The Leopard Stratagem (Leopard King Saga Book 2)

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The Leopard Stratagem (Leopard King Saga Book 2) Page 33

by T. A. Uner

  Artia did not think Serpentus knew Tullus’ identity. He had been wearing his Leopard print scarf when Serpentus had contacted him using the Videor spell. She knew little of Serpentus, other than he was madman intent on conquest.

  Serpentus' Skeleton Marines had seized her potions and destroyed them. Artia felt responsible for her failure to complete her task. Now, Serpentus and his allies had possession of the Door, and worse, they intended to use it.

  She heard groaning and saw Vulcan groggily lift his head up. Vulcan looked around their rock cell before his eyes settled on Artia.

  “Are you alright?” he asked.

  He cares for my safety, how sweet.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Where are we?”

  “I don’t know, but my instinct tells me it’s not Rome.”

  The metal door to their cell banged open. Four heavily-armed Skeleton Marines dressed in armor, and carrying spears and shields entered before stepping aside for Serpentus. They fell-in behind their master as Serpentus smiled at Artia. She met his eye and returned his stare. “I don’t see what is so funny Snake Lord.”

  “You are an insolent, bitch,” Serpentus said before grabbing her chin.“But after I deal with the Leopard King, you will beg for a quick death.”

  “Get away from her,” Vulcan said.

  Serpentus turned around and nodded at one of the skeletons. The creature drew its sword and slammed the pommel into Vulcan’s midsection. The German grunted in pain but remained on his feet.

  “What exactly do you want with The Leopard King?” Artia asked while her thoughts turned to Vulcan.

  “I might as well tell you, seeing that you will not be able to stop me from accomplishing my goal. I plan on killing him and his filthy pet, and gaining my vengeance.”

  Artia scoffed. “Revenge? I should’ve expected nothing better from you,” she said. “Only those with narrow minds would indulge in such foolery.”

  Serpentus stroked her cheek. His gauntleted hand felt cold against her skin as she turned her face away from the Snake Lord. “Yes, it was this narrow-minded man who captured you and your companions.”

  “You stand little chance of defeating The Leopard King,” Artia said. “He is skilled in Elemence.”

  Serpentus' laughter reverberated throughout the cell. “And I am skilled in Serpent Eye. I have a good Teacher. I assure you my skills are more than a match for the Leopard King.”

  A large silver serpent emerged from under Serpentus’ cape. Its red eyes glowed menacingly at Artia before it hissed in Serpentus’ ear. Serpentus nodded. “My friend Havoc tells me you are a potion mistress?”

  Artia remained silent.

  “I admire your loyalty to this Leopard King, woman. So I will give you one chance to live. I could use someone like you. Serving me and my Teacher can be quite lucrative.”

  Artia scoffed. “You obviously haven’t studied your history well. Potion Mistresses and Masters were allies of the Air Paladins during the Serpent Wars. I suggest you locate a Firestarter to do your bidding, their unethical practices made them better suited for serving the Serpent Cult.”

  Serpentus drew his arm back and slapped Artia’s face. Vulcan roared in anger, struggling with his chains. Around him Gansu and Masego began to awaken from the effects of the drug.

  Serpentus spat on the ground. “You all will die painfully…and slowly, of that you can be certain.”

  Serpentus turned around and left the cell, his skeletal minions trailing him. The door slammed shut behind them.

  Artia looked at Vulcan. “That went well.”


  A day had passed since Tullus and Celestra’s departure. Some of the crew left Neptune’s Fury to find women in town, or to get drunk, while others remained to complete repairs after the battle with Wind Raven. Caltus was bored. To pass the time he played dice and Tabula with Sharkus and Sextus Seadog, and had beaten them both. But Caltus’s thoughts remained with Tullus and Celestra. To help the boy get his mind off his friends, and to improve his combat skills, Sharkus had Sextus Seadog offered Caltus archery lessons for a modest fee. Caltus figured this was Sharkus' way of reclaiming some of his lost money. But after seeing how Sextus had handled himself with a bow against Merulas’s men, he graciously accepted the offer.

