The Serpent's Kiss

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The Serpent's Kiss Page 18

by Claire Marta

  “I caught Twitch leaving his room a few days ago.” Jasmine could not contain the giggle. “Lexi was in one of his shirts. It looked like they had been going at it most of the night.”

  Gemma laughed with surprise. “You saw Twitch naked?” Shadows from their torches played across her face as she grinned.

  “I don’t know who was more shocked, him or me.” Nibbling on her lip, Jasmine scrunched up her nose. It had definitely been a shock for both of them. Twitch had been just as embarrassed. He had given a shriek and bolted for the safety of the bathroom. Lexi had laughed and Jasmine had been too stunned to do anything but stare as the door slammed shut.

  The tunnel began to shift to the left. As they followed it around, something caught Jasmine’s eye. An eerie green iridescent glow across the dirt ridden ground caught their attention. It wasn’t moving. In fact, it looked like a puddle of liquid.

  “What is that stuff?” Jasmine asked as they moved to inspect it.

  “Looks like some kind of slime.” Gemma muttered distractedly as she knelt to take a better look.

  “Gross.” Checking ahead, Jasmine noted several other smaller puddles. They were scattered randomly.

  “Hmm, several types of supernaturals excrete this kind, but I have never seen it this bright before.” Gemma wiped her hands on her jeans before tugging the backpack from her shoulder. Rummaging through it she removed a crossbow.

  Jasmine kept her torch light on her friend. “What are you doing?”

  “Better safe than sorry.” Gemma took the used chewing gum from her mouth and wrapped it in a tissue before stuffing it into the bag. “Every one of my instincts is screaming that something is off. Are you sensing anything?”

  Taking a minute to think, Jasmine tried to concentrate on her inner senses. Nothing stirred. They were as quiet as the grave. “No...”

  Gemma handed her a gun. “The safety is on.” She warned her as she quickly clicked the bag closed.

  Staring down at it with a mixture of shock and awkwardness, Jasmine kept the muzzle pointed at the floor. “Gemma I have had barely any firearms training.” She spluttered, trying to remember everything her boss had said in her one and only lesson.

  “Then now is a great time to practice.” Her co-worker told her as she gracefully got to her feet and swung the bag onto her shoulder.

  “What if I miss and my bullet bounces off something down here?” Jasmine panicked. “It’s fucking pitch black.”

  “Then don’t miss.” Gemma responded patiently as she began to step cautiously along. “You might not even need it.”

  No way did Jasmine believe that for a minute. If the huntress was spooked then something was wrong. But what could it be? Scanning the darkness and the brightly glowing puddles she tried to figure out what Gemma was seeing. Was it because the goo looked so different? Had Jasmine missed something? As she opened her mouth to ask, the words died in her throat.

  A bloodcurdling sound shook the tunnel with force. This was no train. No. The roar was inhuman. It echoed around them in the darkness, raising every single hair on their bodies as it resonated across their skin. Jasmine’s heart dropped into her stomach with a primitive fear. Fight or flight. The instinct kicked in hard.

  Gemma and Jasmine’s eyes locked in fright in the dim light. Their faces were dipped in shadows, but they could both clearly see each other’s panic.

  “What the fuck was that?”

  “I don’t know.” Gemma replied as she quickly checked over the crossbow in her hands. “But I have a feeling we are about to find out.”

  The floor was moving. Flicking her torch light down, Jasmine caught sight of the black swarming shadow which was flowing towards them in a stream. Eyes gleaming, the squeaking moving mass was alive with twitching whiskers and tiny paws. Rats. And there seemed to be a billion of them heading their way.

  “FUCK!” Jasmine shrieked as she stumbled back. Before she could go too far, she felt Gemma’s fingers clamp around her wrist.

  “Stand still. They’re not after us.” He friend snapped, trying to stop her struggling. “Something has them spooked.”

  She was right. The furry little brown bodies stampeded over their feet. They didn’t hesitate as they fled. The roaring had finally dimmed, and in its place was an odd dragging sound, as if something immense was coming their way. Jasmine raised her gun in a shaking hand. Her breath was coming out in short, sharp pants. What the bloody hell was down here? Did she really want to know?

