Angelos Odyssey

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Angelos Odyssey Page 44

by J. B. M. Patrick








  Tavon stopped talking as the two of them heard the sound of elevator doors opening. He only heard one set of footsteps approach, and he was slowly realizing something about their kidnappers.

  A figure, obscured by a black robe, walked into the room and said with a haunting voice: “I'm moving the female to the other room, as we have business to discuss.”

  Tavon looked at him before nonchalantly responding: “Okay.”

  “You’re just going to let—”

  “Aaliyah!” For once, the assassin’s gaze hardened as he glanced at her. Aaliyah noticed something in his expression and instantly gave up any further resistance to what she perceived as a developed plan. There wasn’t one.

  “Oddly comfortable for a captive.” To Tavon and Aaliyah's surprise, the stranger simply grabbed the back of Aaliyah’s seat and easily dragged her into another one of the suites.

  “Tavon… Fucking get me out of here already.”

  Before she disappeared from his sight, Tavon spoke: “Don’t worry. I understand now.”

  The kidnapper stopped, looked over at him curiously, and positioned her in another room before he approached again. “What is it that you understand?”

  “Your voice…” Tavon looked at the ground. “It doesn't sound… right—It doesn't sound normal, but I recognize it.”

  The figure said nothing as it stiffly drew closer.

  Tavon continued. “What crew are you with? Who do you work for?”

  His kidnapper sat at the other end of the table and began, “My associates are well known and respected. They say you are the one called Tavon: a sloppy hit-man for hire.”

  “Who is ‘they?’” Tavon smiled and made himself appear innocent.


  “Fuck.” He frowned. This couldn’t get any worse.


  A tribe of people operating deep within the criminal underworld; they were looked up to as gods by some. In all of Tavon's time as an enforcer, he'd never encountered a real member of the small syndicate. They were a reclusive group, but they were known to be capable of completing any task assigned to them regardless of how impossible it might’ve seemed. No target could survive the full weight of the Death Clan, and it was rumored that even entire cities had been devastated by the actions of the tribe.

  “You are… familiar with us?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  The figure abnormally cocked his head to the side. “No one has ever survived a formal encounter. Warnings are sent out, we tell the people to cover their eyes when we come. We aren't often united, as one of us can move mountains on his own, so to speak.”

  “Really? Just one?” Tavon snorted.

  “I do not say these things out of arrogance. The Death Clan does not often leave survivors. We work with no one. Anything we want, we acquire.” The clan member’s voice resounded as a higher-pitched but monotone echo.

  “That sounds real peachy—but what does any of that have to do with me?”

  “You've been found guilty, Tavon. Something bad is growing in the Citadel. Attention needlessly drawn to Noboros, and we refuse to be discovered.”

  “But you're still known!” Tavon retorted. “I've met those who used your services.”

  The kidnapper pondered his statement. “Only the nameless ask for our help. Noboros does not protect the interests of celebrities or officials. Rather, we are an unstoppable movement.”

  “None of this makes any sense.” Tavon sighed.

  “Hmph.” The speaker crossed his arm. “Noboros discovered that another was attempting to commit crimes and leave behind evidence that would lead to information being discovered about us. Noboros could not decipher if it was a singular entity or group. We don't understand the full purpose, but we place you at multiple events surrounding this development. You… are everywhere, Tavon. Genod and Portis. The hit on Bureau members. Lieutenant Shraeu's disappearance.”

  “Disappearance? Shraeu's… —”

  “We researched you. A Core-Man. Your kills have been pitiful targets. Unsatisfactory endeavors.”

  “You could say that.” Tavon smirked. “What? Are you offering yourself as a 'good target?'”

  The figure cackled in its odd but deliberate tone. “The nerve of this one. Noboros requests a confession: are your intentions to frame us?”

  “No.” Tavon responded calmly. “I don't know any of you. Why the hell would I go out of my way to frame you?”

