The Leopard Stratagem (Leopard King Saga Book 2)

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The Leopard Stratagem (Leopard King Saga Book 2) Page 38

by T. A. Uner


  They nodded and ran toward the cavern. Reptilius waited for them before they returned with two more skeletons. After the four skeletons loaded the cage onto the cart Reptilius smiled and drew his ballistae.

  “Hey,” one of the skeletons called out. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Reptilius pointed his ballistae at the skeletons. “Protecting my investment.” He fired at the four skull squad and the explosive-tipped bolts blew them apart like a tornado cutting through straw huts.

  After the skeletons had been reduced to smoking ashes. Reptilius found Sawtooth inspecting the charred bones. “C’mon boy. Let’s get our prize back to Razor.”

  Twenty-three/Viginti tres

  Tullus felt a cold presence sieve though him.

  The Periculum spell was alerting him again. He remembered what Hradack had told him about spells. How some did not need to be summoned. Certain spells had a way of emerging within a spell-caster’s consciousness. Serpentus is near.

  His thoughts bounced between Celestra and his friends. His mind was preoccupied with her disappearance. He wondered where she was and how she was faring. Then there were his friends.

  Where was Serpentus keeping them? Were they dead? Why does he want me dead?

  Keeping his mind focused on the present, Tullus continued his lonely trek. For a moment it felt like the cavern corridor would close in on him and crush him. He did not know why suddenly he felt this way. It was the first time since Celestra’s disappearance that this feeling had taken hold of him. He had experienced it as a soldier countless, times but never dared reveal it to anyone. But ever since he had met the Leopardess the feeling had abated. Perhaps it had something to do with her being an Incantra.

  His muscles were still sore from his previous encounters with the Cultist and Maelstrom.And how could he forget the brutish Chaos Spikeskull?

  The corridor ended. He found himself inside another large cavern where fissures dotted the walls, where shafts of light shone through them, illuminating parts of the cavern. Strange murals decorated the walls. Pictures of serpents and hooded beings hovering above sacrificial altars. The areas where the light did not fall was completely dark and Tullus wondered what type of evil might emerge from within it as he strolled around the cavern. Beneath was the sound of water. He walked over to a precipice at the edge of the cavern and listened closely. The water sound grew louder.

  A current?

  The Lucis spell could dispel his dilemma, but he needed to preserve what remaining Vigor he had left.

  The coldness grew inside him. To his left was a rock bridge spanning the precipice. It disappeared into a gulf of darkness. Periculum shot through his body again. Then a voice inside his head said, Move.

  He saw a red sphere appear in the distance across the stygian gulf. It accelerated toward him like a red comet.

  He dodged it.

  The sphere exploded twenty steps from where he had stood. Various hues of red sprung from the impact point and swirled around within one another forming a helix. Tullus watched as the helix formed the face of a man wearing the serpent-shaped helm. His red eyes glowed like angry suns.

  “We meet again, at last Leopard King. I hope you’ve enjoyed your stay on Capri.”

  “Where are my friends?” Tullus asked.

  Serpentus laughed. “You should be concerned about your own fate.”

  Red beams erupted from Serpentus’ eyes. Tullus slung Leopardhide off of his back and shielded himself. The beams reflected off Leopardhide and slammed into the cavern wall, causing rock debris to rain down on Tullus. He cast Contego spell to protect himself.

  “I grow tired of these games,” Tullus said.

  Serpentus’ image disappeared. Once again Tullus was alone.

  “If you wish to find me,” Serpentus’ voice said, “cross the rock bridge.”

  A transparent shaft of silver light appeared over the rock bridge. Tullus eyed it and noticed it was pointing toward the other side of the cavern, like some sort of arrow. He walked toward the precipice and placed his foot on the abutment of the rock bridge. He pressed firmly on it. It felt secure. He then tested his entire weight on it. Tullus was not convinced that it could hold him. Perhaps crossing the bridge was another trap Serpentus had laid for him. But he couldn’t stand here and wait, and he couldn’t go back.

  He heard a hissing noise above him.

  Tullus looked up. A second shaft of light uncoiled from the light arrow. Its scaly skin and forked tongue resembled a serpent, while its red eyes stared at Tullus, challenging him to cross the bridge.

  Tullus drew LeopardClaw.

