Her Beating Hart_A Vampire Rockstar Reverse Harem Romance

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Her Beating Hart_A Vampire Rockstar Reverse Harem Romance Page 14

by J. L. Ostle

  He takes hold of my hands, swaying them side to side. “You are too cute, but okay, if you’re sure. Do you want to go back to the bus?”

  I don’t really want to go back yet, but I don’t want to feel turned on the whole time in that place. “I’ll go back. Let me just shield myself.” I stand there. I breathe in and out. I wait until I feel my whole being calm, this shiver running through my entire body “Okay, let’s hope this works.”

  I walk back inside, and I think it’s working since I feel like I normally do. I walk back to the table and Slate fills them in, telling them not to wind me up. I take my mojito, and I watch the show on stage. The longer I am here, the more relaxed I become, knowing I’m not turning into a sex-crazed maniac.

  Mazy keeps coming over, and she still smiles at me and looks at me seductively, wanting me to change my mind, but I stay polite and smile, not doing anything that would stop my gift from working. I have fun, and when it’s almost closing time, we head back before the sun rises.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Another week passes, and I see myself more and more in magazines and on social media, people wondering which guy I am seeing. Everyone has their speculations, but as there’s no evidence to support it, no one has a certain idea.

  I have been invited to interviews, offered to get paid for said interviews, but I decline each one. I head back on the bus after another show. I scream when Emz jumps out, surprising me.

  “What a nice hello. I came all this way to see my best friend, and this is how you say thank you.” I scream again, running to her. We hug each other, jumping up and down, shrieking in excitement.

  “What are you doing here?” I beam at her.

  “My friend becoming famous, of course, I wanted some of that limelight too,” she jokes. “I missed you girl; I couldn’t wait another month to see you.” I hug her again.

  “I missed you so much too. So how long are you staying for?”

  “A week. You have me for seven whole days, bitch.” She blows on her nails, looking smug.

  “That is awesome. Oh, wait.” I look back at the guys and then to the bedroom. “I guess you will be sharing the room with me.” That means no sex for a week.

  I handled no sex for months before; I think I can handle seven days.

  “Oh wait, I didn’t agree to that.” Rush comes forward. “Seven days I am not allowed to fuck her, to taste her, hearing her scream out my name, I will die. Plus, what if I want cuddles when I can’t sleep.” He gives me puppy dog eyes.

  “Down boy,” Emz tells him. “I’m afraid you and the guys need to grab cold showers or rub one out when you need a release as long as I am here.” She winks at him. “Come show me my room.” She takes my hand and guides me down the bus. I look behind me, and I see an unhapy Rush, watching us both.

  We go into the room, and she jumps on the bed before lying down. “I can’t believe you are here. This is so awesome. It wasn’t the same on the phone.” I sit next to her.

  “Tell me about it. You have so much drama; I need to hear this shit face to face.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming when I spoke to you yesterday?”

  “What? And ruin the surprise. I spoke to Finn and he passed me on Rush’s number and told him I was visiting, and he made sure I got on the bus okay. So, tell me everything. From the day I left to now, and don’t leave anything out.”

  And I do, I tell her every detail about everything. Saying it face to face is easier than over the phone. I don’t know how long we talk, but when I start to yawn, I know I need to get some sleep.

  “Your life is so crazy. Do you ever wonder what it would be like if you hadn’t accepted the job?” she asks me as we climb into bed and pull the covers up.

  I think about it. I would be worrying about money and bills. I would get to see her every day, but I feel like this was meant to be, that I was meant to be here. “It would probably be drama free, but the last few weeks have been fine; no one has tried to kill anyone,” I chuckle.

  “But what is with the vein thing? That’s a weird thing to be able to do.”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. What’s the point in being able to do that? So their veins go, it’s a crappy gift if that is all I am able to do. Good thing I can keep bad people away though, that I can keep you and my parents safe.”

  “Yeah, what would we do without you?”

