors in the sky were a good sign the weather was going to take a turn for the better. It was the beginning of spring after all, and winter had finally passed.

  Loretta picked up the dark-brown bonnet that matched her cape and the trim on her pale-brown traveling dress and placed it back on her head. With cold, eager fingers she tied the satin ribbon under her chin. “Did I get it straight?” she asked her brother.

  He studied her a second and said, “It looks perfect.”

  “How about my hair?” he asked, smoothing it down the sides with an open hand. “Is it sticking up anywhere?”

  “The front and sides look nice. Turn around and let me see the back.”

  Paxton twisted around.

  “Oh, my,” Loretta said in a worried voice. “I do believe it looks as if two squirrels have been nesting in the back of your hair.”

  “What?” Paxton licked the pads of his three middle fingers and started frantically pressing down his hair.

  “No, stop, please!” She laughed. “I was only teasing you. I didn’t think you would take me seriously. Your hair is in good order and you don’t need to do a thing to it.”

  “A fine sister you are,” he grumbled lightheartedly and fiddled with the ends of his neckcloth to make sure they were laying properly. “If we were at home, I’d hold you down and tickle your sides for that prank.”

  “You would have to catch me first.”

  “Though I haven’t tried in a few years, I still have no doubt I could.”

  They laughed together as the carriage rolled to a stop. Through the window Loretta caught a glimpse of the duke. Her heart skipped a couple of beats at the sight of him. He stood with a young lady who had to be his sister and an older woman whom Loretta assumed was Lady Adele’s cousin. The three were waiting to greet Loretta and Paxton in front of two giant, beautifully carved doors that looked as if they belonged on a castle.

  Loretta was surprised how much at ease she felt about this visit. Coming to the duke’s home should have made her a ball of jitters, but she felt calm and wonderful. The amusing exchange with Paxton must have been exactly what she’d needed to make her feel content about seeing the duke again and eager to meet Lady Adele.

  The steps were put in place and the door opened. Paxton stepped down first and reached back to help Loretta. When she entered the carriage doorway, she looked up and immediately saw the duke. Tingles of wonderful sensations washed over her. Heaven help her, when she looked at him, she felt as if a feast of all her desires had been spread before her to enjoy. Somehow, even with his elegantly tied neckcloth, light-blue quilted waistcoat, and impeccably tailored dark-blue coat, he managed to look casual, commanding, and yet approachable, all at the same time.

  He smiled, and so did she. When both feet were on the ground, she turned to Lady Adele and knew she would have to apologize to the duke again for disparaging his sister. Lady Adele was lovely and wouldn’t have any problems attracting a husband during the Season if she chose to attend.

  Not quite as tall as Loretta, Lady Adele had thick, golden-brown hair that waved beautifully about her head with small wispy curls framing her delicate face. Her complexion looked pure, with just the right amount of healthy color to her lips and cheeks. Sparkling eyes, as green as her brother’s, looked directly at Loretta. Lady Adele nodded graciously before shifting her focus to Paxton.

  Loretta knew the second Paxton’s gaze met Lady Adele’s that he was drawn to her. Loretta’s vivacious brother, who was never at a loss for words, seemed momentarily shy and speechless. It was as if he were in awe of the duke’s sister and didn’t know what to say. And from the smile on Lady Adele’s pretty face, she was quite pleased with the way Paxton looked as well.

  “Miss Quick. Mr. Quick,” the duke said. “Welcome to Hawksthorn.”

  Loretta curtsied. Paxton bowed and they both said “Your Grace” at the same time.

  The proper introductions, greetings, and platitudes were
said among everyone, including Mrs. Minerva Philbert, Lady Adele’s cousin, chaperone, and companion. She was a little shorter than Lady Adele, thin, and what Loretta would call a severely prim-looking lady. Strands of gray streaked her brown upswept hair. Her almond-shaped, greenish-blue gaze seemed to glance quickly by Loretta but held long and steadfast on Paxton. She was looking him over from hair to boot.

  If the duke had told Lady Adele about the misgivings Loretta had concerning her and the possibility of a match with Paxton, she’d decided not to take offense. There wasn’t a hint of animosity in her expression when they were introduced.