  “As I’ve said, Noboros finds you linked in some way to all events. Anyhow, it's been decided that you will be eliminated to reduce further inconveniences to the Death Clan as per our investigation.”

  The stranger removed his robe to reveal a deformity like none other:

  His entire form contained a series of what appeared to be lacerations so deep and myriad that they formed a kind of pattern across the man’s shape. The groves belonging to the cuts folded into empty cavities; it was as if he’d been an anatomical puzzle carefully stitched and meshed together.

  “When I was speaking before, I represented the interests of Noboros as a whole. But now that I get the opportunity to fight you, I couldn't be more excited.” The stranger offered him a twisted smile. “We're are more alike than you'd think! Two killers drawn into a hopeless conflict; it’s wonderful, I must admit.”

  In the other room, Aaliyah, after having stubbornly struggled with them for an extended period of time, broke her bonds after smashing her chair against a wall. She leapt to her feet and rushed into the room in order to face the stranger before Tavon yelled: “Run! Get out of here!”

  The stranger slowly pivoted his head in her direction and said, “This won't take long. I'll come for you shortly.”

  Aaliyah froze in place upon inspecting the true appearance of her kidnapper and was only brought back to reality after Tavon pleaded with her again: “I’ll take it from here—just RUN!”

  She nodded to him, “I’ll get backup,” and fled the room to the relief of Tavon, who simply looked back at his kidnapper. “So, what are you supposed to be, huh?”

  His opponent exposed a set of narrow, sharp teeth through a malicious grin. “I… am the exiled Duke Artemis Spilsbury. Within the Death Clan, I am known as 'The One Who Impales.'”

  Promptly, Tavon flexed and broke through the ropes binding him before coming to a stand as he clenched his fists!

  … And he felt it.

  The assassin buckled over and began coughing rapturously until he found himself vomiting a small portion of blood.


  His enemy grew even more joyful. “This might be too much for you.”

  Tavon wiped his mouth and threw the remains of his chair at his enemy!

  Artemis was already out of the way and slowly coming toward Tavon again. Without further hesitation, he displayed his ability:

  Sharp, thick bones sprang from the grooves scattered across his skin. From the bottom side of his forearm, elongated shards jutted out, extended far past Spilsbury’s wrists, and became what was the equivalent to two swords—the blades which had wounded Tavon earlier! The rest of the attacker's skin turned to a sicklier shade of yellow, and The One Who Impales howled as he lunged forward to thrust his weapons at his new prey!

  Tavon barely managed to shift to the side and suddenly felt a sharp pain arise from his arm…

  Another, elongated bone had emerged from one of the grooves in Spilsbury's skin and pierced deeply his right bicep! He grunted from the sting of the injury before being forced to back away as Artemis twirled his blades and slashed through the air inches before him! Tavon clumsily ran back on his heels—and first, he quickly rotated his body to evade one of the weapons but narrowly ducked in order to dodge a blow from the other aimed to decapitate him. But as he lowered himself, another bone bolted out from one of the many crevices in Spilsbury’s skin and graz
ed the side of his head!

  Tavon flinched before receiving a cut to his lip from a second bone fragment that appeared at the bottom of Spilsbury's arm. Utilizing rapid reflexes, he finally attempted to land a strike on his enemy. His fist rocketed forward to meet only air as Spilsbury launched himself above Tavon and proceeded to extend a blade from a groove in his foot before thrusting it through his opponent's previously wounded shoulder! Spilsbury landed and spun to face his target; Tavon limped momentarily and cringed while holding his bleeding shoulder before straightening his posture and confidently cracking his neck.

  Artemis mocked him. “Surrender… your Zol is far too weak.”

  “Bullshit.” Tavon gritted his teeth. “Is that all you've got?”

  Tavon focused strength into his legs and accelerated at his opponent with exceptional speed! Spilsbury drew himself into a hastily formed guard, but Tavon could already see in the man's eyes that he didn't expect that reaction.

