The Gemini Bridge (The York Street Series Book 1)

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The Gemini Bridge (The York Street Series Book 1) Page 46

by Shea Meadows

  The dragon Julia had become looked remarkably like her human form. It was large but graceful, with shimmering scales and a long flowing neck. She reared her head back, extended her tongue, moving it back and forth against the inside of her mouth, and let out a high-pitched yodel that vibrated the wall near where she stood.

  AWWWOWOOOOOAAAAEEEEE. The wall started to crumble and Julia disintegrated what was left of it with a blast of flame.

  The dragon clan stomped in appreciation and quickly followed her example, the air filled with dragon yodels and the smell of burning rocks. Within a short time, an aperture two dragons wide had been created and the dragons reduced size slightly so that three could make it through at once. In short order, they were in the enclosure.

  The clan looked around them as Shri and Katera closed the hole in the wall. Is it safe to go back to our human form? Penny asked.

  Ricky shook her dragon head. Let’s wait a bit and see what kind of reception we get.

  A large squeak of a rusty gate echoed through the courtyard followed by a group of Primean aristocrats who levitated over to the group of dragons. Titian and Charisa followed behind them, faces downcast, consumed with barely-contained rage.

  “Welcome to the Cusp of Lamon. We are impressed with your problem solving skills,” a squat Primean adorned in bangles and medals, wrapped in a full length crimson fur, said when they arrived. “I am Mangle, chief judge assigned by Beltous. I have brought you here to evaluate the situation reported by Charisa his daughter and Titian her consort.

  “The tests you endured were designed to uncover the truth about your abilities. If you are an example of the inhabitants of Gaia, we can understand why their project has not progressed. You can safely return to your usual form for an audience with Beltous. We promise that you are our honored guests.”

  Ricky assessed the energy of Mangle’s words and felt only truth. As far as this Primean was concerned, nothing would be done to harm them. If the group could come to some sort of accommodation with the Primean leader, they might end the threat of renewed linking on earth and everyone could go on with their lives. Who knew when Moon and the guides would be able to find them? Best to make a decision now. Perhaps she could handle this one on her own.

  Ricky morphed back into human form, complete with an immaculate pair of slacks and a blue tunic top, and all the others morphed as well then followed the Primeans into the Cusp. She found herself walking next to David, both of them in step with Titian and Charisa.

  “Well Roy, you would have been so much more interesting when we lived together if you’d told me a bit about your upbringing. Not everyone is an aristocrat in a royal household,” Ricky said with a smirk. “And here I thought you were pond scum.

  “Could you tell me? Is this Prime? Am I finally going to meet your parents? A little late for that isn’t it?”

  Titian answered through clinched teeth. “We are on Lamon, one of Prime’s principle moons. It is used for judicial events. It is nothing at all like Prime. Do not bother me with stupid questions.”

  David put his hand over his mouth to hide a chuckle, but Titian made no attempt to hide his glare. Strangely enough, Titian’s body still looked scarred, burned, out of balance and one hand kept morphing into strange forms. David did a double-take as the truth hit him.

  “You’ve been tortured, haven’t you? I recognize the signs. They’re not happy with your work I would imagine,” David said in a sympathetic voice.

  “None of your business,” Titian hissed.

  Ricky shuddered. If they tortured one of their own, what might their idea of “honored guests” be? She connected with the beacon they had set up and found it still sending out their message. She added an urgent amendment. Moon, come quickly. We are in the Cusp on the Primean moon Loman. Not sure what they plan to do. All very civilized but I don’t trust them.

  The group was lead into a large counsel chamber with bizarre paintings on the wall and statues of famous Primeans gracing alcoves and pedestals. Ricky recognized Beltous sitting in the seat of honor at the center of a long black marble table surrounded by his staff. Charisa’s father did his version of a friendly smile, which didn’t quite make the grade.