  “Miss Quick,” Lady Adele said, “Hawk has told me how devoted you and your brother are to each other. That’s something I respect and admire.” She glanced over at the duke. “I’m very fond of my brother, too.”

  From the corner of her eye, Loretta could see the duke giving his sister an indulgent smile. To Lady Adele she said, “It’s wonderful we both have such fine brothers to take care of us.”

  “I think Hawk will consider it a blessing when he no longer has to be responsible for me. I do believe he sees me only as trouble on his hands.”

  The duke remained silent and continued to smile.

  “See,” Lady Adele said, and playfully hit him on the arm with her lace-trimmed handkerchief. “He isn’t even going to bother denying it’s true. He’s always been a brute whenever my feelings are concerned. I suppose I will have to offer my attention and my affections elsewhere, dear brother.”

  “Please, feel free to do so at any time,” the duke answered in the same lighthearted tone. “You will have my blessing.”

  Loretta enjoyed the teasing banter between the duke and his sister. It was so much like the relationship she had with Paxton. Loving, but each getting their points across.

  Lady Adele then turned her attention to Paxton and said, “Tell me, Mr. Quick, was your journey a pleasant one?”

  The duke let his gaze settle on Loretta’s face after Lady Adele’s concentration was centered on Paxton. “And how about you, Miss Quick?” the duke said. “Did everything go smoothly for you today?”

  She loved the way she felt when he looked at her. “Yes,” she answered, feeling as if her gaze was melting into his. “You had every detail attended to so there was nothing to do but enjoy the countryside.”

  “I must admit to having a bit of help with getting all the particulars accomplished.”

  Her gaze drifted to the massive, carved doors behind him. “Your home is so grand.” She then glanced toward the huge front lawn, still brown with winter. It was outlined with a short hedge of yew and tall topiary trees. “I can imagine the grounds are spectacular with color in the late spring and summer.”

  “The gardeners are good at what they do.”

  “I do believe Hawksthorn is almost as large as Mammoth House,” she added with a teasing smile, and hoped a sparkle of humor danced in her eyes as well.

  The duke chuckled softly. “I have always found your wit charming, Miss Quick. I’m glad you’re here,” he added quietly.

  So was she.

  “And I trust you left Farley feeling better, and in the good care of Mrs. Huddleston?”

  “No, actually—” She turned her head and stared down the drive to where the second coach had stopped at the servants’ entrance. Mrs. Huddleston was stepping off the carriage. Farley stepped down behind her. “I brought him with me, along with Mrs. Huddleston to care for him.”

  “You brought Farley here?”

  Loretta knew the duke wasn’t happy by the tightness around his mouth and fine crinkles around his eyes as they narrowed. She’d suspected that he might not approve of her decision not to leave the boy behind, but as far as she was concerned, there was no other choice.

  “Yes,” she answered as if nothing were unusual about what she’d done. She might be guilty, but she didn’t have to act as if she were.

  “Minerva, would you show Adele and Mr. Quick inside? His sister would like a few more minutes to stretch her legs. We are going to take a walk.”

  “I’m sure that will be fine, Your Grace. You won’t be long, will you?”

  “No, Minerva, we’ll be in shortly.”

  “Shortly?” Mrs. Philbert asked, frowning at the duke. “If that’s the case, we can wait here for you. It won’t be a problem.”

  “That’s not necessary, Minerva. You have no cause to worry. I think Miss Quick’s reputation will be safe with me on the front lawn since the servants are still milling about with the luggage.”

  She sniffed. “Yes, of course. I didn’t mean to imply otherwise. Please, follow me, my lady, Mr. Quick.”

  Loretta watched Paxton and Lady Adele exchange a glance, and then—completely ignoring the conversation between the duke and their cousin—Lady Adele said, “Do you enjoy playing cards in the evenings after dinner, Mr. Quick?”

  “Of course,” he answered as they started toward the door. “It’s one of our favorite pastimes. Loretta and I will often play a game or two, and chess, too. Though I admit if the game takes too long to finish I become restless.”