  Much to Tullus’ surprise the bridge did not collapse. Nor did Serpentus’ face reappear and mock him. From time to time he would look up and stare at the thick shaft of light which stretched out ahead of him. He studied it closely and noticed the light’s surface was marked with transparent scales. Another serpent? The hissing noise returned. This time a violet serpent emerged from the scales of the silver light. Tullus watch it as it hovered above him. Its red eyes stared at Tullus, discerningly, before its forked tongue emerged from its mouth, darting inside and out before the serpent disappeared.

  “One of Serpentus’ spies?” Tullus whispered.

  He resumed crossing the bridge, the silver arrow glimmering above him. Tullus cast a wary eye on it, wondering what other surprises it may spring on him. He focused his thoughts on the Lucis spell and channeled it through LeopardClaw, casting a blue glow from the blade’s fuller. He had observed Hradack utilizing this technique with his staff, channeling Elemence spells through objects instead of himself. Hradack had told him by mastering this technique he could conserve Vigor.

  He looked up again. The hissing sound returned. This time a red serpent emerged. Its red eyes glowed menacingly before projecting an image in front of Tullus. He looked at it carefully as the image formed within a red aura. It was a bullock cart being pulled by the same black-helmed man who had attacked him at Hradack’s stead. Croctus Reptilius! In the back of the cart was his giant crocodile confederate, guarding something in the back of the cart. A cage. Inside it sat Celestra.

  No! She hates cages.

  “How can this be?” Tullus said.

  The serpent hissed again and the image faded. Tullus scowled at it and pointed LeopardClaw in its direction. “Where is he taking her?”

  The Serpent ignored him and disappeared into the silver scaly arrow. Now alone again, his trek across the rock bridge ended when he stepped off the abutment and heard a hissing noise again. When he looked up he saw the head of the first serpent appear at the end of the arrow. The long, scaly light that was its body disappeared. Tullus' thoughts were now haunted by the image of Celestra in the cage. He tried to fight back the anger swelling in his chest. Hradack had told him that anger was poison and it caused men to do foolish things. But what could he do? Celestra captured and here he was facing an unknown enemy who wanted his blood. Apart from LeopardClaw’s bluish hue the area around him was dark.

  A strong wind gust blew around Tullus, after which the darkness abated. Flickering torches appeared on the cavern walls around him. Then he saw him.


  “Welcome to your death, Leopard King.”

  He stood on a cavern landing in front of Tullus. Wearing his serpent helm and a long flowing black cape that fluttered around his back like bat wings. He wore black armor crafted with skulls, engraved into the besagues while serpent designs adorned the chestplate and greaves. In his hand was a greatsword. Yellow-red flames danced across its blade where a desolate skull was carved into its pommel. Tullus tried to get a look at Serpentus’ face but the Snake Lord’s helm shrouded it in shadows. Serpentus leaped off the landing and landed thirty paces in front of Tullus.

  “Now we face each other on level ground.”

  “Whatever I have done to dishonor you, tell me,” Tullus said. “Release my friends, let us find a peaceful solution to this conflict.”
br />   “The time for peace is at end,” Serpentus replied. “Now is the time for war, between us!Like it was in the old days when the Serpent Cult opposed the Air Paladins.” Serpentus raised his fire sword and used his other hand to draw out a mace that hung from his belt. It looked just as intimidating. Skulls were carved into its handle while its head was shaped like a serpent’s head. “You don’t remember me, do you?” Serpentus asked.

  Tullus caught a glimpse of Serpentus’ face, the thin nose, intelligent eyes. The Periculum spell refreshing his memory.

  No. It couldn’t be. Could it?


  Serpentus smiled. “I no longer go by that name; but I am happy to see that you finally remember me.”

  It made sense now to Tullus. His duel with Norbanus and the revelation of Paullus’ past. Anger rose in his throat, and tasted like bile when it reached his mouth. “This is between you and me, you should not have involved my friends.”

  “How else could I have lured you here?”

  Serpentus, with surprising agility rushed Tullus and swung his mace at Tullus’ head. Tullus barely had time to evade the blow before he tilted Leopardhide and jabbed at Serpentus, trying to knock him off balance.

