Crazy Little Thing Called Love

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Crazy Little Thing Called Love Page 14

by Jess Bryant

  “There can be plenty of all that too if you know how to do it right. Dirty talk. Porn. Whipped cream.” His smile was salacious and her toes curled.

  It had been so very long since she’d been with a man that knew what he was doing. It had been so long since she’d been with a man that could make her stomach flip flop and her veins heat. So long because she’d never known one that wouldn’t eventually break her heart.

  “Do you have commitment issues?”

  “No. I’ve just got plenty of commitments in my life already. I don’t need anybody else I have to take care of.”

  “That sounds like a very honest answer.”

  His eyes darkened, “I already told you I wouldn’t lie to you.”

  She was nosy enough to ask how long he’d been this way but smart enough not to press the issue. Surely there were other reasons. Most men had pitiful stories of lost loves dashing their hearts to pieces so that they were broken and sex was all they had left to offer. He didn’t seem like that guy but it wasn’t really any of her business if he was.

  Just like it wasn’t any of his business why she might be open to such a bold proposition. She was bored. Her life had been reduced to reality television and listening to her father snore. She wasn’t sure how much longer she was going to be in town but she knew she was leaving. The doctors said her father had weeks, possibly a month. She couldn’t possibly form feelings for a guy that barely seemed to like her even if he freely admitted he wanted her naked. She didn’t want to feel alone anymore, not tonight. Was that reason enough?

  “Did you come here with a date tonight?”


  “So you came here alone looking for someone to take home?”

  “I came here alone hoping to find somebody to distract me from picturing you naked on the hood of that fucking Audi.” He leaned his head close to her, his eyes serious, “But then you went ahead and walked in here looking so damn pretty I’m going to end up with blue balls again without even touching you.”

  She had to suck in air after an admission like that. Okay, so she frustrated him. She annoyed him. But he wanted her naked on the hood of her car. Yeah, she could work with a man like that.

  She was an adult. She hadn’t had decent sex in a really long time. She knew he’d be great at it. She had firsthand experience after all. He was exactly the distraction she’d been waiting for.

  “I’m leaving in a few weeks.”

  “Ok.” He didn’t even flinch.

  “So no strings? No commitments?”

  “And no leaving me hanging with a raging hard on. We start this again. You better be prepared to finish it.” He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and she realized they’d already moved closer. His chest brushed against her breasts and awareness tingled across her skin. Yeah, this had been decided long before now. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “I’m thinking of finishing what we started in that parking lot.”

  “Good. Get in my truck.”

  A smile played on her lips, “In the truck? Here?”

  “No baby-doll.” His thumb brushed over her bottom lip, “I’m going to take you home, which I would have offered to do last time if you hadn’t been in such a rush to get away from me.”

  “Oh…” She shook her head, “You can’t take me home. My dad’s…”

  “I meant my home.” He smirked.

  “Oh.” She swallowed hard.



  “Get in the damn truck before I shove you against this railing and fuck you right here in front of half the county.” His eyes darkened dangerously.

  “Bossy.” She pushed away from the railing just to be safe. “I kind of like that.”


  “But I’m not getting in your truck.” She shrugged apologetically, “I’m not leaving the Audi here.”

  He growled and swiped a hand through his hair, “Fine. You can follow me. Just stay close.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” She walked past him without a backwards glance, “I know where the Triple Star is… I’ll race you.”

  “My truck against the Audi hardly seems fair baby-doll.” He turned around with his hands on his hips and she saw his eyes widen as they came to rest on the key hanging from her fingers.

  “I know. That’s why you’re driving the R8. I do owe you one after all.”

  Chapter Ten

  Zach heard the knock on his door and quickly finished shoving a pile of construction materials aside. He couldn’t believe she’d actually handed the keys to the R8 over. He couldn’t believe he’d actually allowed her to drive his truck either. Nobody drove his truck. Not Devin, not Riley, nobody. But it had been an offer he couldn’t refuse and the fact that she’d known it, the fact that she’d grinned at him like she knew it would only turn him on more had nearly made him come in his pants like an overexcited high school kid.

  He kept his strides at a normal pace though as he walked to the door and eased it open, “There you are. I was beginning to worry something had happened.”

  “I drove the speed limit.” She giggled and moved under the beam of the porch light, “I take it you didn’t?”

  Her blue eyes danced with amusement and laughter. He liked when she looked him in the eyes. It’d been driving him crazy all night that she wouldn’t really look at him. He liked those big blue eyes.

  He liked a lot of parts of Bluebell Montgomery Carter and after watching her half the night he’d decided to stop lying to himself about that. He wanted her. He’d have her and then he’d be able to stop obsessing about running into her in town, about strangling her for leaving him high and dry or more likely about shoving her against the nearest hard surface and finishing what he’d started three weeks ago.

  “No baby-doll. I didn’t.” He eased the screen door open, “Come on in.”

  She brushed past him and took a couple steps into the entryway. When she spun around her golden hair swished and so did the edge of that sexy little dress. He knew what she was seeing, piles of work supplies. A mess of construction littered every surface. He thought she’d ask about it but she simply turned and smiled up at him as he shut the door.

