Wedding Dreams: 20 Delicious Nuptial Romances

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Wedding Dreams: 20 Delicious Nuptial Romances Page 66

by Maggie Way

  “How are you holding up?” Eleanor asked, handing Cassi a flute of champagne. “I recommend you drink this to take the edge off.”

  “Thank you.” Cassi took the flute, had a few careful sips, and then placed the glass on the dresser.

  “I am so happy you are marrying my grandson,” Eleanor said, looking into her eyes. Cassi could sense her sincerity. “The first time I met you, I thought he looked at you a bit differently than all the other girls he had dated. And now here we are.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Eleanor waved her hand. “No need to be so formal. You’re family now.”

  “Well, in about an hour to be exact.” Cassi replied.

  “I want to give you something for the ‘borrowed’ part.”

  Eleanor slipped off her diamond tennis bracelet. “I’d love if you’d wear this today.” She wrapped it around Cassi’s slender wrist and secured the clasp. “I think it will look great in your wedding pictures. I hope when you look at them years from now, you’ll think of me.”

  Cassi’s eyes misted and her throat went tight with emotion. She nodded.

  “And one more thing.” Eleanor went to the closet and reached in and pulled out a garment bag. Laying it on the bed, she unzipped it.

  Then she turned to Cassi and said, “Now I know people aren’t crazy about furs. But this”—she pulled a gorgeous mink stole from the hanger—“was given to me by Austin’s grandfather. I’d be very proud if you would wear it to the ceremony where it will be cool. I don’t expect you to wear it to the reception.”

  Cassi clasped her hands together. “Eleanor, it’s beautiful.” She went over and touched the silver fur. “What was the occasion?”

  “He gave it to me many years after we were married. Like I said, we didn’t have much money in the beginning. But after several of our horses did well, and we could put them out to stud, that’s when our business got prosperous.”

  Eleanor slid her hand along the soft pelt. “He gave it to me the first year a horse of ours took first place.”

  Cassi saw Eleanor’s wistful look and knew she had been very much in love with her husband. It was the kind of legacy she was proud to inherit.

  “Those were some good times,” Eleanor said. “May I?” She held the stole out to Cassi.

  “Of course,” she turned her back as Eleanor placed the luxurious heirloom along her slender shoulders. Once Eleanor did that, she turned around.

  “And here, there’s a very small hook and eye to cinch it together so it doesn’t fall off.”

  Cassi turned and looked at herself in the mirror. It made her look regal, like an actual princess. “It’s gorgeous. I look so—”

  “Beautiful,” Eleanor said, hugging Cassi gently.

  Cassi waved her hands in front of her eyes to try to dry the tears threatening to spill over.

  “Now I didn’t come up here to see you ruin your makeup. Eleanor handed Cassi the flute of champagne. Once you finish this, it’ll be time to leave.” Eleanor opened the door and called out, “Sandy.”

  Eleanor winked at Cassi as Sandy entered the room. “I’ll see you in the limo.”

  “You heard her,” Sandy commanded. “Bottoms up.”

  The limousine swayed gently as it drove the country roads to Cassi’s farm. Their wooden fence had large clusters of pine, magnolia, red roses and red ribbon at the front of the driveway-the same way the Keller farm was decorated for today’s event. The driver parked the limo at an angle to the entrance of the barn. Cassi’s brother Mikey stood at the corner of the building in his tux. He looked so grown up, so handsome, Cassi sighed.

  Jasmine emerged from the barn dressed in a flowing red caftan and wedge sandals. The driver opened the door, and Jasmine helped Cassi emerge from the limo and promptly attended to her, making sure the gown was properly fluffed. Sandy, Eleanor, Bonnie and Rex exited after her.

  “Everybody on the list has arrived, so we don’t have to worry about any latecomers,” Jasmine informed everyone. The photographer hired for the event took candid photos as the wedding party gathered outside the barn, hidden from the view of their guests.