  I smile and soon sleep takes over.

  I wake up the next day, and Emz is gone. I wipe away the sleep from my eyes, and I head to the bathroom first to relieve myself and brush my teeth. I walk into the living area to see Emz is playing Black Ops with Rush.

  I lay on the couch, putting my legs over Caspian. Hhe smiles, his hands holding my calves. “Morning everyone, well evening.” I yawn again, stretching.

  “Evening, my body clock is out of whack; I don’t know how you do it.” Emz shoots a guy in the game, not looking my way

  “I got used to it. I’m normally exhausted by the time I sleep that I do get my full eight hours in.” I’m always tired as I tend to have sex before bed, but I don’t want to overshare that with the guys present.

  Slate goes into the kitchen area and hands me and Emz a brown bag. I groan at the smell. I take out its contents and smile when I see it’s McDonald’s. “You are the best.” I open up the wrapper from the cheeseburger and take a huge bite.

  “Emz, eat up,” I tell her, and she scrunches up her face at the food, causing me to laugh.

  “I am on a diet, and no way am I putting that in my body.” She puts the bag on the coffee table away from her.

  “More for me.” I pull it closer to me. “So Emz, I was thinking maybe we could go shopping. I need some new clothes.” Especially underwear, these guys rip them, not patient enough for the two seconds to get them down my legs.

  “Sounds good to me.” She finishes the game and we get ready. Slate insist that I take Bert along to keep us safe.

  We go from shop to shop, her asking me about the guys and what it's like being around backstage as they play. I try on some new jeans, dresses, and yoga pants as there are days where I wear comfy clothes.

  When I get to the register to pay, Bert steps forward, handing over a credit card. “On behalf of Beaten Hart,” is all he says while paying. He then steps back, holding the door open.

  “Does the band always pay for you?” she whispers to me.

  I shake my head. “This is the first time I’ve been shopping since I started. They pay for the hotels and food, but that was part of the contract.”

  “They must not want you to spend your own money.”

  I know they think they are being nice and generous by paying for my things, but I don’t want them spending their money on me. “I’m going to have to speak to them when I get back; it just feels wrong, them paying for me.”

  “It makes you feel a little sluttish?”

  “Yeah, I know they can afford it, but it’s not the point. Sorry I’m probably over thinking this,” I sigh.

  “I would be the same. You don’t want to feel like you’re being bought. But isn’t it nice that they want to spoil you? You leave in four weeks, so why not enjoy the extra perks.” She bumps my shoulder, giving me a wink.

  “I am not spending their money.” I push her. “Come on, let’s go back so I can yell at them,” I half joke.

  “I do like you telling people off.” We laugh and head back to the bus and put our shopping bags in the room. There is no sign of the guys; they must be inside the venue.

  Walking inside the building, I am heading down the hallway; when I pass Sean, he gives me a look before turning away. I try and ignore it.

  “That was Sean, I take it.”

  “Yup,” I say and when we get to the changing rooms, I knock once; I walk in and all the guys are in leather pants or jeans and without shirts. I have to look away for a moment to get my momentum back.

  “Wow,” I hear Emz say behind me. “Look at their eyes.” I was too bus
y looking at their bodies, I didn’t realize that they were feeding. “Oh my God, can you do your magic thing, and let me see the scary veins disappear.” She jumps up and down, thinking she is going to watch a magic trick.

  “Right, then I’m going to yell at them.” I walk over to Zeke, placing my hand on his arm.

  “You are going to yell at me?” he asks me.

  “I am going to yell at all of you.” I watch Rush touch Zeke, then Caspian and Slate all connect and the veins soon start to fade. Emz is watching curiously, her head turned a little in pure concentration.

  “That is awesome. Wonder why they go by touch? I know you said it’s because it frightened you, but must be more than that.”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. But getting to the main issue. You all don’t need to buy me things. I can buy my own clothes.” I push each of them.

