Second and Short

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Second and Short Page 9

by Michel Prince

“You say that now,” she panted and even if he didn’t want to rush their orgasms, nature wasn’t going to help him hold off much longer. The animal inside him took over and soon the pace increased and she felt him pulse against her walls. A howl escaped his lips as he hungrily kissed her and they rolled in the bed. For a moment, she was on top of him, but soon slid to the side and curled her leg around his waist.

  “Don’t go,” he said and she saw his satisfied sated eyes were drooping. His arm wrapped around her and even with her overheated body, he still found a way to scorch her skin with his hand. “Stay with me.”

  “I can’t.”

  “My mom always said can’t means I don’t wanna.”

  “Well, I wanna,” she replied using the childish slang. Turning her head up to his she stroked his beard. “I really do, but I told you I’m really not available. Not the way you deserve.”

  “At some point, you move on after a break up. Your heart does mend.”

  “If it was my heart I was worried about, this wouldn’t be in question.”

  “Then what is it Willie? We have more than sexual chemistry. If we didn’t you wouldn’t have come to my games.”

  Willie sat up and brought her knees to her chest. Weakness was never an option, but was she really being weak by letting a man see her fears. They weren’t unfounded. They existed. Worse yet, they had a face and name.

  “Didn’t you promise me dinner?” she questioned with a hard swallow.

  Dalton picked up Willie’s panties and let them dangle on the end of his finger. Again, the beast was showing his soft side to her. “Only these, not the jeans.”

  Willie slowly glided the lace up her legs and watched as Dalton took in the site with a hungry smile. Wearing only his jersey and pair of socks, she followed him to the gourmet kitchen and watched as he retrieved a skillet, veggies and chicken breasts. Slicing onions, brightly colored bell peppers and the chicken breasts into the strips he heated oil in the skillet and began sweating the onions and peppers.

  “I bought you something and I hope you’ll be willing to accept it,” he stated as he moved the fajita fillings around in the skillet. “You know with me there’s no strings. I would never want you to feel beholden to me, but—” Dalton ran his hand over his face and then shook off a frustration that had his shoulders tensing. “I’m only bringing this up because I don’t want to do it over video chat later this week.”

  “Okay.” A knot was forming in Willie’s stomach. Even with the rich smell melding together from the skillet she couldn’t help feeling her stomach beginning to turn a bit.

  “I’m playing in Denver next week. Sunday night. It’s big a game and…I bought you a ticket flying out of Milwaukee.”

  Willeen’s heart clenched. Her name had been entered into a database. Firewalls aside, her name was on an official registration somewhere. She didn’t even think she could get on a flight. Her license was probably expired. Renewal would have alerted Hector to where she was living.

  “And that face tells me I over stepped. Hotel, ticket to the game, I even got you a car to take you to and from the stadium. Dani can’t come, but Rachel always goes. Matty already had her ticket so you’ll be sitting together.”

  “Rachel’s nice,” Willie replied as she searched for moisture, but her mouth was completely dry. “No Stan huh?”

  “I got you a driver for the weekend. I thought I could show you something very special before lockdown. I only have about three hours, but luckily, we’re staying north of the city. It’ll be tight, but I wanted to show you my high school field.”

  “Oh.” Willeen gathered herself as her brain raced. Watching the man, she was falling in love with, she didn’t want to disappoint him. He didn’t know the danger he possibly put her in by wanting to share his life with her. It had been over a year since she last saw Hector.

  “I over stepped.”

  “No, you followed your heart.” Willeen went to him and wrapped her arms around his wide frame. One hand returned the embrace while the other continued to keep the food from burning. When he leaned his head down and kissed the crown of her head, tears escaped their hold. Dalton moved the skillet off the flame so he could wrap her fully in his strong arms. Every part of her wanted to protect him from the dangers she had trailing her. His hand went up her back and brushed against her neck before his fingers ran through her hair cradling her head. Every inch of her wanted this moment to never end. His body warm and protective of her.

