Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4)

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Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4) Page 26

by Erin Osborne

  “Caleb, why don’t you come to the cafeteria with me?” Gwen asks him, trying to get him out of the room as the doctor comes back in.

  He nods his head and jumps down off the side of the bed. He and Gwen leave the room to go to the cafeteria. Doctor Sanchez does her thing and exams me. After a minute, she takes off her gloves and looks at me.

  “This is going quick, Sam,” she says. “You’re already about six centimeters dilated. If you’re going to want an epidural, we gotta do it now.”

  “Yes, please,” I tell her.

  “Okay. I’ll send it in right now,” she tells me, leaving the room after assuring me she’ll be back in a little bit.

  Nodding my head, I lay back and wait to get the epidural. The only thing I’m thinking about is Playboy missing the birth of our children. Shy is at my side when her phone rings. She’s tried calling the men too since getting here.

  “Hello, Playboy?” she asks. “You need to get to the hospital. Now. Sam’s in labor and the doctor says it’s gonna go fast. How far away are you?”

  She listens for a few minutes, and I can’t peel my eyes from her until another contraction hits. I scream out in pain as this one is stronger than the ones I’ve been having. She’s still on the phone, and I know my husband is hearing me scream out in pain. This is not a good thing with him on his bike.

  “She’s okay. Just having a contraction. Get here as soon as you can,” she says into her phone before hanging up.

  “Where is he?” I ask her, laying back against the bed.

  “Just leaving the clubhouse. They went there looking for us. I’m not sure why his calls weren’t going through,” she answers.

  Before we can do anything else, the man giving me my epidural comes in the room, and they all help me get into position for him to do his job. I honestly have no clue what to expect because I’ve never had one before. Caleb, I did a natural childbirth, but there’s no way I’m going to do that this time. Not if I’m already in this much pain.

  He does his thing, and soon I’m lying back in the bed on my side. The contractions are still coming, and they feel like they’re ripping me in half. At the same time, Caleb and Gwen come back into the room. My son has a large smile on his face, and I know he’s got something to tell me.

  “Daddy and Papi are here!” he says excitedly.

  I don’t get a chance to respond as Playboy and Slim walk in the room at that very second. Playboy rushes to my side and leans over me. He kisses me and places a hand on my stomach, and I can see his apology in his eyes before he says a single word.

  “I’m so sorry, baby,” he says, resting his forehead against mine. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay. The epidural is in, and I don’t think it’s going to be much longer,” I tell him.

  “Honey, we’ll be out in the waitin’ room with the rest of the family,” Slim says, kissing the top of my head. “Caleb, you comin’ with me?”

  “Yeah, Papi,” he answers him. “Love you, Mama, and babies.”

  Soon, it’s just Playboy, and I left in the room. He sits on the edge of the bed next to me. For the next little while, we just sit together and talk. Playboy helps me through every contraction, and it does help to have him by my side.

  “Give me one more push, Sam,” Doctor Sanchez says as I push to deliver our first son.

  Playboy is holding my leg up on one side, and a nurse is holding up my leg on the other side. I flop back on the bed as the pressure I’ve been feeling is suddenly gone. It’s not long before I hear our son’s cry. His cry is loud and angry as one of the nurses whisks him away.

  Before I can concentrate on the first baby, another contraction rips through me. Sweat is pouring off me, and the nurse is mopping it up as fast as it’s coming. Or at least she’s trying to.

  “One more time, baby,” Playboy tells me, kissing me on the top of my head. “You’re doin’ so good. I’m so proud of you, baby.”

  “Ahh!” I scream out as I push again. “I can’t do this.”

  “Yes, you can. You’re stronger than you know,” my husband tells me. “A few more pushes, and our other baby will be here.

  I nod my head at him and get ready to push again. As I feel the contraction hit me, I push again. The next contraction hits and I push again. It takes three more pushes, and our second son is born. He lets out an angry wail, the same as his older brother. Tears fall down my cheeks, and I collapse against the bed completely spent.

