The Gemini Bridge (The York Street Series Book 1)

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The Gemini Bridge (The York Street Series Book 1) Page 35

by Shea Meadows

  Ricky picked up a metal triangle and sounded an ongoing series of ringing tones as she did what she instructed the others to do. “We are carrying etheric emerald-charged crystals and are surrounded with them as well. Elevate your state of consciousness so you can see the beam of love that you’re generating.”

  Ricky watched as the beams became stronger and converged in a spiral in the space above the fire. She could hear people saying “wow” and giggling with delight as they saw what she was seeing.

  “Next, join hands with the person to your right, and make the intention of sending a shared beam of love-light in a straight line across the circle to those opposite you.” In less than a minute, there was a shining grid of love-light waves crisscrossing over the fire. Exclamations of delight filled the air.

  “Doesn’t this feel wonderful?” Ricky asked. “Now the first big challenge: send the love-light to the ghosts we released today, and to the human counter parts that were connected to them. Jim, would you read the names of each of those pairs?”

  As Jim did so, Ricky joined the group in the exercise, observing sudden flashes of energy that seemed to light up over the fire, in the form of Colin, Mama Gertie, Ned and all the others that had been freed.

  “Now make the intention that the love-light beam will also surround any and all ghosts that any of us have freed. Seeing them settling into their most beneficial situation right now.” A whole other series of forms popped into view as the group did this, many coming from the Minneapolis and Chicago clearings that had taken place in the last week and even more from those Moon had freed before her death.

  “This might be the biggest challenge yet: send the combined force of your love to those responsible for making the linkage occur. This includes the Soul Stealer.”

  Ricky realized some of the people’s beams of love-light were faltering at the idea that they should send love to their adversaries. “I know this is difficult, but sending hate or anger would only increase the negativity of the situation. These are misguided individuals that have something splintered within in them. Send love to them to repair the wounds, so that in the right time, they will release their pain.”

  Ricky watched as the group renewed their intention and sent the love-light beams to everyone that fit that description. “Any more suggestions as to who might be connected to this circumstance that might need this healing?”

  “Moon said that there were other groups in other cities in this country and around the world who are doing this work,” David said. “We are in the epicenter of the action because Athens appears to be the physical location chosen by the Stealer. Perhaps we should send love to the other groups where ever the work is being done.”

  “Excellent idea. Let’s expand that into all times and places, so that the energy of love protects, assists and motivates all that are doing this work,” Ricky agreed.

  A beautiful thing happened as the group started sending a strong, united love-light with this intention. The room exploded with a glow so radiant that everyone had to close their physical eyes. They were bathed in it. All of the love was returning to them from their counterparts. After a time of enjoying this unique bliss, Ricky spoke again.

  “Take a deep breath and bring in all this love.” She paused as the group opened their eyes and smiled at her and each other.

  “Now is the perfect time to go into the next of the exercises that Moon and the guides wanted us to practice. We are all able to create an astral projection of ourselves when we dialogue with the ghosts that we are unlinking. Usually that person looks like us, perhaps with different clothes, or slightly altered bodies. We have all learned to mirror the mannerisms and accents that the ghost might be presenting.

  “What if we wanted to bring in another persona altogether? Perhaps we might change genders, or vastly change our appearance so that we would resemble someone in the ghost’s past that they miss and respect. Beth Ann gave us a sterling example of how this can be done.

  “The guides are challenging us to go even further. All beings are not human. There are entities in other realities that don’t look like us at all. What if you are guided to release a ghost and when you check into their Akashic record you find someone from another type of physical reality? David, Shri and I just watched Moon’s guide Megon morph into a creature that looked nothing like anyone or anything you’ve seen on earth,” Ricky told them.

  “Let’s start with an easy one. Let’s switch genders. We have all been both male and female over many lives. Remember your physical appearance from another incarnation and become that, or pick out your favorite characteristics from your opposite gender and take on that appearance. We will all go out-of-body but stay right here in the pavilion in all this wonderful love energy. Manifest ten feet above the ground, still within the circle. Don’t talk at first, just look at one another, and then go to people when you are sure of their identity and see if they know who you are. We will decide as a group when we’re done.”

  Ricky voiced the group intention, and within a minute, they were out-of-body, looking down at their physical selves, but appearing very different. Ricky, now a muscular man, dressed in a long flowing green robe with long hair, a long beard, a toothy grin walked over toward a petite blond woman wearing a sun dress.

  “Hi David, you make a gorgeous woman,” she said with a smile.

  “Hello Rick, a past incarnation?” David queried.

  “Yup, circa 300 CE. Should we team up and find the others?” Ricky pointed to a voluptuous grey-haired woman wearing a business suit. “Who do you think that is?”

  “George, not doubt about it,” David answered. “I think that’s the woman he dates. He showed me her picture once. Never met her though. ”

  They walked over to the woman that was George who was talking to a tall, Asian female. “Hello both of you. Mildred, if I’m not mistaken, and Dylan, who is this radiant woman,” Ricky asked.

  “This is my grandmother Chia when she was in her twenties,” Dylan answered. “I always admired this picture of her.”

