Wedding Dreams: 20 Delicious Nuptial Romances

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Wedding Dreams: 20 Delicious Nuptial Romances Page 94

by Maggie Way

  Daniel and Duncan shared a concerned look before they both said a name at the same time. “Conell.”

  “I’ll check on him.”

  Duncan ran from the room. Alice picked up the pipe that Duncan had dropped and ran out after him, only to be stopped by Daniel catching her around the waist.

  “Oh no, you donae, lassie. I just found you safe. Cassie would kill me if I let you go traipsing into the woods now.”

  “What if something happens to Duncan? I should go with him.”

  “Did you find them?” Riley hollered from the top of the stairs.

  “Aye, call the constable and tell him we might have found Regina and that I want Alice’s room dusted for prints.”

  Cassie came running down the stairs, and the Barracuda remained at the top of the stairs, the look on her face anything but amused.

  “Thank God you’re all right.” Cassie pulled Alice into her arms, squishing her against her boobs again.

  “Your mom looks less than pleased to see I’m safe,” Alice said, glancing back up to the top of the stairs to find the woman gone.

  “Don’t mind her. She’s just upset that Daniel has sent the staff out of the castle and she can’t order anyone around anymore.

  “I’m sorry all of this is happening during your wedding preparations.”

  “I’m getting married, regardless of whether it happens at the castle or it’s as big as my mom likes. I’m grateful that you’re helping to solve what happened to Elizabeth and on the verge of bringing Riley some closure. He’s haunted and hurt, and he needs this. If you can give it to him, you don’t know how happy you’ll make his brothers and me.”

  Alice believed Cassie’s words. There was no disappointment clouding her face over wedding plans. Just a genuine concern filled her eyes.

  “I’m going to solve this.”

  “I know you are.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Duncan slowed as he neared Conell’s cabin. He stood in the doorway, his shoulders slumped as if in defeat. It wasn’t until Duncan could see inside that he understood why.

  The cabin had been ransacked, just as Alice’s room had been. “Oh, Conell. I’m sorry.”

  “Who would do this?” he asked, his normal strong voice soft, as if he were in shock.

  “They did the same to Alice’s room. We think they may have been looking for Regina’s locket.”

  Conell walked into the cabin, and confusion clouded his face as he started picking up the sofa pillows and shoving them back into place. Duncan stepped inside and picked up one of the blankets and folded it. Picture frames were on the floor, some with pictures of Regina and some of her mother. There was one empty frame.

  “What was in this one?” Duncan asked picking it up from the floor and handing it to Conell.

  “My favorite picture of Regina. The day she brought home the locket.”

  Duncan picked up the other pictures and set them on the table. “Where did she get it?”

  “She said she found it in the woods. She claimed it held the key to her happiness, but it was just a locket. She never took the damn thing off.”

  Duncan helped finish cleaning up. “Do you mind if I take a look at it?”

  “Of course not, let me grab it.” He left the room before returning seconds later with the locket dangling on the chain. He handed it to Duncan. “Good thing I locked it up. It looks like whoever was in here also made a mess in my room.”

  “Where did you put it?” Duncan asked.

  “I put it in my closet safe, next to her mother’s wedding ring. God rest their souls.”

  The locket wasn’t anything magnificent. Even though it was silver, its value wouldn’t fetch that much. Duncan slipped the locket open. A picture of Regina’s boyfriend, Stanley, lay inside. Duncan snapped it closed to look at the back. There was no marking, no special insignia indicating who it might have belonged to. Nothing that screamed out at him what could be the key to her happiness.

  “Do you mind if I borrow this?” Duncan asked.

  “Of course not.”

  “Thanks.” Duncan slid the jewelry into his pocket to have it thoroughly looked at by a professional. It was possible he was missing something. The locket was currently the only link between Alice and Conell’s ransacked rooms.

  “Be sure and lock your doors tonight.”


  Duncan turned to leave and stopped in the doorway. “It might not be safe for you to stay out here, not with what’s been happening. Maybe Daniel can put you up in the castle.”

  “Something’s been happening?”

  “Alice’s room was ransacked, just like your cottage. Rowan and Alice chased whoever it was. She returned and he didn’t, so I went with her into the passageways to find Rowan and try and catch who had been in her room. Rowan was found unconscious, and Alice and I were locked in the tombs.”

  “You think it has something to do with Regina’s necklace.”

  He let out a hefty sigh. He didn’t have the answers, not yet, but his gut was telling him it was all related, including Elizabeth’s death.


  After Alice and Duncan checked in on Rowan to find he hadn’t regained consciousness, Duncan had driven out to his cottage and locked the door behind them. Alice’s usual demeanor had lost its spirit and spunk. She was tired, and worse than that, she was worried. It was written all over her face. Duncan walked into the kitchen to pour them both a glass of wine. “Rowan has a hard head. He’ll be fine.”

  “He was right. We shouldn’t have split up. I shouldn’t have run off. This is all my fault.”

  He should have been there, not Rowan. If it was anyone’s fault, it was his. She was here; she was safe, and Rowan would recover. That was all that mattered. “It could be worse. You could be sharing a room with the Barracuda.”

