Luck is a Lady
Page 6
And so an uneasy truce was formed. Neither of them said anything about the episode in her office, but it was there between them every day. He got in the habit of following her around and offering her advice and ideas on the ship. She got the reputation of being someone who talked to herself, but since she wasn't insisting on seeing people who weren't really there, the crew didn't care.
For Lara it was bittersweet. If Justin had been a living man, she could easily see herself getting closer to him. He was intelligent, funny and of course gorgeous. But he also had a temper and was quite arrogant. She couldn't count the number of times he'd tried to tell her what to do. The fact that she was the boss was a constant frustration to him.
But he seemed to enjoy their verbal tussles. His eyes lost that dead look they'd had when she'd first seen him. Lottie confided the captain seemed happier these days. Lara hoped it was true. God knows he deserved some happiness. Daily, she longed to take him in her arms and soothe away the shadows in his eyes.
But him being a ghost prevented her from taking that step. She couldn't see a future with him, no matter how much she wanted him. And keeping their relationship a more business one, made sense and was better for them both.
At least ... that's what she kept telling herself.
Now, as they stood staring at the sparkling new casino salon, she knew at least his business sense was right on the money.
The floor was positioned with a set of crap tables in the center closest to the bow, then a line of four black-jack tables, parallel to a set of four poker tables. At the other end of the line was a pair of roulette wheels. Areas called pits were placed between all of them so the supervisors could keep an eye on dealer and customer alike.
All around the main tables, circling the entire room, were rows of slot machines. Nickel slots all the way up to the five dollar machines. On the aft end of the room was the bar with its polished mirror, and a huge picture of The Lucky Lady taken back in the early days when she still sailed the Mississippi river. Next to it was the buffet tables, spotlessly clean and waiting for food.
The cashier was set up on the other side of the room, right next to Lara's office. Justin had told her once it had been his office before he died. But since the mention of the room made them both uncomfortable, they usually ignored it all together. They hadn't been alone in the room since the day they made love.
Everything gleamed. The wooden tables and bar were buffed to a high shine, and the metal on the machines was polished so brightly, you could see your reflection in it.
"It came out beautiful,” she sighed.
Justin looked down at her. “Like the woman who created it."
She colored and he was charmed by the fact she could still blush, even after their intimacies with each other. He longed to pull her into his arms, and it was only the fact there were others in the room that prevented it. She would look damn funny cuddling against a man no one else could see.
"It's almost ready,” she went on. “They're working on the lounge and the galley as we speak. They finished the outside painting yesterday and the mechanics are almost done as well.” She turned to him.
"Thank you for letting it all happen. You don't know what this means to me. I think I was cursed too, before I came."
Justin treated himself to a gentle touch on her cheek. “I know you had a hard time before you got here. Couldn't hold down a job. Got fired from everywhere you went."
Lara stared up at him with her mouth open. “How did you know that?"
He gestured at the crew that was working around them. “They talked. None of them believed you would even show up, let alone do what you've done. They admire you now.” He grinned. “Even with your weird habit of talking to yourself."
She gave him a shove with her shoulder. “Sometimes I swear you do it on purpose just so they will look at me funny."
"Can't help it,” he laughed. “You won't let me play any pranks, so I have to amuse myself some way."
She smiled. “You know this is as much your success as it is mine.” Her eyes met his seriously. “You helped me so much."
"I told you I would."
Lara bit her lip. “I know. I guess I didn't really believe you."
He looked down at her. “And do you now?"
"Yes.” She looked out over the beautiful casino. “I couldn't have done it without you. We will be ready to open, just as I planned."
"When will that be?"
"I think, as soon as we are seaworthy, I will take us out on a test run. Have a little party just for the employees."
His heart warmed at her generosity. Every day she showed him she wasn't anything like her ancestor.
"It is a wonderful idea.” He opened his mouth to tell her just how wonderful she was but was interrupted.
"Lara! Phone call!"
