A small crowd of local ladies had gathered outside the shop eagerly awaiting the new opening. It was a small insignificant town that rarely got new businesses, so when the signs had appeared 2 weeks before, news spread like wildfire..
A loud click came from the shop front and the crowd hushed as the shutters slowly went up. Almost immediately a wave of gasps went through the crowd as the windows were unveiled. Some ladies giggled and sniggered like school children and some whispered their approval and stated "Bout time too!"
The windows were decorated with elegant voile backdrops and there were two mannequins in the windows either side of the front door. The window to the left showed a daytime look with a tall, skinny, dark haired mannequin with brown eyes and barely there makeup. It was dressed in skinny jeans and a cute white tee with a pink heart embroidered on the front. It wore casual white pumps with a denim rucksack positioned over its shoulders and the hair had been slicked back into a ponytail. The second mannequin was short, about 5' and unusually curvy. It had mousy brown wavy hair which fell prettily around its face and appeared to be approx a size 14/16. It was dressed in a v neck black Tee and short denim skirt with black leggings underneath with lace trims. Shoes were blue pumps, and a blue shoulder bag had been placed on the hooked elbow.
The window to the right was more of an evening look and the voiles covering the background were dotted with crystals reflecting subtle lights placed around the frame. The first mannequin in this side was about 5' 5" with long blonde locks which spiraled across the shoulders. Heavy dark makeup brought out the stark blueness of the eyes and bright red lipstick set off the whole face. A sparkling diamanté necklace led down to a black figure hugging size 12 dress that showed off the perfect hourglass figure that only an artist/sculptor could have built beneath. The dress stopped just below the knee and black stockings led the eye down to the most fabulous pair of diamond covered heels.
Beside was an equally beautiful creation about 5' 7" and a size 18/20. Hair was bright red and shoulder length and the sparkling eye makeup set it off spectacularly. The lips painted with sparkling wine colored gloss. This mannequin wore a long flowing dress right down to the toes, deepest red colour with a silver crystalized wide belt. Peeping from under the dress were bright red glass slippers almost resembling the wizard of oz slippers from the famous children's tale. Both mannequins sported black handbags with a slightly different design on the fronts.
The door to the shop opened and a tall, well dressed man appeared. He was mid 40's and specks of grey flashed through his dark well kept hair. He wore a grey pinstriped suit and dazzling white shirt.
"Welcome ladies, my name's Max, come in and feel free to look around. Real Women is your personal wardrobe for everyday life or for that special occasion. Come in, come in."
He stepped to the side and greeted the ladies as they walked through the door and spaced out across the shop floor. The shop was wall to wall rails of beautiful quality fashions and accessories. Random pedestals throughout the floor were adorned with shoes and bags and placed each side of the counter were two glass cases stood on silver blocks. Each glass case covered a mannequin. On the left was a short, curvy mannequin with brown hair with flashes of blonde passing through it. It had been dressed in smart black trousers, beige vest top and a longline brown cardigan. A chunky, earthy toned necklace hung loosely over the breasts and a pair of sexy beige kitten heels set the look. A petite brown bag hung from the shoulder.
The opposing case housed a mannequin of equal beauty but wearing a more business styled look. Fitted black suit jacket over a plain white button through blouse, above a tight fitting black pencil skirt. Hair up in a loose sexy bun on the top of the head and black framed glasses placed carefully on the face. Black heels completed this design and the mannequins were attracting a lot of oohs from the ladies.
"They're so life like!" said one.
"Amazing detail" said another.
"So refreshing to see normal sized models of real women" one lady remarked to Max. "Well thankyou" he replied "They are all my own creations, hence the cases. I have slaved over these and would hate for them to get damaged so I encase them in glass to preserve their beauty and realism." "Why the holes in the top of the glass?" asked one inquisitive customer. "It allows the air to flow so there is no moisture trapped in the cases, helping the mannequins to last longer" he explained.
The tills rang over and over during the day and money passed freely from the customers purses to the cash register drawer. Queues formed up and down the shop floor and Max was definitely kept busy. 5pm came and he ushered the last couple of ladies out through the door and locked it behind them.
He pushed the red button on the wall to the left and the sound of scraping metal filled the air as the shutters closed over the front windows and door. He stepped into the shop and took a look around. "We'll need to refill these rails in the morning" he said in a low whisper.
He disappeared into the room at the back of the shop and reappeared a few short moments later with a trolley. He walked to the windows and unlocked the metal screens that closed them off from the rest of the shop. This was the 'casual' window. "Works finished my lovelies" he grinned as he lifted the first one down onto the trolley, pushing it through the shop and out the back into the living area he had rented along with the commercial space. He opened a door to the left and switched on the light.
The room was dimly lit with an energy saving bulb and the curtains were drawn across the windows. A dark corner sofa took one side of the room and a long iron bar was fixed along the skirting of the wall on the opposite side. Along the bar were six sets of metal cuffs. Directly above the cuffs, bolted into the ceiling were six chains with leather wrist straps swinging underneath.
