THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series Page 57

by CJ Bishop

  “If it’ll make you feel better,” Maddy added with a wry smile that sent her heart into a flutter. “We’ll have all the big guys walk between the kids and the protestors, forming a massive wall of muscle that those people out there better not piss off.”

  Savannah laughed softly. “Actually, that would make me feel better.” She hugged Maddy and held onto him tightly. “You’re my hero.”

  Curling his arms around her protectively, Maddy pressed his lips to her hair. “It’s all I ever want to be.” He tilted his face and kissed her ear tenderly. “Your hero.” He smiled. “How do you think I would look in tights and a cape?”

  “Effing sexy!” Ricky quipped emphatically, seeming to appear out of thin air, startling them both. His crew—always right on his heels—quickly backed him up.

  “Oh god,” Savannah groaned and laughed.

  “You gonna model this superhero outfit for us?” Levi winked, a hopeful grin on his face—such an innocent face that belied the dirty little devil within.

  Maddy snorted. “Yeah, right. You can’t be trusted.”

  “Ah, who told you that?” Ricky smiled. “Slandering my good name and reputation.”

  “It’s your reputation that’s slandering you,” Maddy informed.

  Tommy chuckled. “Burn.”

  “Can’t hardly deny that one,” Gavin laughed. “You are kind of a dirty boy, Ricky.”

  “Kind of?” Levi smirked.

  Ricky narrowed his eyes. “You boys are three pots calling the kettle black. You ain’t foolin’ anyone. You’re just as dirty as me.”

  Dane and Angel approached, catching Ricky’s last words. “Ha,” Dane smirked. “No one is as dirty as you, boy.”

  Smiling darkly, Ricky grabbed Angel and pulled him against him. “I bet your little angel is. I bet he’s really a devil in disguise.”

  “Hey.” Dane dragged Angel away from him and wrapped his arm around Angel’s shoulders, shooting Ricky a mock warning to stay away. “Hands off. As of today, I own him.”

  Angel cocked an eyebrow. “So, I’m just property now?”

  “My property.” Dane nuzzled his ear, grinning.

  Savannah shook her head, laughing softly. “Good luck with that one, Angel.”

  “No worries.” Angel pursed his lips in a tight, amused smile. “He just thinks he’s in control. But when I take out the strap tonight and spank him good, he’ll see who’s running the show.”

  The other boys cracked up. Dane pressed his lips to Angel’s head and mumbled with a grin, “You’re talking to a lady, my love.”

  Angel looked at Savannah sheepishly. “Sorry.”

  Savannah rolled her eyes and laughed. “Trust me, I’m used to uncensored boys.”


  “Will you dance with me at the reception?”

  Instinctive tension pinched Nolan’s gut. He and Grid hadn’t exactly been discreet in front of everyone, but he was still afraid to be blatantly ‘open’ in public when he was trying to keep this part of his life hidden from Patrice.

  “Hey,” Grid murmured and moved closer, taking his hand. “I haven’t been here for too long, but I can see how tight-knit this family is. And Samuel told me that what happens in this family, stays in the family. If you dance with me…” He squeezed Nolan’s hand. “No one’s going to shout it in the streets.”

  “I know.” Nolan stared at him, clueless as to why a young, good-looking college guy with the world at his fingertips would want to get himself mixed up in this tangled mess that had become Nolan’s life. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to-”

  Grid’s soft kiss stole way his words. “No apologies necessary,” he whispered. “I know it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders right now, about to crush you. But I’m not going to let that happen.” He kissed him again. “I’m right here, another set of shoulders to help you carry the weight. And not to brag,” he smiled, “but these are some pretty broad, strong shoulders.”

  I know, Nolan thought as warmth flushed through him and images of their lovemaking danced in his head. He would be the last one to dispute Grid’s strength and power.

  “Yes,” he murmured.

  Grid frowned, uncertain. “Yes…what?”

  “Yes.” Nolan kissed him. “I will dance with you.” He trembled and added, “On one condition.”

  “What?” Grid smiled. “I don’t step on your feet?”

