Wedding Dreams: 20 Delicious Nuptial Romances

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Wedding Dreams: 20 Delicious Nuptial Romances Page 228

by Maggie Way

  Avery and Jackson both shook their heads at the same time.

  “I’ve got her calmed down now and she’s taking a nap. But, needless to say she gave me a verbal ass whooping, and then topped it off with some good old fashioned female crying. You know what I’m talking about, Jackson… that kind of crying they do when they get all hysterical and sobbing to the point that it’s just a gigantic cluster fuck of words that you can’t make out.”

  “Hey!” Avery stopped him. “You try being a woman with your hormones doing a number on you. It’s not fun, mister.”

  Jackson liked the way she put Brad in his place. It was nice to see that she wasn’t the shy little wallflower that Stacy had portrayed her to be.

  “Sorry, Avery.”

  Jackson chuckled. “Well, dude. No worries. I picked up Avery and I’m taking her to the hotel. You might want to get some sleep. She may be resting now, but something tells me you might be paying for this for a couple of more days.”

  “I agree, Brad.”

  “Shit! I know. Listen, thanks for picking her up, man. And Avery, we’ll see you tomorrow at rehearsal. Sorry about… this.”

  “By this, do you mean fucking up royally?” Jackson asked.

  “Fuck you, Jackson.”

  With a boisterous laugh, Jackson replied. “Love you too, man.”

  “Wow. I can’t believe he said that to her.”

  He turned to face her. It was dark in the car, but the harsh lights of the highway cast shadows across her face that only added to her mystique.

  “Yeah, well not only can us men be high maintenance, but we can be complete jackasses too.”

  “Yeah? And you, Mr. Jackson Parks?”


  “Are you one of them?” she asked.

  “Darling, I’m the best man. They don’t get any better than me.” He winked and gave her a smile.

  Chapter Three

  The rehearsal had been more chaotic than usual. Even for a Stacy organized event. While Avery loved her best friend, she had to admit that she understood where Brad’s frustration had been coming from. She had been nothing short of a mini dictator as she freaked out over every last detail.

  She’d done her absolute best to calm Stacy down, but the nerves were obviously getting to her. She hoped with a good night of sleep and the day of the wedding mere hours away that she would eventually take a breath and just start enjoying herself.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”


  Avery didn’t have to turn to know who it was speaking quietly in her ear.

  Like an unrelenting storm, he never seemed to let up. She’d caught him staring at her more times than she cared to recall. His attention toward her was nothing short of exciting, but it also terrified her.

  She heard the way the other groomsmen and Brad spoke to him. It was obvious that Mr. Jackson Parks had his fair share of women. Not that it surprised her much. He not only looked like the part of the quintessential bachelor, but he flirted like one as well. The only problem was it was her that he seemed to be casting all of his attention on.

  Turning to answer, she felt a shiver run down her spine when she realized just how close he was to her. His continuous focus on her was unnerving, and something that was growing increasingly hard to ignore.

  “Huh?” she realized she’d already forgotten his question.

  Smiling, he replied. “Penny for your thoughts. What’s on your mind, Avery?”

  “Oh. Well…” she nodded her head toward Stacy. “Honestly, I’m a little worried about her. I haven’t seen her this wound up since she was in charge of the decorations at our senior prom.”

  “Yeah. She does seem a little bit… what’s the word…?”

  “Insane?” she laughed.

  “You said it, not me.”

  Shaking her head, she looked over at her friend and her soon to be husband. “But would you look at how much he loves her?”

  “Are you sure that’s love? I’ve only seen Brad scared once before in his entire life. And that was when a shark swam around us off the coast of Florida. Yeah… I’m pretty sure that look in his eyes is terror.”

  Even though she knew he was kidding Avery gave his a nudge. “Oh, stop.”

  “Alright, alright. I’ll stop. I suppose it’s time anyway.”


  He looked at his watch. “Yeah. Nearly half past nine. I should get into best man mode and get our groom out of here before he turns into a pumpkin or something.”

  “I’m pretty sure that’s Cinderella you’re talking about. But that wouldn’t happen until midnight and besides the pumpkin was the carriage.”

  He took a swig of his wine and set the glass down. “Well, what can I say… Fairy tales aren’t my strong suit.”

  “And what is your strength, Mr. Parks?”

  She wasn’t sure who was more surprised about her flirtatious response. It wasn’t like her to be so bold. Maybe it was the two glasses of red wine that Jackson had insisted she drink. Not that she’d gotten that far into the second. Still, her guard was down and knowing that made her want to put as much space between the two of them as possible.

  Jackson Parks represented everything that she didn’t like in a man. He was far too good looking for his own good. He had charm that could probably get him any woman he wanted, and he flirted like he breathed.

  He was exactly what she didn’t need.

  And yet for some reason she couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off of him.

  Chapter Four

  Jackson raised his glass. “And so, it is with great envy to say that you have done very well for yourself, my friend. I don’t know why in the hell Stacy chose you. But you lucked out. Because I know from years of knowing you, that you’re a special kind of pain in the ass.”

