The Serpent's Kiss

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The Serpent's Kiss Page 22

by Claire Marta

  “We’re waiting on Fergus.” Gemma told the vamp as she gazed at the still bound woman with mild interest.

  Twitch stood beside her. He was silent. Expression sombre, he was staring into space completely unaware.

  “Lexi will show him the way when he arrives. She will take you to the break room.” Asier’s sentence snapped the mage from his thoughts. With a hum Twitch sent the vampire a dirty look.

  Lexi stood meekly in the doorway. She looked like she was about to cry.

  Strolling towards the door Asier paused, when he and Jasmine became level.

  “There’s no need to be jealous Jasmine.” Asier whispered against her ear as leaned in close.

  “I’m not.” Jasmine muttered back. Glancing over her shoulder she made sure they weren’t being overheard. Her team were already on the move further down the corridor. She watched their retreating backs.

  “Like a lot of women, I think you have a deep dark desire to be dominated, satisfied sexually in every way.” Asier’s voice was smooth like honey. His warm breath on her cheek made her quiver. “Stripped and at the mercy of a male who knows how to play with your body. Seduce you with his words. A look. A touch.”

  Turning back her gaze connected with his. “You can cut the seduction act; you’ve already fucked me once. You got what you wanted.”

  “But I did not get to play with you.” His eyes had darkened. The amethyst depths becoming hypnotic. “Not properly, and whether I am punishing or pleasuring you bella, I promise you will always enjoy it.”

  Jasmine could feel her mind slowly going blank. She was losing herself to the calling in his stare. “I’m not going to play with you Asier.” Voice shaky, she tore her attention from his angelic features. “So don’t think I’m about to turn into your next submissive sex kitten.”

  Almost tripping on her feet, she hastily beat a retreat. Fuck. This vamp was way too potent. He was sin personified. And Gemma had been right, she was in way too deep. How was she supposed to handle all that? She needed to put the brakes on this before it spiralled out of control. Luckily the others had not gone far.

  Jasmine found them through an open door. The room for the vampire’s employees was nice. It had been tastefully decorated in eggshell blue. Expensive dark blue sofas were in a half circle around a large plasma TV. Through another door she spied a kitchen with a dining table and matching chairs. Asier looked after his staff well.

  Both Mark and Gemma gave her an assessing look as she joined them. Jasmine could see the questions in their stares. This was not what she needed. Keeping work and the club separate should have been easy. So what the hell had she been doing wrong? Flopping down she sat with Twitch on a sofa. He was hunched at one end. The furthest away he could be. With an absent push he shoved his long messy hair out of his face.

  Asier leisurely sauntered in. Instead of taking a seat, he rested his hip on the end of the nearest sofa. Arms carelessly crossed over his brawny chest he was staring at Mark with an air of expectancy.

  “Fergus can catch up later. I don’t want to waste any more time on this.” Mark said as he cleared his throat. “Twitch, tell everyone what you found in the analysis of the pills we managed to get our hands on.”

  At the mention of his name, the techno mage lounged back against the cushions. “There’s a smudge of cocaine and something else which is way more organic...”

  “Organic? You mean like a plant?” Jasmine asked, watching him closely. Distractedly, she slipped off her leather jacket and laid it on the seat.

  “No...” Twitch fiddled nervously with the cuff of his black velvety coat as he avoided her stare. “It’s reptile DNA but it’s nothing I have on my database, and that’s pretty extensive including supernatural species that have been discovered.”

  “Fuck. You mean it’s...”

  “Not lizard flesh, no...” The mage jumped in before Gemma could finish. “It’s more like embryotic cells.”

  “That’s just worse.” Gemma muttered in horror. She was sitting opposite them, next to their boss.

  “If that’s all true, why are we sitting in the middle of a BDSM club in the middle of the night?” Jasmine asked in growing irritation. How was Asier supposed to help?

  “Let’s make a wild guess that this drug is somehow linked to the creature Jasmine and Gemma ran into.” Mark said quietly as he adjusted the wire rimmed glasses on the end of his nose. “We need Asier’s knowledge on legendary creatures. He’s the expert in the city.”

