Ruby Rose

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Ruby Rose Page 5

by Alta Hensley

Ruby’s eyes widened a bit, but she smiled and got out of the car. They laid out the blanket and put down the basket. They both sat in silence, taking in the scenery. The silence didn’t feel awkward at all, but rather calm and relaxing. Everything seemed so natural and comfortable that Evan couldn't hold back any longer. He leaned in for a small but sensual kiss. A kiss that was soft and sweet, but passionate at the same time. Pressing her back gently, laying Ruby down on the blanket, Evan propped himself up on his elbow next to her. He positioned Ruby's body closer to his while his hand caressed her body over her clothes. Every touch slow, making sure he didn’t overstep.

  Evan nibbled Ruby's lower lip softly, then worked his way down to her neck and the tip of her ear. Evan tasted, he licked, he relished in the delightful scent of Ruby. Everything about her intoxicated his senses. He ran his hand over Ruby's stomach and then down her outer thigh. Evan had never felt more aroused, nor had any other woman ever made him want to take it further so badly.

  “Evan,” Ruby whispered, hoarsely.

  Evan moaned softly as he continued to kiss and suckle her neck, wishing now they were somewhere where they could get more intimate.

  “Evan.” He could feel how hard Ruby was breathing and was excited to see that she possibly wanted the same.

  He kissed her with more fervor, dancing his tongue with Ruby’s. He kissed until their breaths united as one, merging a combined passion. Loving every moment, Evan pulled away so he could gaze into the depths of her eyes. Satisfied with the lust he saw swirling amongst the brown, he smiled.

  “You're beautiful, Ruby.” He ran small circles on Ruby's stomach as he spoke.

  “Evan, there's something I need to tell you. I'm… well, I've never been…” Ruby took a deep breath and looked away from Evan's locked stare. “I've never done anything like BDSM before. I've never been spanked, tied up, or anything. I'm pretty vanilla.”

  Evan stared at her blankly for a second, not sure how to respond. It felt as if the air had been knocked out of him. The idea of being Ruby's first experience rattled every nerve in his body. Confusion mixed with shock kept all the words locked inside. Evan wasn't sure what to say. Hell, he wasn't even sure what he thought. When he didn’t respond immediately, Ruby sat up and pulled away from him.

  “Wait, hold on…” Evan reached for her.

  Ruby turned to face him with tears glistening in her eyes. “I'm sorry. I know I should've said something.”

  Evan reached for Ruby's hands, his head spinning. “I'm confused. Have I been reading you wrong this whole time?”

  Ruby looked embarrassed and bit her bottom lip, not making eye contact. “No, you haven't. I've been enjoying this. Enjoying you.” She took a deep breath. “I don't know what's going on.”

  “So, you aren't into BDSM?”

  Ruby shook her head. “No.” She paused and reluctantly looked up to meet Evan's eyes. “But with you… with you, I question my feelings. Maybe I'd like to try? I don't know. I'm confused.”

  “I thought you were. You work at a BDSM club. You have to know that I am—”

  “Melanie got me the job,” she interrupted. “And yes, I know who you are.” A tear escaped Ruby's eye. “I'm so sorry, Evan. I'm not leading you on, or messing with you. I swear.”

  “It's okay. Just relax.” Evan caressed her cheek, wiping away the tear. “I’m sorry I came on so strong, I’m not usually like this. I hope I'm not scaring you away.”

  “Don't apologize. I'm the one who should.”

  Evan put his arm around Ruby and kissed her head. “We don't have to figure this out overnight. Do you want to explore this? See where this goes?”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes, very much.”

  “What if I'm not into spanking at all? What if I'm against doing that?”

  Evan frowned against the soft hair of Ruby's head. He pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head again. “Do you want to stop? Is this too much for you?” Evan's body tensed as he waited for the answer.

  “No. I don't want this to stop at all.” Ruby snuggled her head under Evan's chin, wrapping her arms around Evan's chest. “Can you be patient with me? Help me through all of this?”

  Evan squeezed her tight. “Yes, I can. I will.”

  Ruby looked up at him and smiled. “All I know is, this feels right. You feel right.”