  The fiery sword slashed across Tullus’ field of vision, creating a fearsome red glow that threatened to engulf Tullus. Diminutive fiery serpents emerged from the flames and hissed at Tullus. He channeled Lucis through LeopardClaw. The blue light held the fiery serpents at bay, yet Serpentus’ sword still burned brightly.

  “Your sad skills in Elemence are no match for FireSkull. It has been cursed by my Teacher, Serpentsong.” Serpentus thrust FireSkull at Tullus, Tullus brought LeopardClaw around to parry. The two swords met, a loud, explosive sound emanating between the blades as the blessed LeopardClaw fought the cursed flames of FireSkull.

  “I see you have developed your sword fighting skills, Norbanus,” Tullus said before he untangled LeopardClaw from FireSkull. He took a quick breath before the mace came at him again. He cast Contego and the mace slammed against his energy shield.

  “So, you wish to fight with magic?” Serpentus sheathed his weapons. “Then I shall not disappoint you.” He pointed his fingertips at Tullus. “Vehemens.” Red beams shot out from Serpentus’ fingertips and slammed into Tullus’ shield. The force of the blast knocked Tullus off his feet and he landed against the cavern wall. He’d been killed if the shield wasn’t there to absorb Serpentus’ barrage.

  Tullus lifted himself up from the cavern floor, still grasping LeopardClaw. He still had Leopardhide slung across his back and could call upon it to conserve Vigor, but this was a battle between magic. While Leopardhide was blessed, it could prove cumbersome against Serpentus' magic.

  Tullus focused his thoughts and decided to counter with an attacking spell.


  Blue energy bolts emerged from his palm and raced toward Serpentus. The Snake Lord’s shield deflected the bolts but this gave Tullus the chance to get in another quick attack.

  He cast Fuga and projected himself behind Serpentus. Before the Snake Lord knew what had happened, Tullus was behind him. He was about to plunge LeopardClaw into Serpentus’ back, when something under Serpentus’ cape emerged and launched itself at Tullus. It was the silver serpent he’d seen earlier inside the silver arrow. The creature coiled itself around his wrists and squeezed hard. Tullus’ wrists were pressed against one another, and he dropped LeopardClaw.

  The Serpent’s head shot towards Tullus, its fangs seeking out Tullus’ neck.

  Serpentus turned around and smiled. “Havoc doesn’t like it when someone attempts to harm me.”

  Havoc’s fangs tried biting Tullus’ neck, but with all the jostling, the serpent only managed to slam its head against Tullus’ leather harness. The chain mail beneath Tullus’ harness absorbed Havoc’s weight, but Tullus lost his footing and fell. The serpent coiled around his neck, attempting to choke him. He met its stare and saw the red glowing eyes.

  His breathing stopped and Tullus felt his lungs would explode. His Vigor sapped from Serpentus’ traps, he felt his life slipping away. To his amazement the serpent had released his hands and was going for the kill. Tullus had once chance left.

  The Breath of Life.

  He fumbled for the small vial dangling from his belt. He grasped it and pulled the stopper out. Serpentus watched him intently as Tullus brought the vial toward his Leopard print mask. He pushed the vial under his mask and swallowed a few drops. His muscles began to pulse with The Vigor from the Breath of Life. Suddenly the serpent’s strength wasn’t overwhelming.

  Tullus ripped Havoc off of his neck and hurled him like a discus. The serpent hissed angrily before crashing into the cavern wall. It lay there, docile while Serpentus drew FireSkull.

  “You shall pay for what you did to Havoc.” Serpentus launched himself at Tullus and swung FireSkull at his head in one swift attempt at decapitation. Tullus, still imbued with the Breath of Life, sidestepped the attack and counterattacked, launching a kick at Serpentus’ midsection and knocking the Snake Lord off his feet before drawing LeopardClaw. The two blades met again as another explosion pealed through the cavern, causing the torches to flicker nervously. The effects of The Breath of Life were waning. Remembering Hradack’s warning regarding dosage, Tullus would make do with his combat skills.

  Serpentus shifted his weight against Tullus, trying to knock him off balance but Tullus held firm. In the corner of his eye Tullus saw the Serpent, Havoc, stirring back to life. He couldn’t let it regain full consciousness and attack him again. He remembered the Aranea spell. It was a level five Fortis spell Hradack had shown him once. Did he have enough Vigor to cast it? Tullus focused his thoughts and drew one hand away from LeopardClaw’s grip while holding Serpentus at bay.


