Wedding Dreams: 20 Delicious Nuptial Romances

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Wedding Dreams: 20 Delicious Nuptial Romances Page 39

by Maggie Way

  “I’ll be on bed rest most likely for the rest of the pregnancy.” Mary patted her belly and caught Jolene’s eye. “Come on in, doc. I’ve got some news. I won’t be deploying tomorrow.”

  Jolene walked all the way into the room and hugged her friend. “You gonna be okay?” She glanced over the bed at Will, who sat silently beside Mary. Despite the coolness between them, they held hands.

  “Yeah, I’ll be okay.”

  “And the baby?”

  “Right as rain. Apparently, spotting is normal. As long as they can keep my blood pressure under control it should all be fine,” Mary said.

  Jolene sat down on the opposite chair and held her friend’s rough sea-hardened hand. Since they were kids they always did everything together, inseparable, but now she would have to walk away. Her eyes stung and her vision began to blur. A sob erupted from her and she buried her face in her hands.

  Mary laughed and handed her friend a tissue. “Jo-Jo, you look like a raccoon.”

  Jolene snatched the tissue and dabbed at her eyes. Bennett rested his hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “It’s only six months. You’ve got lives to save. We can hold down the fort here while you’re gone.”

  The words, meant to comfort her, caused the tears to flow in earnest.

  “Will, let’s go scrounge up some coffee and leave these ladies to talk,” Bennett said.

  The two men walked out together, talking in hushed tones that Jolene couldn’t understand. The two friends would manage to get through these major life changes together. She knew she needed to make things right with Mary before she left. They would need each other too. Maybe even more so.

  “Don’t cry, because then I’m going to,” Mary said.

  Jolene looked up at her friend and laughed as the tears continued to fall. She didn’t bother to wipe them away. Instead, she stood and leaned over the bed to hug her friend. She rested her head on her friend’s chest and listened to the thump, thump staccato of her friend’s heartbeat. Mary brushed aside the hair that stuck to Jolene’s cheek and tucked it behind her ear.

  Jolene sat up and sniffed back the remaining tears. “I’m sorry I haven’t been a very good friend lately. I’ve been so wrapped up in my own stuff that I haven’t been there for you. I hate fighting with you.”

  “I’m sorry too. I should have talked to you about it all. It was easier to ignore it and not deal with any of it at all. Especially Will. I don’t know. It started off as nothing. We got drunk a few times and ended up in bed together. Then it only took a drink or two. Eventually, we stopped looking for excuses to come over to each other’s houses. You and Bennie have been in your own little world the last six months and I guess we both were a little lonely.”

  Jolene got up and pulled some tissues from the box in the corner of the room, handed some to Mary and saved the rest for herself. She dabbed at her eyes and blew her nose. She thought over her next words, wanting to make sure she said the right thing. After all, if today taught her anything, a lot could happen in the six months she was gone.

  “I love you, Mary and I want you to be happy. I don’t want you to feel like you have to choose the marriage and family path just because I did. I want you to be with someone who loves you and you love back. So, if you don’t want to be with Will, then don’t.”

  Mary heaved a deep sigh and started to fidget with her bedsheets. “I care about him, but I don’t know if it’s love.” She cleared her throat and swallowed hard. “He said he loves me and wants to be with me. And it’s not about the baby because he told me before he even knew about that. It totally freaked me out and then a few days later I found out about the pregnancy and freaked out even more.”

  “I bet! I wish you had told me, but I think I understand why you didn’t.”

  “Thank you. I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’m going to miss you too.” The somber mood in the room was beginning to be too much, she knew she needed to get them off these heavy topics and lighten the mood. “So, Bennie and I sort of made out in the vestibule outside.”

  Mary’s eyebrows shot up and her jaw dropped. “Details...I need details.”

  Jolene laughed. “Well…”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Hyatt Hotel

  September 11, 2001

  9:00 PM

  Jolene stood at the opening of their room and glanced at her husband over her shoulder. “Help me with the dress?”

  A sly smile greeted her in response. Despite the many tiny buttons, he managed to undo it in record time. He pushed the dress down until it pooled at her feet. Her heart started to race in anticipation. She turned to face him and he cupped her face and kissed her. Slow. Too slow, for her taste.

  “We don’t have to rush.” Bennett encouraged her to slow her actions.

  She let him pick the pace, but her hands had a mind of their own. She pushed off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt. His hard chest greeted her. It felt like marble underneath her fingertips—hard and unyielding. When she brought her mouth down onto his hard pectoral it twitched. A soft hissing sound escaped his parted lips as she continued to kiss her way down his chest and abdomen. On her knees, she unbuckled his pants and helped him out of them.

  “Come here.” He pulled her back up to her feet and held her against him. His rapid heartbeat thundered in her ear. Moments passed and his heart began to slow down again. “I want to memorize what this feels like.”

  Jolene settled into his embrace and let herself enjoy the circles he drew on her back. As the circles got bigger and bolder in their reach, her breathing became shallow. As she tipped her head up to his, he met her with a welcoming kiss. To her surprise, he swept her off her feet and carried her to the bed. When he laid her down he blanketed her body with his. She too wanted to remember it so that the memories might keep her warm on the lonely nights on the boat.