They both turned. Stan was waving at her from the office door. She waved back. “On my way.” She turned back to Justin. “I'll talk to you later?"
He nodded. “Bet on it."
Smiling, she walked away, disappearing into her office. Justin watched her, wishing he could follow her in and lay her down on the floor one more time. His cock stiffened painfully, obviously wanting the same.
"How's it going, my boy?"
Startled out of his reverie, Justin turned to see the smiling faces of Lottie and Sir Malcolm.
"Where have you two been?” he asked, ignoring the question.
"Doing a little shopping,” giggled Lottie. “Dear Lara is setting up a gift shop in that room next to the lounge. She has some very nice things to sell."
"Smart girl, our Lara,” nodded Sir Malcolm. Then the elderly man's eyes narrowed. “But how is it going with you, Captain? We only have ten days left until Halloween. Any progress?"
Justin thought of the exquisite feel of Lara wrapped around his plunging body and wanted to groan. “Some,” he growled.
Lottie smacked him with her purse. “Hurry up! Even in my day the men moved faster than you do!"
"I must agree, my boy. You'll never get anywhere if you don't leave the safety of the harbor. Take a chance. A risk. The rewards will be great!” Sir Malcolm's eyes twinkled and he waggled a bushy eyebrow at Justin.
Justin swore. “I'm trying. I'm trying. She's just so damn hard to understand!"
The old lady patted his arm. “I think you know her better than you realize.” Lottie's bright intelligent eyes met his. “What are you afraid of, dearie?"
He opened his mouth, and then closed it again. The question made him think. Just what was he afraid of? Why did he hesitate?
* * * *
Later that night, he stood in the doorway to Lara's room listening to her move around in the small bathroom. He still hadn't answered Lottie's question, but he was determined to show Lara they could be together.
He had been careful not to come here before. Of all the cabins she could have chosen, she had picked his as her own. The knowledge she was sleeping in his cabin, in his own bed, sorely tried his self control. Every time he thought of the way she felt in his arms he'd break out in a sweat.
But he was tired of waiting. He knew there was something between them and Lottie was right. There were only ten days left. He had to try and make her fall in love with him. And he planned on enjoying every minute of the journey.
She came out of the bathroom and froze when she saw him standing there. He let out a heart felt groan. She was wearing nothing but a skimpy towel.
"Justin!” Lara clutched the towel to her breasts. “What are you doing here?"
He stepped toward her, shedding his coat as he came. It was only in her presence he could remove his clothes at will. He stopped when he saw her eyes widened. “I wanted to be with you."
Her mouth opened, but nothing came out when he began to unbutton the shirt he was wearing. It wasn't until he shrugged out of it and the top of his union suit that she made a noise. His cock stood straight up at the appreciation he saw in her eyes. Damn ... it was good to feel like a man again.<
br />
Lara swallowed hard. Without his shirt Justin seemed even bigger, even more masculine. Even when they had made love before, it had happened so quickly neither of them had undressed. Now she saw what she'd missed. Broad shoulders, strong muscular arms and chest tapered down to rock hard abs and slim hips. He had a light furring of dark hair on his chest with a narrow line of it that disappeared into his pants. Her fingers itched with the sudden need to touch him.
She blinked as his hands went to his pants. They were old fashioned slacks, using a type of button she'd never seen before. Quickly, he unbuttoned them and peeled them and the one piece underwear away. She moaned and the space between her legs dampened. No wonder he'd had trouble entering her before; he was huge!
"Justin,” she breathed again as he stood before her as naked as the day he was born. Her whole body ached to touch him. “We said we wouldn't do this again."
"You said,” he corrected softly. He walked over to her and stood so close she could feel the heat of his body. “I never agreed to anything."
"But it's wrong,” she whispered.
"How is it wrong?” he whispered back. Reaching down he took her hand and slowly wrapped it around his throbbing cock. “See what you do to me?” He groaned. “How could this feeling be wrong?"
