A Texan for Christmas

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A Texan for Christmas Page 8

by Jules Bennett

  He stroked his thumb along her bare skin again, reminding himself anything between them should and would stay physical.

  Finally, her eyes darted back to his. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  The goose bumps beneath his touch told a different story. He feathered another swipe across her waist.

  “What part isn’t a good idea?”

  “The kiss, the touches.” She shook her head and stepped away from him. “I’m going to my room. I still need to find housing before my move so I’m not stuck in a hotel forever...and I need some space from you.”

  “I’ll give you space,” he vowed. “That still won’t make the ache go away. You know ignoring this will only make the pull even stronger.”

  She took another step away, as if she could escape what was happening here.

  “Then we both better hope we can control ourselves until my time here is up.”

  * * *

  Well, so far she’d managed to find eight places to rent, all over her budget, she’d done some yoga trying to calm her nerves, and she was now browsing through social media but not really focusing on the posts.

  And it was one in the morning.

  Scarlett kept telling herself to go to sleep because the baby would need her undivided attention tomorrow and she may even wake during the night.

  Honestly, though, there was just no way she could crawl between the sheets when her body was still so revved up. She didn’t even have to concentrate to feel his warm breath tickling the sensitive spot just below her ear or the way he kept that firm yet gentle touch just beneath the hem of her shirt. He tempted, teased...left her aching for more of the forbidden.

  How dare Beau put her in this position?

  Granted, she hadn’t exactly resisted that toe-curling kiss. She’d thoroughly enjoyed Beau. She knew he would never force himself on her. No, he’d kissed her because she hadn’t been able to hide her desire and that made her just as easy as all the other women he’d charmed. Damn it, she’d told herself to hold it together. It was only three weeks, for pity’s sake.

  The last thing she needed was a temporary, heated fling with her movie star boss. Other than the obvious working relationship that should keep them apart, she valued herself as more than someone forgettable—because she knew once she was gone, Beau wouldn’t remember her.

  Scarlett’s heart clenched. Her family had forgotten her, as well. When she didn’t bow to their wishes or aim to fulfill any political aspirations to round out the powerhouse family, they’d dismissed her as easily as a disloyal employee.

  She slid off her bed and stretched until her back popped. She’d like to grab a bottle of water, but if he was out in the living room, then she really should stay put. She hadn’t heard him on the monitor, so either he was incredibly stealthy or he hadn’t gone to bed yet.

  Scarlett eased over to her closed door and slowly turned the knob to peek out. There was a soft glow from the Christmas lights she’d strung on the mantel, but other than that, nothing. She didn’t see him anywhere.

  Tiptoeing barefoot, she crossed the living area and went into the kitchen. She tried her best to keep quiet as she opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. When she turned, she spotted the bags of Christmas decor she hadn’t done anything with yet.

  She wasn’t sure if she should mention a tree to Beau or just have one appear. Even if it was a small one, everyone needed a little Christmas cheer. She’d seen a tree farm in town earlier and had heard good things about the family-owned business. Maybe she’d check it out tomorrow just to see if they had something that would work in this small space.

  Growing up she’d never been allowed to decorate. Her stepfather always had that professionally done. After all, what would their guests say when they showed up for parties and the tree had been thrown together with love by the children who lived there?

  Not that Scarlett got along with his kids. They were just as stuffy and uptight as he was. The one time Scarlett tried to have a little fun and slide down the banister from the second floor to the entryway, her step-siblings were all too eager to tattle.

  Scarlett crossed the small area and sank down onto the rug. Glancing from one shopping bag to the next, she resisted the urge to look inside. The rattling of bags would definitely make too much noise—besides, she knew exactly what she had left. Little nutcracker ornaments, a few horses, some stars. Nothing really went together, but she’d loved each item she’d seen so she’d dumped them into her cart.

  Scarlett uncapped her water and took a sip.

  “Can’t sleep?”

  She nearly choked on her drink, but managed to swallow before setting her bottle on the coffee table beside her.

  Beau’s footsteps brushed over the hardwood floors as he drew closer. Scarlett didn’t turn. She was afraid he’d be in something like boxer briefs and all on display. Not that she was much better. She had on her shorts and a tank, sans bra and panties because that was just how she slept. At least she’d thrown on her short robe, so she was covered. Still, her body tingled all over again at the awareness of him.

  She didn’t answer him. The fact that she sat on the floor of the living room at one in the morning was proof enough that she couldn’t sleep.

  When Beau eased down beside her, Scarlett held her breath. Were they going back for round two? Because she wasn’t so sure she could keep resisting him if he didn’t back off a little.

  Or perhaps that was his plan. To keep wearing her down until he could seduce her. Honestly, it wouldn’t take much. One more tingling touch and she feared she’d strip off her own clothes and start begging for more.

  There really was only so much a woman could handle.

  “I still won’t apologize for that kiss.”

  And here they went. Back at it again.

  “But I also won’t make this more difficult for you,” he quickly added. “I need you and Madelyn needs you.”