  “Eleanor, Don will escort you to your seat first, then Bonnie and Rex. Sandy will then walk down the aisle alone, and Mikey will escort Cassi when the bridal march begins to play.” A harpist had been hired for the ceremony music.

  She glanced at her watch. “Okay, one minute, and then its go time.”

  Everyone lined up in the order they were to enter the barn.

  Mikey held out his arm for Cassi, and she eagerly took it, grateful for the support. The thought of standing up there in front of all those people made her nervous. She had never liked attention.

  “You okay, sis?” Mikey asked. Don had already escorted Eleanor into the barn and now Bonnie and Rex were walking down the aisle.

  “I’m fine. Actually, I can’t wait for the ceremony to be over.”

  “I can’t wait to be out of this get up.” Mikey smiled as he tugged as his red bowtie.

  Cassi giggled. “I think this is the most dressed up either of us have ever been. But we-and the farm-cleaned up good!”

  “Seriously, sis, you look beautiful.”

  Sandy left them to make her way down the aisle, and then it was time. The harpist’s strains of the Wedding March floated out to them, and Jasmine waved her clipboard for them to go.

  Walking into the barn, Cassi carefully walked down the aisle as her shoes were higher than what she normally wore. She and Mikey stopped for a moment while everyone in attendance rose.

  The pause was long enough for her to see the garlands, flowers and chandeliers. All the stabled horses had been put out to the pasture for the event, and the barn had been transformed into a romantic jewelry box. Looking beyond the guests, she saw him. Austin. Standing there, waiting for her.

  He was at the other end of the barn, in front of the open doors. Foolish Gamble and Bella Donna were tethered on either side of him. She had to gulp as a rush of emotions overcame her. He’d shared that idea with her, but somehow seeing it was different.

  Don and Sandy were standing at their respective sides of the aisle.

  This was the moment she had been anticipating. Austin seeing her in her wedding gown. And then she saw Austin’s face and everything else seemed to fade away to the point where it was only the two of them. His dark eyes were hooded, indiscernible. But she knew what was in his gaze. His desire and love for her.

  Then suddenly she was there beside him, without having even registered the rest of the walk down the aisle. Mikey let go of her and Austin took her hand in his. He squeezed it and their fingers remained interlocked.

  The justice of the peace asked, “Cassi and Austin, do you pledge to love one another as husband and wife, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, until death do you part?”

  “I do,” they said in unison.

  “Please exchange rings as a symbol of the love you have pledged to each other.”

  Cassi had been so focused on Austin, she apparently was in a daze for most of the preacher’s recitations.

  Austin removed his hand from hers, and slipped a platinum band on her finger. She felt his hand tremble, and the fact that she had that impact on him made her heart flutter.

  She slid off his ring, which she had been wearing on her thumb. It matched her band, but his had several inlaid diamonds. Her own fingers trembling, she slipped it onto his finger.

  “With the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife.”

  Applause filled the barn.

  “Austin, you may kiss your bride.”

  He leaned down toward her, his lips seeking hers, gentle at first, then with more force. Cassi wrapped her arms around his neck and he lifted her a few inches from the ground.

  The preacher announced, “May I introduce Mr. and Mrs. Austin Keller.” Another round of applause filled the barn, and a few whistles, which she was sure came from her brother and Don.

  Instead of walking down th
e aisle, Austin gave her a leg up onto Foolish Gamble and she positioned herself sidesaddle. Untethering the horse, Austin led him down the aisle past their guests.

  Cassi smiled and nodded at their guests as she passed them.

  Now that the ceremony was over, she could more fully appreciate how Jasmine had transformed their barn. Several large chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and beautiful chairs and love seats had been placed at an angle on either side of the makeshift aisle. She grinned, knowing that must have made her mother-in-law very happy.

  Once they reached the limos, Austin guided Foolish Gamble to a stop. He looked up at her. “Mrs. Keller,” he said. Oh, how she liked the sound of that.