  George nodded toward them, “Yes, this is the elusive Mildred. I’ve missed her lately, not much time to hang out with her recently.”

  “Am I right in saying that you are past-incarnation-Ricky and David’s first girlfriend from the seventies? How many people have you unmasked in the first two minutes?”

  Ricky smiled her toothy male smile. “Everybody’s energy has its own unique signature. You feel for them rather than looking at them, but its fun anyway.”

  After about five minutes, everyone had figured out who was who and all dropped back into their bodies, resuming their normal appearance. There was much giggling and banter which Ricky enjoyed.

  Thanks Moon for the assignment. Katera said we weren’t having enough fun, so this is perfect. We’re fooling around and learning at the same time.

  “Can we do another one?” Cynda Lu asked. “How about bringing our guides into the group, and making the intention to see and talk with them?”

  David laughed. “That’s what my guide Francos suggested when I met him just before dinner. He cautioned us not to leave our personal guides out of the process. They are literally our oldest friends and know more than we do about our life plan.” He turned to Ricky. “Should we give it a go?”

  “It sounds wonderful,” Ricky agreed. “For this one, you’ll have to make the intention to raise your frequencies to theirs so you’ll be able to see them. It takes a lot of energy on their part to become visible to us in the lower dimensions. You may also find that you have more than one guide. Ask specifically for the guide who is working with you on this project. Shri, do you have any suggestions on this?”

  “How many of you already have open communication with your guides?” Shri asked.

  All but George, Jeff and Liam raised their hands. “Since all of you are spirit communicators in one way or another, that’s not surprising. What about you three fellows? Any connection at all?” Shri continued.

  “I get ad
vice from somewhere all the time. Wasn’t sure if it was the higher aspect of my Self or what,” George said. “When I tried to ask about it I couldn’t hear the reply. Moon told me my guide’s name is Seth. She said my ego was getting in the way.”

  “I’m between guides at the moment,” Liam said with a smile. “For a long time it was a woman named Sul, who would advise me when our group worked together, but about a month ago, she told me I needed someone who specialized. The new person hasn’t shown up yet.”

  Jeff looked down at his shoes. “Well, don’t know if this counts. My guide’s a power animal. There’s an owl that shows up here regularly, like, and I’m the only one who sees it. It’s my wisdom teacher. It never talks, but every time it comes ‘round, the information flows.”

  Shri nodded. “You all have a working relationship with your guides already. I think that this exercise will open it up even more intimately.”

  “Okay everyone, to start with we’ll go back to sending love-light. This time send it to the guides you’re inviting for a visit,” Ricky instructed. She watched as they followed her suggestion. “Now we make the group intention that we will be transported to a way-station in a frequency high enough so our guides can visit with us easily, say their names if you know them along with yours, and leave your body for the rendezvous.”

  All around her people were saying their names and pairing them with a guide, almost at once all of them were in a sunny meadow filled with fragrant flowers. Ricky watched as the guides popped into view next to their incarnate. Maya was standing beside Ricky and both of them looked toward David and Franco who continued their process of becoming reacquainted.

  George was talking to a guide in the costume of a Native American warrior. They seemed comfortable with each other, and George’s face glowed with happiness. Jeff’s guide morphed back and forth between the figure of an owl and the shape of a woman. Liam stood next to a grey-haired woman with patrician features, who held his hands between hers, as they talked intently.

  Many of the group seemed well acquainted with the guides and all appeared to enjoy the encounter.

  “Maya, do I dare say anything? I hate to break up this meeting,” Ricky said.

  Maya chuckled. “You know we could let them talk for days and no time would be lost. But the purpose is to be sure they are including their guides in the work. I think that goal has already been accomplished. Perhaps ask them to introduce their guides to the group so everyone knows everyone else from the higher dimension who is participating.”

  “Excellent idea.” She turned to the group. “I don’t want to disturb these conversations, but do want to be sure everyone knows everyone else’s guides. Would all of you walk around in pairs and introduce them to everyone in the group. Before you do, make the intention that you will remember everyone. Thank you.”

  The group did as was instructed, and Ricky did the same, delighting in the past life connections that they had with their guides. As she talked with everyone else’s guides more and more of her past life memories became evident. Many of the guides had been part of her lives, in one century or another.

  Finally, the group said good bye to the guides, with the promise from them that they were always available if needed. The group returned to their bodies, smiling and chatting. The sun had gone down and the calls of night birds and the flutter of bat wings could be heard around the pavilion.

  “Let’s end the evening with a chant,” Shri suggested, and led them in the singing of sacred sounds from India and Cynda Lu led some Native American chants. When they finished it was close to midnight and everyone was calm and peaceful, looking forward to the work of the next day. They left the pavilion chatting as they went, reluctant to leave each other’s company.

  Three people sat in the house on Boston Avenue in Athens, with a distorted view of what was going on in the pavilion at Serene Nest Farm. The scene would flash in and out, disrupted by the shielding and the strength of the intention of those gathered there. The voyeurs could see only snippets of the activities but grew very uncomfortable from whatever the people at Serene Nest Farm were doing.