  Much to his credit, Sextus Seadog was a competent trainer, who introduced him to the fundamentals of bowmanship. He practiced shooting a group of crows that chewed on the rigging. Caltus confidence with the bow grew, but he was restless, and wanted to prove himself again in battle. He could not do so waiting for Tullus aboard Neptune’s Fury. Despite Caltus’s pleas, Sharkus was intent on honoring Tullus' wishes, and kept him onboard.

  But Caltus had a plan. He purchased five bottles of wine from one of the resorts and the next afternoon challenged Sharkus to a drinking game. Being a prideful Briton, it was an offer Sharkus dared not refuse. Caltus, using a special root given to him by Hradack, mixed it within his drink to prevent him from becoming intoxicated. The plan worked, and after Sharkus had passed out from drinking. Disguising himself as one of the crew, he snuck past the Sentries, and made his way into town.

  Caltus asked around town about a man traveling with a Leopardess. None of the islanders were helpful. But he located an oarsman who had met Tullus and Celestra. Using what little money he had, Caltus hired the oarsman to take him to the Blue Grotto.

  Once inside the grotto, Caltus instructed the oarsman to deposit him at the same location where Tullus at Celestra had disembarked. The oarsman rowed him past the statues and Caltus saw the opening cradled under the landing.

  “I warned your friend not to enter the tunnel,” the oarsman said before handing Caltus a lit torch.

  Caltus ignored the oarsman’s words and disembarked before thanking him.

  “I shall pray to the gods for you as well, my young friend,” The oarsman said before rowing away.

  Happy to be alone, Caltus drew Cutter with his free hand, and entered the tunnel.


  Maelstrom studied his opponents meticulously. The Leopard King was a sturdy looking fellow who carried a greatsword which shimmered despite the darkness around it. No doubt it had been blessed by a holy man. He would have to be wary of it.

  The Leopard King’s companion was a large, furry creature with spotted fur. Its two starry eyes gleamed resolutely in the shadows. Incantra. Another dangerous opponent. But despite this, he was at ease. Darkness was his sanctuary. He’d be safe to observe them.

  Maelstrom was wary of the light sphere which hovered above the Leopard King’s head. It was the work of sorcery. So, the Leopard King knew Elemence. No wonder his Liege Lord, Serpentus trained with Afaa to build his Serpent Eye skills. He would need them. As much as he wished to remain hidden, Maelstrom wanted to test the resolve of his opponent. He let out a peal of laughter which echoed around the cavern. The cat’s eyes pulsated like two twin stars and it growled menacingly before The Leopard King looked around to locate the source of the laughter.

  “Who goes there?” The Leopard King said.

  Maelstrom was impressed. He could not sense fear in this man. Only resolve.

  The sphere continued to glow like a tiny sun. It circled around looking for the source of the laughter. Maelstrom decided to take his leave.

  Making sure to avoid the reconnoitering light, Maelstrom whisked himself away from the Leopard King.

  Maelstrom found Serpentus in another cavern room, where a garrison of heavily-armed Skeleton Marines stood guard at the entrances. The old Cultist named Afaa was whispering words into Serpentus’ ear. The Snake Lord’s face was placid but he nodded responsively to his teacher. When he saw Maelstrom, he motioned for the Erebus Demon to approach him.

  “Report, Maelstrom.”

  Maelstrom bowed respectfully. “My Liege, The Leopard King and his Incantra are approaching from the west. I espied them moments ago. They appear ready for a confrontation.”

  Serpentus stood up from his makeshift throne
. “Of course they are…I have his friends.”

  “What are your orders, my Liege?”

  Serpentus put his arms behind his back and paced reflectively for a few moments before turning to face Maelstrom. “Continue monitoring them.”

  “I shall come with you Maelstrom,” Afaa said. “I have a surprise for our illustrious guests.”


  Croctus Reptilius felt at ease onboard the deck of his attack sloop, Razor. After tracking the Leopard King and his cat, he had watched them depart from Genua onboard Neptune’s Fury. Since then, his crew had expertly kept Razor from detection. Having served Reptilius for many years, they anticipated his commands and executed efficiently.

  Sawtooth swaggered restlessly across the deck of Razor. Since the setback at The Leopard Master’s stead, both Reptilius and Sawtooth were anxious for redemption. Reptilius wasn’t used to failing assignments. Even if his quarry were skilled in Elemence, the amulet his father had given him would negate that advantage.