  “No,” Nolan whispered and brushed his lips on Grid’s mouth. “That you come home with me afterward and…stay a while.”

  “A while?” Grid rested his hands on Nolan’s waist and looked hopeful. “All night?”

  Lowering his eyes, Nolan shook his head. “I want you to stay all night, but Patrice will be there in the morning. She almost caught us the last time. I can’t risk it again.”

  “I understand.” Grid touched his head to Nolan’s. “How about we compromise? I stay the night, and you set your alarm for five in the morning. Surely, she won’t be by that early. I’ll be up and gone when she gets there and she won’t be the wiser.”

  Nolan was certain he was playing with fire by letting Grid so close at a time like this, but the young man filled a void in his heart and his life that he hadn’t even know was there until Grid arrived. He quickly became aware of all that he was missing…and all that he had been secretly longing for.

  “Okay,” he whispered and gave Grid another kiss as his body began to ache for what awaited him that night in Grid’s arms.

  Chapter 13

  Clint and Axel and a few of the other men stood by while Devlin prepared the twins for the demonstration outside. “I don’t want you to be afraid of them,” he said. “And don’t take to heart the things they say. Clint and the guys will be walking beside you. Don’t even look at the protestors or what’s on the signs. Just go straight to the car and get in.”

  Confusion masked the boys’ faces. Noah frowned. “Why do they care if other people are gay? It’s none of their business.” What gave them the right to tell people what to do or who to love? His eyes darted to Chris. It didn’t feel wrong to like Chris in a ‘boyfriend’ kind of way. And Abel and Devlin, Clint and Axel, and all the others…they loved each other for real. What was wrong with that? Would they yell hurtful things at Noel, too, if they knew he was transgender?

  “It isn’t,” Clint growled, his aggravation for the protestors evident in his eyes and his voice. “They’re ignorant. So, don’t you believe their garbage.”

  Chris came closer. “Stand tall,” he said. “Be proud of who you are. There will always be ignorance and hate in this world. You can’t let it get you down. Just got to rise above.”

  Noah stared at him, his heart racing. He couldn’t imagine feeling ashamed of being seen with Chris. He didn’t think anything could make him feel ashamed of liking Chris.

  “He’s right,” Abel nodded. “You boys are beautiful and amazing people just the way you are. Not everyone gets that we’re not broken and in need of fixing or healing.”

  “So,” Devlin asked with concern. “You two going to be okay going out there?”

  Noah looked at Noel who appeared fearful but still nodded.

  “Don’t you worry,” Clint assured the boy. “I got your back. We all do.”

  “As we told Savannah in the courtroom a few months ago,” Cole said. “If they make you cry, we’ll make them cry. And as a certain attorney will confirm…we are men of our word.”

  Holding Cole’s hand, Gabe flashed a dark, crooked grin. “Ah, good times.”

  Cole chuckled. “I have to admit, it was fun.” He smiled. “Of course, he’s our pal now.” He looked at a small group standing nearby in which Samuel and Caleb were a part of. Cole winked at a man that Noah hadn’t met yet. “Isn’t that right, Mr. Tate? No hard feelings?”

  The attorney laughed quietly. “No hard feelings, boys. I deserved it.”


  The largest men present—Clint, Cochise, Kane, Cole, Gabe, and Dane—exited the club first, form
ing an impenetrable wall along the sidewalk as the twins were escorted outside. Along with the boys, came Adrian and Nolan carrying in their arms Jules and Reuben, the innocent ones encompassed by the others.

  “It’s really quite sad,” Max spoke up, glancing across the street. “That we have to protect our children from these people, of all people.” He shook his head. “And they think we’re the ones defying the commandments of the Bible.”

  Cochise’s face was stone as he looked over at the demonstrators. “Maybe they need some hellfire and brimstone brought down on them.” His tone was chilling and implied he was set and ready to execute the punishment himself.

  Dane motioned Angel to him and took his hand. “No way in hell I’m going to hide my pride in my new husband.” He kissed Angel deeply for all to see.