  Before them, the darkness rippled as something emerged around the corner. The thin beams of their torches didn’t even cover the whole of it. A huge serpent. Scales a vibrant green. Its smooth, armoured body was a column of muscle that slithered in one fluid motion. Pausing, it raised its head showing off the underside of a pale belly.

  Jasmine stood transfixed. She has never seen a reptile this size before. It was big enough to swallow them whole. How had it gotten down here? Why the fuck had no one reported it? It was fucking hard to miss. A black forked tongue flicked out from between its lips as it tasted the air. Steely, unblinking black eyes watched them almost hypnotically. Suddenly Jasmine felt like a little mouse. No wonder the rats had been terrified.

  Her legs were frozen. Jasmine’s heart was in her mouth as primitive dread flooded through her brain. The creature inched itself closer, working its length across the dirty rubble covered tunnel floor. Coils sliding and shifting any debris in its way. Its attention on them was intense. Deadly. Panic began to tighten Jasmine’s chest as her mind began to whirl. Fuck. They were bigger than a horde of rats. Both her and Gemma combined would give it a decent meal. From the way it was watching them it had figured that out too.

  Trying not to stumble, Jasmine shuffled quickly backward. The swooshing of the crossbow registered in her ears as Gemma fired her weapon. As it struck the creature’s soft belly, green slime-like blood exploded from the wound, dousing them both in a sticky goo. The reptile roared, exposing huge venomous fangs the size of man’s thigh.

  “RUN!” Gemma shrieked as she turned on her heels.

  Jasmine didn’t have to be told twice. Swivelling, she charged back along the way they had come. Heart pounding violently. The sound of her panicked ragged breathing was loud in her own ears. Her grip on the cold hard gun was tight and painful. Their torch light jiggled frantically as they fled. Gemma’s footsteps were beside her. Behind them, the beast was in pursuit. Jasmine could hear its spine-chilling hiss, the drag of its immense body as it slithered angrily after them.

  “This way!” Gemma shouted.

  Disorientated Jasmine did not know which way to go. Scrambling in the direction her friend’s voice had come from Jasmine’s foot struck a piece of metal track. With a cry she fell sideways. As the side of her skull slammed into the tunnel wall, everything went black.

  Asier saw his prey the moment he stepped into the heart of the club. It was just after sunset, and the Elf’s presence had been absent for several days. This had just built his annoyance all the more. Shell was sitting by the bar. Head regally titled, she looked as if she owned the place. With her intricate white braid hanging down her left shoulder to her chest, she was dressed in a silver and gold dress of the finest silk. The bodice hung low revealing her porcelain white breasts.

  In a matter of months she had become a thorn in his side. Worming her way into his club to sell her enchanted wares. Asier had tolerated her up until now. Her artless advances trying to get him into her bed had been amusing. Not that she had been successful. He chose his own bed mates. The elf had also not been after a quick fuck. No. Shell was looking for power. It was there in the greedy gleam in her silvery eyes. Asier could smell another manipulator a mile away. This haughty female needed to learn her place. He was Master here. The city belonged to him.

  Lexi flashed him a nervous glance. She was serving drinks at the bar. He had not had time to speak to her properly. Things were left unsaid, and he knew they could not be put on hold much longer. The demon tattoo on his fo
rearm beat with her fear. It was something he was beginning to hate. Asier had not missed the sadness in her eyes. In the last few days she had also lost her glow of radiance, like a flower wilting after its final bloom. With a nudge of his chin he told the succubus to leave. Without even a second glance Lexi rushed away.

  Asier padded silently across the floor with Kane just behind him. His every movement was silent and lethal. His second in command cracked his knuckles nervously. Kane did not like being dressed up in an expensive grey suit, but today it was a necessity. They were both dressed for a meeting. It was only by chance he had caught sight of the elf as they were on their way out.