  Tavon moved quickly enough to dart behind Artemis before anchoring himself to the ground and performing a leg sweep! He prepared to trip his enemy before transitioning into a stance that would allow him to strike Spilsbury's head with the force of his elbow! But before Tavon went through with his attack, it became clear to him that he was making a mistake.

  As his legs soared to topple his opponent, smaller bone fragments quickly jutted out of the side of Spilsbury's closest calf muscle in a defensive move that would've impaled Tavon's extremities—but Tavon halted before striking and whirled himself upward at the last minute and used built up momentum to strike his enemy’s backside! He managed to actually hit Spilsbury this time, but it produced almost no effect! The One Who Impales merely remained in place and just as swiftly forced his fragments out to stab Tavon! Tavon rolled away and came to a stand as Spilsbury cautiously approached…

  “What can human hands do against an effective blade?” He slashed at Tavon, who dashed to the left of his opponent before shifting onto one leg in support. Tavon concentrated his energy into a kick he was sure would devastate his enemy! He gasped in agony upon witnessing his foot become impaled by a bone shard protruding from Spilsbury's face itself! In a moment of true fear, Tavon drew his bloodied foot away from the blade and remained on his other leg while he prepared a much stronger kick and battled through the pain.

  But he wasn't fast enough.

  Spilsbury brought one of his swords across Tavon's abdomen before he could strike, tearing into his flesh! Tavon attempted to react in time to evade the next attack, but the end of the other blade sliced diagonally across the whole of his face.


  By the time Tavon managed to pull away, he was beginning to grow weak from blood loss; his vision was slowly fading as rose droplets threatened to flow into his eyes.

  “It was a fine effort.” Spilsbury said in his polite manner of speech.

  “There's a key to stopping you… ugh, there's a way to win this!”

  He chuckled. “Noboros is not some gang you can break apart. We are an Infinite Unity bearing no division!”


  Aaliyah used a lengthy flight of stairs to reach the bottom floor of a building which seemed to have been completely evacuated. She’d tried to be stealthy and initially moved quietly but soon realized what Tavon had realized:

  There were only two kidnappers.

  In the entire building, which could've been supplied with guards and proper security, only two people were running the operation. To Aaliyah, this meant that she had to divide and conquer; Tavon had a good handle on things, right?

  She retrieved a nightstick having been left on a coffee table and searched what appeared to be a security office. The silence surrounding her was nerve-racking, but she maintained focus and hurried around an old desk to open a series of lockers. The leftmost locker contained nothing but a pamphlet which read: “Portis/Andrewa Security Professionals.” She felt even more flustered as she rummaged through the contents of the second locker and then the third until she accidentally bumped her foot against the corpse of a man dressed as a guard. The locker above him contained a backpack, but she believed she was running out of time as she heard a wave of sounds coming from the outside of the building. Based on the name of the structure: Adull & Clanson, she knew that they’d been taken somewhere in the Upper-City… –but how?

  Aaliyah grabbed the bag, and when Aaliyah finally cleared her way to the entrance lobby, she witnessed a lone figure facing a wide, decline of steps descending to a stone path that ended in a widened street.

  This street was littered with police cruisers and even personal vessels designed specifically for… Them!

  The Ministry of Beautification.

  Citizens referred to them as “The Mob,” but the Ministry was another branch belonging to the Dawn Federation Government. The Executive Division and Legislative Division, with President Derek's approval, had chosen to create two different types of high level law enforcement.

  The first existed in what became known as the Dawn Bureau, a system primarily ran by detectives attempting to deliver justice under Federation Law. The Bureau and police in the Citadel were told to believe that every man or woman was innocent until proven guilty in a courtroom. However, there was a much different and often more effective method of dispatching justice should the Bureau fall short.

  In the Citadel, the Ministry employed those who’d been officially “knighted” by the Dawn Federation. They were operators known, colloquially, as the Dawn Knights: a group of individuals who followed a separate system of justice.