  “Welcome honored guests,” Beltous bellowed, the sound coming from somewhere at the top of his head. Beltous liked to keep his linked advisors visible, unlike Titian and Charisa. A bevy of disincarnates swarmed around him, popping in and out of view.

  “We appreciate your friendly welcome,” Ricky said but Beltous acted as if he hadn’t heard her. She tried again; maybe she hadn’t said it loud enough. “We are honored that you granted us an audience.”

  Again Beltous ignored her then turned and spoke to his staff. “It is traditional that the ranking male guest addresses the counsel. We are unable to hear the words of the concubines.”

  David pointed to Shri. “Perhaps this teacher can speak for us?”

  Beltous nodded.

  “There has been misinformation concerning our group. We have no concubines among us. Such practices do not exist for us. The woman that just addressed you should be honored as our leader. She has been given the power to negotiate for all of us,” Shri said.

  Beltous’ eyes migrated up and down on his face. His muscles flexed and released all over his body. He spoke through his mouth this time. “If the daughter of royalty has no status in this court, why would you imagine that a woman from Gaia, bedded outside of legal pairing, would be allowed to speak? You have disappointed me with the depth of your misinformation. If you wish me to hear her ideas and you are not put off by her speaking to you, speak as her announcer.”

  Ricky sighed and shook her head in disappointment but did not push the issue. She leaned over and whispered in Shri’s ear.

  “We are here because we were abducted. We realize you might be upset because we have blocked your plans, but the practice of discarnacy is not acceptable in our reality. It has the effect of interfering with the evolution of souls when disincarnates are forced to stay in a physical reality long after their physical experiences have ended,” Shri said.

  Beltous nodded, pretending to contemplate what was said. “My daughter’s consort Titian and my daughter, Charisa, were attempting to establish discarnacy for the betterment of the souls of Gaia. Valuable experience and abilities are lost when physical beings are not allowed the wisdom of seasoned souls. I have twelve advisors who help me govern Prime. Would not your leaders benefit from such wise counsel? Are your people not constantly at war? Is there not dishonoring through the generations?”

  Ricky again whispered to Shri.

  “The reason for a physical planet is for souls to learn. Adversity and conflict are part of the plan. Souls learn over many incarnations to change the habits that bring chaos to themselves and others. They are allowed mistakes so they can progress. If we take that away from people, they stay stilted at one level of development. Guidance is provided by the spirit realm but specific actions are not forced. This does not seem to be so in discarnacy,” Shri conveyed.

  Beltous pounded on the table. “This is my judgement on this matter. Titian is at fault because he did not do his research on your reality. He went about his assignment without an understanding of the common beliefs of the majority of your people. Gaia will one day experience discarnacy but not under Titian’s leadership. But perhaps it will, under yours.

  “Titian will be made an advisor to Proben, my ambassador to physical realities. He can assist Proben in establishing discarnacy on another physical frequency planet. As for the rest of you, there is potential that is too valuable to waste.

  “You are already without your bodies and have learned how the linking of deceased beings is accomplished. You will be attached as advisors to various substrata of Primean society. Your job will be to create linking on all levels of our reality. With more of our world involved in discarnacy, it will inevitably lead us back to your world sometime in the future. That is my final judgement.” He again pounded the table.
r />   “No” echoed from thirty different etheric bodies, and fear started showing on some of their faces.

  “This is not treating us as honored guests as Mange promised,” David said.

  “You are in error. The greatest honor on Prime is to be an advisor. Now you will assist at least thirty worthy members of our society who would never have received such status.

  “You will also be honored to watch the execution of my daughter’s former consort. He will be given poison and you shall witness his final convulsions,” Beltous informed them.

  Ricky tried to take in this new version of reality, but it was impossible to imagine it was ending with her as a linked ghost.

  This is impossible. Am I repeating history? Moon tried to find the Soul Stealer without me, and now I tried to beat him without her. I succeeded but I am paying with my life.

  Moon if there ever was a time I needed you, it’s now.