  “I’m not liking the direction this is heading,” the woman said. “The energy coming from there makes me feel drained. The sister has learned too quickly. Maybe Chester can go back? It’s time to take some action.”

  “They’ve got Chester confined so he’s no good to us. They sent him back with the etheric crystal. He’s stuck in his body for now, and no matter how charming he tries to be, they won’t release his body from a psych hospital without a court hearing,” the older man commented.

  The younger appearing man’s face twisted into a snarl. “The sister is remembering. That makes her dangerous. I should have taken care of her when I had the chance. And more are coming tomorrow. Avery Sweet and Mel Shank, both unlinked. We can’t get near them. Maybe make our move tonight.”

  The woman stood behind the younger man and massaged his shoulders. “Can’t agree with that. We have to wait until we can take out the new arrivals as well. The more ghosts they unlink at the meridian point, the weaker our net becomes. Damage is still containable, but with twenty-four communicators in one place….”

  “…The balance is tipped to their advantage,” the younger man completed her sentence. “So we watch and wait, then we take out Moon’s bridge. The trouble makers can’t do it without her energy.”

  After a quick shower and a tender loving encounter, David and Ricky feel easily to sleep.

  Ricky drifted into a dream. In it, she was sitting in Moon’s car, with Moon at the wheel. They were driving along I-94 and Moon was talking about going to Chicago and investigating Avery Sweet. She looked toward Ricky and asked: “What do you think my approach should be Megon?”

  Dream Ricky was startled. “Moon, it’s me, Rick. I’m working with you now. Remember?”

  Dream Moon replied, “Very funny, Megon. Ricky won’t ever wake up enough to work with me. I guess I have to figure this out on my own.” Before the words got out of her mouth, Moon screamed, rubbing wildly at her eyes. “I can’t see. Who… what…” Then the car was crashing into the median and flipping over.

  Dream Ricky flew through the air, landing on her sister who was now part of a crumpled mass of metal. As this was happening, Ricky heard voices, both female and male, talking about her, plotting against her. The evil in the voices seemed to lodge itself in her being, moving under her skin, unbalancing her mind, stripping away the love-light that had surrounded her all evening.

  Ricky bolted upright in the bed, trembling, her breath coming in panicked bursts, sweat dripping from her body. The movement woke David who reached out to her in alarm.

  “What’s the matter? Bad dreams?” He asked in a slurred voice.

  “I saw Moon die. I was with her in the car. She’d given up on me. It’s all my fault that she was there alone,” Ricky said in a strangled whisper.

  David held her close. “Moon needs to be on the other side. It was all planned; it was nobody’s fault.”

  Ricky nodded. “But if that wasn’t enough, someone is talking about us, and what they’re saying and who they are, makes my skin crawl. Evil, pure evil. The Stealer can see what we’re doing. Even with the shield up, he, she, they, can see us.”

  She got up and stumbled to the dresser and took the blue urn with Moon’s ashes back to the bed with her. “She said it would protect us; do you mind?”

  “No honey, if you think it will make you safe, I have no objection.”

  She cuddled up beside David, and his love and presence calmed her enough to allow a fitful sleep. But part of her was watching as her body rested.

  Chapter 23

  Ricky and David woke with Shri smiling apologetically at them from the place where he stood at the end of their bed. “Sorry for the intrusion, but it was imperative I speak to both of you before the Chicago contingent arrives. There are questions I must ask.”

  Ricky rubbed the grit from her eyes and David yawned and stretched,
both trying to bring the reality of Shri in their bedroom into focus.

  “What about?” Ricky asked her voice husky with sleep.

  “About two in the morning, there was a wave of terror that resonated from this room. I don’t know if I’m the only one who felt it, but I’m the only one brazen enough to enter your quarters at six-thirty and ask the reason why.

  “And while we’re at it, why do you have the urn in bed with you? I will understand if you tell me it is not my concern, but really, I think it is. You are the bridge and are vital to this project. We cannot allow such fear in your energy field,” Shri answered as he sat down on the end of their bed with one leg crossed over the other.

  Ricky’s face went pale. “Oh that. I was trying to forget it, but it seems stuck in my mind. I hope I didn’t scream or anything.”

  “You didn’t but your energy field did. We were all so deeply enmeshed in love energy that your terror struck a discordant note. What frightened you?” Shri asked with the expression of a man not willing to be ignored.

  “Let me go to the bathroom and get dressed then I promise to explain the best I can.” Ricky wrapped one of the blankets around her body, stumbled over to the wardrobe and while she grabbed a sundress with one hand, held up the blanket with the other. She gave Shri a nod as she passed him on the way to the bathroom.

  Shri nodded and smiled, but his expression betrayed concern. He turned to David. “What did you see last night? What did she say?”

  “She was scared out of her mind. Even when we had ghosts throwing things at us, she didn’t show any fear. Last night she was trembling, sweating, terrified. She stayed as close to me as she could for the rest of the night. She said she had a dream about Moon’s death, and that she heard someone talking about her,” David said. “I’ve never before heard her refer to any person or thing as evil, but she did last night.”


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