Loving The Biker (MC Biker Romance)

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Loving The Biker (MC Biker Romance) Page 8

by Cassie Alexandra

  “I advanced pretty quickly,” I admitted. “But, I worked my ass off for it.”

  “I’m sure you did,” he said, setting his helmet on the bike. He slipped his jacket on. “I know I wouldn’t want to piss you off. Not after the way you handled Chips earlier.”

  “He handled me first,” I replied, my smile fading. “If it wasn’t for you, I doubt I would have made it out of that situation… alive.”

  “Honestly, I think you would have,” he said. “It just would have taken longer, but you’d have gotten away.”

  “What is it about these clubs that interest you so much?” I asked bluntly. “I mean…. why join up?”

  He took a few seconds before answering. “It’s about brotherhood, friendship, and camaraderie for me. Once you’re accepted into a club, your brothers have your back for life, no matter the circumstances.”

  “So, you’re joining because you want a family?”

  “I have a family but I guess in a way, that’s a big part of it, too. To be honest, I didn’t know much about motorcycle clubs until I met Taz, a guy I used to work with. He was a Prospect for the Devil’s Rangers and invited me to a party one night. Afterward, I started hanging around some of the places they frequented and got to know some of the other guys. Eventually, Taz sponsored me and I was made a Prospect.”

  “He must be angry that you’ve switched sides,” I replied.

  “He would be if he were still alive,” said Cole, staring past me, into the distance.

  “What happened to him?” I asked, wondering if he’d been murdered. I hadn’t read anything about Taz in any of my reports.

  “He took off one weekend to visit his parents in Texas and was killed by a drunk driver,” he replied, his eyes revealing the grief he still felt. “They both died, actually.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” I said, placing a hand on his forearm. “I’m sure you two were pretty close.”

  He stared at my hand. “He was the only guy in the Devil’s Rangers with any kind of ethics. I suppose that was one thing that made it easier for me to leave the club, knowing that he was gone.”

  “I bet,” I said, noticing some of the glances that I was getting in the parking lot by other officers. I pulled my hand away. “So, you weren’t that close to the other club members?”

  “I was until I found out they were lying to me,” he said.

  “About what?”

  He looked away. “Club stuff. Anyway, I’m with a better one now and have no regrets about changing. I’m just grateful that Tank didn’t hold my prior club affiliation against me.”

  “I’m sure marrying your sister gave you a free pass, too,” I replied.

  “No. There are never free passes into anything. You have to prove your loyalty,” said Cole.

  “How do you have to prove it?” I asked, knowing that for many clubs it meant doing something illegal.

  Cole swung his leg over his bike and sat down. “I’m still trying to figure that out.”



  “Hopefully, you won’t be doing anything that will land you behind bars,” she replied.

  I smiled and started the bike. “You sound like my Uncle Sal.”

  “And he sounds like an intelligent guy. Nice motorcycle, by the way,” she said loudly.

  “You ride?”


  “Have you ever been on a bike?”

  “When I was young, my father used to take me for rides on his.”

  “What kind did he have?”

  “He owned a Gold Wing.”

  I nodded and asked if she wanted to take a ride with me.

  Terin looked around the parking lot and then back to me. She looked uncomfortable. “I have to get back to work.”

  “What about when you’re off?”

  “I really can’t.”

  “I could pick you up at your place. Nobody would have to know,” I said. I’d noticed the way her eyes had lit up at the mention of a ride and knew she wanted to.

  “Seriously, Cole, I can’t and you know why. Anyway,” she began backing away. “Thanks again for stopping by and filling out the report.”

  She was right. I knew it was a long shot but I couldn’t help myself. She was a sexy little number and I hadn’t been laid in a couple of weeks. The thought of taking her back to my place and giving her my own ride was enough to make my jeans tight.

  “Too bad,” I said, revving the engine a little. “One ride with me, on a Harley, and I guarantee that you’d never want to get off.” I gave her a wicked grin. “At least not without me.”

  She smiled. “You’re pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Only when it comes to things that I want.”

  “And what is that?” she asked, looking flushed.

  My eyes trailed up and down her body, making it obvious as to what I wanted.

  Her blush deepened. “Goodbye, Cole,” she said, backing away.

  “If you need me for anything else, you have my number,” I told her. “Case related or personal.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  I slipped the helmet over my head. “I’ll definitely be keeping you in mind.”

  “Am I the first cop you’ve ever flirted with?” she asked.

  I grinned. “Does Walters count?”

  Laughing, she turned and walked back toward the building.



  I was still grinning to myself when I heard the rumble of Cole’s bike as he took off. I had to admit, he sure knew how to make a woman laugh. I had a feeling he knew how to make her do a lot of other things as well.

  When I returned to the building, Walters called me into his office.

  “What’s up?” I asked, sitting down.

  “Did you call Merl’s?” he asked, leaning back in his squeaky chair.

  “Yes, they do have working cameras, although I was told that they were pretty old.” I’d been so involved with Cole that I’d almost forgotten about the video footage. “I’m going to head there right now and see what’s on them.”

  “Okay. And… O’Brien?”


