The Gemini Bridge (The York Street Series Book 1)

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The Gemini Bridge (The York Street Series Book 1) Page 38

by Shea Meadows

  When Ricky joined them and took the seat reserved for her next to David, everyone was introducing themselves as they shared a plate of sliced turkey, bread, potato salad and a large bowl of vegetable soup. Katera already knew Mary Joy, Erna and Vicky who had studied with her in both Georgia and Louisiana, and the three women were talking about how much the twins had grown since they’d seen them last.

  Shri and Mel Shank were deep into a conversation about the new Etheric stones that had been developed for the project, and Shri was excited about the gem stone grids Ben Daniels was working with.

  Trix sat next to her friend Jessica, who she had met when she came to Minneapolis. They were catching up on each other’s love lives. In the midst of all that seemed to be common place chatter, were snatches of dialogue that mentioned out-of-body experiences, Akashic records, past life exploration, which seemed just as normal to these people as the day-to-day topics that usually came up at a gathering.

  “Makes me feel like such a newbie when I hear what these people have been training to do for great chunks of time,” Ricky said to David, both of them observing this integration of the groups.

  Shri came over and stood behind Ricky. “What are we planning for the afternoon? Perhaps the new members of the group will demonstrate their unique abilities? And perhaps Beth Ann can tell us what she and the others did in Minneapolis before they arrived.”

  Ricky nodded. “I would like to see how much Mel Shank remembers about the time when he was linked. Avery has forgotten most of what he did, but we know he was responsible for hundreds of people being effected in the Chicago area. I am sure Mel added to that number.”

  “So we have decided that people will be telling their stories and demonstrating their methods. This is true?” Shri asked. “We will give the new additions time to settle in rooms, perhaps an hour?”

  Ricky nodded in agreement. “It will also give the rest of us time to help clear up the kitchen and assist the staff with the living arrangements.”

  The Inn was very busy the next hour with the logistics of the commune being expanded to include the new arrivals. Everyone assembled in the meeting room after decisions were made and necessary work completed.

  They formed a large circle with Ricky and Shri continuing their roles as leaders of the project.

  “We are honored to have y’all here,” Ricky began. “We know you are setting aside your lives to join in the effort to end the Stealer’s influence on countless numbers of incarnates and disincarnate. Some here have been effected in a variety of ways by this being who we now know goes by the name of Roy Fielding. I have had personal experience with him and his cohort, Julie Richards. The first part of my day almost ended my role as the Gemini Bridge. For those who haven’t heard the story, this is what happened to me.”

  Ricky proceeded to tell the story of Roy’s invasion of her body and mind. The Chicago contingent asked questions, some of which were answered by Shri and Katera since Ricky did not remember everything that happened during the time fear was at its peak.

  “We must go on to other information that many of you have to share.” Ricky said after the discussion. “Could you tell us your story next, Avery? Some of us witnessed your release but what we want to know is how much you remember from when you were linked.”

  Avery cleared his throat. “I have to express my gratitude to Ricky, David, George and Katera. If not for them, I would have been pulled in deeper and deeper. I am grateful to be here to be part of the plan that will undo the Stealer’s power.”

  Avery then went over what happened at the seminar, and how it felt when he was not in charge of his body. He discussed being buried under the past life personas that were acting for him, and remembered being eager to link as many ghosts to incarnates as possible. After filling everyone in, he answered questions for the next twenty minutes.

  “You’ve heard what it was like for both of us, now I’d like Mel Shank to tell everyone about his experience,” Ricky requested.

  Mel looked around at all those assembled and flashed his brilliant smile. “I could never have imagined in a million years that I could be trapped by a villain like the Soul Stealer. I have crystal energy all over the place in my home and work space. I have shields around me when I travel out-of-body and take all precautions to protect myself and my students. So I am still baffled as to how he managed to latch on to me.

  “About six months ago, I started feeling dizzy and would see something darting around just outside my field of vision. When I looked to where I thought it might be, nothing was there. I thought it was a disincarnate that I usually would feel rather than see. So I called up Avery and had a chat with him, because the ghost wasn’t interested in talking to me.

  “Avery told me on the plane today that he was already buried under two malevolent former incarnations by the time I reached out. One of his personas, Poppa Ma, was the barer of the affliction. The ancient African shaman had traveled into my time stream and gone back to when Avery and I had done some research on Akashic records. Our energy was joined at that time, and Poppa Ma used that opportunity to invade my auric field. Ray Tu Kay was keeping Avery under her etheric thumb while Poppa Ma moved in with me for a time.

  “The takeover was very gradual; it started with whispering in my ear. The voice said things like: ‘You are going about this all wrong. There are legions of wise men who are working from the other side. Why not have your own private source of information? Why fumble through problems when the wise spirits are yearning to help you?’

  “I laughed at first. I have always heard my inner guidance and have been in touch with my spirit guides. Why did I need some new process for what I was already doing? My higher self was teaching me everything I needed to know.

  “Then I started feeling blocked. I’d go into my heart for answers to questions and nothing was there to answer. No inspirations, no knowing, no new exciting ideas, everything seemed blank. I couldn’t teach my students. I was unable to help my clients. I felt like a fraud and a failure. My guides ignored me. All that was left was the voice, urging me to see the light and accept a new kind of guidance.