  She exhaled that breath she’d been holding. That was what she’d wanted him to say, yet now that she knew he was easing off, she almost felt cheated.

  Good grief. Could she be any more passive-aggressive? She just... Well, she just wanted him, but that wasn’t the issue. The issue was, she shouldn’t want him.

  “I’m not sorry we kissed,” she admitted. Might as well go for honesty at this point. “But I need this job, so we have to keep this professional.”

  Now she did risk turning to look at him. He had on running shorts, not boxers, thank God. But then she raised her eyes and saw that he wore shorts and nothing else.

  Why could men get away with wearing so little? It simply wasn’t fair. It sure as hell wasn’t fair, either, that he looked so perfectly...well, perfect.

  “You have somewhere to put all of this?” he asked, nodding toward the bags.

  Scarlett nodded, pulling her attention from that bare chest to the sacks. “On the tree.”

  “I don’t have a tree.”

  “I plan on fixing that very soon.”

  When he continued to stare at her, she didn’t look away. Scarlett stretched her legs out in front of her and rested her hands behind her, daring him to say something negative about Christmas or decorations.

  “I assume you saw the Christmas tree farm down the road?” he asked.

  Scarlett nodded. “I believe Madelyn and I will go back into town tomorrow and check it out. I’ll just get something small to put in front of the patio doors.”

  “Were you going to ask?”

  “Like you asked about kissing me?”

  Damn it. She hadn’t meant to let that slip, but the snark just came out naturally. The last thing she could afford was for him to know she was thinking of him, of that damn kiss that still had her so restless and heated.

  “Forget I said that.” She shook her head and looked down at her lap. “I’m—”

nbsp; “Right,” he finished. “I didn’t ask. That’s because when I see what I want, I just take it. Especially since I saw passion staring back at me.”

  He didn’t need to say he wanted her—she’d gotten that quite clearly. Most likely she appealed to him because she hadn’t thrown herself at him or because she was the only woman around, other than his brothers’ women.

  Beau slid his finger beneath her chin and forced her to look at him. Oh, that simple touch shouldn’t affect her so, but it did. She was human, after all.

  “What makes you so different?” he muttered beneath his breath, but she heard him.

  Scarlett shifted fully to face him. “What?”

  Beau shook his head, almost as if he’d been talking to himself. That fingertip beneath her chin slid along her jawline, gentle, featherlight, but she felt the touch in every part of her body. The stillness of the night, the soft glow of the twinkling lights just above Beau’s head had her getting wrapped up in this moment. She told herself she’d move away in a second. Really, she would.

  Beau didn’t utter a word, but his eyes captivated her, held her right in this spot. He feathered his fingertips down the column of her neck and lower to the V of her robe. She pulled in a deep breath and tried not to stare at those tattoos on his chest that slid up and disappeared over his shoulder. If she looked at his body, then she’d want to touch his body.

  Scarlett clenched her fists in her lap. The robe parted slightly, and her nipples puckered in anticipation.

  “Beau,” she whispered.

  His eyes dropped to where his hand traveled and explored, then he glanced back up to her. “I want you to feel.”

  The raw statement packed a punch and Scarlett wasn’t sure what he wanted to happen, but she definitely felt. Just that soft touch had her body tingling and burning up.

  He dropped that same hand to the top of her bare thigh and she stilled. Those dark eyes remained locked on hers as he slid his palm up her leg and beneath the hem of her robe.

  Scarlett’s breath caught in her throat as she glanced down to watch his hand disappear. Beau leaned in closer, his lips grazed her jaw.

  “You promised no more kissing,” she whispered.

  “I’m not kissing you.” His warm breath across her skin wasn’t helping. “Relax.”

  Relax? He had to be kidding. Her body was so revved up, there was no relaxing. She trembled and ached and it took every bit of her willpower not to strip her clothes off, lie down on this rug and beg him for every single thing she’d been denying them both.

  His fingertips slid beneath her loose sleep shorts. If he was shocked at her lack of panties, he didn’t say so and his fingers didn’t even hesitate as they continued their journey to the spot where she ached most.

  She shifted, easing her legs apart to grant him access...all while alarms sounded and red flags waved trying in vain to get her attention. All that mattered right now was his touch. Who they were didn’t matter. They were beyond that worry and clearly didn’t give a damn.

  There was only so long a woman could hold out and Beau wasn’t an easy man to ignore. Damn it, she’d tried.

  Scarlett spread her legs wider, then before she knew it, she was lying back on that rug with Beau propped on his elbow beside her. He slid one finger over her before sliding into her. She shut her eyes and tipped her hips to get more. Did he have to move so agonizingly slow? Didn’t he realize she was burning up with need?

  “Look at me,” he demanded.

  He slid another finger into her and Scarlett opened her eyes and caught his intense gaze. The pale glow from the Christmas lights illuminated his face. This wasn’t the movie star or the rancher beside her. Right at this moment, Beau Elliott was just a man with basic needs, a man who looked like he wanted to tear off her clothes, a man who was currently priming her body for release.

