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by test

  The look in your eyes belies what you’re trying to let on. Despite your better intentions, you are completely besotted with me. Come a little closer, darling, and I’ll make you mine. You wouldn’t shoot me then in a million years. I’m already making your pulse race, and your heart quicken, come a little closer and I’ll show you more pleasure than you can possibly dream of. You don’t want to shoot me, no more than I wanted to shoot you .…” His voice started to lull her along. He had the sort of smooth manly voice that could intoxicate a woman with every whispered promise. She had to snap herself out of the trance he was trying desperately to lead her into.

  “Yes … I will shoot you, if you take one step closer to me.” Her shaky voice betrayed her true intentions. How could she in good conscience shoot him when he hadn’t hurt her yet, and for all of his bravado the kind look in his eyes made her hesitate to actually cause him harm. Not to mention the fact that she was getting a little hot, even with the cool breeze rustling the branches of the foliage surrounding them.

  Gemma, you will rue this decision … you are acting foolishly. Mallory would box your ears if he knew what you were doing … you can’t allow this horse thief to kidnap HIS LADY’S KEEPER Marly Mathews 9

  you. Can you?

  Aiming her pistol so that it was no longer directed at him, she shot it into the air.

  Birds flew out of the trees and other woodland creatures skittered at the earsplitting cacophony.

  “Within minutes, help will arrive. My brother will hear the gunshot since he and my sister-in-law are out in the gardens. Heed my warning and leave immediately. I assure you, being caught is something you wouldn’t want to suffer.”

  “It will take him time to summon a horse and ride to this spot. Even he can’t cross a distance of ten minutes by horseback in a few seconds,” he calmly countered.

  He had it all in hand. Nothing could ruffle this braggart’s feathers.

  “You are not making this easy for me. You will be in irons soon, and yet, you are shooting the breeze with me as if you haven’t a care in the world.”

  “Maybe I don’t … or at least, I didn’t until I met you. You’ll waste your life on marrying Kilworth. He can’t fulfill what you truly desire. I think now, contrary to what I used to believe, that love at first sight truly does exist. You must give in to what you truly desire, my dearest.”

  “What do I truly desire?” She watched him holster his pistol, and jump up behind her in the saddle.

  This was sheer madness. She’d gone to Bedlam! Why oh why was she allowing him to put her in such a dangerous situation?

  He’d broken down her defenses, and now he was closer to her than she’d ever allowed a strange man to be.

  “You truly desire, adventure and freedom.”

  “I’ll have my freedom with Kilworth. He has money … so my brother will not have to support me for the rest of my life, and he has—”

  “Aye, what does he have?” His hot breath caressed the nape of her neck. She bristled at the odd sensations his breath created within her.

  “He has stability.”

  “Ah, I see. Stability. So, in other words, you have a place to put down roots and settle. Well, that fits, since you’re settling for the bastard in the first place. I can’t believe you haven’t had other offers.”

  “Most of the men on the marriage mart … are shall we say—” She cleared her

  throat. “Why do you want to know so much about me?” She lowered her voice to a mere whisper.

  “I have an innately curious nature.” He reached around her, taking a hold of the reins from her. She shivered.

  Why was she allowing him to take control of the situation?”

  “Tell me, what exactly are your objections against the men on the marriage


  “They are, shall we say, intimidated by my brother. He has a certain effect on other males when he meets them, and he’s terribly protective of my sisters and me. He can be quite the thorn in a young lady’s side when it comes to snagging a husband.”

  “I can imagine. And then, there is your unconventional ways to consider.”

  “Come again?” She lost herself in considering what he’d said.

  Midnight went into an easy canter as he directed her back into the forest. What was this man playing at? Didn’t he know her brother would be arriving soon? The HIS LADY’S KEEPER Marly Mathews 10

  steady rhythm of Midnight’s movements coupled with the intoxicating feelings the nearness of his body made her experience, sent her careening almost to the breaking point.

  “Well, first off, no sensible, gently bred young lady would ride astride on horseback. You must give your insanely sensible brother a fit whenever you go out riding. Strange men might think you have loose morals.”

  “Loose? Well, go ahead. You have continually insulted me so far, and you have me at a disadvantage.”

  “You could have fought harder, and yet you let me get up on this horse. If I was a betting man, I’d bet that I could ease my way between your legs just as effortlessly. I think I’d like to partake of the honey I’d find there.”

  “You are a vile, snake-tongued creature.” Sighing with pent up frustration, she gave him a hard jab with her elbow. He groaned. “Besides, I am a sound judge of character, and I do not believe you are a threat to my person. I have always possessed an uncanny knack of summing up one’s character.”

  “Indeed? You seem quite confident in that talent.” He gave her a gentle squeeze and pulled her closer against his chest. Her heart thundered so loud, she wondered if he could hear it.

  “I must say, I would have wanted my sister to fight a bit harder … you hardly gave me a struggle at all. Why don’t we dismount and have a little splendor in the grass?