  “In desperation I called out to the speaker in my head, and he introduced another voice. He called it a resurrection. He told me I had once been a powerful necromancer with dominion over life and death, and he asked would I like that power again.

  “At this point, I should have said no, but the temptation was growing with the constant badgering and the lack of sleep. I agreed and was immediately rewarded with a deluge of ideas, plans, new stone configurations and a million other snippets of inspiration.

  “That was when I started to lose large chunks of time. I would be working with students, telling them some of the new ideas, then, in a flash it was three days later and I was sitting in a circle of people I’d never met before. New students came to me, full of dark ideas, wanting to learn stone configurations that could be used to destroy someone’s health, or ruin their business. I laughed at the requests, but part of me knew just what they wanted, and the part that resisted, shrunk down to nothing.

  “My favorite students, like Tru, Ben, Julia, and Sarah, seemed to stop coming without reason. There was a small tinge of regret at their absence, but I found myself becoming more powerful as the days went on and my following growing. Then, Ben did something that saved me.” Mel turned to Ben. “Would you tell them what happened?”

  “Trix called me. She was trying to get a hold of Mel, but he didn’t pick up. I had distanced myself from him two months before. He was still teaching and was deeply involved with new clients, but someone else was helping him organize his calendar. His main core of long time students had left. We all felt threatened and overwhelmed by his dramatic shift in behavior. We thought he needed psychiatric help, but were unable to have a rational discussion with him.” Ben said.

  “Trix called on my personal cell and she told me about Avery’s freeing from two powerful past incarnations. As she talked about it, I was sure that the s
ame thing was happening to Mel. She, Avery and Katera had planned to come to a workshop that Mel’s new assistant was advertising but I begged them to come earlier. I agreed to meet them at Mel’s healing center the following day, then called Tru, Julia and Sarah to join us as well.

  “We arrived early the next morning. Mel was with a client, at least his body was. The being within him was someone none of us would want to know. Avery had his etheric emerald-charged crystals with him, and Katera and Trix came similarly armed. Perhaps one of them would like to continue?” Ben asked

  Trix nodded and cleared her throat. “We had just come from two days of unlinking our students and anyone else we saw with an attached ghost. From Ben’s description, we knew this was an urgent situation.

  “Mel looked up when we entered his teaching space. He was showing the student a stone configuration that put off a chaotic energy. The stones sent out waves of fear. I’ve never seen anything like that before. Mel looked up, his eyes burning with hate, his aura filled with lightning bolts of anger. ‘I am with a client. What right do you have to interrupt our work?’ His voice thundered at us.

  “We took out our etheric-emerald -charged crystals and made a group intention to clear the entity from Mel, and shield him from any other intrusions. Sparks flew around him and we could see a battle going on between the essence of love and wisdom that we’d always seen in Mel and the new dark energy.

  “Katera called in other helpful spirits and we could see our personal guides helping. For a moment I thought Ricky had joined us, but realized it was Moon in the thick of the battle. It seemed like an eternity but was probably less than a minute, and a dark form rose to the ceiling, splintered into dust and disappeared.” Trix concluded.

  Katera continued the story. “I took out my conch shell and a special blend of dried sweet grass, peppermint, sage and rosemary and smoked the place, as Avery cleared the attached ghost that was still shadowing Mel, and another clinging to his student. Mel had been under the power of the dark mind for about three months. We got to him early enough and had enough resistant communicators in our tribe to release him completely. Mel can tell you the rest.”

  Mel nodded. “It was confusing to wake up with the threats and screams echoing through my mind, but after Melfix, the dark one that had been my persona in the thirteenth century, was vanquished, I was myself again. And there was my confused student, being ministered to by Sarah, her energy glowing like a radiant butterfly wings around them both. My rescuers sat with me and explained what they knew about the phenomenon, and I realized that Melfix had linked ghosts to the people that had become his students.

  “Avery, Katera and Trix taught me how to release ghosts and demonstrated the crystals programed to do the unlinking. I was still pretty shaky, and frankly afraid, to go out-of-body to unlink ghosts, but my star students were up to the challenge. Avery called in the students that had been trained by Ricky and they taught my people. All of them went off in pairs and located the people contaminated by Melfix from the student list he had so carefully assembled.

  “That is when we discovered the true brilliance of my students. They each added their own special touch to the unlinking process. Shri has asked all of us to demonstrate what we have brought to the project and you will be amazed at their talent,” Mel concluded.

  “Any questions?” Ricky asked.

  Jeff raised his hand. “Interestin’ that Mr. Shank had a spirit attached and a past life persona put in charge, but the rest of his top flight people weren’t trapped. Any idea why?”

  Katera’s hand shot up and Ricky gave her a nod. “It appears that the Stealer targets powerful soul communicators that he feels he can use the most effectively. The ones that succumb often had a past life in which they used their skills as weapons. Those without this history have a much smaller chance of being linked successfully.