  Evan loved seeing her smile. “I agree. I'll be here for you every step of the way. I want there to be an 'us'. But if this ever feels wrong—”

  “I can't imagine that,” Ruby interrupted again.

  “Then we'll figure this out. We'll make it work.”


  Ruby sat across from Evan, eating her sandwich and admiring every move he made. Even the way he ate was sexy. Ruby still couldn't believe how understanding Evan was about the whole spanking issue. His calm demeanor, sensitivity, and compassion made Ruby care about him even more. She was falling for him, falling like she had never done before.

  Ruby's ringing phone interrupted her thoughts. “Oh, sorry,” Ruby said as she scrambled to find her phone to dismiss the call.

  Evan shook his head, wiping off his mouth. “No worries. Go ahead and answer it.”

  Ruby looked down at the caller ID. “It's my friend, Harold. I'll just let it go to voicemail.”

  Evan shrugged. “Go ahead and talk to him.” He smiled. “He could be calling for something important. I don't mind at all.”

  Ruby felt her stomach stir. For some reason, Ruby didn't like the idea of talking to her editor in front of Evan. She knew Evan had no idea who Harold really was, but it felt wrong. Ruby's head still spun from the conversation they’d just had and her feelings about Evan. She’d never been a liar in her life, and leading Evan to believe Harold was only a friend was technically lying. Although she could also reason with herself that she’d never actually said Harold wasn't an editor and she wasn’t a writer. She should tell Evan; it really wasn't a big deal. She really should – but she couldn’t. She had already just dropped a bombshell. One confession at a time.

  “No,” she said, a little too hastily. “I can call when I get home.” She leaned in and gave a quick peck to Evan's lips. “I want to spend time with you. No interruptions.”

  “Come closer.” Evan opened his arms, smiling. “Let me hold you.”

  Ruby moved into his embrace, cozying up to his warmth.

  “Ruby, I hope this doesn’t sound too insane, but I really like you.” Evan reached for one of her hands and started to kiss her fingertips, one at a time. “I know I just met you, but I feel like I could spend every day and every moment with you… if you’d let me.”

  Ruby gazed up into his eyes, swallowing the lump in the back of her throat. Her heart pounded and butterflies danced in her stomach. “I know what you mean,” she whispered.

  “I know you said you’re only going to be here a short while. And I know the fact that I'm a big believer in Domestic Discipline is an issue. But I was hoping... I was hoping we could continue to spend time together.”

  “Really?” Ruby giggled. She felt like she was a love-struck teenager. “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” she teased. Ruby joked, but there was a wishful thinking element to her comment.

  Evan cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable. “Well, yes. I mean, if the idea doesn't scare you off.” He pulled Ruby in closer. “I'm not good at stuff like this. There really is no easy way to broach this subject without sounding so cheesy. All I know is that I want you and me to be together... solely. At least while you're here.”

  Ruby sat in silence, overwhelmed by the realization that she was about to become the girlfriend of Evan Steel, the man she had come to secretly get information on for her article. Her stomach did flips as she tried to take it all in.

  Ruby's emotions jumbled: she was happy, ecstatic, scared, shocked, and timid. She turned to Evan with a serious expression. “What if I can't buy into this whole Domestic Discipline thing? I still haven't wrapped my head around allowing someone t
o spank me. That is what you expect, right?”

  She saw Evan’s eyes narrow while he looked at Ruby skeptically. “I would never push you, or expect you to do something you're uncomfortable with. I don't know if you'll embrace DD or not. But why don't we agree to not make this about defining. Let's make this about two people who have feelings for each other, and take it from there.”

  As much as Ruby wanted to believe him, she was terrified. Relationships in general were not something she was good at. She struggled with trusting, closeness, and acceptance. She had so many broken promises in her life, so many letdowns. She couldn’t endure another one. “And your lifestyle? Do I really fit in with that? You're famous, and every woman at these hot spots would die to be with you.”

  “Ruby, it's a job. I would never betray you because of a paycheck.” He was firm. “My friends will love you because you're an amazing person. As for the fame, we'll muddle through it. It's a pain. I'm not going to lie. But I want you to be with me.”