  Would you like to feel my hands caressing your body, my mouth giving you sweet ecstasy and my .…”

  “Cease your teasing at once! You are too much to be borne.” She sighed tiredly.

  “I don’t think I’d be too much for you. I rather think we’d fit together perfectly.

  I would make it quite pleasurable for you, my beautiful lady.”

  She closed her eyes and prayed for strength in dealing with him. “You are a nuisance of the first class.”

  “Thank you. From you that is most certainly a compliment.”

  She stared around at their quickly passing surroundings. This couldn’t be right, this couldn’t be happening. “Where are you taking me?” she demanded.

  “Well, I’m kidnapping you. I found you, and captured you, so now you belong to me,” he purred against her earlobe.

  “I belong to no one, least of all you!!!”

  “Ah, that is where you are partially mistaken. I grant you, no one will ever own your heart, no one but me.”

  She seethed. Fire ran through her as she jabbed him in the ribs hoping that her sudden movement would unseat him.

  No luck. Damn the bloody man. Was he made of pure rock? He hadn’t grunted or made any indication that her jabs were causing him discomfort. That riled her up even more.

  “I must know my kidnapper’s name,” she insisted.

  “My name is Hart … or at least that’s what you can call me, Lady Gemma.”

  “Gemma? Wait, you said you didn’t know my name! Upon my word .…”

  Realization dawned on her as they emerged in the clearing and started to approach Mallory Hall.

  “You dirty rotten bastard. I’ve been tricked. You’ve led me through a merry HIS LADY’S KEEPER Marly Mathews 11

  little ruse, orchestrated no doubt by my dear brother.” She craned her neck around to look at him, and found not to her surprise that he had rid himself of his blasted mask. His pleasant visage was an improvement to the mask he’d worn before. And if her heart had been racing before, it bore no comparison to the way it raced now.

  Anger continued to build within her when Mallory came strutting into view. He had a very pleased with himself look on his face. Elizabeth walked arm
in arm with him, and her complacent expression guaranteed than she had no knowledge in her husband’s devious plot.

  “You are right, St. Martin. She does need a keeper. I’ll be most happy to take up that post, if you’re still offering it to me. Someone needs to tame this woman’s wayward ways. She must be taken into hand—and I will have supreme satisfaction in taking her into my keeping.”

  “What?” She blustered. She was so furious that she could feel her cheeks

  burning. She wanted to strangle both her brother and Hart, but she couldn’t decide whom she would deal with first.

  “I grant you one token. You are right, she is quite capable of handling that pistol of hers.” Hart inclined his head to Mallory.

  “Mallory, you must tell this man at once to stop talking about Gemma as if she isn’t here. That is most insulting—and beyond galling.” Elizabeth looked up in disdain at Hart. Gemma smiled. Elizabeth could always be counted on to give Mallory quite the challenges when the need presented itself. “What is he talking about, Mallory? Out with it, this instant! Why ever would Gemma require a keeper? Oh, what have you done this time?”

  “She needs one, much like you required one before you found me. Gemma is too reckless. She has a penchant for finding trouble, and she hankers after adventure. That worries me. She will end up getting herself burned badly one of these days. It is my job as the only male presence in her life to protect her.”

  “She will be getting married soon,” Elizabeth countered, shaking her head in disapproval. “Once she is wed, her husband will take precedence over you. You must learn to capitulate to that event.”

  “That’s my point—her choice in husbands is something to be desired. I thought you already understood that, Elizabeth. Admit it, our Gemma makes grievous errors in judgment on a daily basis. I can’t understand why. Mama raised her the same way she raised me.”

  Gemma seethed. Shrugging Hart’s hand off of her, she jumped down from

  Midnight. “Well, I hope you are quite happy with yourself, dear brother,” she spat.

  Holding her sense of decorum, she restrained herself from hitting Mallory. “You are a hateful brother! If I had heart troubles like Ann does, well, you would have given me a fit.”

  “Ann isn’t like you. She has a level head on her dainty little shoulders.”

  “Ah.” Elizabeth snapped her fingers. “I think I understand now. You and

  Gemma are two peas in a pod. The two of you are so much alike, and yet, Mallory, you can’t see that. Why she is the female version of you … though I daresay she looks every bit a woman. Thank heavens for that.”

  A muscle jumped in her brother’s cheek. “That’s just it, darling. Gemma is like me. Do you now know why I’m worried?”

  HIS LADY’S KEEPER Marly Mathews 12

  Gemma shook her head. “What is going on here? Some sort of secret society discussion? If this has anything to do with your adventures at sea, you can spare me the details.”

  Realization appeared on Elizabeth’s flawless features. She touched her hand absently to the one black curl that blew around her face. “Oh, I see.” Now, Elizabeth looked more than just a little flustered. “Can you trust this man you’ve hired to watch over her?” Elizabeth asked, her little mother hen instinct was rearing its pretty little head again.

  “I would trust Hart with your life, my life and our child’s life.”

