Her Beating Hart_A Vampire Rockstar Reverse Harem Romance

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Her Beating Hart_A Vampire Rockstar Reverse Harem Romance Page 16

by J. L. Ostle

  I shrug at him.

  “They are old and you mutilated them,” he yells at me.

  “You told me to keep these innocent people safe; that’s what I’m going to do,” I tell him.

  “Next,” he shouts angrily.

  “Wait.” A man with long black hair tied back in a low ponytail walks in. “You need to stop this.” He storms over to Rick, opening a very old looking scroll. “I don’t think you should continue; I think she is the prophecy of light,” he says.

  “That is laughable. She is no prophecy; she is some vampire rock band toy,” Rick laughs.

  “I think you may be wrong. From the things you have said, and from what I have witnessed so far, I did my research and I think she could be her.” The guys look at me in awe and fear.

  “Don’t make me laugh; you will see she isn’t her. The prophecy indicates pure of heart, pure of love. And this girl isn’t pure.” He throws the scroll back at him. “She is a whore, and I will prove she is nothing but a girl who just got lucky.” He gets the boy I remember seeing at the party. “Bring her loved ones,” he tells him. He looks at me and then back at the ground. “Now!” he shouts.

  The boy closes his eyes and before I know it, my parents and Emz are standing in front of me. “Mom, Dad,” I cry out.

  “Ivory, what is going on?” my parents ask, looking around before they come stand next to me. I don’t let go of Sean or Mazy in case this is a test.

  “I am so sorry, I am so sorry,” I cry to them and they both hold me. Having their arms around me, them comforting me, makes me cry harder. “He is a very bad man, and he wants me, well, my gift.”

  My dad turns looking angrily to Rick. “You touch my daughter, and I swear I will kill you.” My dad has the warmest brown eyes you will ever see, but right now, he looks like he could kill him with a stare alone.

  Rick laughs. “Now that I would love to see. I’m afraid I now need to prove a point.” He paces the room before stopping in front of us.

  “I know you said he was scary, but why do scary people have to look hot,” Emz whispers to me. I roll my eyes. “Sorry, just saying.”

  “I wanted to add you to my collection, but I need to make sure this prophecy doesn’t come to pass. I don’t think you are her; a pure of heart wouldn’t fuck four vampires.”

  “You slept with four vampires?” my mom shouts at me. I look exactly like her, long dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, and pale skin.

  “Mom, this isn’t the time,” I say, rolling my eyes.

  “At the same time,” Rick adds, and I glare at him. “Thought she should know what kind of daughter she raised before you die,” he laughs. My mom holds me tighter, and I see tears falling down her cheeks. “Right, let’s get you all seated.”

  Before my eyes, everyone, including Sean and Mazy, have been moved, sitting on a bench a few feet away from me.

  I stand there looking at my family. I turn to look at the guys, and they are watching me. I see their mouths are forced shut. I give them a small smile before turning. If I am going to die, I am going to die fighting.

  “Come on then, give me your best shot.” I widen my stance, making fists and readying myself. Trying to gather all the strength that I have.

  “Ivory,” I hear my mom cry out.

  “As you wish.” He commands everyone to enter the room; I see over a dozen people, different supernatural beings surround me, smiling evilly at me and then the people in his collection surround me also; I see the tears in their eyes. I know they don’t want to do this, but I know they don’t have a choice. “It was nice knowing you.” He blows me a kiss, then I see a shadow mist surround me.

  Dark mists, lightning, red, white, orange, every color of light surrounds me, I stand there. I look at Rick, wanting him to keep watching until my last breath leaves my lips.

  “Keep holding on,” Emz shouts. I look over at her, at them, and I see my mom in my dad’s arms, sobbing. Sean looks guilty and concerned. Mazy is hugging herself, her eyes on me, tears falling down her cheeks. I look at Emz who has her hands in fists, like she is helping me stay strong.