  “Why’re they mad at us?” Jules asked curiously and twisted in Adrian’s arms, looking over the man’s shoulder trying to see the picketers. The wall of men blocked most of his view, but the raised voices pressed through. “What did we do?”

  Anthony stepped closer and cupped Jules’ head, kissing his hair. “We didn’t do anything, son,” he murmured. “Just ignore them.”

  Reuben was quiet in Nolan’s arms. He hugged his dad’s neck tightly, his face buried in his shoulder, clearly more frightened by the protestors than Jules.

  “Just one tear,” Cole muttered, his eyes on Reuben. “And they’ll wish they hadn’t shown their faces here today.”

  Gabe conferred, his voice flat and brittle. “Freedom of speech or not, they make our babies cry, and they’ll taste the freedom of my fucking fist.”

  “Shit,” Cole chuffed. “If they make Reuben cry, Jules will march over there and plant a shiny black cowboy boot in their asses.”

  Ahead of them, Clint chuckled. “That’s my boy.”


  “Come on. Don’t be afraid.” William peered through the partially closed blinds of his office window, his focus on the tan car parked a couple spaces down from his own out in front of the church. Sunlight glinted off the windshield, turning it into a mirror and making it impossible to see the occupant inside. By the time he’d arrived at the church, he knew he was being followed. This same tan car had been parked down from the club when William had left. He didn’t need visual confirmation to know it was the secretive young man behind the wheel. “Come in and talk to me,” he whispered.

  Whether he came inside or not, the fact that he had followed William here was enough to give him hope that the young man would eventually drum up the courage to approach him in person. William went to his desk and sat down. He didn’t have much to do before he went on to the restaurant for the reception. He didn’t suspect the young man would continue to follow him.

  William had postponed the morning service and now went into the computer, wrote up a brief message confirming that the evening service would go forth as regularly scheduled, then posted it to the church’s e-bulletin board. After noting the topic of the upcoming sermon and posting it along with the central message, William turned off the computer, stood up—then went still when the young man suddenly appeared in the doorway. William hadn’t expected him to come into the church today and was startled to silence. But only for a moment and then he found his voice. “Hello.” William smiled and motion the young man forward. “Please, come in.” When he continued to linger in the doorway, William went to him and held out his hand. “I’m Pastor William Thompson. But you can call me William.”

  The younger man hesitated then shook his hand. “Freddy,” he said quietly. “Shaw.”

  “Freddy Shaw.” William’s smile stretched. “It’s nice to meet you, Freddy.” Freddy nodded but didn’t reply. William moved back toward his desk and leaned against the front. “Would you like to sit down?” he indicated one of the cushioned chairs before his desk. He thought the young man would decline when he, instead, entered the office and sank down tensely in the chair furthest from William. “Are you acquainted with one of the grooms from the wedding?”

  Freddy sat forward, elbows pressing into his knees. He stared at the floor. “Dane Chambers,” he murmured. “He’s…he’s my cousin.”

  “Ah, I see.” William gazed at him. “He’s a very likable fellow. And Angel, such a beautiful soul.”

  “Yeah,” Freddy whispered.

  “Why didn’t you join the guests?” William asked softly. Freddy didn’t answer, and William posed another question. “Did it make you feel uncomfortable to attend a gay wedding?”

  Shifting in his chair, Freddy stood suddenly, anxiously. “I should go,” he mumbled and looked at the door.

  William straightened. “You just got here. You followed me from the club…you must have something you want to talk about.” When it seemed the young man might abruptly flee, William said, “I understand if you’re not ready to talk yet. Here.” He plucked a card from his desk, picked up a pen and scribbled on the back then handed it to Freddy. “On the front is printed the number of my office here at the church and my pastor’s email. I added my private cell number and private email on the back. Anytime you want to talk, night or day, just give me a call or send me a text or email.”

  Freddy slowly turned the card over and stared at the handwritten addition. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  “Were you invited to the wedding?”

  He nodded.

  “Why don’t you come to the reception?” William smiled. “I’m sure Dane would be glad to see you.”