  “I should have asked. I thought if I sprung it on you…” he trailed off and Willeen pulled back from him.

  “That I couldn’t refuse.”

  “It’s not a big deal. Only a coach ticket.”

  “Oh, I see how it is,” she teased as she removed herself from his arms and brushed away the tears, only to have more replace them. “Not good enough for even business class.”

  “No, I may be dumb, but I’m not stupid. I can always upgrade.”

  “If I said yes.”

  “But you didn’t.”

  “I didn’t say no either.”

  “You’re crying right now and they seem to be no like tears.”

  “Fear like,” she confessed stepping back from him.

  “Why do I get the feeling the fear isn’t of falling in love with me? Or am I just being overly hopeful?”

  “You’re not,” she said with a gasp. Wiping again at her tears a weight rested on her chest. Stan didn’t know what happened. She just showed up and said she needed help. He didn’t ask and he respected her wishes. Could she share everything with Dalton?

  Moving the skillet back on the flame Dalton turned away from her for a moment. “You need to eat. My mom always said no issue can’t be resolved on an empty stomach.” Looking over his shoulder at her he gave her a wink. “She may use food as a coping tool.”

  “How big is she?” Willeen smiled.

  “Surprisingly small. My dad’s the one who donated the sexy body genes to me.” Dalton rubbed his belly. Willeen rested her chin on her upturned palm. “You know you want it.”

  “That has been well established.”

  “Don’t just sit there, woman, set the table. You think I’m a heathen or something.”

  Willeen hopped up and started opening cabinet doors until she found plates. “Silverware?”

  “Fajitas. Maybe I am a heathen.” He leaned down and kissed her hard. “Grrr, woman, man, eat.”

  “A heathen wouldn’t cook up food like this.”

  “Don’t mess with an offensive linemen’s food. There are certain things we do not play with.”

  “What else should I worry about?” she asked.

  “You,” he stated plainly.

  If the color could leave Willeen’s face this would be the time it happened. Dalton watched as she back peddled into his dining room. He was being honest. At this moment in time if a tree gave Willeen a sliver, he’d probably rip it out of the ground bare handed.

  Carrying the sizzling skillet in one hand and the tortillas in the other, he walked into his dining room. Willeen sat on one end and he saw his plate was at the other. He tossed the tortilla package by her and picked up his plate. Sitting down next to her, he scanned the eight-person table he had in his formal dining room. Everything in his house was big. Five bedrooms, seven bathrooms and two family rooms. It fit in the neighborhood, but most of it hadn’t been furnished or even finished. One step forward, three back was Willeen’s response to anything personal.

  “I’m protective of those I hold dear.” Opening the package of tortillas, he placed one on her plate. “When I said you should worry about you, it didn’t mean I would hurt you. Let’s say a bee was stupid enough to sting you. Not only would I kill him, I would find his hive, set it on fire and make sure any and all who knew him would suffer.”

  “That’s a bit unsettling.” The hair rose on the back of her neck.

  “You know what I would do if he stung me?”

  “No,” she replied with a bit of worry.

>   “Probably hold a burial.” Dalton held his palms up. “Quiet ceremony, nothing more than fifty guests invited.”

  “You’re weird.” Warmth pushed the chill from her body.

  “Yep, people can hurt me and I brush it off.”

  She studied him, processing the last month of her life with him. “Then what happened with the suspension?”

  “There was a little bit about my knee. No play is worth destroying another man’s career, but it was more because Matty got sacked.”

  “Sacks happen though.”

  “Rarely from my side and never from a cheap shot. I know if you’re not cheating you’re not trying and what happens between the whistle is all well and good.” Dalton shook his head. “When you’re in my life…” Turning his attention to the sizzling skillet, the man who spoke to himself trailed off into his own world.

  “When someone’s in your life what?”