  “I love you so much, baby. You have just given me the greatest gift of my entire life,” Playboy tells me, kissing me.

  “Thank you,” I tell him, leaning into his body. “You’ve given me so many gifts, and I’ll never be able to thank you for anything.”

  “Mom, Dad,” Doctor Sanchez says. “You have two healthy boys. They don’t seem to be having any issues right now with them being early. We’ll keep an eye on them, though. For now, we usually suggest you both hold them against your bare skin. It helps them regulate their body temperature. Are you ready to meet your sons?”

  “We are,” I answer, wiping my tears away.

  Two nurses walk over with our sons in their arms. I receive one of our little boys while Playboy gets his other son. He sits down on the bed next to me as we gaze at our precious bundles of joy.

  As I’m looking at our sons, I realize one thing. They are completely identical. Already I can see they’re identical twins and not fraternal. I look up at the doctor and see her smiling down at us.

  “How didn’t we know they’re identical?” I ask her.

  “What?” Playboy asks me.

  “They are identical,” Doctor Sanchez says. “I’m not sure why the tech never told us that, but you can already see they’re going to be exactly the same looks-wise.”

  “Fuck me!” Playboy says as the baby he’s holding begins to cry.

  “I’ll leave you alone so you can try feeding them,” Doctor Sanchez tells us. “Sam, you did amazing. I’ll see you soon.”

  When she leaves the room, Playboy helps me pull down the front of my gown, and I hold our son to my chest. He latches on to my nipple, and Playboy looks down in amazement. I pull back the little hat they have on his head and see a headful of blonde hair. He’s got grey eyes based on the quick look I had of them a minute ago. Playboy pulls back the little hat on the other baby, and he’s also got the same blonde hair covering his head. I’ll wait to see his eyes when he’s hungry.

  As one son eats, I carefully unwrap him and take a look at his little body. I count his ten fingers and look down to see his ten little toes. These little ones are so tiny weighing in at just under five pounds for each of them. My only concern right now is that they don’t end up having to go to NICU. Playboy unwraps our other little one, and I inspect him too. They are absolutely perfect in my eyes.

  “You’ve never been more beautiful to me than you are right now,” he tells me, holding our other son cradled to his chest. “I’m goin’ to lay him down between your legs so I can take my shirt off.”

  I nod my head and keep my attention between the two babies. Playboy sets his cut on the chair in the room and then pulls his shirt from his body. When he picks the baby back up, he cradles him to his chest without the blanket wrapped around him.

  “So, do you have any name ideas?” I ask him.

  We agreed to wait to name them until they were born. Part of my reasoning was in case something was wrong and the babies, or at least one of them, is a girl. I look at our children and try to think of names for them.

  “What about Dylan Michael for one of them?” Playboy asks.

  I think it over for a minute, and I love the name. Nodding my head, I look down at the baby still nursing. And the perfect name hits me.

  “I love it. How about Carson James for this little guy? Carson really helped me out when I needed it the most,” I ask him.

  Playboy doesn’t hesitate as he tells me he loves the name. By the time Carson is done eating, Dylan is ready for his turn. So, we switch babi
es, and I watch on as my husband lays Dylan down to change his diaper. He’s practically a pro at doing it.

  Once our sons are done eating, Playboy makes sure they both have fresh diapers on, and then we hold them against our skin for a little bit. I know Caleb and the rest of our family members are waiting to come in. Caleb is probably bugging the hell out of Slim, Shy, and everyone else to get in here.

  “Playboy, go get them,” I tell him, having him help me pull my gown back up to cover me.

  He hands me Dylan and puts his shirt back on so he can get them. I’m staring down at our boys when the door opens once again.

  “Mama!” Caleb quietly yells. “My brothers are here!”

  “I know, baby. You want to be the first one to see them?” I ask him, not seeing anyone else enter the room.

  “They’re comin’. Givin’ us just a minute for the five of us,” Playboy answers my unasked question.