  “You live here alone now?”


  “Good.” She pushed against his chest, pinning him to the back of the door. He could have resisted. She was tall but she was a tiny thing compared to him. Instead, he let her. “How was the test drive?”

  Her hands slid up his chest and his balls which had been aching since she walked into the Roadhouse drew up expectedly, “It was amazing. Thank you. We’re even now for sure.”

  “I don’t think so.” She pressed her body to his chest and then went up on her tiptoes; sliding her breasts against him as her mouth moved close to his ear, “There’s still that other thing I owe you for…” Her lips pressed against the side of his neck, “I wouldn’t feel comfortable unless I knew we were even.”

  Because she dropped to her heels and her breasts slid back down his chest it took him an extra second to process what she meant. When her hands slid back down, playing with the hem of his shirt he did the math and he grinned. He knew there was a reason he hadn’t been able to get this particular crazy blonde out of his head. In one swift movement she pulled the pearl snap apart and the pops rang out in quick succession.

  She looked up at him and bit her lip shyly despite her bold actions so far, “I’ve wanted to do that for weeks now.”

  He sucked in a breath as she moved to the edge of his white undershirt and her nails scored his abdomen on the way up. He’d had his fair share of women undress him over the years. He’d had a lot of luck finding women that wanted to get him naked but Bluebell touching him was different. She was teasing him. He wasn’t sure he’d ever been with a woman that could tease him at the same time she turned him on. He definitely liked it.

  “All you had to do was ask.”

  She laughed against his chest as she pressed a k
iss to his heated skin and pushed the shirt over his head. He raised his arms to help and tossed it on the floor behind her. Her light teasing touches stopped and she pulled away.

  He furrowed his brow, “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She sucked in a gulp of air and her eyes practically seared him as she drank him in. Her hand reached out slowly and traced the black swirls of the big tattoo that circled his bicep. Her light touches only aroused him further. Her heated skin against his was like fire. “I want to trace these… with my tongue.”

  He groaned, “Baby I’m using up all my willpower not to just grab you and finish this now. I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Her mouth settled over the point of the swirl that ended a few inches above his left nipple and he flinched. She laughed against his skin and he could feel her smile. At the same time her hands ventured south down his sides and it was his turn to suck in a breath.

  “Maybe later then.” She tiptoed again until her face was just in front of his, “I’m going to need you to use that willpower just a little while longer. I’m not done exploring.”

  Despite her insistence he leaned forward and captured her mouth with his, “Just remember payback is a bitch Bluebell.” He warned and then kissed her again.

  She opened her mouth for him. He thrust his tongue in to meet hers. The kiss turned wild in an instant, tongues stroking, teeth nipping. He turned from hard to steel. She tasted good. Wet and warm and sweet, he wanted to know if she tasted like that in other places. He was starving for more, his hips rotating into her on their own. When her hands slid into the waistband of his jeans and brushed against the skin below he forgot to breathe entirely.

  She broke the kiss and looked up at him with those big blue eyes that had grown glassy with desire, “You are gorgeous Zach. I want to touch you everywhere with my hands and with my mouth.”

  He tried to reach for her, to pull her back for more of those drugging kisses. He wanted her against him again, liked the feel of her soft skin against his. He wanted her naked, now, so he could do his own exploring. He was too slow in his fog of lust though because by the time his hands moved to where her shoulders should have been she’d dropped to the floor on her knees.

  “Oh Jesus…” He tried to form a coherent thought as her hands went to the button of his jeans and flicked them open.

  “You can call me Blue.” She mimicked his earlier joke and he actually grinned as he heard his zipper come undone, “The top of my head doesn’t seem so bad now does it?”

  His laughter came out choked because she took the opportunity to grab a fistful of his jeans on each side and jerk them down along with the navy boxers that had been underneath. His erection pushed outward towards her. He heard her intake of air and swallowed an arrogant grin.

  “That work for you?” He was absolutely certain he’d never smiled this much during foreplay.

  “You weren’t lying when you said your ego was backed up by fact. You are a work of art Zach. Gorgeous.”

  He was no porn star but he knew he had more than enough to be proud of. Still, no other woman had ever called him gorgeous and she’d done it twice now. Her compliments, the awe in her voice was enough to push him to that dangerous edge even if her pretty face wasn’t hovering just out of reach, which it was.

  “Blue…” He started to say her name when she still hadn’t touched him but it choked off into a moan as her hand circled him, stroking gently. He could have come right then. Hell, he probably could have come from grinding his hips into her but he was stronger than that. He could demonstrate a little bit more willpower.

  “So that’s what I have to do to get you to call me Blue.” He could hear the smile in her voice, “Just for the record, I’m really going to enjoy making sure we’re even.”

  They weren’t going to be even after this. No, he was going to make damn sure they weren’t even because he was going to do his own exploring. He was going to touch her and taste her everywhere she was touching and tasting him. He’d just opened his mouth to promise her that sort of retribution when she leaned forward and kissed the head of his dick.