  Grinning from ear to ear, Ruby wrapped her arms around Evan's neck. “I would love to be your girlfriend!” She kissed Evan and pulled away quickly. “I love it!”

  Evan stared at her, expressionless, for an instant. Then, as if he suddenly comprehended what Ruby just agreed to, his grin matched hers. He put his hand behind Ruby's neck, pulling her closer, pressing Ruby's lips hard against his own. Their lips brushed and tested as they explored the growing connection between them. The touch of their lips was soft, unsure of what was to come. This kiss seemed as if their souls combined. Ruby took in Evan's breath, as he took in hers. They paused and took a moment to look into each other’s eyes. Ruby could feel the kiss in the depths of her heart. She could feel the most wonderful moment of her life.

  Evan groaned. Ruby muffled the sound and tangled her tongue with Evan's, kissing him with all the passion that exploded from within, until she panted for more, until their bodies strained together and everything disappeared but the ravenous quest of their mouths. The hard, warm weight of Evan pressed against her, one hand slipping inside her loose blouse and behind her to trace the low curve of Ruby's spine, then ever so gently lower, to the top of her bottom, where his caress slid the material of her skirt in sinuous circles against her hyper-sensitive flesh.

  Panting, struggling for breath, Ruby broke the kiss to stare into Evan's perfect face. Ruby had to touch him, to feel him. Ruby spread her fingers over the rugged surface of Evan's cheek, moving them down to the firmness of his moistened lips. Evan was the most handsome man she had ever seen.

  Not quite brave enough, suddenly, to meet Evan's eyes, Ruby leaned her forehead against his throat, tugged the white shirt from Evan's jeans and slipped her hand under its hem to find Evan's firm abdomen and the softness of his bare skin. Ruby felt a sense of triumph at the quiver of Evan's stomach muscles and the near-silent sound of desperation that escaped his lips.

  Evan sucked in a breath as Ruby's touch moved around his waist to his spine, where Ruby flattened her palm against the smoothness of Evan's back and let her fingertips slip over every muscled hill and valley.

  With a moan, Evan jerked Ruby’s hand from beneath his shirt and drew it to his lips, kissing each finger before he released a shaky sigh. “Don't get me wrong, I love what you're doing. But if we don't stop…”

  “If we don't stop…?” Ruby echoed in a haze, watching Evan's lips move against her hand and wanting it on her mouth instead.

  “I'm going to take you right here.”

  That prospect didn't sound half bad to Ruby, but suddenly they heard voices and a dog barking, and the sound hovered all around them. The spell was broken.

  Embarrassment heated her cheeks, both from being more aggressive than she had ever been and from her public displays of affection. She would have had sex with Evan right then and there if it weren't for the damn dog. “This isn't like me at all. But there's something about you—”

  “There's something about us,” Evan interrupted softly. “Why don't we take a break. I think I should probably take you home… for now.”

  The drive to Melanie's apartment was quieter than Ruby would have liked. Ruby met Evan's gaze several times during the drive. He had the most alluring eyes. With each look, the fire blazed between them. Ruby reached over and touched his cheek.

  “Thank you,” Ruby said. “For being understanding with me.”

  “I've never been good with this whole courting thing.” Evan blew out a breath, thrust his fingers through his disheveled hair, and cast her an enticing smile. “You make me feel… different.”

  At the front door of the apartment, Ruby stopped and turned to face Evan. “I had a really nice time.” Evan gave an easy nod, his brown-eyed gaze scanning Ruby's face.

  “It was fun,” Ruby added. “Well, not fun, exactly. More like… a million other physical sensations. I've never felt this way before. It's so confusing, but in a good way. Does that make any sense?”

  Evan laughed and stepped closer to her, slid a hand beneath her hair, and pressed his lips to Ruby's forehead. When Evan spoke, his voice was a husky rumble that seared Ruby to the bone. “I know exactly how you feel.”

  “I don't want you to leave,” Ruby admitted. She fiddled with the simple silver chain around Evan's neck, staring at the satiny skin beneath it. “I have a feeling things are going to move quickly between us.”