  He brings Caleb over to the bed and lifts him to sit next to me as I have both boys in my arms. I lower my arms so he can see them, and he takes a few minutes to inspect the newest additions to our family.

  “They are not cute,” he finally says.

  Playboy and I laugh at him. Leave it to him to think his brothers are ugly. I don’t know what we’re going to do with him.

  “That’s not very nice,” I tell him, without censor in my voice.

  “I’m sorry, mama. Maybe they’ll get cute like me as they get older,” he says, looking between Playboy and me.

  I can’t help it. I laugh until I have tears in my eyes. There’s a light knock on the door before Shy pokes her head in the room.

  “Is it safe to come in?” she asks.

  “Yeah, come on in,” I answer with my laughter still coming out.

  “What’s going on in here?” she asks, walking straight up to the side of my bed to look at the babies.

  “Caleb just informed us his brothers aren’t cute. But, they might grow into being cute just like him,” I tell her as everyone starts laughing.

  “You’re too much for me sometimes, little man,” Slim tells him, ruffling his hair.

  I nod my head to Playboy, and he grabs one of the babies from me. After walking around the bed, he hands the baby to his dad. Slim sits down in the chair and stares at the little boy in his arms. I hand the other baby over to Shy before she walks over to him and stands next to him. Shy looks between the babies and starts laughing her ass off.

  “Woman, what’s wrong with you?” Slim asks her, looking at the other baby.

  “Playboy and Sam are in some damn trouble,” she answers her husband.

  The second Slim realizes what she’s talking about, a smile breaks out on his face. I lift my phone and snap a picture of the four of them. It’s definitely going to be printed off and hung on the wall. This is one of the best pictures I’ve ever seen before.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Stryker asks, walking over to the babies.

  “They’re identical twins,” Slim answers him. “Son, I told you all the bullshit you put me through growin’ up was goin’ to come back to bite you in the ass. Looks like I was right times two.”

  Everyone in the room starts laughing. They’re all quiet, though, so the other patients up here aren’t disturbed. This is what I’ve always wanted; a large family that supports one another and isn’t ashamed to show the love they feel for one another. At this moment, I couldn’t be happier than I am right now.

  “So, what are the names of my grandsons?” Slim finally asks once everyone has had a look at them.

  “Slim, the baby you’re holding is Carson James, and Shy is holding Dylan Michael,” I tell them.

  “Good, strong names,” he tells me, looking at them.

  Shy and Slim haven’t let anyone else hold them, and I don’t see them doing it anytime soon. Slim is nothing but a proud man of his grandchildren, and he won’t let anyone near them if he’s holding any little one. His wife is no better, honestly, and I know these boys are going to be just as spoiled as the rest of the kids in the club are. I wouldn’t change anything in my life right now.

  “Uh oh,” Caleb says. “One is crying.”

  We laugh as Shy walks over with Dylan in her arms. She hands him over to me, and everyone quickly makes their exit, so I can feed the baby. Shy lingers a minute with Caleb so we can tell him goodbye.

  “You be a good boy for Shy and Papi,” I tell him. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay, Mama. I love you and my brothers,” he says, leaning in for a kiss.

  “I love you too,” I respond as he gently leans over enough to place a kiss on his brother’s cheek.

  Playboy walks over to give him a hug and kiss before leaning down further so he can kiss his other brother on the cheek.

  “I love you, Daddy,” he says as he takes one last look at us.

  “I love you too, buddy,” Playboy responds just before they walk out the door. “As soon as possible, I want to adopt him.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” I respond as I pull my gown down and nurse Dylan.

  The rest of the night, Playboy and I spend together with our sons. We feed them, change them, and hold them close to our bodies for their body temperature. I fall asleep with Carson in my arms before Playboy takes him from me and places him in the bassinet with Dylan. After making sure they’re both asleep, he climbs into bed with me and curls around my body. I’m so tired, and I don’t even realize it.