  He didn’t disappoint.

  Jolene let out a sigh and nestled herself in the crook of Bennett’s arm. She gave his bare chest a kiss and the familiar salted taste of his skin made her heart race a little faster. When she flicked her tongue across his nipple he hissed and sucked in a breath. “You’re gonna kill me, woman.”

  Jolene giggled as he skimmed the skin of her side with a feathery touch. The teasing soon led to kissing. Bennett rolled over her, pinning her down under his comforting weight—something he wouldn’t be able to do when she got back. The stubble on his cheeks scratched her face, but she didn’t care. She relished the feel of his lips on hers. She wished she could put the feeling of being with him away in her pocket and pull it out whenever she felt lonely or sad. As he kissed his way down her neck, she shivered.

  “I love you, Jo.” His words hurt her heart, but he didn’t give her time to dwell on it as he continued to kiss her down her chest to her abdomen, where his lips came to rest. “Hey, little one. I’m your dad. You’re not going to hear from me for a while, but that doesn’t mean I won't be thinking of you and missing you.”

  His whispered words to their child caused a fresh set of tears to well up. She blinked hard and the tears caught her lashes, dampening them. Jolene tugged his arm and he came back up to lay beside her. “I love you, Bennie. You’re gonna be such a great Dad.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so.”

  Jolene’s phone rang on the bedside stand and for a moment she debated on whether to ignore it. With a groan, she reached for it just before it went to voicemail.


  “Hey sweetheart,” her mother said. “I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you and your husband are okay and see how Mary is holding up.”

  “We’re okay, Mom. Mary is okay. Her blood pressure just got too high.”

  She didn’t think it was her place to let her mother know about Mary being pregnant, but she could give her mother some good news. “Mom, Bennett and I have something we want you to know.”

  “Can your father hear too? He’s still here with me.”

“Yeah, put him on the phone too.”

  “Hey sugar,” her father said.

  “Hi, Daddy. I was just telling Mom there’s something we want to tell you.” After a short pause and a smile of encouragement from Bennie she continued. “I’m pregnant.”

  “Oh, sweetheart that’s wonderful! We have some news as well, but it can wait until you get back in a few months.”

  “Um, no it can’t. What is it, Mama?”

  “Your father and I have been dating for the last few months.” Her mother paused for a moment. Jolene could hear a rustling like sheets. Oh gross. “We ran into each other at the airport. He was going to Cabo for work and I was meeting the girls in Puerto Vallarta and we got to talking and well…we want to get married again. The terrorist attacks today made us realize that life is too short. So, we aren’t going to wait. I hope that doesn’t hurt your feelings, but six months seems like too long to wait.”

  “Wow…that’s…congratulations. Yes, don’t wait for me!”

  “We’ll let you get back to your husband. We just wanted to check in on you and tell you the news.”

  “I’m happy for you both. Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Dad.”

  “Goodnight,” her parents said in unison.

  She ended the call. “You’re on your own with your mother.”

  “Oh gee, thanks.” Bennett stifled a yawn and glanced at the alarm clock. “We’d better get some rest.”

  Jolene grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. “I want to see an update first.”

  The screen came to life and pictures of the twin towers burning and collapsing filled the screen. Jolene sniffed and wiped her eyes. A special interruption bulletin flashed across the screen followed by President Bush sitting in the Oval office. Jolene felt her eyes start to slip closed as she listened to him address the deliberate terrorist attacks on the country. He called on the citizens to be strong and to pray. In her last moments of consciousness, she sent out a petition to God for her country, her family and her friends.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Austin-Bergstrom Airport

  September 12, 2001

  9:00 AM

  Dark clouds hung heavy in the sky and the air crackled with an impending storm. They drove in silence but Bennett held her hand for most of the way. She couldn't help but think of Mary and her baby and the nebulous relationship with Will. Her fears for her friend soon turned inward and she began to play in her mind all the things that could go wrong with her own child or herself for that matter. Her mission wasn't combat, but things happened all the same.

  As they pulled into the parking lot, her palms began to sweat and her heartbeat became erratic. The big day, the one marked in red on the calendar, was finally here. Bennett put the car in park and took in a trembling breath. “We’re here.”

  Jolene didn't trust her voice. She sat in her seat too afraid to move, to make the first step towards saying goodbye. Six months. It’s only six months.

  “Come on, babe.” He opened the door and walked around to open hers—always the gentlemen.

  The hot southern wind slapped her face. She tugged her uniform, which already felt tight. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep for a week, but that wasn’t an option. Bennett held her hand and gave it a squeeze.

  “You’ll let me know about Mary? How she’s doing?”

  “Yeah. Will and I will keep an eye on her.”

  “I really hate this.” Jolene fiddled with her uniform and her duffle bag.

  “At least let me carry your bag for you?” He tugged the handle and slung it over his own shoulder. He took her hand and started to walk towards the entrance that crawled with police and security. Only military would be flying that morning. Commercial flights hadn’t resumed yet.