  Capri came into view as the sunlight glinted off the surface of the sea. The salty air and the noise of squawking seagulls put Reptilius at ease. He had been to Capri once before, for vacation, but that was years ago. But this visit would offer no respite. He ordered the crew to dock in a lagoon on the far side of Capri, away from the main harbor.

  After Razor docked, Reptilius and Sawtooth disembarked and began their search for The Leopard King. The rocky terrain prevented the use of the horse-drawn cart, so Reptilius would travel on foot. After days at sea, he welcomed it.

  The warm air felt good against his muscular arms and he stretched them while walking. They felt sore and Reptilius was intent on giving his body exercise it needed. After asking around, he learned that a man with a Leopard had gone to the Blue Grotto.

  Why would they go there? Reptilius wondered.

  He returned to Razor and had two of his crew row him out to the Blue Grotto. Sawtooth was restless inside the boat, but the trip to the grotto was short. Reptilius ordered his men to deposit him and Sawtooth under the landing where the tunnel opening was located.

  As Reptilius passed through the tunnel, he could hear Sawtooth clomping behind him. Despite the darkness, the crocodile was coping well within the strange environment. Reptilius turned his attention back to his surroundings. After emerging from the tunnel, he found himself in a chamber containing a staircase. Before he could climb the steps, he heard a noise. He drew one hand ballista while waving his torch around to locate the perpetrator of the noise. Nothing. Had he imagined the whole thing?

  “Did you hear anything, boy?”

  Sawtooth stared at him and snarled.

  Keeping his weapon out, Reptilius started climbing the steps. This mission was becoming stranger by the moment. The light from his torch cast shadows against the cave walls. For now, only his and Sawtooth’s shadow appeared.

  Sawtooth grunted; Reptilius turned around.

  Two Skeleton Marines were standing behind him.

  How did they get there?

  “State your purpose,” one of the skeletons said.

  Reptilius holstered his hand ballista. “I am a bounty hunter named Croctus Reptilius, under contract by Lord Serpentus.”

  The two Skeleton Marines looked at each other and decided Reptilius was speaking the truth. After a brief conversation, one of the skeletons said, “You may continue.”

  Reptilius nodded and resumed his climb.

  This mission was getting stranger.


  Jarkos Wolfsbane’s ship, Ghostwind, pulled into Capri’s harbor. Wolfsbane watched as they slowly drifted past another vessel named Neptune’s Fury. Its crew was busy conducting repairs. After Ghostwind docked, Jarkos led his small army onto the shores of Capri.

  His disappointment at Tiranus’s failure to deliver the Leopard King to him was compounded by his son’s foolery in hiring two of their rivals. But the deed was done, and Wolfsbane decided to use them to his advantage. Besides, he could always turn on them later, after he had captured the Leopard King.

  Through his network of informants and spies, Wolfsbane had learned of The Leopard King’s journey to Capri. He often thought of his slain son, Tijanus, and looked forward to the day when The Leopard King and his Leopardess’ hides decorated his throne room. No father should have to outlive his son. Tijanus was impulsive, but much more of a natural leader than his older brother, Tiranus. Regretfully, his younger son would never lead his clan after Jarkos had passed on.

  That thought was enough to keep him motivated on finding The Leopard King. Nothing would get in his way of exacting his revenge against his son’s killer. Not even the Snake Lord Serpentus. Wolfsbane did not know what Serpentus’ qualm with The Leopard King was, but it could never match the pain of a father who had lost his son.

  They had brought a cage made from Demonsteel to haul The Leopard King back to The Wolf’s Lair. Wolfsbane had acquired it during the Serpent Wars from a trader who had stolen it from an abandoned Snake Base after the end of the Serpent Wars. Its magical properties would prevent The Leopard King from casting spells.

  Byrock Blackheart, a few of his most trusted Wolfguard and a pack of attack wolves, along with the two newcomers, Hyena and Stone Ram. Despite their ferocity, the sight of his party failed to attract strange glances from Capri’s vacuous natives. Wolfsbane suspected sorcery at work.

  The one called Hyena was silent. Tiranus had learned through Stone Ram that he was deaf. Wolfsbane would be careful not to underestimate him. In his experiences, he knew the lack of one sense often empowered others. No doubt the wild dogs alongside Hyena acted like his ears.