  WE’RE AT THE clubhouse for a cookout to celebrate the birth of Dylan and Carson. They’re the cutest babies ever, and I can’t wait until I can hold them. I’ve been keeping my distance because I had a cold and I don’t want to get them sick. So, while I’m here celebrating with the Phantom Bastards, I’m keeping my distance from all the kids.

  I’ve been sitting with my sister, Kim, and her man Fox for most of the day. The only time I’ve been alone is when they’ve been up to dance. Other than that, I’ve been with them like I am every single day. I’m kind of tired of living with them, but I have nowhere else to go, and I don’t have a job yet, so I can’t afford my place.

  Everyone keeps telling me they want me to live my life after being with my father for so long and not getting to experience anything. I wasn’t allowed to go to school, have friends, talk to any of his associates who came to the house, or anything else. Still, I’m not sure how I’m supposed to get the experience they want me to have when I still do nothing. The only friends I have are club members, and the only places I’m ever at are the clubhouse, Kim and Fox’s house, or shopping with the ol’ ladies of the club. The most interaction I have is with the children of the club because I’m still considered one even though I’m almost twenty years old.

  I had one boyfriend my entire life. His name was Neal, and the only reason I was allowed to be with him is that he was one of my father’s associates. He wasn’t a nice man, and I can’t honestly tell you who treated me worse; Neal or my father. It’s a toss-up I don’t care to think about these days because it just keeps pulling me back to that place and time in my life when I have such a hard time forgetting it.

  I’m taking online classes now because there’s been so much going on with the club, no one wanted me to take the chance of being without a guard. And, they couldn’t spare any of the Prospects to go with me to school. So, I’m still essentially a prisoner, and I have no clue how to talk to anyone about the way I’m feeling.

  “What are you thinkin’ about so hard over there?” Fox asks me as Kim leaves the picnic table to get another baby fix.

  “Life,” I answer honestly.

  “What’s goin’ through your head Lil’ Bit?” he asks. “I know you’ve been feelin’ some type of way lately. It’s written all over your face.”

  “I don’t know if I should talk about it,” I tell him, casting my eyes down and away from him.

  “Let’s take a walk,” he says suddenly, standing up and doesn’t wait for me to follow him.
/>   I catch up to him, and he waits for me to talk as we round the corner of the clubhouse and stop. Fox looks at me, and his brilliant blue eyes shine so bright I feel as if he can see straight into my soul. It’s the only reason I find myself opening up to my sister’s man.

  “I appreciate everything the club did to get me away from my dad and Neal. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for anyone here. But, you all keep telling me you want me to get out and experience life and everything. I want to, but it’s still not happening. I go to school online, I’m either at the house with you guys or here at the clubhouse, and the main people I’m around here are the kids. I just don’t understand anything,” I tell him, tears filling my eyes.

  “What else is goin’ on in that head of yours?” he asks.

  “You know what. It’s not like it’s a secret that I like Killer. He’s nice to me, and he feels the same way as everyone else that I need to get out and experience life, but there’s no way to do that. I can’t date because I don’t have any way to meet anyone. I’m never going to be ready to date anyone or have sex because I’m still treated like a child, and I’m almost twenty damn years old,” I tell him, letting the tears pour from my face as I slide down the side of the clubhouse and sob into my knees.

  “Lil’ Bit, we truly do want you to do anythin’ you wanna do. We’re just as new to this as you are. Yeah, it’s been more than enough time for you to be out on your own, workin’, goin’ to school, or anythin’ else you wanna do. Let me talk to Kim and the guys, and we’ll figure somethin’ out. You good with that?” he asks me, sliding down next to me and pulling me into his arms. “You’ll just have to realize you’re gonna have someone on you at all times if you’re on your own.”

  “Are you sure? You’re really goin’ to try to help me out?” I ask him, afraid to get my hopes up too much.

  “I’ll do my best. Now, why don’t you go inside and clean up, so no one knows anythin’ is wrong. Meet us back at the table, and we’ll start talkin’ to your sister about things,” Fox says.


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