Power of Three

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Power of Three Page 9

by Jenna Castille

  It was a slow exploration of lip, tongue and teeth. Jehanne lapped at the roof of his mouth, savoring the spicy male taste. The rub of her tongue against his sent shivers down her spine, tempting her to fuse her lips with his. She felt Ryo’s chest shake moments before a deep groan spilled into her mouth. His fingers sank into her hair, holding her head angled as he took her mouth deeper.

  What started out soft and gentle suddenly turned frantic as desire spiked. Ryo growled as he turned with her, dropping her down on the bed. Desperate fingers tore at her clothes, baring her breasts to his hungry gaze.

  She felt and understood his frenzied need. She felt the same anguish every time the two of them went into battle. At any moment she could lose one or both of her men. She lived every hour with that knowledge burning in the back of her mind, threatening to drive her mad. So every second she had with them was precious, to be relished. She murmured softly, running her hands up and down his bare back, careful to avoid the bandages. His muscles twitched beneath every stroke. He trembled under the caress and she felt a hard, brittle knot in his soul shatter.

  He collapsed across her. Though he didn’t shed any tears, Jehanne knew that his heart wept. Wept for his past. Wept for the possible future. Wept for them all. She held her man tight, giving what support she could with her sheer presence. But her soul ached for this man.

  She saw a strong hand clutch Ryo’s shoulder and the mattress dipped slightly as Erich joined them. He crawled up behind where the two embraced and gave Jehanne a concerned look but she shook her head.

  Ryo sighed as he moved back. Erich stayed where he was, wrapping his large arms around Ryo and giving what reassurance he could. Ryo snuggled back into his chest but reached out for Jehanne at the same time.

  She didn’t need the invitation. She crawled forward to sit in his lap, shedding her skirt as she moved. Erich reached over Ryo’s shoulder to lift one of her long golden locks and shift it over her shoulder. He trailed his fingers over her bare breast before hugging Ryo close again. “This is what I fight for,” he whispered softly against Ryo’s cheek. “I live for this time with both of you.”

  Jehanne came up on her knees. She let her breasts graze Ryo’s chest as she leaned over him to give Erich a quick kiss, tongue darting out to taste his lips. “It’s what makes life worth living,” she murmured in agreement.

  Ryo gave a soft laugh but it turned into a gasp as Erich reached down and began untying his breeches. His head fell back to Erich’s shoulder, a low groan rolling from his lips. Jehanne’s fingers curled around his cock, easing him out of the cloth opening. She moved closer, nibbling at the strong muscles of his neck as she rubbed his pulsing flesh.

  “Shimatta,” he cursed through a clenched jaw. Ryo arched into her hands, shoving himself in between her palms.

  Erich’s arms held him tighter. “Be still,” he growled, nipping Ryo’s earlobe in warning. The man pushed his head back and panted.

  Jehanne opened her senses to her men, basking in the growing heat of their desire. She caught a single drop of precum from the head of Ryo’s cock on her thumb. Keeping her eyes locked with his, she brought it to her mouth, delicately licking it from her skin. Ryo’s eyes snapped shut and his hips hitched again. Erich made hushing sounds and rubbed at Ryo’s bandaged stomach.

  Jehanne grinned, slowly sliding down his body. Erich lifted him just enough for her to pull his breeches from his hips, dragging them off completely and tossing them over her shoulder. She ran her hands up the skin of his thighs. She loved the differences in her two men, Ryo with his smooth, ropey muscles and Erich with his larger, lightly haired body. The textures of their skin tempted her beyond reason. She could spend hours just sliding her fingers across their forms, tracing them.

  But she didn’t have the time now. Ryo needed her, needed Erich too. She grinned up at her oriental lover, casting him a coy look as she took hold of his cock once more. The hot flesh pulsed in her hand. She lapped at the purple head peeking out of its sheath, taking pleasure in the grunting sounds Ryo made in time with each lick. She reached below to roll his balls in her palm then fingered the sensitive flesh right behind.

  Ryo shook and bucked as she took him deep in her mouth, the fingers of her other hand circling his hole. Erich scooted a bit, easing him down and back. She caught a glimpse of him reaching for something as she started bobbing her head, sucking Ryo’s cock hard and humming.