  Jasmine glanced at the vamp. He was proficient in supernatural species? Why did he always seem to be surprising her? But what really did she know about him? Asier had secrets. She had been learning that more and more.

  “My normal fee for this information if I can help you.” Asier was still a picture of relaxation. His interest was piqued though. Jasmine could tell from the little light she saw glinting in his unusual eyes.

  “Yes Asier, you’ll get your payment.” Mark snapped before taking a deep breath to calm himself.

  Fuck this really had to be bad. Jasmine had never seen her boss like this before. Not so tense.

  “What does he get?” She asked curious.

  Mark’s lips tightened slightly before he replied. “A favour. No questions asked.”

  “I have pizza for my people.” Fergus announced interrupting them as he strode into the room holding a large box. The smell of hot freshly cooked pizza wafted in with him.

  “Ah god yes wolf.” Gemma cheered as she cleared the magazines strewn across the coffee table that stood between them. “Feed me now.”

  “At you’re command sweet cheeks.” The werewolf grinned.

  Sliding the humongous box onto the surface he flipped open the lid. Delicious. That was the only way Jasmine could describe what she smelled. Simultaneously, Gemma, Jasmine and Fergus dived in for a piece.

  “This is not a fucking picnic people. We are supposed to be working.” Mark grumbled as he watched them fighting over a slice.

  “We need to keep our energy up boss. You don’t want any of us getting feeble.” Fergus pointed out before taking a ravenous bite.

  “That’s not exactly the word I would use to describe you Fergus with the amount of food you pack away.” Mark countered sardonically.

  The werewolf patted his firm flat stomach. “Luckily I’m blessed with a fast metabolism.” Amusement was shining in his amber eyes. “No way am I getting fat unlike the rest of you. So if you feel like leaving some, it’s going to get eaten, don’t worry.”

  “Asier, do you have an idea what we might be dealing with?” Mark turned back to the vampire.

  “There are many giant serpents recorded through vampire history. Many have even been interwoven into human religion. St George. The snake in the Garden of Eden. Even the Egyptians had them in their many stories of gods and goddesses.”

  “You think it could be something like that?” Jasmine asked before munching on her pizza. It was hot. The cheese and tomato melted to perfection. Humming in pleasure she started to make quick work of it.

  “Si, why not?” Asier mused as he watched the expression of bliss as she ate. “Maybe it had been hibernating below the city. We might never know how it got there though.”

  “It has slime blood...” Gemma pulled a disgusted face.

  “There is a Greek mythical beast known as Python. It was a giant slime serpent that guarded the oracle at Delphi.” He continued, his accented voice soft.

  “I doubt this thing is an ancient Greek monster.” Fergus chipped in as he reached for the pizza box.

  “Say’s the immortal werewolf.” Gemma had abandoned eating and was in the process of unwrapping a stick of her favourite gum. “If you can exist, why not something like that too?”

  “Good point sweet cheeks.” He gave her a wink before shoving the end of another slice of pizza into his mouth.

  “Maybe it is or maybe it isn’t. Whatever it is we have to stop it.” Mark interrupted them with a stern look. “God forbid if it gets on
to the tracks and causes an accident. We’ve been lucky so far that it’s sticking to the unused tunnels.”

  “So you’re proposing we hunt it down and kill it.”

  Mark nodded his agreement at Gemma. “It’s a danger to the city and the citizens who live here.”

  “It’s hasn’t killed anyone as far as we know...” Jasmine wiped her empty greasy hands on the thighs of her jeans. “And I still don’t understand how it can be linked to the drugs.”

  “Jaz Mark’s right, it can’t be left to lurk down there in the underground. Something like that is to big not to have fed on humans. This is the only way we can go.” Gemma’s perfect features had become cold and uncompromising.

  “Probably homeless.” Fergus butted in running a hand nervously over his smooth bald head. “No one’s gonna miss them, and they would be easy pickings.”

  “As for the drugs, I have no idea but maybe we will figure that out when we find the beast.” Mark concluded.