  Stringy blue energy threads flew from his palm, racing toward Havoc. Before the serpent knew what hit him the threads had formed into a cohesive web, pinning him to the cavern floor. Havoc hissed loudly, trying to break free.

  Enraged at seeing his serpent bested again, Serpentus cast Impetus and sent LeopardClaw flying from Tullus’ grip. Tullus’ hand was scorched and sizzled from the impact of Serpentus’ spell. Tullus cast Curatio and shook off the hand wound before Serpentus landed a kick in his jaw that sent Tullus reeling backwards. A part of his Leopard print mask had caught on Serpentus’ boot and tore the mask off Tullus’ face.

  Serpentus picked up the torn mask and looked at Tullus.

  “I know that face,” Serpentus said. He looked at the mask again and then studied Tullus’ face.

  “Tullus Acilius Ulixes is The Leopard King?” Serpentus tossed the torn scarf away and sheathed FireSkull. He grabbed Tullus' harness and head-butted him. Tullus felt a sharp pain shoot through his forehead before he blacked out.


  When Sharkus’ watcher in the lookout nest spotted six Roman warships on the horizon, the Briton knew his charter had taken a turn for the worse. Five Roman ships were QuinQuireme class, the main workhorses of the Roman Naval fleet. The sixth was Hexeres-class, a flagship with a battering ram that could send Neptune’s Fury to the bottom of the sea. He was torn between his loyalty to Tullus and his reputation as a Captain. If he abandoned Tullus and Caltus his conscience would never forgive him.

  “Shit,” he muttered. “I knew I should’ve been a bloody carpenter.”

  His First Mate Sextus Seadog joined him on the quarterdeck. “Captain, we must withdraw.”

  Sharkus was amazed. In all the years he had served Sextus he had never seen his friend this rigid.

  That Hexeres must have done it. He knows what its battering ram can do to us.

  “Continue maneuvering, if we cannot locate Tullus and Caltus we’ll leave,” Sharkus said sternly.

  Sextus’s face was mired in dismay. “Captain…Sharkus. Tullus could be dead. And the boy I like him too. But what will it serve us if we’re caught at sea by those ships?” Sextus Seadog pointed at the
incoming Roman ships. Sharkus could make out the gold Roman Eagle decorating their sails. “We have rescued his friends, that’s what Tullus wanted. There is no need for us to die today!”

  Sharkus exhaled. Seadog was right. Then the memory of his brother, Dilus, flooded his mind. I had left him behind once, in the arena after I had gained my freedom. But when I finally returned to buy his freedom he’d been killed on the sands. I’ve lived with that mistake ever since.

  Sextus Seadog grabbed his arm and looked at him sadly. Sharkus felt the Vigor of his friend’s grip and knew Sextus understood what he was thinking of. “Don’t keep blaming yourself for Dilus, Sharkus. It wasn’t your fault.”

  Sharkus grunted. “Try telling that to the souls of my parents. No Sextus, we hold our course. Tullus will show up. That’s why he’s called The Leopard King.”


  Croctus Reptilius pulled the bullock cart down towards the pier where Razor was docked. Sawtooth, riding in the cart, kept an eye on the cage. Reptilius dropped the cart hitch.

  “Time to come down, boy,” he told the crocodile. The crocodile climbed down from the cart and swaggered across the gangplank leading up to Razor.

  His crew, upon seeing him, disembarked to help. Reptilius jerked his thumb at the cage to indicate his spoils. Celestra growled fiercely at him. Reptilius chuckled.

  “Get this furry bitch secured in the cargo hold,” he told his crew.

  The men carefully unloaded the cage from the bullock cart while Celestra growled at them. On deck a wooden crane lowered a hook which they secured to the top of Celestra’s cage. Thick ropes hauled the cage up into the air. Celestra grasped at the bars and continued growling at Reptilius and his men.

  “Noisy ball of fur, isn’t she?” Reptilius said. His crew laughed.

  The crane swiveled around before the cage was lowered into the cargo hold opening. After the hook was retracted the men closed the cargo hold doors.

  Reptilius turned toward his first mate. “I’ll be in my quarters.”


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