Lara's mouth went dry at the feel of him. Hard yet soft, hot and alive, he was everything she wanted. And he was hers. All she had to do was reach out and take him.
"But you're a ghost,” she said making one more effort to free herself from his sensual spell. “We have no future."
He held her hand against him, smiling at the desire that dilated her dark eyes. “Then give me the present, sweetheart. Give me now. For the first time in one hundred years I can touch a woman. Feel her body against mine. Taste her generous lips.” He bent and kissed her. “The fact the fates have given me a beautiful woman who I could easily care for makes it all the sweeter."
"Care for?"
He moved even closer and cradled her face in his hands. “You are beautiful and loving and sweet. You make my heart stumble and my cock throb. I want to be with you all the time. I watch you with your crew and am awed a woman like you even exists."
Pulling her into his arms, he offered one last plea. “Give me your warmth, Lara. For as long as you'll have me. Give me the memory of a real woman's passion."
She stared up at him, feeling him throb against her, seeing the deep need for her in his eyes. She closed her eyes as realization hit.
How long? she wondered as her heart beat wildly. How long had she been in love with him and not even known it? She started to shake and with a small cry she buried her head against his chest. His arms came up around her and held her tightly.
She shook her head. She'd only known him for a few weeks and had spent most of that at war with him. When had her feelings changed? When had they gone from being furious with him ... to loving him?
"Lara? Sweetheart? Are you okay?"
She didn't move for a moment, and then sighed. Who knows how long they would have together? They were both bound to The Lucky Lady. Maybe they could have a relationship. At least until he tired of her, as he had her ancestor.
"I'm fine, just surprised."
Justin smoothed her dark hair as worry filled him. He hadn't expected this reaction. Pulling her away, he searched her shadowed eyes. “I won't hurt you, sweetheart. I promise you. I will show you exactly how precious you are."
Lara swallowed back tears. “I know you won't, Justin.” She reached up with her free hand and ran a finger over his mustache, and then down across his sensuous lips. “I want you too."
His eyes flared and he bit down on her finger as it made its next pass across his bottom lip. In retaliation, she squeezed his cock harder and moved her hand up and down the shaft. When he groaned, she smiled. “I think I'm the boss of you now."
He chuckled deep in his chest. Then he snagged the towel she was wearing and jerked it off of her. At her gasp, he gave a leering grin. “Two can play at that game.” He cupped her breasts in his hands and squeezed. “You are so beautiful."
She closed her eyes again. “You make me feel beautiful when you touch me."
"Then by the time the sun rises in the morning, you will feel like the most gorgeous woman on the planet."
He tried to move her backwards, but she shook her head. “Not yet. I want to do something for you first."
Laughing, he gave her another push towards the bed. “Lie down and you will."
She grinned as she sat down. “You'll get your turn.” She used his penis to pull him closer, smiling wider at his indrawn breath. “Let me show you how a twenty-first century woman makes love to her man."
Justin's eyes widened as she took him in both her warm hands. His cock thickened and throbbed even harder with the attention she was giving it. His legs almost buckled when she used her thumbs to carefully smear the drops of his own pre cum over the broad dark head of his penis.
"Lara,” he managed. He thrust against her, loving the feel of her hands on him.
She didn't respond, so enthralled was she with touching him. She stroked him, up and down, squeezing the base of his cock and then moving up the shaft slowly. Then she cupped the head in her hand before stroking down again and starting all over.
He could feel the burning start in his balls. He hadn't even touched her yet and he was close to coming. “Lara,” he said desperately. “Enough."
She shook her head. “Oh no,” she murmured. “I'm just getting started."
When she bent her head, he almost shouted her name. Would she do that for him? He'd never asked that of a woman before. As her warm mouth closed around him he groaned. It was all he could do not to thrust his cock deep in her throat.
