Maze (The Ballerina Series #2)

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Maze (The Ballerina Series #2) Page 1

by Ursula Sinclair



  BOOK 2


  Ursula Sinclair

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, or other status is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright 2013 by LaVerne Thompson writing as Ursula Sinclair

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever known, not known or hereafter invented, or stored in any storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without written permission of the author. LaVerne Thompson. [email protected]

  First e-book edition 2013 Isisindc Publishing, LLC

  [email protected]

  Editor- Lara Parker

  Cover illustration by Dee Allen

  Cover Model- Colin Wayne

  Photographer- FuriousFotog

  ISBN- 978-0-9859646-4-1 eprint


  To all those who take the time and make the effort to perfect a craft you love. Those of us who benefit from your devotion thank you.


  To my beta readers Derna and Whairigail, thank you for taking the time to make sure I got it right. And to my editor Lara, you always go above and beyond. And next time you’ll have more than a 48 hour turn around time. But I’m not promising.



  Have you ever killed anyone?

  My breathing remained steady, my heart rate even, but the chemical rush from the adrenaline had blood rushing to my head. The sound of our blades gliding off each other was not a silent one, but the thunder and lightning ensured no one would hear or be inclined to venture out into the downpour this night. We were hemmed in on both sides by the brick walls of the buildings, with just enough room to maneuver. The filthy alleyway only wide enough for a dump truck was made even worse by the torrent of water washing over the soiled ground. Nothing could clear the stench of death creeping around us.

  I’d deliberately chosen the time and this place for the confrontation. This was a blind alleyway only one way in and one way out. Barely visible from the street and there were no windows on the sides of the buildings. Just one door from the back of the restaurant near the dumpster. On a night like this, the weather also helped, we would be uninterrupted. No one would step out for a smoke. But at the end of the night, the trash at the restaurant still had to go out.

  Huge fat drops of rain poured down from the heavens beating at me, soaking through the clothes I wore. Trying to drive me away from the course I’d set. I ignored it. My body was ready, waiting, my mind bent on one course. It was too late for any other.

  The iron door opened to the right of the dumpster I hid beside, and my breath paused for a moment—only one person could be behind it.

  I moved silently out from the shadows. As soon as he saw me, he dropped the trash bags he carried and pulled a knife from his boot. He knew damn well why I was there. I stepped toward him, compensating for the slippery ground with my treaded boots but also my balance. I’d trained on many different terrains so the flat alleyway posed no issue for me, but I couldn’t say the same about my opponent. He’d already revealed his weakness to me by his crouching stance. His balance would be off if he lunged on such a slick surface.

  My body ran cold at what I was about to do. I raised my own blade and beckoned him forward. The glow from the outdoor lighting reflected in his dark hate-filled eyes. We were about the same height and build and our goals were the same. But from there we differed. Jai fought better than he ever had or ever would again because he knew this time he battled for his life. As did I. But as my knife parried and slashed opening flesh, I also fought to protect the one I loved.

  So have I ever killed anyone?

  I walked away from the alley with that thought in my head, my heart still beat, my blood still ran steadily within my veins. With each step the water turned redder on the ground in front of me. Up until that moment my answer would have been no, I’d never killed anyone. I knew I was capable of it. I’d been trained in the different ways to take a life with my body and weapons since the age of three. I also knew how to put someone down without serious injury. That’s what I’d always done. But that was my past. Tonight I’d taken a life to protect those I loved but also out of vengeance. Oh yes, there’s hate in my heart, but there’s blood on my hands now too. While the rain might have washed the blade of blood, no amount of rainwater would ever wash me clean. Not even the tears I shed could cleanse my soul.

  I used the shadows in the alley to make my escape. No one saw me, yet my message was clear for those it was meant for. The Triad wanted to bring on the dragon. Well, he was here, and once let loose, there’s no retaining, no stopping. I feared the killing wasn’t over. Not until I knew Ivy was safe. Even if it’s only from myself. Because how would I face her when this was over? My body remained cold at the thought. But at least she’d be alive.

  Chapter One



  Have you ever heard the sound of a knife slicing through human flesh? It makes a distinct noise I couldn’t get out of my head. Not even the roar of the crowd was capable of drowning it from my mind. And the sight.

  I’d never seen anything more barbaric. The fight before was nothing compared to this, like a leisurely waltz to the mumbo. The fighters came together like gladiators. They met in the middle of the stage, and engaged. One sword held high the other lower, then sparks flared when the blades clashed. Sliding off the edge of the other, both men spun away disengaging, then came together, arms lifted and swords high to connect again. Four shafts of steel moved in a blur before my eyes. One held in each hand, aimed first in one direction then another in a seemingly chaotic manner but I knew each swing had been calculated. It was hard, even for me, to follow the ebb and flow of their movements. They happened so fast. The fighters’ feet moved in perfect synchronicity to their hands. No part of their bodies remained still. Their grunts, soft battle cries and the music of steel provided the tempo. Barbaric? Yes, but artistry, beauty even existed in this. The duo danced; a very intimate intricate dance that could end in death. The ultimate pas de deux. Where only one of them walked away.