  “People who have not awakened to their extra-sensory abilities seem more likely to be linked with little or no struggle. People with strong addictions and current lives in which they use others to reach goals of domination seem the easiest targets. They wish to dominate so they are dominated; one of the karmic laws.

  “You will notice from Mel’s story, that the personal attention of a powerful disincarnate was needed over several days for Mel’s linkage to be successful. With powerful men who have metaphysical skills, they often have both a resurrected past incarnation and a linked ghost. We saw this with Avery who had two past incarnations working in concert. Do you find this true as well, Dear Heart?”

  Ricky nodded agreement. “We have this situation with Sam Reading. His linking is long term, possibly many years. The longer the ghosts and former personas are in charge, the more likely that the original personality can’t be retrieved. Chester Townsend is another example of this. He glories in his chance to work against all the Universal Laws and has no desire to return to his former mindset.”

  “Could it be, in the case of both these men, that they would have been who they are now even if the Stealer hadn’t linked them?” George asked. “Sam’s integrity has always been suspect. He had skills before but poor judgement as to how to use them. Chester, at his best, was always a troublesome, whinny, malcontent.”

  Dylan laughed aloud. “Have to agree with George. I could never understand what both Moon and Beth Ann saw in Chester.” Jessica and Shelia nodded in agreement.

  “His skill. We feel in love with his skill and his vulnerability. He was one of the most talented spirit communicators I’ve ever met. He could treat you like gold when he wanted to,” Beth Ann said, her voice defensive.

  “But I agree he was a manipulator. I think Moon liked the fact that he didn’t think she was strange and valued her abilities. We both figured it out in a relatively short time. His true nature was too manipulative to keep under wraps for long.”

  “I think we’ve wasted enough time trying to figure out why Chester got away with so much. He’s trapped in a psych hospital at the moment,” George said. “I called yesterday and he’s not catatonic anymore but angry as hell. Looks like the emeralds did what they were designed to do. He can’t hop around without his body.”

  “I agree,” Shri responded. “Let us get on with the reports from those who have been working with unlinking people with the stones. He then asked Jim to go quickly over the log in which they had recorded all the successful unlinkings.

  “We’d like to hear anything the Minneapolis group experienced while David, George and I were working in Chicago. Beth Ann?” Ricky asked, turning to her housemate.

  “Since you told us how to use the etheric emeralds before you left, we thought it would be interesting if we went to various locations around the Twin Cities and looked for ghost linkage at random,” Beth Ann began. “Jessica, Dylan, Shelia and our friend Christina who is also a Spirit Communication teacher, went together.

  “Our first step was to find locations where we could easily leave our bodies to talk to linked ghosts, so areas with high population density were out. How could we go to Mall of America, for instance, and release ghosts in the food court without drawing attention to ourselves and creating chaos? The same applied to movie theaters. There might be linked people there but the noise would get in the way of working effectively.

  “So we decided on three locations were people gathered but there were times when the crowds were minimal. Our first field trip was the Como Park Zoo. We were testing the theory that the linked ghosts were part of the Stealers agenda for domination of people everywhere. If that was true, we’d find linked children as well. What better place to look for that possibility.

  “Sadly, there were children all over the zoo under the private tutelage of disincarnates. It shocked us to see it but was not surprising. We released fifteen children that day. Each of us doing three ghosts, as we sat on benches along the zoo trails. Most of the ghosts were adults when they died. Only two presented as children.

  “The next location was in Hopkins, which is a classy suburb south of Minnea
polis. We went along the main street and wandered through the shops, finally settling in an outdoor café with a pitcher of ice tea. Within the hour we were there, we released thirty ghosts, some attached to groups of women who seemed to be working and socializing together. Our biggest grouping was six. The incarnates all looked a bit confused after the unlinking.

  “The last location was Saint Agnes Basilica in Minneapolis. We were wondering if a sacred space, dedicated to worship, would prevent the linked ghosts from coming in the building. We parked ourselves in a pew in the middle of the sanctuary and trained the etheric emerald on the space.

  “It was a Saturday, and the priests were in confessional booths, available to the parishioners. Not only did we see people with linked ghosts going into the confessionals, but one of the priests coming out of the box after a two hour shift had a ghost attached.

  “The priest looked anxious and overwhelmed. Dylan connected with the ghost and we understood the priest’s problem right away. The ghost had been muttering sexual ideas to the priest, rambling on about what he could do to the pretty young things who visited in the dark confessional. When Dylan unlinked them and dispatched the nasty ghost, an expression of relief was obvious on the priest’s face. We only wished we could tell him that one major source of anxiety had been removed.”

  Beth Ann paused for a moment. “Since coming here, we realized we didn’t do enough for the ghosts we released. Not only are they good potential allies, but they probably went over pretty confused. They hadn’t had a chance to tell their stories, and very few were as nasty as the priest’s ghost. They deserved a chance to work through it. That’s the big thing I’ve learned since working with Ricky.”

  Ricky smiled. “I’m learning too. I still believe we should be doing more for the unlinked incarnates as well. They must feel very unsteady when they suddenly lose the influence of the ghosts. I remember how Moon spoke to them and reassured them. We haven’t had time to do it with as much compassion as is needed.”


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