  A series of loud pops drew everyone’s attention to the ceiling where several forms were coalescing into beings. All of the Primeans became immobile, except for the movement of their eyes.

  Moon floated down and stood next to her sister, wrapping Ricky in a hug and kissing her on the cheek.

  “We’re here now and all it takes to end this is both of us in the same space with our target. So it’s time to end this charade; which one is the Soul Stealer?”

  Ricky smiled. “I know you expect me to give one name, Titian, formerly known as Roy Fields, but that would leave our work incomplete. Charisa, formerly known as Julie Richards is as guilty as Roy. He was only empowered to come to Gaia because she took him as her consort.”

  Moon nodded. “So the two of them are the Soul Stealer and are equally guilty?”

  “Yes, that is true, but an important part remains. If it wasn’t for the command of Beltous, Titian would never have attempted to establish discarnacy. You would still have a body and so would Sam Reading, and I imagine many others around the world,” Ricky informed her.

  “So we are neutralizing all three of them,” Moon said as she looked up to the forms suspended above them. “Winslow, come down please.”

  Moon addressed Winslow. “Have you been given special permission to allow neutralization of those who have acted as the Soul Stealer even though all three beings are part of the Primean reality?”

  “I have been authorized by authorities of the record from the Primean reality because of crimes against the evolution of souls on the planet Prime,” Winslow answered. “I also have been given the authority to unlink all linked disincarnates and free all those to whom they were linked on both Prime and Gaia. The pattern of evolution of souls on Gaia will be reestablished with the neutralization of these beings.”

  Moon looked up again. “Sam and Nellie will you come down?” Both of them floated to the floor near Moon and Ricky, Nellie with a gigantic smile on her face. “Since you have both been impacted by the plot of these three beings, what are your thoughts on witnessing their dissolution?”

  Sam nodded. “Yes, I can do so without anger. I am working on forgiveness. I guess it will be the theme of my next incarnation.”

  Nellie nodded as well. “My best friend died because of what they did. These beings caused horrible repercussion for many people. But there was good in the experience. These activities forced me to leave my home and move forward in my cycle of incarnations. So I am ready to forgive but realize they too must deal with their karma.”

  The other guides floated down from the ceiling, Megon, Aleese, Byron, Maya, and all the guides of everyone in Ricky’s group. Ricky, Moon and the guides surrounded Titian first. Titian was still immobile but it was obvious he knew what was going on. His eyes widened and his breathe rate increased.

  Ricky pointed at him. “I identify this man as Titian, a Primean who has knowingly lived in error without respect for others needs and rights.”

  Moon touched Titian. “You’re energy is now forfeit in retribution for acts of abduction, murder and slavery perpetrated as the Soul Stealer.”

  Titians form first became more translucent and then gradually disappeared, starting at the feet and traveling up his body until his head left at last. The energy released was captured in a vessel held by Byron, which he then passed to Winslow.

  They repeated this identification and nullification with first Charisa who was obviously screaming internally and Beltous whose rage surpassed his daughter’s.

  Winslow and the other guides disappeared back to the Spirit World and would be busy discussing what had been done with the Council of Elders and reporting the nullification of part of the Primean royal family.

  Moon turned to a very relieved group. “Well, it’s time to get you back. Maggie already called Stan and there are four nurses who have been watching over your physical forms for the last three days. If she hadn’t called, we’d have moved back in time a little and got you back the next morning,” she informed them with a shrug of her shoulder.

  “It okay by me,” Ricky said. “I’m sure our bodies needed a rest. We’ve been going nonstop for weeks.”

  With that said, Ricky’s eyes opened to a foggy view of her bedroom and David lying beside her, both of them with IVs in their arms providing hydration. In took them an hour and the help of a nurse and orderly to get out of bed and get used to the third dimensional reality. The same was happening all over the Inn to all their fellow travelers.