  “Jackson!” Stacy teased him. “Stop.”

  “Alright, alright.” He held up his hand, laughing with the onlookers at the reception. “But in all seriousness. Congratulations you guys. I’ve never met two people who were more perfect for one another than the two of you. May your years be many, your tears be few and your blessings be plentiful.”

  He caught a glint in Avery’s eye as he added, “To Stacy and Brad.”

  “To Stacy and Brad.” The crowd repeated before joining him in drinking to the couple.

  Returning to the head table, he took his place next to Avery. “Why, Ms. Foster do I see a tear?”

  She blinked away the glistening water in her eyes. “Oh stop.”

  “Does that mean I did good?”

  He wasn’t sure why, but the more time he spent with her, the more time he sought after her attention. Her approval was somehow not only important to him, but nearly essential.

  And that smile of hers, damn if her little dimple didn’t do him in every time he saw it.

  “Yes, Jackson. You did wonderful. Much better than mine.”

  “I thought you gave a great speech.”

  “Yeah, great for a girl who couldn’t keep from crying.”

  He shrugged. “So you got a little emotional. The day called for it.”

  “Yeah.” She sighed. “I know she may have been crazy during this whole wedding thing, and on some days Brad probably thought she was losing her mind, but she really loves him.”

  “And he really loves her too.”

  She smiled. “Yeah. They do.”

  Jackson stayed there with Avery for the rest of the night. Everything she said, her every movement and gesture he found himself trying to absorb into his memory so that he could recall every single detail.

  There was something about her, something that he couldn’t quite understand, and wasn’t even sure he needed to.

  The only thing he was certain of was that he wasn’t ready to say goodnight. So as the ballroom cleared out and they’d long since said goodbye to the bride and groom, he insisted on walking her up to her room.

  He wasn’t sure that it was a good idea. In fact, it might’ve been a very bad
idea to continue on his quest, whatever it may be.

  That didn’t stop him though. He placed his hand on the small of her back and escorted her inside the elevator.

  “Which floor?” he asked her casually, trying not to let on how nervous he felt.


  He nodded and smiled.

  The ride upstairs was surprisingly awkward for him. In the past any woman who piqued his interest would already be in his arms while kissing her. But Avery wasn’t any woman and the more time he spent with her, the more he was beginning to realize that.

  The elevator door opened and he held out his hand for her to go ahead. He walked quietly behind her, forcing himself not to look down at stare at her ass. He knew it looked luscious in the red satin dress she wore, but he’d been riding the edge of an erection all day long thinking about her and he was doing his very best to reign in his ever growing lust for her.

  When they reached her room she turned to say goodnight, an act which he quickly prevented her from.

  “I could come in. I mean if you’re not too tired.”

  “I, ahh…” she looked up at him and bit down on her lower lip. “I should probably be getting to bed. I mean it is late and –.”

  For some reason, he wasn’t sure why, he cupped the side of her face with his palm, brushing a thumb across her smooth skin. “Please.”

  “I suppose you could come in for a little while. But…”

  “I’ll take a little while.”

  They stepped inside her room and she walked over toward the window. “The city looks pretty tonight. With all the snow, it’s like a real winter wonderland.”

  “Just like Stacy wanted.” He teased.

  “She was really happy today.”

  “I think they’re going to be happy for a very long time, Avery.”

  Avery let out a sigh and rolled her eyes at him.



  “What about me?” he asked.

  “I can’t figure you out.”

  “Have you been trying to?”


  Hearing her admit that, knowing he has been on her mind, gave him more nerve to take a chance.

  “Well that feeling is very mutual, Avery.”

  He reached out, lacing his fingers with hers as he drew in closer.

  He wanted her.

  He needed her.

  He had to have her.

  “I have to know.”

  She looked up at him. Her green eyes hypnotizing him as he drew in closer. “Know what?”

  “How you taste.” His voice trailed off to nothing more than a whisper with his last word. He was in too deep. He couldn’t stop himself from kissing her even if he’d wanted to.

  Which he didn’t.

  At all.

  He wanted to kiss her very badly.

  With every fiber of his soul he wanted to kiss her and do so much more.

  Closing the distance between them, Jackson dipped his head down and brushed his mouth against hers. Then with a painful gentleness, he slid his tongue inside her mouth.


  He was touching her.

  Tasting her.

  Learning her.

  Her hot mouth fused to his. Her hesitation showing only for a moment before she met his urgency and returned his kiss.

  He could have stopped with the kiss. Lord knew he probably should have, but his efforts to control the primal urge take her were winning out over any sense of reason that remained.

  So he didn’t stop.

  Not for a second.

  Avery reached her hands around his neck and their bodies that much closer. He bit back a curse when he felt the her hardened nipples press against him. He grabbed her ass, lifting her up to him. He’d reached the point of no return and nothing was going to stop him.

  She was so sweet. A lady full of class whose elegant and grace no one could match. She was the epitome of the type of woman who should be worshipped and treated like a queen. Fuck if he could do any of that though.