  “Don’t hold back.” It was half whisper, half command.

  Considering she’d had no control over her body up until this point, let alone this moment, holding back wasn’t an option.

  The way he continued to watch her as he stroked her was both arousing and intimidating. What did he see when he looked at her? Was he expecting more? Would they carry this back into her room?

  Scarlett’s thoughts vanished as her body spiraled into release. She couldn’t help but shut her eyes and arch further into his touch. He murmured something, perhaps another demand, but she couldn’t make out the words.

  Wave after wave rushed over her and Scarlett reached up to clutch his thick biceps. He stayed with her until the tremors ceased, and even then, he continued to stroke her with the softest touch.

  How could she still be aroused when she’d just been pleasured?

  After a moment, Beau eased his hand away and smoothed her shorts and robe back into place. Scarlett risked opening her eyes and found him still staring down at her.

  “You’re one sexy woman,” he told her in that low, sultry tone that seemed to match the mood and the dark of night.

  Scarlett reached for the waistband of his shorts, but he covered her hand with his. “No. Go on to bed.”

  Confused, she drew back and slowly sat up. “You’re not—”

  Beau shook his head. “I wanted to touch you. I needed to touch you. I’m not looking for anything in return.”

  What? He didn’t want more? Did men like that truly exist? Never would she have guessed Beau to be so giving, so selfless.

  Scarlett studied his face and realized he was completely serious.

  “Why?” The question slipped through her lips before she could stop herself.

  Beau answered her with a crooked grin that had her stomach doing flips. “It’s not important. Go on, now. Madelyn will be ready to go early and I need you rested.”

  When she didn’t move, Beau came to his feet and extended his hand. She slid her fingers into his palm and he helped her up, but didn’t release her.

  “I’ll be busy all day,” he told her. “I look forward to seeing that Christmas tree when you’re done with it.”

  He let her go, but only to reach up and smooth her hair behind her ears. His eyes held hers a moment before he turned and headed back to his room and silently closed the door.

  Scarlett remained in place, her body still humming, and more confused than ever.

  Just who was Beau Elliott? Because he wasn’t the demanding playboy she’d originally thought. He was kind and passionate, giving and self-sacrificing. There was so much to him that she never would’ve considered, but she wanted to explore further.

  Which would only prove to be a problem in the long run. Because a man who was noble, passionate and sexy would be damn difficult to leave in a few weeks.


  Colt eased back onto the patio sofa and wrapped his arm around Annabelle. Lucy and Emily were happily playing on the foam outdoor play yard he’d just put together. With the padded sides and colorful toys in the middle, the two seemed to be perfectly content.

  “You’re home earlier than usual,” Annabelle stated, snuggling into his side. “Not that I’m complaining.”

  “I knew you would be in between cleaning the rooms and checking new guests in.”

  She rested her delicate hand on his thigh. Those gold bands on her finger glinted in the late-afternoon sunshine.

  “We are actually free for the night,” she replied. “The next several days are crazy, but I love it.”

  He knew she did. Annabelle’s goal had always been to have her own B and B where she could cater to guests and showcase her amazing cooking skills.

  Colt never could’ve imagined how much his life would change when this beauty came crashing onto his ranch...literally. She took out the fence in her haste to leave after their first meeting and he had been smitten since.

  “You’ve not talked much about Beau.”

  Her stat
ement brought him back to the moment and the obvious situation that needed to be discussed...even though he’d rather not.

  “What do you want me to say?”

  Lucy patted the bright yellow balls dangling on an arch on one side of the play yard. Annabelle shifted in her seat and eased up to look him directly in the eye.

  He knew that look...the one of a determined woman.

  “I can’t imagine how difficult this is for you,” she started, then patted his leg. “But think about Beau. Can you imagine how worried he was coming back, not knowing if he’d be accepted or not and having a baby?”

  Colt doubted Beau had ever been worried or afraid in his life. He’d likely come home because... Hell, Colt had no idea the real reason. He hadn’t actually asked.

  “I can see your mind working.”

  Colt covered Annabelle’s hand with his and gave her a slight squeeze. Lucy let out a shriek, but he glanced to see that she was laughing and nothing was actually wrong.

  “This is tough,” he admitted, hating the vulnerability, but he was always honest with his wife. “Having him back is all I’d ever wanted for so long. I guess that’s why I’m so angry now.”

  “Then maybe you should talk to him about your feelings.”

  Colt wanted to. He played various forms of the conversation over and over in his mind, but each time he approached Beau, something snapped and the hurt that had been building inside Colt seemed to snap.

  “Do you trust me?”

  Colt eased forward and kissed Annabelle’s forehead. “With everything.”

  “Then let me take care of this,” she told him with that grin of hers that should scare the hell out of him. She was plotting.

  Colt wasn’t so far gone in his hurt that he wouldn’t accept help and he trusted his wife more than anyone.

  “I love you,” he told her, then glanced to their twin girls. “And this life we’ve made.”


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