  Dalton sat down. His thick forearms crossed and once again he was silent. The care he took in formulating his words had her stomach in knots. What truth would he reveal about himself? What was he going to approach her with? Did he demand those in his life show the same loyalty he had seared into his soul? With a hard release of air from his lungs, his crystal blue eyes caught hers.

  “I know you said you weren’t available for anything more than a casual thing, but I want more. I’m not about to sugar coat my feelings. I can meet you where ever you’re at, but Willie, the last thing I ever want to do is lie to you. I’ve had my casual relationships. If that’s all you can offer I’ll have to accept it, but it would be fucked up if we didn’t turn this into something real.”

  “Where I am?” she asked with a hard swallow.

  “Ten minutes ago, you were in tears at the thought of coming to Denver.”

  “Not because of being with you,” she assured and spooned the fajita fillings into her shell. Maybe it was the last week of silence or the fact when her phone rang it was one of two men, Stan or Dalton. No surprise track downs happened and in Denver, once again, she would be in a stadium. Lost in a sea of faces. No matter the reason, she knew real is what she wanted too. Steeling herself, she looked him directly in the eye. “What time is my flight?”

  “You sure?” Dalton asked and she could hear the excitement in his voice.

  “My fears are real,” she said as her hand circled his. “But so are you.”

  “You know what this means?”

  “I get an away jersey.” She smiled. He scanned her body and the way the jersey cut on the side to outline her curves. Her thighs stretched against the bottom hem as it barely covered her. She wiggled a little as she tried to pull it down just a bit only to have him stop her.

  “Babe, you can have anything you want.”

  “How about a tour after dinner? Since I’m not distracted by hormones I have to say it appears massive.”

  “Big man, big house,” he replied and then they ate. She’d made one baby step toward him. Maybe when her belly is full she’ll be willing to go into her fears. Until then, he seemed happy to accept what she offered him. A chance.

  “This is the main family room,” Dalton said as he started his tour. “I have another one that’s kind of a game room in the basement.”

  Willeen’s eyes widened as she stepped inside with his big screen TV, sectional and his king size recliner. Her focus went to a plaque he had on the wall from his high school state championship. Scanning the football team, she smiled as her finger touched the glass right where he was standing.

  “This you?”

  “Good eye.”

  “You’re the only one smiling.” She reached for his hand and intertwined their fingers. Her other hand stroked his beard, scorching the skin underneath. “When did you become the monster you keep telling me about?”

  “I just explained my homicidal side at dinner.”

  “Would you kill a bee for landing on my hand? Or flying by me?”

  Dalton saw in her face what was holding her back. “I can’t help a bee for finding you sweet and tempting. Just like I can’t stop you from being the type of woman that pulls bees to her. You are beautiful and any man would be proud to have you around. But if I kept you under glass you’d die. Anything that floats your boat makes mine sail. Unless the bee flies stinger first like a cartoon character at you he’s not a threat.” Bringing her hand to his lips he brushed them lightly. “And if you wanted to go away with the bee I wouldn’t stop you.”

  Pushing up on her tiptoes she gave him a kiss on his lips. “Next room.”

  He took her through the rooms, only opening the ones that were still empty. A controlling boyfriend must be what she was running from. Her clarifying of his limits seemed to put her at ease. She held his hand as they walked through the house and finally back in the kitchen she let go as she rested against the counter.

  “It’s getting late,” she said.

  “I can’t convince you to stay.”

  “Nope, but don’t take it personally. You have a beautiful house. How long have you lived here?”

  “About five years.”

  “Not one to decorate?”

  “I bought it for the family I wanted. I probably should have gone for a condo in the city, but I always wanted a big family.”

  “You grew up with one.”

  “If you only knew. I swear, my siblings aside, we always had at least one section of football players around the table. Receivers, linemen, special teams. My dad believed in having each member of the team know they were more than a player to him and his staff.”

  “Sounds like a good coach.”