  He gave me a funny smile. “You do realize that Cole Johnson, as much as he helped us today, is off limits.”

  “Sir, what do you mean?” I asked, staring at him in surprise.

  “Bronson saw you out in the parking lot with him.”

  “So? I walked him out to his bike. We were discussing his decision on joining a motorcycle club,” I said, angry that Bronson wasn’t just spying on me, but reporting back to Walters.

  He nodded. “Just be careful.”

  “If anyone should be careful, it’s Bronson,” I muttered.

  Nodding, Walters took a sip of his coffee. “I agree. I had a feeling that he was just trying to start trouble, but wanted to talk to you about it anyway. You’re an intelligent woman and a damned good cop. Not somebody who’d mingle with scum like Johnson.”

  “Exactly,” I said. “I admit, we talked for a while. I just wanted to know what the appeal is to these clubs.”

  “And I suppose he gave you the old ‘friendship and camaraderie’ spiel.”

  I nodded.

  “It’s not just that. They could find that by joining a church or bowling league. These guys love the attention and the danger involved with belonging to a club like the Devil’s Rangers and Gold Vipers.”

  “Aren’t the Gold Vipers pretty clean compared to the Devil’s Rangers?” I asked.

  “That’s what they want you to believe but… that’s bullshit. If they were upstanding and law-abiding citizens, there wouldn’t be so many dead Devil’s Rangers, now would there?”

  He had a point. There was no arguing that in the last three years, there’d been a slew of deaths, including a guy name Mud, the Hayward president, and Jon Hughes, the head of the Mother Charter.

  “If anything, the Gold Vipers are even more dangerous. Not only are they smarter, but much more cunnin
g. That’s why we brought you on, O’Brien. We need all the support we can get when it comes to catching these guys, and believe me… we will.”

  I nodded.

  “Now, obviously we won’t be sending you in undercover. Not after what happened today.”

  “I understand,” I replied.

  “Oh, by the way, they’ve already arrested Chips and Gomer.”

  I sighed in relief. “What about Ronnie?”

  “Not yet but they’re working on it.”

  “And what of Pete?”

  “Nothing yet,” said Walters.

  “Did anyone check to see if there was activing in Pete’s checking or saving’s account?”

  He nodded. “No activity, which isn’t surprising since he doesn’t have much in his accounts. Maybe two hundred dollars at the most.”

  My eyes widened. “But, his deli must be doing well, right?”

  “One would think. However, if he was anxious about meeting with Ronnie, then it’s obvious that he’s having financial difficulties.”

  “Cole thought that Ronnie might have been collecting on a gambling debt.”

  “I’m thinking the same thing.”

  “Is Pete married?”

  “He’s divorced,” he replied.

  My phone began to vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket and noticed that I’d received a text from my sister.


  “You’d better get a move on,” said Walters, turning back to his laptop. “And buzz me as soon as you find the video footage.”

  “I will,” I replied, stepping out of his office. Noticing that Bronson was the only one sitting at his desk, I refrained from ripping him a new asshole and went over to my desk to grab my purse.

  “Where you off to, O’Brien?” asked Bronson, obviously ready to push more of my buttons.

  I turned around and gave him a dirty look. “I’m going to Merl’s Gas Station, to check on the video footage of the person who called in the tip on Slammer’s murder. Why?”

  He smirked. “Just curious. Looks like you made a new friend today.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Cole Johnson. I saw the way you two were looking at each other outside, in the parking lot. Like you were ready to tear each other’s clothes off.”

  My face grew hot. “That’s bullshit, Bronson. Whatever you think you saw, is something your twisted mind created. Probably because I rejected you.”

  Bronson stood up. “You’d better stop right there,” he said, leaning forward on his desk.

  I walked closer and looked him dead in the eye. “No, you’re the one who’d better stop before you find your ass out of a job.”

  He laughed coldly. “You think you can threaten me?”

  “I’m not threatening you. I’m telling you exactly how it is. You know, it was bad enough having you grope me, but now to have to deal with these bullshit lies of yours to get me into trouble. You’d better back off, Bronson, or I’ll-”

  “You’ll what?” he asked with a sneer.

  Suddenly remembering my voice recorder, I reached into my pocket and pressed record. “Make it so that one day you’ll wish you still had your wife, your balls, and your job back.”

  “Listen you little bitch,” he said in a low, threatening voice. “I’ve been working here a lot longer than you have and there were no witnesses, so my job is secure. As far as touching you, I bet that’s the only action you’ve gotten for a long, long time because you’re such a frigid little bitch.”

  Trying to remain calm, I began counting backward by ten. I needed him to keep going. And being the condescending, disgusting asshole that he was, he did.

  “You know, you should get down on your knees and thank me for it,” he sneered.

  Trying not to gloat too much, I pulled the audio recorder and held it up. “You know, I won’t get down on my knees, but I do want to thank you,” I said, ending the recording. “For being so predictable.”

  “What the fuck is that?” he growled, trying to grab it from me.

  “A mini voice recorder,” I said, backing away with a triumphant grin. “And proof that you’re a disgusting pig.”

  “You can’t use that against me, you know. It would be inadmissible in court.”