  The other one, Stone Ram, was another unknown. Tiranus had learned that he was a former Legionary who had fallen on hard times. Wolfsbane was wary of desperate men, they were capable of great treachery.

  Much to Wolfsbane’s pleasure, the attack wolves had picked up a scent. Byrock Blackheart had allowed them to roam free and it had proven effective.

  “The Leopard King is close, Lord,” Blackheart said as Wolfsbane rode atop his warhorse, Wolfen.

  “You better be right,” Wolfsbane told his Wolfguard Captain. “I tire of pursuing this Leopard King.”

  Tiranus pulled up beside his father atop his own horse. “Father, if you had let me take command of the men. There would not have been any need for you to come here.”

  Wolfsbane eyed his son contemptuously. “It is your foolery that forced me to take charge. I gave you a command, and it resulted in defeat.”

  Tiranus nodded respectfully and remained silent.

  He knows I am right in reprimanding him, Wolfsbane thought. Perhaps his failure will teach him a valuable lesson.

  The scent ended right near a copse.

  “Now what?” Tiranus said.

  “This doesn’t bode well,” Wolfsbane added. He eyed Byrock Blackheart with contempt. The Wolfguard Captain shouted encouragement to his attack wolves but the creatures failed to get a lock on the scent.

  Stone Ram and Hyena approached Wolfsbane on foot, the two spotted dogs trailing them. Jarkos Wolfsbane eyed them from atop his horse, Wolfen.

  “Do you have something to say?” he asked.

  Stone Ram pointed to Hyena. “I think he can help.”

  “Him?” Tiranus said.

  “Explain yourself, Stone Ram,” Wolfsbane said.

  “Hyena wants to give his spotted dogs an opportunity to locate The Leopard King.”

  Wolfsbane turned to look at Hyena. “Can your dogs help rediscover the scent?”

  Hyena nodded confidently and whistled. Instantly his two spotted dogs appeared and began pouncing up and down playfully around him. Hyena calmed the wild dogs and stroked their backs while they licked his face. This went on for a few moments.

  “This is pointless,” Tiranus said to his father. “Our attack wolves are ten times more capable than wild dogs.”

  Wolfsbane chuckled. “Be patient,” he said sternly.

  Tiranus let out a frustrated si
gh and shook his head.

  Once the wild dogs had calmed, down Hyena led them over to where the scent had disappeared. The two wild dogs ran their noses over a thicket, looked up at their master and took off.

  “Impressive, for a pair of spotted dogs,” Wolfsbane said. Byrock Blackheart nodded abashedly at his lord.

  They followed the two wild dogs through the woodlands until they came across a dirt path. In the distance, Wolfsbane could hear the clomp of marching feet. The wild dogs had stumbled across something alright.

  “Take charge of the men,” he told his son. Tiranus nodded. “And keep out of sight. I do not wish to be discovered.”

  Tiranus shot his father an astounded look. “You mean hide?”

  Wolfsbane snarled. “I mean wait. A wise leader knows when to hold and when to attack.”

  How I sired such a fool, I shall never know, Wolfsbane thought. He turned to the Stone Ram and Hyena and nodded, and with a handful of his Wolfguard, they continued onwards.

  Behind a dense thicket of trees Wolfsbane and his men espied a hillside with a cave opening.

  Guarding the opening were a squad of Skeleton Marines armed with swords, dirks, spears and shields. Wolfsbane stared at the creatures in disgust. He had not seen these types of troops since the Serpent Wars. It seemed the Serpent Cult had reestablished its Snake Base on Capri. It mattered little to Wolfsbane. He had come here for The Leopard King, and would not leave without him.

  A column was approaching the Skeleton Marines. It was another group of Skeletons. The standard bearer carried an Aquilifer with a strange symbol etched onto the banner. Wolfsbane wracked his brain to remember what the symbol was called. Then it came to him…Swastika.

  So, Serpentus does command field troops. This Snake Lord’s fangs are sharper than I thought.

  He turned to look at his Wolfguard. He would need the rest of his men to attack the Skeleton Marines and gain access to the cave opening.

  “Have my son join us,” he told Byrock Blackheart. “It is time we severed our ties with Serpentus.”


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