  Her tongue darted out and licked up and down a few times like he was the best flavor Popsicle in the world. When she returned to the head she circled the shaft in a playful lap and his knees went weak. He wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to hold out when she sucked him into her hot, wet mouth. She sucked him deep and his head fell back against the door.

  He hadn’t bet on her being so good at that. In his experience truly beautiful women rarely were, then again, they usually didn’t make him laugh either so he shouldn’t have been surprised. Those were the last conscious thoughts that he managed to retain other than yes and more.

  She didn’t rush. She set a rhythm and pulled him deep time and again. He tried to hold out, to use his reserves to prolong the pleasure. He locked his legs as she pulled an intense orgasm straight from his soul. He groaned as it swept through and she stayed with him to the end, swallowing him down and then kissing the tip as she released him.

  He was mildly aware of her hands pulling his boxers back into place. She planted a sweet kiss on his belly and he offered his hands to help her back to her feet. She took them and stood, running her hands up his biceps as she nuzzled his chest.

  “You taste as good as you look.”

  “Thank you.” He slid his hands around her waist and pulled her against him, stroking her ass.

  “Mmm, and manners too. Careful, I might start believing you’re a gentleman again.” She kissed the side of his throat, “You’re welcome.” She pulled back suddenly and gave him a dazzling smile, “Beer?”

  “What?” He must have heard wrong.

  “Do you have beer in the fridge?”

  “Uh, yeah, why?” He was still trying to wrap his head around it when he watched her turn and walk down the dark hallway.

  “Stay put. I’ll get us a couple.” Her voice trailed back to him as her boots clicked on the hardwood floor he felt another smile inch up his face.

  Jesus she was perfect. Crazy as hell but perfect nonetheless. She gave him a blowjob within a minute of stepping foot in his house and then she redressed him and went to get him a cold beer? Men would kill for women like that. Still, he wasn’t most men.

  He discarded his boots and jeans and left only his boxers in place as he padded to the kitchen. When he got there the room was lit up by light from the fridge. It bathed her in a soft yellow and gave him a great view of those sexy red boots and the swell of her ass under that short skirt. He was hard again already.

  Zach loved sex. He liked oral. He liked foreplay. He liked kissing and teasing and playing but he loved sex. Everything else was just the means to get there and make sure it was good. He wanted her in his bed and he didn’t want to wait any more.

  He tried to look casual as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorway, “What are you doing?”

  She jumped just as he’d expected and spun to face him, “Getting you a beer.”

  “I had something better in mind than beer.” He grinned at her confused look and then watched as her eyes trailed down his chest to take in the tent at the front of his boxers.

  “Oh.” Bluebell carefully set the beer down on the counter and raised a curious eyebrow, “Don’t you need a couple of minutes to recover?”

  “Does it look like I do?” He stalked forward into the light of the fridge and she got a better look at his face.

  Zach really was gorgeous. He was all hard planes and coiled muscle. She’d thought he was gorgeous before she’d unwrapped him from those clothes but now, standing in front of her nearly naked with that dark edge creeping into his normally soft green eyes he was dangerously good-looking.

  “No. It doesn’t.” She’d never known a man that could recover that quickly. If she hadn’t already been impressed, she would have been right then and there. He couldn’t be real. Her brain had simply made him up as a sex god to distract her from her
lonely life.

  “Do you need a minute?” He raised a skeptical eyebrow as he stalked forward.

  His chest brushed hers as he reached around her and took the second beer. He bent down and put them back in the fridge and then wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her flush against him again. She could feel the proof that he was ready to go again against her stomach, the proof that he was real.

  “No. I don’t need a minute if you don’t.”

  Liquid heat had dampened her panties before he’d even touched her. All it took from him was a look. He’d been right on back at the bar when he said that her body’s intense reaction to him was a little bit scary. She’d been ready for him long before she found that impressive erection beneath those blue jeans but now that she knew he was ready she wanted him inside her.

  “Good.” His dark voice was a growl as he lowered his head and gave her a deep, invasive kiss.

  His big hands raced over her body like he’d known it forever. She melted against him and her nipples ground against his chest through the barrier of her dress. She whimpered as he gripped her ass and lifted as if she didn’t weigh a thing. This time she was ready for the move and responded by wrapping her legs around his waist.

  He groaned into her mouth as his tongue delved in to explore. She was wrapped around him, pressed tight against him. She wanted to be closer. He must have read her mind because the next thing she knew he was moving them out of the kitchen and down another hallway. When he stopped moving his hands slipped down and he set her on her feet.

  She could see just enough in the moonlight to know that he’d brought her to his bedroom. A massive bed loomed behind her but she didn’t have time to take a better look because his hands were on the hem of her dress, pulling it up in one swift movement and discarding it behind her. She was thankful she’d taken the time to make sure her underwear at least matched. It had been more of a default choice of white. She didn’t have anything sexy. It didn’t seem to matter much to Zach though.

  Within a couple of seconds the straps of her bra were off, the clasp undone and her bare breasts hung free. Her nipples tightened even further under his hard gaze and then his hands were on her, testing the weight for a split second before he pulled her back in for another deep kiss that smashed her breasts to his bare chest.


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