  I look behind me, and the guys have blood tears dripping down their faces as they try to get to me. I know this is hard for them; they can’t do anything to help me.

  I look back, and I realize that nothing is happening to me. I slowly raise my hands. I take in one deep breath, and I start to use my inner force, trying to use all the emotions I feel to stop this. The people start to move away slowly, their feet being dragged away from me. I see them trying harder, so I try even harder.

  I feel my feet leave the ground. I look down to see I am floating—levitating. I suck in one deep breath and push out all the electric current that I feel building inside me, and I watch as everyone flies away, their bodies hitting walls, hitting the ground, a few even hit the ceiling.

  I land back on my feet, and my chest is rising quickly. Holy crap, I did that. I look at my hands and it’s like I see this mist, this vibration, hover around my skin.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “This isn’t possible.” Rick stands, looking at everyone on the ground groaning. “You are just a measly girl.”

  “Never judge a book by its cover.” I walk toward him. “Now, I am going to hurt you. And I am going to enjoy every second of it.”

  “I don’t think so.” He grabs something from behind him; he has a gun in his hand. “Supernatural gifts may not hurt you, but I know this will.” He grabs a child from his collection off the ground, putting the gun in his hand. “Shoot her,” he tells him. I see the child hesitate. “Do it.” He lifts him from the ground, looking into his eyes, compelling him, and the child raises the gun slowly, his arm shaking.

  I look at the gun, my eyes open in fear. I knew I was going to die today, but not like this.

  Not by a gun. I remember Zeke telling me what it was like when he was shot, that he wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.

  I look at my parents, the ones that have a love that I wish I could someday have. I may not have their kind of love, but being with Rush, Slate, Zeke, and Caspian, deep down I knew I fell for each of them.

  At the end of the day, they did own my heart.

  I love them.

  I love them so much.

  I watch the child’s finger move on the trigger; I have never been as scared as I am right now, and today has been quite scary. He pulls the trigger, the bullet shooting through the air and hitting me right in the chest. Feeling that sharp bite, pain shoots through my entire body.

  My hands automatically moves to where I was shot, blood pouring out of me, covering my hands.

  I look at my mom, who screams out.

  I fall to my knees, my hand pressing into the wound. I feel arms wrap around me; my parents kneel with me, checking me over, my mom crying out to me.

  “Don’t you dare leave us,” Emz cries at me. “You leave me and I swear I will bring your ghost ass back.” I chuckle, my body starting to shake; I feel each part of me getting cold.

  “You gave a good show, too bad that you are human at the end of the day,” Rick says, sitting in his throne. My dad walks over to him and punches him hard in the face. “Because you are watching your daughter die, I will let that slide. Try that again I will feed on your wife as you watch.”

  “You monster,” my dad says before coming back to my side.

  “Well, what am I going to do with you four?” He looks at the guys. “I guess I will let you have your last words with your plaything, but I think your punishment is to watch her rot. You will stay here until her body decays. You will have an eternity to remember it. Remembering when her soul leaves her body.”

  “I swear I will kill you,” Rush shouts at him.

  “I have heard that already.” Rick sits back in his throne. “You all are boring me; back to your homes, thank you for taking part.” One by one Sean, Mazy, and Emz disappear.

  “I won’t leave you.” Mom takes hold of my hand, her tears falling on my c
heeks, then she is gone, my dad with her. I am here now on my own. I fall back on the ground. I turn my head to the ones who changed my life.

  “Be happy,” I whisper.

  “Petal,” Caspian cries.

  They all fall to the ground and run over to me, tears falling down their faces onto me. “I don’t want to die,” I barely say. “I am so scared.” My vision starts to blur; I know my life is leaving this body. “I love you all.” I smile at each of them, before my lungs tighten and darkness takes me over


  I watch as she takes her last breath, watch her soul leave her body. Looking into her open eyes knowing that she is gone, I lift her head, her body limp in my arms. “Don’t leave us,” I beg her, touching her lips.