One by one he brought the 'mannequins' through to the living area and set about removing their clothing and washing them down with a flannel and liquid soap. "Got to keep you smelling pretty don't we?" he smiled. "Wouldn't want you rotting away like Shelly..hmm?"
Each mannequin was cleaned, dressed in short, lace nighties and stood against the wall. Their hands were raised and strapped tightly into the cuffs dangling above. Ankles received the same. Once each mannequin was secured, a bag of fluid was hung from a hook in the wall directly beside their faces. A drip feed was attached and Max set about inserting cannulas into the back of each left hand. He connected the drips to the cannulas and stood back to admire his work.
"Ah so beautiful! You will always be my girls. You are the key to my happiness. You attract the customers and you keep them coming back for more. I know we move around a lot but that's through necessity not choice. If we stayed too long you know they would eventually take you away from me and we can't have that can we?" He smiled sweetly and whispered "Dinner time"
Max disappeared into the kitchen and opened the freezer. He stood perusing over the different cuts of meat all labelled in clear plastic bags. "Hmm, I think I'll take the thighs out for tomorrows dinner."
He removed 2 large clear bags which held a thigh in each.
"I've got something special for now" he called back to the other room as he opened the fridge door. He put the 2 thighs on the middle shelf and took out a large silver tray, removing the tin foil covering the top.
"Liver and onions tonight ladies."
Max plugged in 2 large blenders and took the lids off the top. He slid one liver in each and started peeling an onion. A few swift flicks of the knife and the onion was roughly chopped and divided between the 2 jugs. He secured the lids back in place and called to the other room "Fe
el free to chat amongst yourselves, it wont be long." The noise from the blenders filled the air. Max went back to the fridge and took out a jug of stock he had made previously using discarded rib bones. The sweet smell filled his nostrils and he spoke low and soft as he poured the stock into each blender "Poor, poor Shelly".
Hayley had met Max when he appeared in the doorway of a new shop. He was strangely handsome and very articulate. She had spoken briefly to him that first day and had found herself making up excuses to go back to the shop, or even just to walk past, hoping he would come out and talk to her.
His appreciation for the female form intrigued and surprised her and she wanted to know more. She wanted to know how he made the mannequins? How many hours went into his passion? What materials he had used to make them so realistic? And a part of her, hidden deep from the outside world, wanted to know just how far his realistic models actually went? Were they...anatomically correct?
She knew she would probably never be brave enough to ask the latter but what she didn't know, was that soon, she would have the answers to all of her questions...and more.
Hayley had entered the shop that day on a mission to get answers. She was determined to get Max talking and although they had enjoyed short conversations before, she wanted to delve deeper this time. Max was busy, as usual, when she arrived but she had come to realize that if she got there just after lunch, there were less people around and Max had more time to talk.
"Hi" she called as she walked through the door.
"Ah Hayley, what a lovely surprise" Max smiled. "What can I do for you today?"
"Just passing, got a bit of free time, so thought I'd come in for a nosey and a chat" she smiled back. "Quiet in here today?".
Max continued to make small talk while serving a couple of ladies who had approached the till with arms full of dresses. "Couldn't decide which one to buy so we're buying them all" giggled one.
"And why not" laughed Max.
He appeared to be a really nice guy but Hayley knew there was a lot more to him than just a man running a shop. He was too intelligent to be wasting his hours doing mundane day to day work. Maybe his real passion was sculpting? It would certainly explain the life like models throughout the store.
"So, how long does it take to make one of these then?" Hayley asked, walking towards the mannequin in a glass case next to the till.
"Alas, if I told you all my secrets I would have to kill you" Max grinned.
"Why? Who am I going to reveal your secrets too?" Hayley said sweetly.
"Well lets just say, some things are secrets for a reason and leave it at that!" he snapped. "Haven't you got something else to do rather than bug me everyday?" The look on his face had changed from playfulness to one of serious glare.
Hayley took immediate offence and snapped back "Oh well, I just wanted to know a bit more about you but, if your going to be like that..fuck ya! People don't have to be nice you know! And its not like your making much of an effort to get to know the community you moved into is it? If you want to be a sad loner all your life then who am I to stop you?! Maybe these dolls have more chance of getting you going. Maybe the gossips are right and you have some sort of weird fetish for these things..."
She watched his face as the words tumbled out of her mouth and suddenly a wave of regret came over her. She didn't mean that. She wanted to be friends but she had never been able to tolerate ungrateful rude people.
"Sorry...I shouldn't have.." Max interrupted her apology and walked towards the door. He pushed the red button on the wall and the shutters scraped as they started to close down over the front of the shop.
"What are you doing?" she asked, fear bubbling in her throat.
"Is that what people are saying about me?" he asked.
"Well, some people have, yes. Not me though! I tend to stand up for you and tell them to get their head out of the gutter. Why are you closing the shutters?" she asked again.
"I think we need to talk" Max smiled. "Coffee?"
He walked past her towards the back of the shop and called behind him "Maybe your right? Maybe its time I got to know you a bit better, can't have these ridiculous rumors, can we? Sugar?" Max disappeared through the door into the back room.