  I squeezed my eyes shut in a pointless attempt to stop what happened next, as well as my tears. When the sword moved, for a moment, I thought I’d lost my own life. But shutting my eyes stopped nothing. In helpless dread, I watched the opposing fighter swing in an arch that should have opened up Maze’s guts and spilled them at his feet. My body shuddered, desperate not to relive that moment, the absolute fear my love would die before my eyes. But even hidden behind my closed eyelids I could still see Maze standing there, awaiting death. Then in a blink, he ducked and then straightened, slicing his blades across the man’s knees. Blood flew everywhere. Some of it splashed on Maze. My eyes never left him. His chest rose and fell, his skin covered in sweat and dots of blood. Though the latter wasn’t his. Thank you, God. It wasn’t his.

  After the turnabout, I thought his gaze locked on to me. I couldn’t really tell because the tears blocked my vision. I leaped to my feet in horror at what I’d just witnessed, but through it all, I could see Maze standing tall and proud. His swords at his sides. And God help me, I was glad his blood didn’t drip upon the floor. Maze had not fallen. Was that wrong of me? Knowing he’d just hurt someone to save his own life. I don’t know. But I couldn’t stop the tears of joy from
leaking out.

  I tried shutting my eyes tighter to block out the images replaying in an endless loop in my thoughts and tried to keep my breathing even. I told my mind to keep my body relaxed so Maze, who now lay in bed beside me, would not know of my distress.

  After the fight he’d come to me, somersaulted over the heads of the crowd to land in front of me, to whisper those three little words. Words that I’d been longing to hear from him. “I love you.” Words that were more than sound but emotions lying deep within every part of me for this man. Yet I found when he spoke them, I couldn’t just then return the words to him. How could I think of love after witnessing such a barbaric act? Stupid I know.

  He could have died and I would have been witness to it. I could do nothing in the moment but wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. Even that was short lived. Maze’s uncle and his bodyguards wasted no time getting us all out of that place. Maze circled his arms around me, not letting me go. The feeling was mutual. I snaked my arm around his waist and I wasn’t budging. Someone threw a robe around Maze. We left through a rear exit and all plied into the limo, waiting on the other side of the door, Dante included.

  Once in the car, I knew Dante and Mr. Tsang spoke and Maze answered but nothing registered other than the warm body next to mine. We were taken straight back to Maze’s uncle’s condo. Hours later we were still there but Tsang and his bodyguards had long since departed and Dante had returned home.

  I smiled remembering the only thing I could smile about tonight. After Maze had taken a shower and changed, he’d returned to the living room, Dante had stood up and shaken his hand. It was funny to watch them together like that. Dante’s blond green-eyed pale looks in contrast to Maze’s brown hair, gray eyes and inked skin. But they were a feast for my eyes. It seemed two of my favorite people in the world had made peace. That was the only thing I could smile about right now. Not even afterwards when Maze made love to me and told me he loved me again. I couldn’t even manage to say the same once again. Like an idiot all I could do was kiss him, trying to tell him without the words, I loved him too. I wasn’t sure what stopped me from saying them out loud. I just knew the phrase wouldn’t come.

  I felt his arms tighten around me, pulling me closer to him, his warmth, his heat, his fire. Drawing me away from my bleak thoughts of the last few hours. I took a deep breath and wiped the tears from my face in an effort to hide them from him.

  Too late.

  He turned me so I lay on my back and raised himself up on his elbow to look down at me. It was dark outside, but there was enough ambient light from the streetlights near the windows to filter into the room for him to see the evidence of my tears. He kissed my eyelids, then my mouth.

  “God, Ivy, please don’t cry. I can’t take your tears. What’s wrong? Is this because of the fight or because I told you I love you?”

  My heart clenched and I cried even harder. He held me tighter in his arms, and helplessly I embraced him. It dawned on me. I could have lost him tonight. When I finally calmed down enough that I thought I could speak, I told him so. “I can’t lose anyone else I care about,” I whispered against his collarbone. I’d already lost my best friend Shelly in a stupid accident. I refused to lose Maze just because he chose such a dangerous way to live his life.

  He kissed my forehead. “You won’t lose me.”

  “How can you say that? After what I saw tonight…” I shook my head. The terror of the night still held me in its grip. “I can’t do that again, Maze. I just can’t. You could have died tonight.” The scene from hours ago flashed once again across my consciousness. I didn’t think I’d lose the visions anytime soon. I was sure Maze had crippled the man, but the guy would have killed him. I shuddered.

  Maze sighed and leaned away from me. He raised his hand and brushed the hair away from my face, before giving me a quick kiss. “And you won’t have to,” he said.

  “What does that mean?”

  “That was my last fight. I’m retiring.”

  At last, the weight sitting on my chest from the time Maze stepped onto that stage dissolved. Like the words to the song that had been on the radio a moment ago, Maze’s words blew it away.