  Foreign words tumbled from Ryo’s lips, curses or praise. She felt his balls drawing up, his climax building between her lips. Something nudged the side of her other hand. She slowed her pace as Erich pushed a small ointment jar toward her. She pulled back long enough to look up in askance.

  “Ready him for me,” he said as he gripped Ryo’s hips. Erich shot her a wicked smile and wink. “I’m going to ride this ass hard.”

  She returned his grin and fumbled with the jar, coating the fingers of her right hand. Ryo’s lips trembled and he moaned as she spread his cheeks, blowing lightly on the quivering hole. She circled the exposed rosette with a single oiled finger. “Push out, love.”

  Ryo did as she ordered, taking her first finger with practiced ease. She moved it in and out, spreading the oil deep inside him. Slowly she added the second, scissoring and twisting them.

  “Yes, yes. More. More,” he cried as he fought against Erich’s hold to push down on the invading digits.

  Jehanne took him at his word, oiling her fingers again to slowly thrust in three. Ryo bucked and cried out but Erich held firm, allowing no escape. Jehanne pushed in deeper and deeper until she found the spot she searched for. She mercilessly stroked the node inside him that brought the most pleasure. He screamed again, calling out in his native tongue as his cock grew harder, bouncing against his stomach.

  “Enough,” Erich said at the same time she felt Ryo reaching the edge of the abyss. She jerked her fingers out, wiping her hand on a strip of bandaging cloth. Erich lifted a babbling Ryo, positioning him on his elbows and knees. He shoved a pillow beneath his hips then stood back to strip his own breeches.

  Jehanne licked her lips as she gazed on his naked body with his long, thick cock curving upward. He pulled on it, spreading more oil over his own flesh. She moved closer to watch as he took position behind Ryo, flared head pushing against his waiting hole.

  “Tell me you want it,” Erich growled as he took hold of Ryo’s hips. “I want to hear you ask for it.”

  “Please, please,” Ryo begged as he pushed his ass up.

  “Please what?”

  “Fuck me. Give me your cock.”

  Erich snarled as he thrust forward. He didn’t stop until his balls hit Ryo’s ass. Ryo arched his head back and howled. But it wasn’t pain he felt. Ryo’s pleasure crashed over Jehanne, sending wet heat to her cunt. She reached down to touch her clit as she watched Erich slowly withdraw only to slam back in again.

  “Soko! Soko! There!” he cried, urging Erich on.

  Erich held still this time, spanking Ryo on one cheek as he pushed back to take more of him. “We forget someone,” he said, staring at Jehanne as she pleasured herself.

  Tossing his midnight hair over his shoulder, Ryo looked over at her. “Jehanne,” he gasped.

  “Come here,” Erich ordered. Jehanne crawled to his side. “You gave him your mouth. It’s his turn now.”

  Jehanne nodded, moving to Ryo’s head. She scooted below him, holding herself open to his gaze. “Lick me,” she said.

  Ryo dipped his head, the tip of his tongue flicking at her swollen clit. Erich thrust again, pushing his face against her. Jehanne gripped Ryo by the hair, holding his mouth to her. His tongue dipped into her in long laps, then flicked at her clit again and again. Erich thrust faster and Ryo nibbled and sucked at her flesh.

  She opened her senses, drawing in her men’s arousal, feeling how close each was to a blinding climax. She opened herself as well, showing them how they made her feel. Like a storm building to a thunderous end, the three of them surged higher and higher.

  A final thrust and suck sent all three spiraling over the edge.

  Janice cried out, her own orgasm pulsing through her while tears filled her eyes. It felt so real. So damned real. What was it about Ryuu that brought a dream like this out? And it was connected to Ryuu, she was sure of that. Yes, he’d kissed her. But that shouldn’t have brought on the wet dream from hell.

  Something was happening. She felt it deep down in that part of her that could sense emotion. Something was happening, something strange but also familiar.

  But what should she do about it?