  “It might be better if we say our goodbyes here.” Bennett eyed the swarm of security outside the airport. “I can only imagine how crazy it is inside.”

  Outside the doors to her terminal they paused and he let the bag slide from his shoulder and drew her close to him. He wrapped his arm around her from behind so he could hold her abdomen. “Take care of you.”

  His voice cracked and a part of her heart broke off in the exchange. Leaving him behind would be the hardest thing she ever had to do. Motherhood scared her, and the thought of going through the bulk of her pregnancy alone terrified her to no end. “It seems like forever from now,” he said.

  “Save the date. On February 13, your very pregnant wife will be coming home to you.”

  Bennett sniffed and looked away from her. “Are you sure you have to do this? We can hit the road and be over the border before nightfall.”

  Jolene rotated in her arms to face him. She couldn’t help but laugh despite the tears. She’d be lying if she said that the thought hadn’t occurred to her. But no, she made a commitment to serve. So, she rose on her tiptoes and kissed her husband goodbye.

  “Love you,” she said.

  Bennett nodded and wet his lips. She noticed he avoided looking at her so she shook him hard enough for him to rock on his feet. “I love you. Love you both, Jo.” He sniffled and blinked hard. “Now get on before I embarrass myself.”

  Jolene let him go, even though it felt like she was ripping off her own limb. Instead of allowing this torture to draw out any further, she grabbed her bag and turned on her heel. With one foot inside she looked over her shoulder and gave him a smile. He returned the smile and gave her a small wave. Everywhere around her people’s wide-eyed expressions reflected their own fears over this new threat. Their combined fear imbued in her a renewed sense of duty. She would go off to save the lives of those fighting to protect the country from future attacks. Her part would make a difference, even if it was a small drop in a big bucket. Then she could go home to her husband and bring their child into the world.

  Even in the darkest hour, she knew hope would rise out of it in the end. It always did. So, she carried her hope with her as she walked with her head held high through the airport.

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  About the Author

  When I was asked to write a novella for a wedding romance box set I knew I wanted to tell a story where the internal drama was compounded with an external one. I chose 9/11 because it so deeply moved everyone. I still remember with crystal clarity where I was and what I did on that day. I want to thank my early readers and my editors Melanie and Naomi. At last but certainly not least a big thank you shout out to authors Kate Baray and Kristy Young for all of your support and encouragement.

  K.M. Hodge grew up in Detroit, where she spent most of her free time weaving wild tales to spook her friends and family. These days, she lives in Texas with her husband and two energetic boys, and once again enjoys writing tales of suspense and intrigue that keep her readers up all night. Her stories, which focus on women’s issues, friendship, addiction, regrets and second chances, will stay with you long after you finish them. She co-writes her Book Cellar Mystery Series with author and good friend, Melissa Storm.

  When she isn’t writing or being an agent of social change, she reads independent graphic novels, watches old X-Files episodes, streams Detroit Tigers games and binges on Netflix with her husband.

  K.M. Hodge truly enjoys hearing from her readers, so don’t be shy about dropping her a line.

  Connect with K.M.




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  Mix ‘N Match

  a No Match for Love novel

  by Lindzee Armstrong

  Chapter One

  Sometimes, being a supportive friend really sucked.

  Zoey took a sip of her champagne, watching the crowd of philanthropic do-gooders. Twinkle lights were strung ove
r the outdoor patio, giving the space a festive feel that was almost out of place at a charity event. She rolled her neck back and forth, trying to shake off the annoyance with her best friend, Brooke, that had plagued her all night.

  She couldn’t hold Brooke accountable for something Zoey had never told her about. Brooke had no idea that Zoey was running a makeup artistry business on the side, or that a big name was giving a lecture at a downtown hotel right now.

  She really should tell Brooke she wanted to quit Toujour, the matchmaking firm they both worked for, especially since Brooke was now her boss. But she hadn’t been able to disappoint her friend. Not with the paps—paparazzi—doing their best to ruin Brooke and Luke’s upcoming wedding. Zoey never would’ve guessed being engaged to a rich-and-famous business tycoon would come with so much baggage. But as maid of honor, Zoey was doing her best to help Brooke through it. Even if it meant missing the lecture to attend another charity event.

  It was fine. Totally, completely fine. There would be other lectures, and this party wasn’t half bad. The charity—Footsteps for Change, a dance center for youth in crisis—played upbeat Top 40s tunes instead of the dry instrumental music common at these events. The suffocating California sun had set, taking with it most of the heat and leaving the night air a pleasant temperature. As far as charity events went, this one was an A plus. She might as well enjoy it.

  “Get out!” someone shouted.

  Zoey whipped her head around, trying to locate the voice in the sea of people. She saw Luke almost immediately, Brooke hanging onto his tuxedo jacket and looking scared. A small crowd had already started to gather around them.

  Crap. Zoey speed-walked to the commotion, not letting her six-inch Christian Louboutin heels slow her down.


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