He was too big to take in her mouth fully, so she sucked on him, using her tongue to tickle up the bottom of the shaft to the thin ridge of skin under the head. When he cursed, she grinned around him. Sweeping her tongue over the broad head made him shudder and grab at her hair.
Slowly, she started all over again, moving up and down his cock with her searching tongue. Her hand reached up to cup his balls and he groaned loudly. She could taste him now. His salty essence leaking into her mouth. Suddenly, she was determined to take this all the way.
Grasping him firmly, she began to stroke, using both her hand and her mouth on him. After a moment he began to move with her, thrusting his cock as deep into her mouth as he could go.
Justin gritted his teeth as the fire built in his loins. Her mouth was so hot around him he could barely stand. Her tongue licking him, her hands stroking him brought him to such a high state of need, his whole body literally ached. When her free hand reached up and began squeezing his balls, he called her name and grabbed at her head.
"Lara! Stop ... I can't..."
She ignored him, sucking hard on his weeping shaft. The feeling built up in him so rapidly he couldn't stop it. His head went back as his eyes closed. Sparks of color painted his eyelids. With a roar of her name, he exploded, filling her mouth with his cum. He thrust against her again and again as he shuddered and shook with his release.
Lara swallowed frantically. She'd never gone this far before, but she wanted all that she could from him. He tasted salty and slightly bitter, but she took everything he had, allowing him to fuck her mouth until he was shaking above her.
Finally, he took a deep breath and drew back from her, his still semi-hard cock popping out of her swollen mouth. He stared down at her for a long moment, his sea blue-eyes filled with an emotion she couldn't name. Touching her lips, he said hoarsely, “Sweetheart, did I hurt you?"
Lara shook her head. “No, I enjoyed every minute of it."
His eyes darkened and he bent and lifted her to him. Gingerly, he kissed her, as if he had never tasted his own essence before. Then, as she pressed closer against him, he groaned and pushing her back on the bed, he covered her body with his own.
Justin didn't know what to say to her. His body had taken ove
r and ignored all his signals to stop, but she didn't seem to mind. In fact, she looked smug and downright pleased with herself.
"I have never before allowed a woman to do that,” he said softly. “I was afraid I would hurt you."
She smiled and kissed his chin. “You are pretty big, but I managed."
His neck went red. “You are a very special woman.” He caressed her face with his big hand. “I'm not sure I'll ever get enough of you."
She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. “Don't try."
He grinned. “I think I would rather try and please you, lady."
Wriggling against him, she giggled. “Oh yeah? I'm right here."
He groaned as he felt himself become rigid again. He'd come so strongly before, he was surprised he could get hard again. “I think it's your turn."
"Going to show me some of those 1906 methods of love making?"
His eyes glinted. “Some things get better with age."
Wrapping his hands in her hair, he kissed her, using his tongue to thrust in and out of her mouth while at the same time, he thrust his cock between her legs. She moaned and spread her legs wider. His shaft slipped between the wet folds of her outer lips and rubbed against the swollen button of her desire.
She gasped as he moved against her clit with the same strong moves he was using in her mouth. Desire built rapidly and she could feel her juices trickling down her leg, she was so wet.
His mouth moved to her neck and he bit and nibbled at it. His other hand cupped her breast, flicking at the nipple with a callused thumb. Heat shot through her as he pulled and plucked at both breasts.
"Justin!” she cried out. “Please!” She writhed beneath him.
"Soon, sweetheart,” he growled. His own need was building again rapidly. His cock throbbed as it rubbed against her slick heat.
Without warning, she reached down and grabbed his naked butt, grinding herself against him. He swore out loud and moved quickly, spreading her legs wider. He stared deep into her desire blackened eyes.
"Do you want me?"
"Yes,” she cried as she tried to get closer. “Now, Justin. I want you in me."
With a growl of masculine possession, he buried himself deep within her. They both cried out as they became one, feeling the heat build impossibly higher as he began moving in and out of her with strong forceful movements.