  Chapter Nineteen

  “This way, Miss Thompson. You will adore this next shop,” Ishi said as she hurried through the narrow streets of Chinatown with Janice in tow. Janice hopped over a crack in the sidewalk and skipped around a display filled with cheap faux jade bangles jutting out of a store as she raced to keep up with the smaller woman. It surprised her how much she enjoyed the frantic pace of the shopping trip. Even with the mass of human emotions shoving at her from all sides she found herself giggling, actually giggling, at the other woman’s undaunted enthusiasm.

  And still the woman remained annoyingly prim and proper at times. “It’s Janice, Ishi.”

  “Of course, Miss Thompson,” she replied, this time with a wink and a teasing grin.

  Janice sighed. She knew a losing battle when she saw one. While the woman might be towing her through throngs of tourists like a long-lost friend, she still managed to keep a certain amount of formality between them.

  It was kinda amazing when she thought about it.

  “I’m starting to get a bit hungry,” Janice said, hoping for a respite. As much as she was enjoying herself, her feet were beginning to mount a severe protest. She’d seen shops and items that she’d never have had a chance to find before, going well beyond the cheap fans and mass-produced teapots she’d normally have gotten as souvenirs. And Ishi was one hell of a haggler. But if she didn’t sit down soon, Janice swore her toes would crawl up her body and cut her throat.

  “One more shop, Miss Thompson. Beautiful jewelry and charms there. After that I will take you to a little restaurant for dim sum, the best in all of Chinatown.”

  “As good as the sushi place you took me to yesterday?”

  “Nothing is as good as my uncle’s sushi. But this will be good too.”

  Janice grinned, blew an errant lock of hair out of her eyes, shifted the bags in her hands and dashed forward. Shopping with Ishi almost kept her from thinking about her own problems. Losing herself in voices spouting several different languages and the smells of exotic foods and incense. Dashing around haggling locals and wide-eyed tourists. Even the mood seemed harried and energetic, a vast improvement from the brooding that filled Zen at the moment. Eric reeked of confusion while an almost frightening aura of determination mixed with resignation surrounded Ryuu. The entire atmosphere had changed from sedate and serene to oppressive.

  Thankfully Ishi came to her rescue with some much needed retail therapy, a chance to stop thinking about her concerns. She’d have time enough to talk to Eric and mend her bridges.

  A half hour later Janice eased herself into a scarred wooden chair in a small, brightly lit, cafe-style restaurant tucked neatly between a massive import store and a tiny apothecary. Janice looked around at the variety of patrons while Ishi ordered for them. This slice of San Francisco was a people-watcher’s paradise. Locals rubbed elbows with businessmen and women on their lunch hour. A few obvious tourists gawked at the menu until a server came up and bent over them, explaining the fare. Two kids dueled with chopsticks, their father acting as referee while their mother watched with a haggard expression.

  But it was the smell that did it for Janice. Savory laced with the slightest hint of exotic spices. A hint of broth and sweet dipping sauces. Her mouth watered and her stomach growled.

  Ishi laughed lightly as she spread a paper napkin across her lap. “You do seem to be in need of lunch. But it was a successful morning, yes?”

  “Very.” Janice broke apart a set of disposable wooden chopsticks. “I have all the girls at work covered, found a few things for myself and even managed to get a birthday present for my best friend. If nothing else I don’t have to worry about forgetting anyone on this trip.”

  “And you enjoyed yourself?”

  Janice waited to answer as Ishi ordered a variety of dim sum for the two of them to try. “Most definitely,” she finally replied as she managed to get to the teapot and pour before Ishi could. “Though I’m glad you talked me into ordering the kimono yesterday instead of waiting to get the red Chinese dress I’d planned on.”

  Ishi nodded, professional pride in her voice as she replied, “We try to make certain our guests are well taken care of. The red dress would’ve looked very nice on you and I know just the right people for you to buy one from. But the royal blue kimono was much too striking for you to pass up, even better than the one you borrowed from me. I will check tomorrow and see if the alterations are finished.”

  “I can’t believe they could do the work so quickly.”

  “Normally you would have had to wait. It can even take months for an original design to be completed. But you are a guest of Mr. Saitou so they moved you up the list. He has a very strong relationship with many merchants in both Japantown and Chinatown.”