  Twitch had not said word. In fact he seemed to be in his own little world again by the look on his scarred face. Jasmine could not help but worry. They were going to have a talk when they got home. A proper one. He was her best friend, and lately they hadn’t been spending time together. Not like old times. She missed him.

  “I’ve never hunted anything that big.” Gemma confided. Brown eyes suddenly excited she seemed to be savouring the prospect. “But I have something in my armoury at home which could be able to take it down. We need to track it to it’s lair first. See if it’s immune to anything.”

  “Alright. We can stop at yours and collect the weapons you need.” Mark seemed a little more relaxed. The tension in his shoulders had started to ebb.

  “When we bring it down, I want one of its fangs.” Gemma’s smile turned a tad manic.

  “That’s gross.” Twitch abruptly muttered in disgust. “You don’t even know the state of its dental hygiene.”

  “Something like this monster is rare and I want a trophy.” With one long finger she jabbed it in his direction. “You have no idea how my brothers will envy seeing it in my display room. I am not giving up an opportunity like this. No way!”

  Twitch response was a huff.

  Jasmine leaned forward while everyone was distracted and scooped up the last slice of pizza. Gemma and Fergus had polished off the majority and she was still hungry. She knew from observing them she had to be quick. Food never lasted around these two long.

  Fergus glowered at her from his seat. “That, woman, is my slice.” Tilting his chin he gave her his best alpha don’t mess with me stare. Anyone who did not know him would have been left quaking in their shoes. It was more than intimating.

  Eyebrow arching, Jasmine stared him down. Then slowly she raised the pizza to her lips and took a huge bite. With a long savouring groan she rolled her eyes dramatically.

  Gemma laughed as the werewolf growled. “Brat you’re going to get yourself in trouble one of these days. You don’t mess around with a shifters food.”

  “She steals my chocolate too.” Twitch muttered in annoyance. “I’ve had to hide my stash since we became roomies. Gods forbid when it’s her time of the month because nothing sacred and chocolate coated is safe then in my house.”

  “Hmm what is that term?” Asier mused mockingly. “Pussy whipped.”

  The fun filled expression on Fergus’s face slipped away. “Listen vamp you’ve only been with us five fucking minutes. My team is my pack and you don’t want to go messing with our women. Piss them off and you’re gonna find your nuts nailed to a door, and I don’t mean that figuratively.”

  A dark and deadly vibe suddenly emanated from the Master Vampire. “Are you threatening me dog?”

  Fergus shook his bald head. “Vamp I wouldn’t have to lift a finger. Gemma over there is a psychopath. She may look like a beauty queen but she can de-dick you before you can blink while humming God Save the Queen. And don’t even think that our Jaz isn’t capable of shit like that if she’s pushed enough.”

  Gemma smiled sweetly. “Oh Fergus, you say the sweetest things.”

  “Enough playing around people, we have work to do.” Mark snapped as he slapped the lid of the empty pizza box down. “Gemma you come with me. Fergus you’re with Jasmine. Twitch you’re in the back of the van as usual. We can take different ends of the city where this creature has been spotted. Hopefully, one of us will find its nest. No one engages, this is just seek and observe.”

  “I would like to call in a favour now.”

  Asier’s words made everyone in the room freeze. Each one for their own different reasons.

  Mark released a long irritated sigh. “Fine. What do you want?” He asked pushing up his wire rimmed glasses as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

  The sly smile that played across the Italian’s lips was not encouraging. “I want to come with you to search for the beast, and I want to be Jasmine’s teammate.”

  “NO. FUCKING. WAY. You can kiss my furry arse before that’s going to happen.” Fergus shouted, leaping off his spot on the sofa. Puffing himself up aggressively, he positioned himself in front of Jasmine. “You are not working with her, and you are certainly not touching Jaz in any fucking kind of way again.”

  Jasmine scalp was tingling. Shifter energy was rife throughout the room. Feral and wild. She could sense the animal side in Fergus straining for release. His eye’s had brightened to glowing amber orbs.

  Jasmine sat frozen in shock. Bloody hell! Seriously? What the fuck was Asier doing? Was he trying to stir up trouble for her? Gemma must have told Fergus that she had spent the night with the vampire. That in itself was mortifying enough. Mark would never agree to this. Her life was about to become one big shit storm full of questions she was not sure how she was going to be able to answer.