  Her frown turned into a smile as she met his gaze. “There would have been another murder to solve: mine.”

  “Why does she hate you?” Duncan asked, leading her to the living room. He sat down on the couch and pulled her down to sit beside him. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he pulled her into the crook of his arm.

  Alice was quiet, as if contemplating before she answered. “I suppose it could be numerous reasons. She probably thinks I’m a bad influence on Cassie.”

  “Is that what you think?”

  “No.” Alice glanced up at him. “I read her once when Cassie’s grandfather had passed. His spirit popped up when I was alone with Barracuda in the kitchen. I started to tell her things. I gave her messages, and she’s never liked me since.”

  Duncan kissed Alice’s forehead before she settled back in place. “Sounds like you scared her. Most people would be thrilled to hear their loved ones are okay, especially if you could validate it. She’s probably having a hard time believing and processing it.”

  “Nah.” She patted his leg and leaned more into the comfort of his embrace. “I’m a bad influence. I’m the reason Cassie jetted off to Scotland in the first place against her mother’s wishes. She’d always wanted to travel and her mother always talked her out of it. After finding Jacob unconscious and not breathing, it made me see how short life could be. So, I convinced her to pick her favorite place and just go.”

  “See, but that’s a good thing, lass. If she hadnae, she wouldnae have met Daniel, and there wouldnae be a wedding at all.”

  “Everywhere I go, I make things worse,” Alice said, sitting forward to put her wine glass on the table. “I came here, and there’s a killer running around the castle.”

  “That’s no’ your fault either. No’ even the Barracuda can blame that one on you. You’re trying to help solve that problem.”

  “I’m tired of talking about the Barracuda,” Alice said, rising from her spot. She straddled his legs, sitting on his lap so she was facing him. Her bold move surprised him.

  Duncan set his glass down and rested his hands on her hips while meeting her gaze. “Okay, that subject is closed. What
would you like to do to relieve some of that tension?”

  “What I’ve wanted to do since I beat you in darts.”

  Duncan grinned and slipped his fingers beneath her shirt just to touch her bare skin. “What’s that, lass?”

  “See you in a skirt.” She grinned.

  “I’ve got a better idea. How about in nothing at all?” he said, rising and holding her against his body.

  Alice slid her palms up his chest and behind his neck. She lowered her lips to his. “Or that.”

  “Let me show you exactly what Scotland has to offer,” he teased and started carrying her to his room.

  “You might have to show me more than once. I can be forgetful.” She gave him a saucy grin.

  “That can be arranged. I’ll show you over and over again and make sure to drive home my point.”

  “Absolutely.” She wet her lips, and that was the only invitation he needed. “You realize we’re a walking cliché, right?”

  “Technically, I’m the walking cliché. You’re being carried.”

  She grinned, and her eyes sparked. “This is a bad idea.”

  “I’ve been known for a few of my own bad ideas.” He winked as he lowered her to the bed.

  “And I’m a really bad influence.”

  “Just think of all the bad we can do together.” He lowered his lips to hers and took his time to drive home his point.

  Chapter Twelve

  Alice opened her eyes and cuddled into the crook of Duncan’s hold. A slow smile formed on her lips as she remembered how much she was beginning to like Scotland, if it wasn’t for the ghost or the killers or Barracuda, maybe one day Alice might return to visit. Her body was deliciously sated, her muscles ached in all the fun places, and she hadn’t woken up alone.

  “Duncan,” she whispered and ran her fingernail over his chest.


  “I only have a vague memory of Scotland. I think I need a reminder.”

  Duncan rolled until he was leaning over her and kissed her again. His hand splayed on her naked belly as his fingers slowly slid over the dips and curves. “Aye, lass. I think I should remind you nightly while you’re still here.”

  “I think that would be wise, so I don’t forget.”

  Alice’s phone buzzed with a text message from across the room at the same time Duncan’s vibrated on the dresser. His fingers froze on the exploration, and he reached for his phone to check the message.

  “Crap, we’ll have to resume this later.” He lowered his head and kissed her lips in a quick kiss. “We need to get you cleaned up, or you’ll be late for your final dress fitting.

  “Oh no.” Her eyes widened, and she pushed him up and out of the way so she could see the time. She had twenty minutes to shower and make it before giving the Barracuda another reason to dislike her.

  “We’ll shower together to save time,” he said, sliding off the bed and holding out his hand.

  “If you keep your hands to yourself while in the shower, I’ll do a tasting of Scotland tonight.”

  Desire flashed in his eyes at her suggestion. “You’ll never know we’re sharing the same water.”

  Alice chuckled as she took his hand and ran for the bathroom.

  He kept his word. They showered and were out of the house and at the dress shop with a minute to spare. They walked into the dress shop to find Riley lounging in one of the chairs looking bored silly. The Barracuda stood with her hand over her mouth as she stared in the mirror at Cassie in her beautiful wedding dress. Her face was soft and her eyes were misty.

  “You’re stunning,” Alice said as she approached.

  “I’d have to agree,” Duncan said, wrapping his arms around Alice’s waist.

  Alice met Cassie’s gaze in the mirror and watched it drop to Duncan’s arms before she spun around with a huge smile on her face. “You did.”