  “Thanks, but…” Freddy sighed and shook his head. He inched toward the door and fingered the card as he glanced at William. “Thanks again,” he murmured, indicating the card.

  “It’s an open invitation to contact me anytime.”

  Freddy nodded and paused when he reached the doorway. For the first time, he looked directly into William’s face. “It was nice to meet you, too…William.” Then he was gone.

  William stared at the empty doorway and smiled; he would be back, he was certain of it.


  Clint and Axel were the last to leave the club and lingered as the others drove away. Axel had half expected the twins to ask if they could ride to the restaurant with them and had they asked, neither he nor Clint would have said no. But they had climbed in with Devlin and Abel, their focus on getting away from the picketers.

  Across the street, the demonstrators were slowly beginning to break apart and vacate the area. And what did you accomplish here today? Axel wondered. Other than upset a couple kids?

  He grunted when Clint pulled him against his muscular body and crushed him in his arms, kissing him hard and hungry. They leaned on the side of the car, in plain view of the dispersing protestors. He silently dared them to start attacking him and Clint, but apparently, they were done for the day and, soon, were all gone.

  “They should’ve stayed,” Clint groaned against Axel’s mouth. “We would’ve given them something to shout about.”

  Axel chuckled and pushed firmly against him. “Guess you’ll just have to give me something to shout about.”

  Jade eyes smoldering, Clint growled, “I got that something.”

  “I know,” Axel moaned and kissed his throat, sucking his skin.

  Clint groaned and released a staggered breath. He fumbled with the drive door as Axel sucked harder on his neck, and finally jerked it open. “Get in.”

  Axel scrambled past the steering wheel and dropped into the passenger seat. Clint slid in and closed the door hard, crammed the key in the ignition and cranked the car to life. Axel couldn’t take his eyes off the swelling bulge between Clint’s muscular thighs. He shoved his hand into the cowboy’s crotch and nipped his earlobe, breath quick and hot. “Find someplace close by to park,” he panted. “I can’t wait long.” He worked Clint’s hard package with an eager, urgent hand.

  “Fuck, baby,” Clint gasped and shoved the car into reverse, backing out of the parking space. Rather than pull out onto the street, though, he directed the vehicle down the length of the club th
rough the parking lot and turned into the dead-end alley that ran along the side of the building. He took them to the very end of the alley and parked.

  Before Clint could kill the engine, Axel already had the cowboy’s pants open, and his thick, hard member tugged out, stroking it in his fist.

  “Oh fuck…” Clint shuddered and turned off the car. His chest heaved as he lifted his hips and pumped his cock through Axel’s hand, then into his mouth as Axel went down on him, sucking him hungrily. “Fuck!” Clint grabbed Axel’s head, fingers twisting through his short wavy curls and gripping fiercely. “Shit, baby,” he panted and pumped his shaft into Axel’s throat. “Fuck…you suck cock so good.” He swallowed unsteadily. “But right now, I need to fuck you.”

  Axel sucked slowly up his dick, wrenching a deep groan from Clint. He sat up and licked his lips. “We’ll continue this portion later tonight,” he smiled and missed Clint’s mouth.

  Minutes later they were in the backseat and stripped naked, Axel on Clint’s lap, riding his cock hard and wild. “Fuck…” he gasped and shoved his hands against the roof of the car for leverage, his knees grinding into the leather seat as he rotated his hips in a smooth circular arc…round and round…ass rocking up and down on his cowboy’s huge dick. “Oh, my god…yes…”

  Clint clutched Axel’s ass cheeks, fingers gouging his firm, sweaty flesh, and thrust into him deep and hard. “Fuck, baby—fuck me.”

  His arms dropping to Clint’s damp, hot shoulders, Axel hugged his head and rode him furiously. The car rocked and shook as Clint’s arms curled around Axel’s fevered body and cinched tight—and then they really began to fuck.

  Chapter 14

  At the far end of the restaurant, the newlyweds were seated at their special table near the fireplace. Samuel addressed the guests from behind a microphone set up adjacent to the couples’ table. “It’s time for the best men to toast the couples.” He smiled. “Who would like to begin?”


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