  “That's completely up to you. I have the same feeling, but I don't want to make you do anything you are uncomfortable with. Agreeing to fully give yourself to me is a huge step. I don't take the matter lightly. When you do is something I'm going to allow you to dictate.”

  A faint smile tugged at her mouth and she glanced up at Evan through her lashes. “How I feel right now… things are going to move quickly.”

  “You better go inside,” Evan whispered intensely. “Before I change my mind about letting you have the control.”

  Filled with a feminine power she'd never experienced, Ruby tugged Evan against her and caught his mouth in a long-lasting, blazing kiss. “Goodbye, Evan.”

  Chapter 7

  It was almost implausible to Ruby what a whirlwind of emotions the past few days had been. Coming to terms with her feelings, her sexual desires, and her choice to be with Evan made her head spin.

  She had told Harold everything that had happened, and that she and Evan were more than just friends. Although shocked at first, Harold laughed and teased her about being in love. He warned her to take it slow and remain somewhat guarded, but also encouraged Ruby to explore her feelings about the possibility of being in a DD relationship. She hadn’t told Harold yet that Evan assumed he was only a friend and not also her editor. She didn’t know why, but she worried her lie would disappoint Harold. The truth of the matter was, she had disappointed herself.

  She almost jumped for joy when she heard her phone ring and saw Evan’s name on the screen. She answered it with a huge smile and tried to hide a squeal that threatened to escape her lips.

  “Hi, Evan.”

  “Hey.” His voice sounded soft, seductive. “Sorry I’m calling so late. My appearance went later than I thought. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I honestly don't like being apart from you.”

  “I feel exactly the same.” She clutched the phone. “I feel like I'm walking on air. I'm really happy.” Ruby hoped she didn’t seem too honest, but she didn't want to hold back how much she liked Evan.

  “I'm really happy, too,” he said. “It's almost scary how happy I am right now.”

  She sat down on her bed. “I’m glad you called. I wanted to talk about your career.”

  “My career?”

  “You’re famous. How's it going to look if you're dating someone? Won't it cramp your style?”

  Evan laughed. “Cramp my style? No, it won't, and I don't care if it does.”

  “What about if it gets out that I have never even tried what you so passionately speak of? You're in demand at every club, speaking engagement, and convention. You don't think it will make
you look… fake?”

  Evan was silent for a moment. “I'm genuine. Everything I do is honest. I put myself out there. If people don't like that, I really don't care. I'm not going to change the way I act, the decisions I make, or my feelings for you, because of this bizarre notoriety.”

  “I just don’t want to get in the way of what you do. I understand what you do for a living—”

  “It's a job, and only a job. I'm not going to let it get in the way of us. Understood?”

  The truth was Ruby wasn’t entirely sure she could handle this. She knew how other women, especially Maxine and Evan's groupies, acted around Evan. The thought of watching other girls throw themselves all over him made Ruby sick to her stomach.

  Ruby took a calming breath. “Understood.”

  “In case there’s any doubt, I wasn’t planning on keeping you a secret. I'm going to be proud to have you on my arm.”

  Ruby felt her pulse speed up. The reality of it all started to sink in. This was really happening. She was the girlfriend of the famous Evan Steel. “Okay. I just want you to know I'm not that needy girl. I can let you be in the spotlight but still be there when you're all done.”

  “That's not what I want,” he said “If anyone is going to be that needy person, it’s going to be me. In case you haven’t noticed, I just can’t get enough of you.”

  Evan's words sent a wave of warmth through her body. Ruby felt the exact same way, although Evan didn’t seem frightened by it. Ruby, on the other hand, was petrified. This seemed too good to be true.

  “You have to stop melting my heart,” Ruby whispered.

  “Why?” Evan suddenly sounded serious. “I say what I feel, and I want you to always do the same. Don’t ever hold anything back. Honesty is all we have. We need to be free with what we feel.”

  “Okay.” She loved how Evan made her feel so open. “Can I tell you what I’m feeling right now?”


  She took a deep breath and nibbled at her bottom lip. “I want to be with you right now, and kiss you all over.”


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