  “He is.”

  “Is?” She laughed. “He’s still coaching?”

  “Every Friday night until he gets kicked out.”

  “Wow, I guess I’m not one to talk, my mom still keeps a full caseload at her job.”

  Dalton tried to play it off that Willie had dropped a nugget of information off at his feet. “What is she, a lawyer?”

  “Social worker.” Willie reached in his fridge and took a bottle of water. “I need to head out.” She took off up the stairs and came back down fully dressed. “Maybe we could video chat this week.”

  “Absolutely. Do you want me to get a driver to take you to the airport? I’ve got one picking you up in Denver. Unless you want me to get you a rental. I was going back and forth on that.” He began to ramble as he saw her standing by his front door. Pain seared his chest as he sat helpless on his staircase. The image of her leaving him alone in the mini mansion he bought for the kids he never had ripped him apart. The ones he wanted, but he hadn’t been able to find a woman willing to take the time to learn about him, not his reputation. “I’d just need drivers license info.”

  “How much did you put in my name?” she questioned.

  “Just the flight, I’m still working on finding a room for you. Unless you want to crash with Rachel?”

  “I could, that would be easier. She knows the ropes and stuff.”

  “Okay, I’ll talk to Matty. The guy picking you up knows your name, but again if you don’t want a third wheel—”

  “How’s Rachel getting around?”

  “She might be getting a car.”

  “I could go with her. A man holding a sign with my name makes me nervous.”

  “Why?” he held his hands up. “You know what, I’ll talk to Matty.”

  “Thanks for dinner,” she said as she quirked her smile.

  Dalton wanted to take her in his arms and bring her upstairs, but he was scared if he even made one step toward her she’d bolt. When he stood up, she did just that. His door closed behind her before he could even put his hand up to stop her. Taking the four steps to his front door, he pounded his balled fist against the oak door and turned around to slide to the floor. Her engine started and when he heard her pull away from his house he buried his head in his hands.

  Chapter Five

  Willeen scanned her license as she sat on her couch and watched the light flur
ries fall outside her window. The expiration date was still a year away. She could fly, but how could she get her boarding pass without them scanning it? Or a credit card? She had reviewed the site earlier for an online boarding pass. Only it required registration too. Dalton must have an account? If he didn’t, how could he have made the reservation.

  He’d be calling her with a video chat soon. There was enough time for him to print it off and mail it to her. Stanley had been trying to help her figure out a way all Monday after she told him what Dalton offered her.

  “This thing seems serious,” he grumbled. “Willie you’ve been hiding well for almost a year now. Is he worth taking a chance?”

  “Maybe Hector’s given up on me? He must have found a new girlfriend by now.”

  “Are you trying to convince me or you? Willie you’ve never told me what you were running from, but I knew it was bad. Did he beat you? Get you hooked on drugs? You were skinny as a rail when you got here.”

  “Nothing like that. I pick the wrong men to fall in love with. There are moments I wonder with Dalton if I’m doing the same thing. Strong, protecting.”

  “Protect or possess. Those are two different men.”

  “How do I know looking at a man which he is?”

  “They don’t wear signs. At least I never did.”

  “Going puts me back into the world. It opens me up to…” Willeen shook her head not wanting to upset a man who was like a second father to her. “I don’t want to make the same mistake twice.”

  Her phone made a tone sound signaling a video call. Swiping right, a cross eyed vision of Dalton materialized. His tongue was sticking out as he sat on his bed. When she laughed at the sight, he uncrossed his eyes and smiled at her.

  “Hey babe.” He rested the phone on his knees so his hands were free as he put them behind his head. She couldn’t help but notice he wasn’t wearing a shirt. “I’m glad to see you didn’t get eaten by a bear today.”

  “We don’t have grizzlies up here so what fun would it be.”

  “Starting out with the sexy talk, I like it.”

  “I’m not the one who’s half naked.”


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