  Reaching into the pocket of his immaculate Armani suit, Asier retrieved the tiny bottles. The green liquid inside was deceiving. He knew there effects. Placing the vials on the counter, he let them click ominously on the surface. He had kept hold of them since finding Jasmine in the bathroom with them. Asier could still not believe the girl had almost taken one. It would not be permitted. Not here. Not in his domain. He didn’t want to see Jasmine destroy herself. This was the reason why he had been raising her confidence. Nothing was going to interfere with that.

  Shell tensed. Then she raised startled silvery almond shaped eyes to his.

  “You do not go near the girl again, and you do not sell your shit in my club or you will feel my wrath.” Asier kept his voice menacing and cold. It wasn’t a threat. It was a promise. Something they both knew he would fulfil if she disobeyed him.

  “I didn’t know she was yours...I thought you wouldn’t mind about the potions.” The elf stuttered. All her bravado and confidence began to drain away as he stared her down.

  Asier flashed a hard unfriendly smile. “And now you know I do.”

  Shell shifted nervously on her stool. Fear was vibrating off her. It was mixed with her scent, in the dilation of her eyes. Asier took the time to savour it. This bitch was just a street peddler selling her trinkets and potions to anyone stupid enough to fall for her tricks. If she wanted to continue to do so, it would not be in his domain. Asier would have her removed. Barred. Never permitted to enter his doors again.

  “I don’t supposed you know anything about this either?” Asier tugged the clear bag from the pocket of his suit. The small green pills lay untouched inside.

  Shell shook her head quickly. “I don’t deal in disgusting human drugs.” A hint of outraged rudeness lacing her tone. “It is an insult to even be asked if I do.”

  Asier slanted closer, his lips almost touching her pointed delicate ear. “You are only here selling your trinkets because I allow it. Never forget that Elfo.” He whispered in a threat. “And you’re also still breathing right now because I have somewhere else to be.”

  Her breath hitched as she made a tiny squeak, head nodding in agreement. Gaze wide with fright. Asier’s stare bored darkly into hers. Allowing his fangs to extend slowly, he permitted them to peek from his lip. Intimidation was an art he knew well. Shell couldn’t maintain eye contact and lowered her gaze. The elf was weak. And she had wasted enough of his time.

  Without a word he stalked away. When they got back he would arrange to have her kept out of his kingdom. Turning his head he found Kane still beside her. Shell’s hand was resting on his arm delaying him.

  The elf was pouting, all the fear she had been showing seconds ago gone. “Kane baby, I missed you the last few nights.” Her voice was breathy and coy.

  The Viking vampire shifted uneasily under her touch. “Been busy.”

  Flexing her fingers, she dragged her sharp fingernails against his muscular bicep. “Maybe we could hook up tonight?”

  “Yeah sure.” Kane replied shrugging off her touch.

  “Kane. Andiamo.” Asier snapped, trying not to grind his teeth together in rage. “We have things to do.”

  So the bitch had found another way to try and stay permanently. Kane did not do permanent. Like Asier, he seduced, fucked and walked away. Asier did not like Kane and Shell seeing one another. The elf was far too sly for his liking. They had enough pussy coming in and out of the club to screw for the next few centuries. It had worked for them so far. And it would continue to do so. Meeting his angry stare, Kane strode towards him.

  “I would prefer if you found your pleasures with another female.” He informed his second in command, reining back his temper as he felt his veins heat with his power. “Shell is not to be trusted.”

  “I have been meaning to dump her arse anyway.” Kane confided as he followed him from the club floor.

  “Good.” Asier hoped that would be the end of it. They had business to attend to. Some of his associates were getting jumpy about this new drug. The Chinese Triads and the Russian Brava in particular were getting nervous. They respected Asier’s rules. Abided by what he dictated and the peace was kept between all the organized crime in his city. Now that was being threatened. Too many people were having a reaction to this substance. Some had overdosed, others had either lost their minds or had become comatose. It was dangerous. Unpredictable.

  Another factor was its addiction potency. You only had to take it once to become addicted. The gangs were losing their regular customers as they were becoming hooked. Asier needed to find the supplier. The drug needed to be perfected. With less side effects. He wanted exclusive control of ‘The Serpent’s Kiss’, and he was going to have it. Soon.