  “I feel the same about chess. It can become a bore. You do like dogs, don’t you, Mr. Quick?”

  “Absolutely. Though I don’t have one at this time.”

  Loretta slowly shook her head as the three disappeared through the massive doorway. Here it had been less than five minutes and Paxton was already smitten by Lady Adele and the duke was upset with her. Her first visit to Hawksthorn wasn’t getting off to a very good start. And the devil take it, she had no one to blame but herself.

  Chapter 16

  A gentleman should always fill a lady’s heart and mind with sweet words of romantic notions. That’s all she really wants to hear.



  After the trio had cleared the doorway, the duke said, “Let’s take a stroll, Miss Quick.”

  The merriment the exchange with his sister had left in his face was gone. A serious expression had replaced it. “Thank you,” she said, “I’d like that.” If he were going to take her to task for bringing Farley she had just as soon no one else heard him.

  They started down the middle of the spacious lawn in front of the house at a leisurely pace. Dusk was falling around them and the chill of night wind stirred the air, but she was warm enough in her traveling cape.

  “He should have been left at Mammoth House,” the duke said.

  That was straightforward enough. It might have been the right thing to do, but Loretta didn’t want to do it. She looked down the way at Farley again. He seemed so small, lost even, standing with his hands in the pockets of his coat looking around while the luggage was being unloaded.

  She hadn’t wanted to argue with the duke the minute she stepped off the coach. Yet her happiness at seeing him was rapidly dissipating. When he’d smiled at her, she felt wonderful, with not a care in the world, and now she suddenly felt miserable. She didn’t like disappointing him any more than he did. He didn’t have to tell her it wasn’t polite to bring anyone uninvited to his house.

  “I’m sorry you’re upset about my decision. I know it was forward of me and I should have written to ask if it would be all right,” she said, though she remained firm on her conviction she’d had to bring him with her.

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  She felt him looking at her but she kept her eyes cast down to the dormant grass beneath her feet and let out a deep breath. Perhaps she could smooth things over if she deliberately misread the duke’s comment. It was worth a try.

  Lifting her gaze to his, she said, “I agree that Farley still isn’t well. There’s a chance the traveling will have been too much for him, and he’ll have a relapse, but I felt I couldn’t leave him alone. Too, I knew that if he did get worse from the strain of traveling, he would receive excellent care here in your house.”

  A gleam in his eyes let her know that he knew exac
tly what she was doing. It didn’t surprise her she couldn’t fool him, and she was also sure he wasn’t surprised she’d tried.

  “First, he wouldn’t have been alone; Mrs. Huddleston would have been there with him. Second, he was getting excellent care in your house. Never mind those things, I wasn’t speaking of his health.”

  “Then perhaps there isn’t enough room for a child and Mrs. Huddleston in your servants’ wing here at Hawksthorn. If that’s the case, Mrs. Huddleston can stay in my room with me and Farley with Paxton.”

  The duke blew out an aggravated laugh and ran a hand through his hair. Loretta could have watched him do that fifty more times. There was something especially soothing and sensual about watching his fingers thread through his thick hair even though he wasn’t happy with her at the moment. That didn’t seem to stunt his appeal.

  “You know that’s not the reason I’m speaking to you about bringing him here.”

  Yes, she knew but still felt justified in continuing her present interpretation. “No, but you are being most unkind to a child who is an orphan.”

  “You are deliberately misunderstanding everything I say.”

  “Then what is your reason for not wanting him here? Is it that you simply don’t like him because he has no surname, no family, and no home?”

  A grimace narrowed the duke’s eyes. “What I don’t like is that you’ve welcomed him into your home and your life when you don’t know anything about him.”

  “That’s not the point. No matter who he is, he is part of my household at this time and should be treated with the same respect given to all our servants when visiting your home. I am not asking for special treatment for him.”

  Loretta stopped walking and stared at the duke intensely. “But I do say this. If Farley isn’t welcome in your home, then I shan’t be, either. I’ll have to ask you to make arrangements and we’ll leave immediately.”

  “Will you?” he asked, stepping closer to her.

  “Yes,” she answered standing her ground, knowing the last thing she wanted to do was get back in the coach.


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