  “We wanted to do something nice for you,” Caspian says. Looking at him makes me feel like I’m yelling at a puppy.

  “I know, but not telling me, it made me feel a little…”

  “She felt like some kind of whore,” Emz interrupts. I look at her, and she looks at me like she didn’t say anything wrong. “I’m just saying.”

  “We have ripped some of your clothes; we are were just replacing them, plus we have more money than we can count. If our money can help you, make you happy, then that makes us happy.” Slate comes over, taking hold of my hand.

  “Next time, ask if I want you to buy me my things. I just don’t want to feel like you’re paying me for being with you.” I bite my lip.

  “Don’t ever feel like that, but we will speak to you next time. If you would accept, I would give you my card and tell you to shop away, buy whatever you want, but I know you wouldn’t accept that,” he chuckles.

  “I wouldn’t accept the card. Yes, every girl wants pretty things, but I want to feel like I earned them, not through sex though.”


  “Good, now I hope you all learned your lesson.” I point to each of them.

  “Yeah, you gave them a good telling. I was expecting a pure shout out. This was family rated. Well, I am going to use the bathroom; be right back.” Emz leaves the room, shaking her head.

  “Now that she is gone...” Rush is in front of me, using his speed power thing, and his lips are on mine, pinning me against the wall, lifting my dress, pulling my underwear aside, pressing his fingers inside me. “Fuck, I need to be inside you so bad. Knowing I have to wait is making me want you more.” His thumb starts rubbing my clit.

  “Rush, she could come back any minute.” I exhale.

  With the speed of light, we are out the door and in a secluded corner away from the stage, but I can hear people working not that far from us. If anyone came this way, they would see Rush touching me, my pussy on show.

  “I need to be inside you. I need to feel you. I need to be close to you.” He rips my panties; smiling, he puts them in his pocket. “Good thing you got more.” He unzips his pants, freeing his cock. He spins me around, placing my hands on the wall, pulling my ass toward him.

  He places his dick at my entrance, and with one quick motion, he thrusts inside me. I have to bite my lip to stop myself from crying out in pleasure. His hands are on my hips, pushing himself in and out of me.

  It feels so good; I feel my orgasm rising already. I am panting and shaking when I feel hands slide up my thighs. I open my eyes to see Slate kneeling in front of me. He smiles at me before his eyes look at my pussy, watching Rush’s dick entering me.

  When I feel his thumb rub my clit, I almost scream. He is rubbing hard and fast, then his tongue takes its place. He is sucking, and soon, I am crying out my release. Everyone nearby probably hears me. Rush roars his release, and he slowly pulls out of me.

  Then I feel Slate’s fingers between my folds, spreading the juices Rush and I created, before he stands, spinning me around, pressing me against the wall and pressing his naked chest against me. His hands slide to my ass and he effortlessly lifts me, my legs wrapping around him, I feel his dick slowly enter me. With one forceful thrust, he is inside me.

  My hands are frantically searching the walls for some kind of leverage, but I can’t find any, then I feel Rush stand near us. He takes hold of my hand, placing it on his shoulder, letting me use him as leverage as he starts kissing the top of my chest, Slate ramming himself inside of me.

  I soon scream my second release, Slate roaring his after, leaning his forehead on my other shoulder. It has only been a day, and they act like they haven’t had sex in weeks.

  Not that I’m complaining.

  I will never get tired of making love to them.

  Too bad you have less than four weeks left, my head says. I look at Slate and Rush and see so much warmth for me shining from their eyes. I know leaving them is going to be the hardest thing I will ever have to do.

  I lean against the wall trying to get my breathing back to normal, before I head back. Slate and Rush take hold of my hands as we go back to the changing room. Emz is sitting on a black couch; when she spots us, she comes over, giving me a look.

  “Where did you go?” she asks me. But I know she knows what I was up to.

  “We went for a walk.” I give her a cheeky smile, and she rolls her eyes.

  “You can’t even last twenty-four hours without touching one another? I swear you all act like you are all on Viagra, you bunch of nymphos.” She shakes her head.