  “Our blood. it could save her,” Rush says, tears falling down his cheeks.

  “She is gone; it won’t work,” I tell him.

  “I am not giving up on her.” He bites his wrist, hovering it over her mouth.

  “Let me try.” Zeke does the same, his blood falling on her lips, but nothing is happening, I watch as Caspian tries, and I do the same.

  Just in case.

  My wrist hovers above her mouth, my blood dripping on her perfect lips, but she doesn’t wake. I feel like someone made my heart beat once again just to make it stop all over again.

  “Ivory.” Caspian grabs hold of her shoulder, shaking her. “Wake up,” he screams at her.

  “How very touching.” Rick wipes away a fake tear. If I thought I could take him, I would take out his heart and turn it to dust.

  “Stay away from us,” I spit out at him.

  “If you’d let me have her from the beginning, she would still be alive.”

  I look back down at Ivory, looking at her, looking at her as if she is sleeping, memorizing every detail of her face before she fades into nothing. I can’t watch her rot.

  I’d rather die.

  I will look at the walls until the day I can leave.

  “I love you.” I lean down, kissing her lips before laying her back on the ground before I walk to the entrance, my hand reaching out. But like I knew there would be, there is a force keeping us here.


  She looks like she’s sleeping, like she is going to wake up any second and look at me with those big eyes of hers and smile at me. I lean down, kissing her lips softly. “I love you,” I tell her before I stand.

  Images of her telling us that she loved us flood my mind.

  She fell in love with us.

  I move over to the nearest wall, and I start punching it, letting the pain seep into me, trying to numb what I am feeling on the inside. I keep ramming my hand until Zeke pulls me back, wrapping his arms around me. I hug him back.


  I can’t believe she is gone. I watched as they threw everything they had at her, and she was so strong. She is the bravest person I have ever met. When she conquered everything and was going to hurt Rick, I thought that was it, but seeing that gun, seeing the bullet shoot right through her, seeing all that blood leave her, I never felt fear as I did then.

  I felt my world turn upside down.

  I lift her hand, entwining our fingers, knowing I won’t be able to touch her again. “I love you,” I tell her. “I think I knew I loved you when your hand connected with mine.” No woman will ever compare to her. I know I am going to spend the remainder of my days on this earth on my own. I am hers, forever just hers.

  I look over at Rush who is crying on Zeke’s shoulder. I walk over to him, taking Rush into my arms, so Zeke can have his goodbyes.

  She deserves our goodbyes.


  I have witnessed so many deaths over the years. I watched my family get old and die, them thinking I was already six feet under. I never thought I would feel the pain I felt then ever again. Ivory definitely was one of a kind.

  Not because of her gift but because her heart.

  She was beautiful inside as well as out.

  I fall on my knees, resting her head on them. I stroke her hair, looking up at the ceiling, trying to be strong, but right now I just want to fall apart, but I know I can’t.

  “I love you little one; watch over us.” I see my blood tear fall on her forehead, and I wipe it away, before I lay her back down.

  I stand, looking at her lifeless body, seeing images of her laughing, her taking hold of my hand, her kissing my cheek when I got her food, us dancing. Something inside me snaps. I start grabbing everything I see, smashing it against walls, candles falling to the ground.

  If I’m going to be stuck in here, this place can burn and let me burn with it. I feel Slate trying to pull me back, but I push him out of the way, grabbing chairs, tables, I see a fire start, I throw more candles into it.

  “Zeke, man,” Slate yells at me.

  “I’d rather die anyway,” Rush says from behind me; Slate and I both turn to look at him.

  “Well, none of us is going to die,” Rick says behind us and in an instant, the fire is out and I fall to my hands and knees. “Sorry boys, but none of you are dying, well for now anyway,” he says so smugly.

  I stay where I am until I am blinded by a huge light. I look behind me to see Ivory floating in the air, her body rising higher and higher, white light surrounding her.