  “Mr. Saitou, hmm?” Can’t forget him for a second, can I?

  Ishi concurred with a quick bob of her head. Janice could feel her confusion and curiosity as she thought deeply about something. That curiosity warred with her deep sense of propriety. Finally she asked, “I do not mean to pry, and please feel free to tell me if I am intruding on a personal matter, but have you had some type of disagreement with Mr. Saitou-san?”

  Janice blinked, not expecting her formal sense of propriety to be the loser in her internal battle. “Why do you ask?”

  “He seemed very happy when you and Mr. Malcolm first arrived. I have never seen him so happy. Even my father was relieved.” She watched Janice closely as she spoke. “Now he is distant with the hotel staff. He acts as though nothing is wrong. But we haven’t seen him speak with either one of you. He is not the type of man to avoid others if he is displeased with them. He is very straightforward. It is what makes him such a good man to work for. So I wondered if something is wrong.”

  “Why don’t you ask him?” Janice suggested, not sure what to tell her. It wasn’t like she could say the woman’s boss hit on her and pissed off her boyfriend.

  “Oh, I couldn’t do that. It wouldn’t be proper.” The other woman gave Janice a quick grin. “Father would be beside himself if I did such a thing.”

  “But it’s okay to ask a guest?” Janice couldn’t help but tease.

  “If I believe the guest in question will answer me and not be insulted.” All jest faded from her expression. “You must understand. Our parents were very close. Father chose to stay in America to watch out for Saitou-san when his family returned to Japan. He is almost like an elder brother to me. That being the case, I would like to know your answer.”

  If she’d been even the slightest bit insincere Janice could’ve blown her off. But Ishi was serious and deserved a serious reply. “I can’t argue with that. We had a…disagreement. But nothing I would worry about if I were you. It’s not as if we’ll be here to disturb his peace for much longer.”

  Ishi didn’t look convinced but didn’t press the issue. Instead she waited as the server sat plate after plate of dim sum in front of them and patiently explained what each one was. No way would Janice remember what all their names were but she decided her favorite was the bready dumpling thing stuffed with some shredded meat in a barbeque flavoring.

  The meal proceeded with no other hint of serious conversation. Ishi spoke of other places to go and interesting sites to explore. Afterward Janice followed her out to window shop a few more stores. The bright jewel tone colors drew her eyes from one display to the next.

  With no warning the ground
heaved beneath her feet. Janice’s heart slammed against her ribs. Shrieks echoed down the narrow street. She and Ishi both stumbled, dropping bags and falling in front of an alleyway as people around them shouted and braced themselves. It felt like the earth rose and fell in waves beneath her.

  She gasped, covering her head with her hands. If she’d had a moment for clear thought she’d have prayed. But just as quickly as it started the earthquake was over. Janice peered around her, watching other people dropping their hands from their heads and coming to their feet. Everyone looked around, checking for injury or damage. Some stalls and displays were overturned. Dust fell from the stone and brick facades of the buildings. But the people only seem rattled. No damage was apparent, no injury other than a few scrapes and bruises.

  A man walked up to Janice and offered his hand to help her up. Once she stood she dusted off her throbbing hands and knees and turned to where Ishi had fallen.

  The man who’d just pulled her to her feet shoved her into the alleyway. He kept his hand propped on her back, preventing retreat. Another man held Ishi against the wall, one hand clasped against the terrified woman’s mouth and his arm braced across her chest. A fresh red mark bloomed on Ishi’s face but otherwise she seemed unharmed.

  “If you want our money just take it.” Janice let her purse drop off her shoulder to the ground. It wasn’t worth it to get hurt over something easily replaced. “It’s yours. But there are too many people too close by for you to get anything else from us. Believe me, we’ll put up a fight and the noise will draw a crowd. After a quake like that they’ll think someone is hurt and will rush in.”

  The man holding Ishi tilted his head to look at Janice before turning to the man behind her. His expression was surprisingly malicious. She opened her senses to gauge the attackers but only a confusing amalgam of alien emotions met her probes.

  The man behind Janice clamped his hand down on her arm, keeping her still as he spoke to his partner. “We will take both. He will keep the one he wants and maybe give us the other.”


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