  “Well, now that I feel better, let’s go rock this joint.” Rush kisses my lips quickly and we all head to the staging area; we can hear the crowd screams already.

  “This is insane,” Emz whispers next to me.

  “I know. It never stops being like this.” I take hold of her hand, and we walk through the roadies. When we get to the stage wing, I wish the guys luck, and one by one, they kiss me before running on stage.

  “I still can’t believe you are with them; do you love them?”

  I freeze, looking at her. “Emz.” I shake my head at her.

  “Sorry I had to ask.” She looks at me innocently.

  I look at each of them, do I love them?

  I know I care for them so much, and I would never want harm to come to any of them. I miss them when I’m not near them.

  Is that love though?

  “I don’t know,” I answer honestly

  “Maybe that is for the best. I don’t want your heart broken; you don’t deserve any pain,” she says, looking at them.

  Chapter Nineteen


  It has been five days since Emz arrived, and she goes home tomorrow. I dread that she is leaving me again. I loved having her around, even though all she talks about is the guys and my gift.

  I haven’t been with any of the guys sexually since Rush and Slate, and I know that we are all climbing the walls, wanting to touch one another. I’ve gotten so used to having orgasms that I feel like I’m having withdrawals from lack of sex.

  I have lost count how many times I have been turned on by their looks, their teasing touches, trying to get me to cave first.

  I am on the couch, reading a book about a woman who has fallen in love with five different supernatural beings.

  It is quite a fascinating read.

  She is with a werewolf, a shapeshifter, a demon, you name it. I wonder if there are women out there who are into sharing like I am. It would be nice to talk to someone who is in my position.

  But maybe no woman would do it.

  Maybe I am just greedy and selfish.

  “I am going for a run, I need to stretch my legs.” Emz comes out of the room in a pair of yoga pants and a tank.

  “Do you want me to join you?” I am not in the mood to run, but if she wants the company, of course, I will join her.

  “You will just slow me down,” she laughs. “Just enjoy your book. I’ll be back soon.” She leaves, and I continue reading until the book is taken from me and thrown across the room. I look at Zeke, who is standing over me.

bsp; “I was reading that.” I cross my arms.

  “I don’t care. Your friend is going to be gone for at least an hour, and I am taking this opportunity to be inside you.” Oh well, if he puts it like that.

  “Wait, how come you get to? I am going mad watching her walk around the bus in her tiny short-shorts, her ass teasing me.” Rush comes over.

  “You had her five days ago,” Zeke tells him.

  “Yeah, five days ago; I have greater needs than you.”

  “I will bet you on that,” Caspian says from the couch he is sitting on. I am watching them argue who is going to have sex with me like I have no choice. Like I’m not even here.

  “You do know I am here.” I wave my hands around.

  “Fine, petal, who do you want to make you feel so good your toes curl, make you scream in so much pleasure you won’t walk for a week.” Rush kneels, his eyes looking deeply into mine.

  “Stop using your seductive eyes to lure her,” Zeke chuckles.

  “You find my eyes seductive?” Rush questions him.

  “Emz goes tomorrow; we can wait a day.” Slate kisses the top of my head and sits next to Caspian.

  “Easy for you to say. My dick is so hard, her pussy is calling out to him.” Zeke points to his erection.

  I cover my face with my heads, trying hard not to giggle. “I have a solution.” I push Zeke and Rush to the side and stand up, biting my lip. “Why don’t we all have sex together?” I play with my fingers. “If you guys want to that is.” I have been thinking about it for a long time, and before I leave, I want to have them all in the same bed as me. I might not see them again, and I don’t want to go on with my life wondering what if.

  “You want all four of us to have sex with you? Right now?” Slate asks me.

  I shrug. “The only thing I don’t really want to try is anal sex, I am not ready for that, but if you are willing to share me, I would like to make love with you all.” I look at them, and they are watching me.


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