  “Fergus ENOUGH!” Mark scolded as he raked a hand through his short chestnut hair. “Asier is with Jasmine, and you’re now on your own.”

  “What the fuck? SERIOUSLY?” The werewolf looked gob-smacked. Facial features twitching slightly, he seemed to be grappling for control.

  All Jasmine could do was stare at her boss stunned. He was giving permission?

  “I already know they’re...friends. Asier won’t be a threat.” He muttered not meeting her gaze. Instead he was giving the vamp a hard look. “I will expect you to watch Jasmine’s back one hundred percent. You are also going to have to wear an earwig so we can all communicate. That is a necessity not a request. Twitch can sort you out with an ear piece.”

  The techno mage’s expression became sulky. “I would rather not touch the bloodsucker, thanks.”

  “What’s gotten into you?” Gemma asked with a frown.

  Twitch’s peridot green gaze slanted into narrow slits, as he shot the vampire a look of hate. “Nothing that a good staking won’t fix.”

  Asier stood staring calmly back. He was not in the least intimated by any of them. Jasmine suddenly had the impression it all had to do with Lexi. Had something happened between them? Was the Italian involved?

  “Let’s get moving people. We don’t have all night.” Mark announced as he rose from his seat.

  Sneaking out of the club had been easy enough. It was close to dawn. Asier wanted to keep it a secret that he wasn’t affected by the sunlight. Jasmine knew this was because he was a born Vampiria. Unlike weaker human turned vamps, his breed was stronger. Different. The Italian’s presence seemed to fill every little inch of Gemma’s mini. Jasmine was driving. It had seemed like the logical way to go as they were all going in separate directions.

  “Are you trying to get me fired? Why the hell did you asked to come with me?” Jasmine’s grip on the steering wheel was so tight she thought it might crack. Anger was building inside her.

  The lingering smell of strawberry chewing gum seemed to be engrained into every fibre of the vehicle. Gemma has a serious addiction. There was no way to escape it. Jasmine grimaced. Winding down the window, she left it open a crack. A fresh breeze ruffled her short red

  “So paranoid.” Asier responded resting back in the seat beside her as if he didn’t have a care in the world. “Dio, Mark already knows you are coming to the club. And no, I have not told him about your vampire bite problem, that is your secret to share, not mine. This beast interests me. I want to see it myself.”

  “Because it’s a snake?”

  The Italian’s face was in profile but Jasmine caught the faint curling of his lips from the corner of her eye. “Serpents are very misunderstood creatures, and I have an affinity with them.”

  “Why was Twitch avoiding talking to you?”

  Her sudden change of question did not seem to faze him. “It is nothing for you to worry about, cara.” Asier responded, tone dismissive.

  It did. Twitch was her best friend, and also family. She needed to know what had happened so she could try and fix it. The mage did not always like opening up. Coaxing him to talk to her could prove hard if he was not in the mood.

  Jasmine shifted uneasily in her seat. “Is it something to do with Lexi? He could barely look at her, and I know they have been seeing each other...”

  The vampire sighed. “You will have to ask him.”

  Dawn was creeping over the city. It started slowly peeking between buildings. The glow of its rays stretching its light in a dazzling array of breath taking colours. Asier growled, closing his lavender eyes to slits. Turning his head to the side his features contorted in pain.

  “You’re not going to burst into flames are you?” Taking her attention off the road for a moment, Jasmine shot him a worried glance. Eric had been fine with the sun. Was Asier somehow different?

  Asier response was a snort of amusement. “You know that isn’t going to happen as I am a born vampire. We are not so weak.”

  That did not decrease her concern. Something obviously was not right. Leaning across, Jasmine clicked open the glove compartment and started riffling around. “Then why do you look like you’re in pain?”

  Flinging the overly freakish amount of unopened bubble gum packets she found on the floor, she continued to rummage. When her hand curled round something familiar, she gave a hum of success. Finding the dark glasses she knew Gemma kept there, she yanked them free.


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