  All he could think of was how badly he wanted to be inside her, fucking her, licking her, and devouring every last inch of those curves that had been driving him crazy ever since the airport.

  With his hands still squeezing her ass, he moved her over to the bed, laying her back against the white linen sheets as she looked up at him.

  Her dark brown hair fell around her shoulders. The satin of her dress hugged every inch of her body and revealed the beads of her nipples.

  She looked incredible, absolutely delicious.

  “Tell me you want me.” He whispered, not even realizing how badly he needed to hear it until the words had slipped past his lips.

  “I want you, Jackson.”

  Relief washed over him.

  She wanted him.

  He wanted her.

  To hell with the consequences.

  Chapter Five

  Avery was overwhelmed with feelings she was sure she’d never experienced before. When Jackson laid her down on the bed she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop him. For two days she’d been trying to ignore the ache he caused in her. In that moment it became clear there was only one way to assuage the pang.

  She wanted desperately to tear at his shirt and find what was hidden beneath his perfect fitting tuxedo. Instead she lay there patiently, waiting and wondering what he would do next.

  He knelt down, his mouth touching her knee. Kissing it gently before the gentle trail of his lips started to move up her thigh.

  She gasped from the sensation it created. Letting her head fall back and rest against the she felt the cool air of the room brush along her legs as she worked himself farther up her legs.

  For what seemed like minutes of torture, she waited as he slowly tugged at the elastic band of her panties and began working them down her hips.

  She was wet, her pussy throbbed and she could barely stand the anticipation.

  “Jackson, please.”

  He stopped for a moment before continuing his journey, but it didn’t deter him for long. He reached underneath her back and pulled at the zipper, letting it glide down her back.

  With her dress pulled up around her waist, and her pussy exposed, he pulled the straps of her dress down, exposing her strapless black satin and lace bra.

  Her entire body felt on fire. She was screaming on the inside for him to touch her. Her nipples. Her clit. She didn’t care where. She just needed to feel his fingers against her.

  Bending over, he dipped his head down and licked her lower lip. Pressing down on top of her, she felt his cock. Hard and thick, it pushed at her, heating her body that much more.

  She whimpered, desperate for more of whatever he was willing to offer.

  He brought his head down, wrapping his mouth around her satin-covered nipple. Determined to feel more, she grabbed on to the back of his head and arched her body further into him.

  The moment didn’t last nearly long enough by the time he pulled away. Standing up, he reached out his hand, compelling her to join him. Not with words, but his eyes. The piercing way he stared at her.

  Reaching out, she his hand and felt that same jolt of electricity she’d felt the first time his hand had touched hers by the baggage claim.

  Once she stood, he reached his hands around her, and unhooked the clasp of her bra. Slowly, almost painfully sweet in his gentleness, he brushed his fingertips along her shoulders.

  Avery bit her lower lip to keep from moaning while his hands worked their way down and exposed her breasts.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  She reached her hand out to touch his chest, needing to feel what lay beneath the fabric. Their eyes stayed locked on one another as he grabbed the hem of his shirt and began pulling it over his head.

  His chest, taut and tanned, looked like it belonged on a beach somewhere and not in the harsh Colorado winter.

  Unable to control herself, she brought her tongue down and licked along his skin, the
tiny hairs tickling and taunting her.

  Jackson moaned and she felt his hands work between their bodies, making quick work of his trousers as she continued to kiss him.

  When he’d finished, she looked down. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of him. Smooth skin stretched across his dick, contrasted by the thick veins which decorated his cock.

  She stood there staring at him, wondering what it would feel like to have him in her mouth.

  Her discovery and fantasy was short lived. Without warning, Jackson came toward her, startling her with his sudden moves as he crushed his lips against her mouth and his hot tongue swept inside.

  Only a second later and she felt his large hand cover her pussy. With one finger he slipped past her lips and dipped it inside of her.

  “Oh, fuck, Avery! You’re so wet.”

  “Jackson, please…” she begged him, pushing herself further against his hand.

  In a sudden surprise, he lifted her and they both fell onto the bed. His large body hovered above hers.

  No words were spoken as he loomed over her. They looked into one another’s eyes as she let her legs fall, opening herself to him.

  She couldn’t help but look down in anticipation as he held his cock in one hand, slowly inching it toward her pussy.

  “Tell me again. Tell me you want me.”

  His voice was like a drug. She had a feeling he’d agree to anything he’d say as long as he didn’t stop.

  “I want you. Please, Jackson. I want you.”

  His eyes glinted with something primal and he guiding his cock, placing it at her entrance. Pushing ever so slightly, he placed the tip just barely past her lips. The teasing fill of only that one part of him sent her urgency into overdrive.

  She lifted her hips, searching for more of his length as time seemed to stand still.

  She waited.

  She watched.

  And finally she felt him fill her.

  His cock slid into her pussy, stretching her, taking her.

  This was what she’d been missing.

  This wasn’t sex.

  This wasn’t a fuck.

  This was… passion.


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