  “I’m not looking to use it in court,” I replied. “But I’m sure your wife would be interested in listening to it. So would Walters.”

  His face turned red with rage.

  “Like I said before, don’t fuck with me and I won’t fuck with you. Understand, Bronson?”

  He didn’t say anything.

  “Bronson?” I repeated, looking him dead in the eye. “I’m not dishing out idle threats. Do you understand?”

  Still staring at me with hatred, he could only nod.

  “Good.” I pulled the strap of my purse over my shoulder, turned around, and walked away. It was a small victory but I couldn’t help but feel like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.



  After leaving the police station, I drove back to the clubhouse. Tank was still there, talking with Raptor and Tail at the bar.

  “Where’ve you been all day, slacker?” joked Tail, holding a beer.

  I smirked. “Cleaning up all the condoms you left in the parking lot last night. You know, correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think you can catch STDs from beating off.”

  “You can if you’re Tail,” said Raptor, cracking up. “Lord only knows where those fingers have been.”

  Tail flipped us both off. “At least I’m getting laid. You’re married so I know you’re not seeing any action,” he said to Raptor and then turned to me with a grin. “And you? You have no excuses… unless your dick is as lame as your jokes.”

  “I think the problem is that my dick has shriveled up inside of me, since I’ve been so busy being all of your bitches.”

  They laughed.

  Raptor reached into the cooler and popped open a beer. “We’ve all been there, brother,” he said, handing it to me. “Just hang tight and keep doing what you’re doing. Soon enough you’ll be recruiting your own Prospects and putting them to work.”

  “Speaking of work, you free tonight? I need you bouncing at Griffin’s,” said Tank.

  “Yeah, I’m free,” I replied.

  “If you’re lucky, one of the dancers will help retract your unit and make you a man again,” said Tank.

  “I suggest Candy,” said Tail. “The new chick. If anyone can give you wood, it’s her.”

  “You fucked Candace already?” asked Tank.

  “Let’s just say that I played me some Candy-land last weekend. Spent me some time in Gum Drop Hills. A little while later, she made it to Lollipop Forest, after which…” he grinned wickedly, “I blew my load over at Ice Cream River.”

  We all groaned.

  “Thanks, man. I’ll never be able to play that game again, without thinking like a perv,” said Raptor, who had a two year old son.

  “You should try playing it with just Adrianna,” said Tank, grinning. “I bet she’d finally let you into her castle again.”

  “Might not be a bad idea,” he answered.

  “What’s up? You two having problems?” asked Tail.

  “No. She’s just been so tired lately,” he answered.

  “Maybe she’s pregnant?” suggested Tank.

  Raptor scratched his chin and nodded. “Huh, I never thought of that.”

  “You guys know that we didn’t really use the board game,” explained Tail. “Right?”

  I snorted. “No, shit, really?”

  “I knew that the moment you got the locations wrong,” said Raptor.

  “Funny because I seemed to hit the right locations with her,” said Tail, taking another swig of his beer.

  “Okay. Enough about your sex life,” said Tank. “Some of us haven’t eaten for a while.”

  “What’s wrong, Prez? You missing your bachelor lifestyle already?” asked Tail.

�Fuck no,” said Tank. “I got a horny little woman who can’t keep her hands off of me. Even if I was offered new pussy on a platter, I’d be too exhausted to take a bite.” Tank looked at me. “Not that I’d cheat on Raina, brother.”

  “Hey, no worries man. What happens between the two of you is your business,” I replied.

  “I know, but I have a sister myself and I’d want to beat the fuck out of anyone who hurt her,” he replied.

  “I didn’t say I wouldn’t want to pound your head in,” I told him with a smile. “I’d just step back and let you two work it out.”

  “Raina would kick my ass,” said Tank, smiling. “And I’d deserve it. Anyway, we should talk about your meeting downtown. Let’s go back to my office.”

  “What happened downtown?” asked Tail.

  “I’ll fill you and everyone else in later,” Tank answered.

  “Okay,” said Tail, his eyes glossy.

  “How many beers have you had?” I asked.

  “Just a couple, mom,” he replied dryly.

  “Don’t go anywhere,” said Tank, also noticing that Tail was buzzed. “I’ll have someone give you a ride home.”

  Tail smiled and took another drink of beer. “My ride should be on her way any minute.”

  “Another date?” asked Hoss, who was just walking out of the bathroom.

  “I don’t know if I’d call it a date,” he replied. “We’re going back to her place and she’s going to give me a rub-down.”

  “A rub-down?” repeated Hoss.

  “She’s going to school to become a masseuse. I’m letting her practice on me. It’s the least I can do,” he said, smiling.

  “Where do you find these chicks?” asked Raptor.

  “Tail is like the Pied Piper of Pussy,” said Hoss, shaking his head. “The lucky son-of-a-bitch.”

  “Wait a second. What happened to your Facebook friend from earlier?” asked Tail.

  “Lana? That fucking bitch really was trying to steal money from me. Lucky for her she’s in another country or I’d drive to where she was and teach her a fucking lesson,” he said, looking pissed.

  “At least she didn’t get anything from you,” said Tank.


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