  For better understanding, the Bureau as well as police departments nationwide had become overwhelmed with case work due to a constantly growing population. Often, some cases dropped from the scene and remained unsolved for decades until reassigned to the Ministry; additionally, the Executive Division decided to use the Ministry over the Bureau for targets possessing abilities far surpassing the capabilities of ordinary citizens. Where the Bureau failed, this organization acted as the final wall of defense against domestic terrorism.

  The Ministry of Beautification consisted of a fellowship of ranked Knights, and they democratically decided who they would kill and who they would detain. When the Federation left justice for the Mob to sort out, the Mob never fell short. If they didn't decide to kill someone, they would hold them captive and garner votes to decide their victim's fate. It was said that they used medical enhancements designed by the government—enhancements still in their experimental phase. They were an effective, dangerous bunch.

  And now Aaliyah was about to witness them for the first time, if only a small contingent of the Dawn Federation's “shock troops.”

  … But there was something wrong…

  Their cruisers remained suspended in the air, left running; they weren't leaving their vessels, which were armed with two, small gatling guns aimed at the lone figure. Those weapon systems didn't fire standard bullets, either; on the contrary, they were known to be something else entirely—something strong enough to melt any armor away in mere moments.

  Clustered outside of the entrance, there were numerous officers from both the Dawn Bureau as well as a police task force from the Blue Sector of the Upper-City. Everyone in uniform directed their sights at the stranger standing before them: a figure with only darkness expanding from where his eyes were meant to be. They continued growing… dwarfing the kidnapper himself.

  Everyone at the scene remained frozen.

  No one could speak. All were stiff and primed to attack, but they wouldn't move.

  Aaliyah watched from a distance before wondering whether or not she should take him out her own way. However, the scene which unfolded in front of her that night took away whatever bravery she might’ve possessed.

  One of the Dawn Bureau agents Aaliyah recognized from another section suddenly relaxed. He stood there for a moment as his features turned entirely vacuous, but he kept his gaze affixed to the stranger. A member of the task force dropped his weapon and di
splayed a look just as hollow before slowly reaching for a pouch attached to a load carrier placed over his body armor. He also refused to look away. Another officer retrieved a shiv from a side pocket in his pant leg and held it tightly as his face reddened, and his body shook violently.

  It was over rather quickly.

  The task force trooper retrieved a grenade, smiled eerily, and prepped it before dropping the ordnance at his feet. Those surrounding him were barely afforded the time to scream as the resulting explosion eliminated most of the crowd and imploded several of the encircling cruisers—but the agent who’d first become affected only collapsed on the ground with his hands pressed intensely against his ears… He was screaming. The one carrying the shiv promptly shoved it into his gut and maintained his glare as he brought it across his stomach and fell to his knees, bleeding out with an expression of serenity.

  A moment passed before Aaliyah realized that the Dawn Knights had remained at the scene watching everything unfold. The dark, horrendous figure began to turn its gaze to their cruiser, and—

  “They’re fucking driving away!” Aaliyah didn't bother being quiet. “They just… left? The fucking Ministry?!”

  The Mob had indeed left the scene.

  Aaliyah tensed as the stranger slowly turned to look at her, and she screamed when she felt herself lose control of her own mind. Sight partially obscured by a multitude of black marks, she felt herself become nauseous; the thought of a bloodied eye persisted in her vision.

  The stranger stopped.

  Aaliyah collapsed to her knees and held herself as she felt a wave of emotions she didn't understand. She started to sob before the entity.

  “P-please… don't. Not a-again.”

  She screeched as she felt a searing pain course through her skull, and following it was a voice. An resonating voice inside her own mind that spoke:

  What a disappointment.

  The tone was unnatural, a collection of sounds formed from something abominable.

  I looked at who you are… and you are not responsible. Noboros is not guilty of the crimes committed against the Federation. Someone is deceiving the world. But because you have become involved, you will be considered another casualty in the conquest.


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