  “You are? Are you sure?” Why did I say that? I didn’t want him to fight anymore. I didn’t want him to risk his life or his limbs. I wanted him safe, whole. I wanted him with me. But it was selfish. I knew how much his sport meant to him, as much as dance did to me. I might be forced to give up something I’ve lived for and worked toward all my life. How could I ask him to give up what he did? I wasn’t sure what the right thing to do was for either of us. But if he wanted to retire, I wasn’t going to talk him out of it. Was that selfish? Yes, but I had no problem with that if it meant he would be safe.

  “Yes, I am,” he said. “I’m going to begin training the next round of fighters at the gym where I’ve been working out. Uncle Tsang owns it, and tonight, he signed the building and the business over to me.”


  He just smiled.

  “So is that why only you and your uncle went into the den? This was the quick business he had to discuss with you?” After Maze and Dante had made peace, Tsang had taken Maze aside. They hadn’t been gone long. But Dante only wanted to talk about how badass my boyfriend was. I only wanted to forget. “Did you know about this before… Before the fight?” I questioned.

  “No. I was shocked he’d do such a thing. But in truth not surprised. He’s always looked out for me.”

  I smiled but tears continued to roll down my face. They were happy ones this time. “So this is legit? No more of these dangerous fights? You won’t need a bodyguard or anything like your uncle?”

  He smiled and shook his head, while rubbing my tears away. “No more fights. And I’ve never needed a bodyguard.”

  I wasn’t an idiot, but I guessed his uncle’s business dealings weren’t quite legit and neither were these fights. I needed to know this venture he was entering was real though.

  “No more violence like what I saw tonight?” I’d asked.

  “Well I’d still get into the ring but as a trainer, no more professional fights. That was my last one.”

  I blinked and grinned. “So this is real?”

  He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. “As real as that. Now please, for me, stop crying. Everything will be fine.” He wiped the remaining tears off my face with his thumb.

  “Maze.” I sat up and turned until I was on my knees beside him, kissing him all over his face. “I lo— Care about you so much. I just couldn’t… I can’t watch you get hurt.”

  “Never again, babe. I promise.”

  I had to let my fear go. I had to trust him. Trust us. There was only one thing, well, maybe two left to do. I raised my hands and placed them on either side of his beautiful face, looked into his swirling storm-colored eyes. I could have lost him forever tonight. I found what I searched for in the depths of his gaze, and gave him the words he needed from me.

  “I love you.”

  He smiled and lightning seemed to flash in his orbs. “And I you,” he said before placing his mouth over mine, claiming me again as only he could. His body covered mine, and I opened myself up to him, spreading my legs for him. It was only a little while before he filled me; his entry took my breath away. Wrapped in his arms, his love consumed me. I raised my legs and clamped them around his waist so he could go deeper. He didn’t disappoint, and if I could carry him safe inside me always I would.

  Chapter Two


  Vague, blurry images of my mom flashed across my mind. They were the only memories really I had of her. I looked at pictures of her and I could see I’d inherited some of her features. My hair and eye color. But I had no clear recollection of what she looked like other than the photographs. What I recalled most was her scent, like a combination of vanilla and something flowery, and the melody to her favorite song. Dust in the Wind. She’d play it over and over while she danced with me in her arms. Then I remembere
d one day those arms just being gone and the sound of a child screaming in despair. But most of all I remembered her incredible love for me. Kinda the way I loved the woman who lay beside me. Ivy. My world.

  After my uncle and Dante had departed, I’d turned on the radio in the master bedroom and left it on low. The music pulling at me was a song from my childhood that brought me out of a deep satisfied sleep. That and Ivy’s stiffness, her ragged breathing. My baby was hurting, and she tried to hide it from me. Damn. I knew in my soul I shouldn’t have ever let her see me fight like that. Knew in my heart the raw savagery would be too much for her, but she wanted to be there and I couldn’t deny her anything. I’d denied us both so much already. In truth, I needed her there as much as I think she needed to be there. It was over now. All over. Uncle Tsang and Joe made sure I had no choice but to win. And even though the choice wasn’t mine to stop fighting, it was the right thing to do. The Triad wouldn’t tolerate what I’d done. They’d be out for my blood if I ever tried to fight pro again. They still might despite the fact I’d retired.

  I knew Tsang and his bodyguards hustled us out of the arena in order to prevent any immediate retaliation. Even now Tsang and Joe had taken steps to protect me as well as the Tong, the legitimate business association Joe had built. I wasn’t stupid. All of this I understood they’d do. It was the reason we had come back to the condo. Tsang owned the entire building, and most of the businesses on the block owed him. No one could touch us here. I was floored when he offered me ownership of his gym outright. No strings attached. I could build the place as I saw fit. He had the paperwork ready to go. Everything was already filled out. They just needed my signature. I didn’t know Joe had a small interest in the gym too until I saw the names on the document. His signature written next to Uncle Tsang. They signed all of their interest over to me. Both the deed and gym were placed in my name. I just had to stop fighting. It was a difficult decision for me to step down. Even though I really had little choice, I did it willingly. There was also Ivy to consider. My heart. My soul. My reason for being. And right now she was hurting.


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