  Two hours later, the group surrounded the table, very aware of the absence of Sam Reading. Maggie had put out several bowls of chicken stew and everyone was eating cautiously after their three day fast. The discussion was about who was flying out when and what might be on their agendas. Moon had given Ricky an outline of a seminar that the guides said would be both helpful and popular. There would be many previously linked people who would feel disorientated at the removal of their ghosts.

  To start, Mel and Avery would be doing workshops in Chicago, Ricky and David in Minneapolis, Cynda Lu and her coven throughout Georgia, and Mel and Avery’s students throughout the Midwest. Moon assured them that calls would be coming in asking for the seminar all over the world.

  Shri was traveling first to India then would be visiting all the other points of gathering in Asia and Europe to work with everyone in the delinking groups to support people who were traumatized.

  “I have something important to tell everyone,” Beth Ann said as she sat hand in hand with Jim Reynolds. “I’m moving to Atlanta and joining the Reynolds Retreat Center. With your permission, Ricky, they will be adding Moon’s material to their class schedule, so what that means is you’ll be needing a new business assistant and losing a roommate. I’m moving in with Jim.”

  Ricky jumped up from her chair and went around the table to give Beth Ann a hug. “This is so exciting. Are you staying down here now?”

  Beth Ann shook her head. “No, I’ll be coming up for a couple of weeks to collect my things, get whatever legal papers signed, and train in my replacement, whoever that might be.”

  Again, things were moving forward. And Ricky used to think that Moon had a very dull life.


  May 2003

  Ricky Clark had just returned from teaching her wildly popular “Dealing with Overwhelming Change” workshop in New York. This was to be her last solo presentation for a few months what with her pregnancy coming in to its third trimester.

  Between trips for seminars, she had been adding to Moon’s spirit communication texts, including information on shapeshifting, akashic record explorations and other vital advances that had come from their quest to end the Soul Stealers campaign of terror.

  David had stayed home to teach Reiki classes, see individual clients and assist George who had taken over Beth Ann’s duties as scheduler and business manager. Jessica and Dylan had just returned from their honeymoon trip to India where they visited Shri Kria Baba in his ashram. They would now teach classes in Spirit Communications along with Christina and Ricky.

David, George, Stan, Jessica and Dylan sat out on the porch sipping sweet ice tea and eating strawberries. Ricky’s fur baby, Wingless Pigeon laid with four legs up in the air between Ricky and David on the porch swing. When Ricky was home, Pigeon attached herself to her new mistress constantly, much to David’s annoyance at times.

  George was looking at the agenda for the very informal meeting. “Okay, let’s talk about the traveling that’s coming up. On June 14th, we’re all going to Atlanta for the Reynolds double wedding for Jim and Bob and their ladies Beth Ann and Sylvia. We’ll be staying just for the weekend. What do you want me to get for presents?”

  A brief discussion followed then George went to the next item. “On June 30th, we’ll fly to Chicago for Avery and Trix’s joining celebration. We’ll be flying back the next day. They don’t want presents, only donations for scholarships for students who can’t afford training on their own.”

  Ricky sighed. “That’s a relief. I think they’re the last of the weddings.” She counted them off on her fingers. “We were part of Em and Phil’s wedding party, then a month later had our own ceremony. Next, Erna and Jeff, Liam and Mary Joy were considerate enough to have a double wedding at Serene Nest. Sarah and Ben got married two month later in Chicago, followed by Job and Truman’s commitment ceremony there. So with only ours held in Minneapolis; altogether six trips to either Chicago or Georgia for our friends.

  “And unless someone else from the Group of Thirty suddenly realizes they can’t live without the soul mate they discovered while trapped on Lamon, we will have fulfilled our pledge to be there for everyone’s weddings. Yippee!”

  David looked at her and smiled. “Is this going to be too much for you? I know you want to stay in town for the most part until the baby shows up.”

  Ricky nodded. “I have plenty to keep me busy what with writing and counseling. How many appointments for me this week?”


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