  Alice couldn’t contain her smile, so she didn’t try to hide the evidence from her face. “How’s Rowan?”

  “He came through about an hour after you two left,” Riley said.

  “Does he remember what happened?”

  “Oh yeah,” he said, rising. “He saw Kent right before he hit him.”

  “Nooo,” Alice said, and her mouth fell open.

  “I told you there was something wrong with that man,” the seamstress said, taking Alice by the elbow and leading her to the dressing room.

  “Wait…” She glanced over her shoulder. “Did they catch him?”

  “No’ yet,” Riley said. “That’s why I’m here with Cassie and her mom. Daniel would have come, but it’s bad luck to see the bride in her dress. They found some prints in your room, and they’re comparing them to the ones they have on file from the last time he was arrested drunk in town. We should have a definite answer by tonight and know if he was the one in your room.”

  “What about Regina? Was she in the tomb?”

  Riley frowned and nodded. “There was a second set of remains, and she was dressed in the same clothes that Regina was reportedly wearing the last time anyone saw her.”

  Alice’s heart squeezed and dropped to her stomach. That poor girl.

  “Let’s get you changed into your dress so I can make sure I donae have any last-minute alterations on you.”

  Alice walked into the dressing room and changed into the dress, taking a minute to compose herself before having to wear a smile she didn’t feel in her heart. Anytime she found a body, or knew someone missing was dead, it squeezed her heart, making it difficult to breathe. This time was no exception.

  She walked out of the dressing room and stepped up onto the pedestal to view the dress in the mirrors. The back was only partially zipped, as far as she could reach. Cassie, the Barracuda, and Riley were gone.

  “They said they’d meet you at the castle. They had a last-minute problem with the caterers to handle,” Duncan said, having taken the chair that Riley had been occupying.

  “It’s fine.” She gave him a smile as the seamstress zipped the dress and tugged in a few different places.

  “How does it feel?”

  Like the world was unfair. “It fits fine, thank you.”

  Alice met Duncan’s gaze in the mirror. His brows were dipped as he watched her.

  The seamstress unzipped the dress back down to where she’d originally stopped. “You’re done. Go change, and I’ll send all of the dresses to the castle.”

  “Thanks.” Alice walked back into the dressing room and was about to shut the door when Duncan stopped her and stepped inside.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I just get in a funk when they find the bodies. I don’t know why, and I can’t explain it. I just do.”

  Duncan cupped her cheek and lowered his lips to hers in a tender kiss. “It’s because you’re human and genuinely care. Get dressed, and I’ll make you some breakfast.”

  Alice smiled and stood on her tiptoes to kiss his lips once again. “Thanks for understanding.”

  “I’m just trying to get you back to the cottage, lass. I promised you more than breakfast to eat.”

  She chuckled and shoved him out of the dressing room before, God forbid, a rumor about the two of them started in town.

  Alice changed her clothes and hung the dress back up before walking out to where Duncan was waiting. He kissed her again and took her hand when Celeste came bouncing in the door wearing a big yellow hat and matching dress with dark sunglasses covering her eyes.

  “You should really work on being inconspicuous.”

  She waved her hand. “I’ve got the whole bachelorette party planned, and you’re going to love it,” she squealed.

  They began to walk out when Alice asked, “Does it involve men in kilts?”

  “I’ll be the only man whose kilt you’ll be looking beneath.” Duncan leaned down and kissed her just as she heard a constant clicking sound. She opened her eyes to find several cameras pointed at the three of them and men with microphones pointed in their direction.

  “Lord McNally, is it true that you’ve fallen for an American?”

  “Is there going to be a wedding at the McNally castle?”

  “Does your mother know?”

  “Have you bought her a ring?”

  “Is your engagement to Vivian Stead off?”

  “Alice, is it true you talk to the dead?”

  “Did you really find Jacob Wainwright?”

  “Is it true that he gave you a million dollars and you two had an affair?”

  Duncan took her elbow, led her to the SUV, and opened the door while Celeste was climbing in the other side. He turned back to the cameras. “No comment.”

  The microphone lowered, and the door shut so Alice couldn’t hear anything else. She turned in her seat to find Celeste pulling her hat lower. “I cannae believe they found me. I’m so sorry, Alice.”

  “Lord McNally?” she asked.

  Celeste lowered her glasses. “He still hasnae told you?”

  “Told me what?” The butterflies in Alice’s stomach dropped like rocks.

  “He’s what you Americans would call royalty. Our mom is the minister.”

  “Of a church?”

  “No, dear. She’s head of the governing body over all of Scotland.”

  Alice closed her eyes and shook her head. She’d trusted him all of this time with her life and her secrets, and he’d been keeping one this big from her. She may have trusted him, but he hadn’t trusted her. Now she was going to have to deal with the media, yet again, if they thought that Duncan and she were a pair. This was the last thing she wanted and the last thing Cassie needed to hit the papers before the wedding. She’d had two more days to fly under the radar and out of the press so that Cassie’s wedding wouldn’t be a media circus. It was just another reason for the Barracuda to be pissed.

  “Is he engaged?”


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