  “Mr. Keller,” she replied.

  And then Austin smiled his infamous megawatt smile and helped her down from Foolish Gamble.

  Cassi hugged him tightly. No words were needed to express how they felt about each other.

  There was a smaller limo waiting there just for them. Austin opened the door and helped her in, tucking her gown in carefully, and then went around and got in on the other side.

  There were two flutes filled with champagne waiting for them in the backseat.

  She clicked her glass against her husband’s glass. Her husband.

  Cassi leaned against Austin’s shoulder and he rested his hand on her thigh.

  “You know, I can’t wait until the reception is over and I get to help you out of this gown.”

  “Me neither,” Cassi agreed. She knew that would be several hours from now, considering everything Jasmine had arranged for the reception, including group photos of their family and the wedding party.

  Cassi decided they better make the most of the short limo ride to tide their passion over, because this would be their last moment alone until they were home tonight.

  She leaned into him until she could push him down onto the seat.

  Austin arched an eyebrow. “Why, is this any way for a married woman to act?”

  “Now that we’re married, I can have my way with you. Anytime, anywhere.” She grinned wickedly at him.

  “Isn’t that what you’ve already been doing?”

  “I haven’t heard any complaints.” Cassi looked toward the front of the car. “We’ll have to keep it pretty PG rated, though, there aren’t any fancy drapes or tinted windows like in the movies.”

  “Damn it.” Austin cursed.

  He ran a finger along her jawline, letting it dip down to the top of the bodice of her gown. She inhaled at the sensation that just one touch could stir in her.

  “Now, I can’t pay as much attention to your cleavage as I’d like because it wouldn’t do to rumple your beautiful gown before the reception.” He gently unclasped the mink stole and let it fall off her shoulders. Then he caressed her shoulders and slid his fingers inside her satin bodice. “And I know there’s no way I can figure out how to get my hand under this gown.”

  Cassi giggled.

  “But I can try and kiss you senseless before we have to pay attention to everyone else.”

  She leaned down until their lips touched, their kiss gentle and leisurely. Even though it was a short ride to the Keller farm, they had the rest of their lives to spend wrapped in intimate moments like this.

  Once they arrived at the Keller farm, Jasmine directed the wedding party and immediate family to the front of the stately Keller home where the photographer waited to capture their beautiful union while the guests made their way to the tented reception area on the manicured back lawn.

  Jasmine kept them occupied with photos until she gave the all clear that the guests had arrived and were seated in the reception area.

  The family entered first. Then the lead singer of the band said, “Please welcome our guests of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Keller.” Cassi was overwhelmed by the thunderous applause. She clung to Austin’s arm, in awe of the reception.

  The tent had been transformed into a romantic oasis. Large glittering chandeliers illuminated the space and the tables were adorned with red tablecloths and tall floral centerpieces overflowing with red roses accented with pine and cascading ivy. The tent was infused with the scent of the roses and pine.

  He led her to the front of the room, where their table was off to the side. Several waiters brought out plates loaded with the entrees for them and their family, who were already seated.

  When they finished eating, Austin and Cassi made their way around to each table to greet their guests.

  Cassi didn’t know half of them, but Austin was great about introducing them to her and giving little anecdotes about events they had shared together.

  Austin was so at ease in every setting, and their reception was no different. Cassi hoped to be able to acquire that skill over time.

  They had greeted just about every guest when the lead singer announced it was time for the garter and flower toss.

  Arm in arm, Cassi and Austin walked together to the front of the tent. A chair had been placed in front facing the crowd, and Cassi carefully positioned the layers of her gown as she sat down.

  The band started playing some sexy music while all the single men gathered near them. Cassi was a little nervous, but Austin was quite the showman, acting like he was lost in all the layers of her gown. Only she knew that he kissed her thigh before grabbing the garter with his teeth and slowly sliding it down, all the way to her ankle. It made her wish it were time for them to take their leave.