Hayley relaxed slightly and followed..."Two please".
Hayley woke confused and dazed. She didn't know where she was but she knew something was seriously wrong! She was laid down, in the back of some sort of truck. They were moving. She could feel the vibrations from the tyres going over the road below. What the hell had happened?
She tried her hardest to remember.
The shop.
She had been in the shop chatting to Max. He had invited her through for coffee. She remembered walking out the door at the back of the shop and then a sharp scratch on her neck and.. blackness. What the hell had he done?
The truck stopped. Hayley listened as the drivers door opened and closed. Footsteps. The back door creaked open and she felt his weight enter beside her.
Fear took over and panic set in.
"Don't worry" Max whispered, leaning across so she could see the street light reflecting in his eyes. "I'm not going to hurt you". He shifted his weight and sat beside her.
"Your a new chapter for me" he said. "Something I hadn't planned for. I felt our connection from that first day in the shop. You had me from the moment we locked eyes. I didn't get it at first, I thought you were just interested in the dresses..but you kept coming back. Digging, delving, trying to draw me out. I've never had that before, an interest purely in me, but now I have it..I'm not letting it go. You will be mine forever Hayley. You will be my confidant, my partner, my soul mate! Unfortunately for you, I fear you may not feel the same as I open my twisted reality, but we shall see." Max leaned in close to Hayley's ear and breathed "You are essentially my prisoner. You will never run. I will control your bodily functions, your nutritional needs, what you wear, what you smell like. The only thing left will be your mind...but time will correct that. Hayley..your body and soul now belong to me!"
Max moved to the door and stood up. "Are you hungry?" The door closed and the air fell silent. Hayley had no idea what was going on but she knew she had to get out. She tried to move but her hands were tied tightly behind her back. Her ankles bound too. There was something underneath her, a bar of some sort that was stopping her from sitting up. Had he tied her to the bar? The tape across her mouth hurt. She wriggled and thrashed but the only thing she had accomplished was to tire herself out. Her head started spinning and the darkness returned.
Hayley woke to the sound of the radio playing at the front of the truck. She strained her neck to look around but he had blocked off the view into the cab. They travelled for hours until finally the truck stopped. She listened intently as an unfamiliar voice began.
"Hello, you must be Max" said the male.
"Yes, nice to meet you, Paul is it?" footsteps "That's right. I've got your contracts and the keys here for you sir. Do you need a hand with your things?"
"Oh no" replied Max, "I've been travelling a fair bit so I'm just going to sign the papers and go and get my head down for a while. Unpacking can wait".
"Ah fair enough" said the male. "Well your on your own here, so it should be nice and peaceful for you. If you need anything, here's my card, just give me a call."
"I will, thanks Paul." Hayley heard a shuffling of papers and then the roar of an engine disappearing into the distance.
The drivers door opened and closed and the truck turned in reverse. The sound of the engine began to echo and she knew they had backed up to some sort of garage or warehouse.
The back doors creaked open and Max climbed inside "Little scratch" he whispered as the needle entered through Hayley's skin. "Don't worry, its only a small dose until I sort everything out. I learnt my lesson on Shelly".
Max met Shelly in his sec
ond shop. The plan had been simple and naive back then. She wasn't really his 'type' but her accidental involvement had helped him evolve...
Lee hated shopping with a passion - especially when it involved being dragged around endless shops by Shelly. He hated having to look like he was interested when in actual fact all he really wanted to do, was sit in his games room playing with his virtual reality girls. When they first met, Shelly was all he needed, but the novelty had soon wore off.
"Ooh this is that shop all the girls were on about the other night" she said as she pulled him through the door. Lee stopped in his tracks staring at the window. "They look so real don't they?" He pulled his gaze away from the blonde mannequin and followed Shelly inside.
Shelly straight away started cooing over the clothes like a kid in a sweet shop. Lee hated that noise. He looked around for somewhere to sit. He could tell he was going to be here a while. He spotted a small stool just beside the counter and asked Max if he could use it. "Certainly sir" Max replied smiling. "Would you like a magazine?" In the blink of an eye Max had retrieved a few glossy mags from under the counter. Lee smiled back and took the reading matter making himself comfy on the stool.
While Shelly flitted in and out of the changing room, Lee flicked through a motorbike magazine. He wasn't really interested in the bikes and found his mind wandering back to the model in the window. She looked so real. "Lee, come here" bellowed Shelly from the other end of the shop.
Lee sighed and asked Max if he could take the stool and the magazines down towards the changing area. "Of course" Max nodded. The shop was pretty busy now. A queue of ladies were waiting to pay and Lee suddenly noticed, apart from the guy who owned the place, he was the only other male in there.
As he set the stool down he spotted two more mannequins up on pedestals just off to the side of the changing rooms. Shelly called again "Lee!" "I'm right here" he called back, "keep your voice down". Shelly mumbled something from behind the curtain and then walked out wearing a long, floaty, summery dress. "What do you think?" she asked. "Its winter" he said back, emotionless. Shelly huffed and disappeared back behind the curtain.