  The vibration of his smartphone in the pocket of his expensive red shirt distracted him from his thoughts. Fishing it out, he stared at the text message. “Change of plans.” He murmured to Kane. “We are about to have company.”

  Jasmine awoke groggily. The back of her skull was sore. She had hit her head so many times in the last few months she was surprised she didn’t have a minor brain injury. A groaned left her lips.

  Opening her eyes, she took in the familiar modern bedroom. She was lying on Asier’s comfy bed. How she had gotten here was one big blank. The last thing she remembered was banging her head. The vampire himself was kneeling on the mattress beside her. His skilled hands were running over Jasmine’s naked limbs. Sure and impersonal, she could feel the strength of them brushing over her skin.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” She muttered in confusion as she tried to sit up. “And why the bloody hell am I always waking up in your bed?”

  Gaze flicking upwards, he took in her pale face. “Good, you’re awake.”

  As the fogginess slipped away, Jasmine realised she was in nothing but her underwear. Arms shooting up she tried to cover her breasts and lady parts.

  “I was checking for injuries.” Asier told her calmly as he sat back on his heels. His unusual eyes were dark with concern.

  “So you stripped me to my underwear?” She snapped back, feeling heat rushing into her cheeks. Glancing around she was grateful to discover they were alone.

  “Relax cara. I am well versed in female anatomy. I have done nothing but care for you.” He assured her with a smirk she was getting to know far too well. He had probably enjoyed undressing her.

  “Fuck. Why didn’t you just go for the whole hog and strip me naked?” She replied sarcastically. Drawing her legs up, she hugged her knees to her chest. He might have body confidence, but that was something she lacked.

  “Well, as you woke up before I could finish...” He replied as he watched her.

  “Why are all the males I know such perverts?” She complained with a groan as she cut him off.

  “You should not be embarrassed of your body Jasmine. It should be celebrated. Nudity is natural. Being confident without any clothes on can be very liberating, and you, bella, are exquisite.” With a grace that was all his own the vampire climbed off the bed.

  “Where’s Gemma?” Jasmine asked ignoring him. They needed to get back to the office and report to Mark what they had seen. A giant green arsed serpent could not be left to roam the underground. No way in hell would they be able to cover that up if it was seen. God forbid if it ate anyone. That’s if it hadn’t already. It had to be livi
ng on something other than rats. The public and media would go into a panic. That was something they did not need.

  “Kane is tending to your friend, and Mark has been informed you are both safe.” Asier remained standing beside the bed. “Gemma also informed him of the beast you ran into.”

  “How did we get here?” Crawling off the mattress on the other side, Jasmine started searching for her clothes.

  “Hmm, a few of my people found you in the tunnels and managed to get you both out before it devoured you.”

  Jasmine paused. “Your minions just happened to be in the same place at the same time?” She shot him a look of disbelief. If he thought she would believe that, then he was an idiot.

  Asier’s answering expression was serene and innocent. “Fate works in mysterious ways Jasmine.”

  “You were having us followed, weren’t you?” With a frustrated sigh, she continued seeking her garments, but they were nowhere in sight.

  “Your department isn’t the only one who wants to know why so many subterraneans are surfacing, and now we know.” The vampire was suddenly very close.

  Turning sharply Jasmine found him beside her. She had not seen him move. Not even heard him. His arm curled around her waist. With one confident tug her back was pressed against his front. The soft material of his suit brushed her bare skin.

  “Stop it. I have to get back to work.” Squirming, she tried to get free. “Where are my clothes?”

  “I had them sent to be cleaned as they were covered in dirt and slime. You’re lucky I did not burn them.” He replied, his mouth curling in distaste. “We really need to do something about your wardrobe. You should be wearing feminine things that show off your figure. You dress like a bag lady.”

  “They’re comfortable and practical...Asier let me go please.” Cinnamon. The smell wrapped itself around her. It was just as exotic as its owner. Soothing her senses and making her relax.

  Asier released her reluctantly. “You have finished being a police woman for the day. Mark told me to tell you to go home and rest. He has others searching for the creature now. Jasmine, I can offer you so much more if you let me.”


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