  Austin slipped the garter off and stood up, twirling it on his finger while the single men, Don and Mikey included, jumped like fools to catch it. Don leapt the highest and snatched it away from the others.

  Then it was Cassi’s turn to stand and toss her bouquet to the single ladies. Cassi let it fly, and when she turned, there were petals and ivy pieces floating in the air as two debutantes she didn’t know fought for it.

  “And now, the bridal dance.”

  Cassi smiled up at her husband as he spun her onto the dance floor, her gown flaring out around her with the move. She wrapped her arm around his neck and he smiled down at her, his arms encircling her waist.

  They swayed to the strain of “My Old Kentucky Home.”

  Flashes from the official photographer and their guests’ cell phones continued to go off as they danced.

  “I can’t wait until we’re alone,” Austin’s voice was husky in her ear.

  She lifted her face upward and whispered, “Neither can I.”

  The song was an unusual choice for a bridal dance, but for Cassi, it meant a great deal. The horses, the land, were in her blood like they were Austin’s.

  And she had found her home in Austin’s arms.


  I fell in love with romance and alpha males when I watched Gone With The Wind with my mother. I’ve been an avid reader since I was young, and have always had an active imagination. I prefer my males to be alpha, the sexier the better!

  I write contemporary romance with heroes you will fall in love with. I hope you enjoy my stories, from the first kiss to the happily ever after.

  I’m a member of the Romance Writers of America® and live in Ohio with my very own alpha male husband and multiple cats.

  If you read my stories and enjoyed, please leave a review. And stop by Facebook and like my Author Lita Lawson page!

  Please visit my Facebook page, which is where I generally hang out!

  Thanks for stopping by.


  Under My Skin

  (La Bohème Series)

  by Alix Nichols

  Chapter One


  A tall well-dressed man entered the bistro, dripping rain and hotness. He stopped by the door and surveyed the room.

  Must be looking for Rob.

  Jeanne tried to peel her gaze off him and focus on the conversation around her. Easier said than done. Aside from his general attractiveness, the stranger was full of contrasts that mes
merized her.

  He had long legs and narrow hips, yet his upper body was deliciously brawny. The poor fellow must have a hard time finding suits that fit. Speaking of suits, his was a sleek number cut from the finest, smoothest wool to grace La Bohème on her watch. The trendy jacket overlaid the lines of his V-shaped torso as if it were tailor-made. Which it probably was. On top of all that, his friendly, clean-shaven face sported a masculine nose and a firm jawline.

  Just as the mysterious hunk turned to survey her side of the room, Rob approached him and gave him a big hug.

  “I’m so glad you made it! It wouldn’t have been a proper engagement party without my best man.”

  “It’s a matter of having one’s priorities straight,” the hunk said. “I told the boss I was leaving at five thirty, whether we were finished or not.”

  His crooked smile sent a couple of Jeanne’s internal organs into a happy little somersault.

  “That’s the spirit, man.” Rob grinned.

  The stranger winked. “Having Mom as my boss does have its perks. Where’s Lena, by the way?”

  “Fetching her folks. They should be here in half an hour.” Rob patted him on the shoulder. “Now, why don’t you give me your wet jacket and get yourself a drink. The party doesn’t officially begin until eight thirty, so you can chill and talk to the people you know.”

  The hunk removed his jacket, uncovering an expensive-looking shirt—and a better view of his broad chest.

  Jeanne swallowed. Was this guy real?

  Rob took the wet garment from him and walked away. And then something weird happened. The hottie remained by the door instead of walking toward the guests or the bar. He looked around the room as if searching for someone—his gaze lingering on the females until it met Jeanne’s. He beamed and strode toward her, his eyes trained on her and full of warmth.

  Does he know me? Do I know him?

  It was downright impossible she would forget a stud of this caliber, even if she had met him during her wild teens.


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