  “What are you doing to her?” I shout.

  “I’m not doing anything,” Rick says, walking closer.

  We all watch as Ivory is lifted, light hugging her body until she is upright, her hair turns from dark brown to white blonde, her skin starts to glow. When I watch her eyes open, I almost gasp.

  Her eyes are completely white. Her clothes are ripped from her body, revealing her naked form; the hole where the bullet pierced her is healed. Her body is magically covered by white silk.

  “Ivory?” Slate whispers.

  Her head falls back, and she screams, white light shooting right through her. She looks at each of us and smiles. When her eyes meet Rick’s, they become angry. She looks at him until he is floating in the air.

  “I know your memories. I know all the bad things you have ever done while on this earth, even in your human life, and especially while being on the council. You have not abided your own rules: you killed me, and you hurt the ones I love.” Her voice is so soft but so angry. “You will now face the consequences.”

  “What are you?” Rick asks her, scared.

  “I am beyond power; I am the source of light.”

  “The prophecy. You aren’t pure; it cannot be.”

  “It is. I have been told by angry voices of this universe, by nature, that you have abused the power and gift that was given to you. Now you will spend the remainder of your days as a human; you will rot behind bars.” Rick is lifted higher into the air, covered in white light; he screams out in pain and then he is on the floor, his breathing fast.

  I can hear his heartbeat.

  He is alive.

  I walk over to him, and he starts to crawl away. I lift him by his shirt, and I punch him hard in the face. “That felt so good,” I tell him, dropping him back on the floor.

  “I’m human,” he cries out in pain.

  “You are human.” Slate stands above him. “Enjoy dying slowly.”

  I walk over to where Ivory is; she is still hovering in the air. She is looking at nothing, staring into space; I can feel the vibrations of her body near me.

  “Ivory,” Rush says. She finally looks down at us, and she slowly starts to float back down until her bare feet are on the ground. “Are you still you?”

  “I am still me.” She smiles.


  I feel so much energy running through me; my blood is bubbling, and I can feel so many things at once. It’s crazy. I felt like I was waking up from this deep sleep, feeling my body heal itself. I can’t explain it, but I know I have so much power.

  Power that was bestowed on me.

  I turned Rick into a human because a voice told me to, told me that this is his punishment.

p; The guys are looking at me like I’ve grown two heads. I can’t look that bad.

  “So I guess you all love me?” I giggle.

  “You heard us?” Caspian asks me.

  “I heard you all. Heard you say you love me. I have always wanted to be loved, now I have all the love any girl could ask for.” I beam at them.

  “I know we are getting all emotional, but you look so weird as a blonde,” Rush says pointing to my hair.

  Wait, I’m a blonde?

  I grab a bit of my hair, and I almost topple over when I see it.

  Holy shit, I’m blonde.

  I wish I had a mirror.

  Just like that, a mirror pops out of nowhere, causing me to jump, and I look at myself. The white eyes scares me. I look like that Storm from X-Men when she is in power mode. I close my eyes, wishing my eyes back, and when I open them back up, I smile because they have turned back to normal.

  “No wonder you were looking at me so weirdly.” I chuckle. “That’s a little fucked up.”

  “Do your hair too.” Rush waves his hand at me.

  I put my fingers through my hair, and slowly, it starts to turn dark brown. “There’s our girl.” Zeke comes to me and twirls me around, his lips landing on mine. “Don’t you ever do that again,” he laughs, but I can hear the sadness in his voice.

  “Wait, my parents.” The mirror disappears, and I look at a spot; my parents and Emz appear and when they see me, they come running over, crying so hard that it makes me cry with them.

  “My baby, my sweet baby. I thought I lost you.” My mom cups my cheeks, planting kisses all over me.

  “What happened?” Dad asks.

  “I kind of turned into an all-powerful being and turned Rick human.” I point to where Rick is on the floor, holding his nose.


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