  “Then, I think, Gemma, that you now have a guardian angel. Be happy for it, dearest. I’m quite certain that Mallory is only working in your best interest. Besides, it will be quite a few months yet, before you are wed.” An uncomfortable expression crossed Elizabeth’s face. “Nothing is truly set in stone, Gemma, until you take those vows. Life is a game of chance. We never know what our destiny holds in store for us. I certainly didn’t see Mallory coming into my life, and finding him and sharing in the love we have for each other, makes my life worth living.”

  Gemma couldn’t believe it. She didn’t want to listen to Elizabeth’s sage words of advice. She’d given up on finding love long ago. She wanted to marry just so that she could be out from under Mallory’s watchful eye, and she was making a grand marriage bargain, why couldn’t anyone see it the way she viewed it?

  “Well, you can all go and stuff it! I will not have my own personal bodyguard. I should have gone to Kilworth’s sister’s house this season, instead of letting you two whisk me off to the barrens of the Scottish Highlands.”

  “Barrens? You should be honored by the majesty of my ancestral lands. You do need a personality change, my dear lady,” Hart hissed, his eyes narrowing at her.

  “Mallory? Are you going to let him talk to me in that way? He is nothing but a hired man for pity’s sake! You are a duke, I am your sister, live up to the station that you have been born into!” Gemma shouted, surprised by her tone. In fact, she could care less what station he held, she was still smarting from their manipulations. Mallory had planned all of this, and now, now, she was stuck with a keeper of all things! Hart might be a foul wretch, but he set her heart pulsing faster than any other man. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to jump right into his little web and be happy with her sticky situation.

  Mallory took Elizabeth’s hand and guided her back to the gardens. “There is no reasoning with you, Gemma, when you are in this sort of foul temper … you are acting like a petulant child! Hart, have fun, she’s yours to deal with now.” With one last wink in her direction, her brother and Elizabeth were off.

  “Don’t even say it, Hart. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t belong to you! Contrary to what my brother seems to believe I don’t belong to any man!” Taking a hold of Midnight’s reins, she walked toward the stables. “Oh, and don’t follow me. In fact, why don’t you go and find a nice fire in hell to bathe in?” A stable groom came to meet her to take Midnight off her hands.

  “Give her a good brushing, and make certain she’s well taken care of.”

  “Yes, my lady.” The groom lowered his head, and talking softly to Midnight they wandered off toward the stables. She quickened her pace, trying to cross the long distance between the stables and the house in the shortest time possible.

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  “Yes, Her Grace was correct. You are just like your brother. Oh, this will be the most enjoyable season I’ve spent in ages.” A grin cracked across his dark features.

  Tossing her head, she walked further away from him.

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  Chapter Two

  He followed her toward Mallory Hall. Mallory and his wife had seemingly disappeared, and since Gemma’s mother and the other five sisters wouldn’t be arriving from London for another sennight, Gemma didn’t have any other family members to seek safe haven with. Meaning, she was all his. He was going to have to work quickly in order to get his objective accomplished in time. He couldn’t be more pleased with the way everything was turning out. Soon, Gemma’s anger would dissolve and in its place there would be the molten fire of love just for him.

  He strolled along behind her, followed her into the grand house and then stopped when she headed for the stairs.

  “You don’t need to follow me. I’m retiring to my chambers. I’m quite certain that my brother didn’t intend for you to escort me everywhere, especially when it comes to trailing along behind me into my bedchambers. I don’t think the terms of your employment would extend that far.”

  “Indeed, it wouldn’t. But I shall stand sentry outside of your door.”

  “You are exasperating.” She tossed her head again, in that haughty yet entirely beguiling way of hers.

  “I am only earning the wages your brother is paying me.”

  She nodded sighing. “I’m sure it’s quite a tidy sum. My brother is very generous when it comes to such matters. His purse can now afford it, so there is some blessing in that.”

  “Indeed, you are correct. I am being well compensated.” He smiled. He liked goading her and watching he
r emerald green eyes light up with fire. She had spunk, and that attracted him immensely. He’d never met a woman quite like her, and he was quite simply dazzled by her feisty personality.

  She would make him a grand wife. The thought struck him and hit him like a lightening bolt to the gut. Aye, he’d never been able to find the ‘ right’ kind of woman to keep up with him—though by the way Gemma St. Martin handled herself, he felt quite certain they would make a grand match.

  “I should travel right back to London … I doubt you’d leave your precious

  Scotland to follow me. That would certainly put you off and put you soundly in your place,” she decided, watching him closely no doubt to gauge his reaction to her threat.

  He set his jaw in a grim line. “I would follow you to the ends of the Earth, Lady Gemma, if I had to. You can travel back to London, but since you and Her Grace are so close, I don’t think you’ll leave her, not when she’s counting on you.”

  “What do you know of my relationship with Elizabeth? She does not mean as

  much to me as you would think. I must put up with her; after all, she is the mother to my niece.” She whirled on him. “How dare you tell me that Elizabeth and I have a close relationship? In truth, I’ve warmed up to Elizabeth over the past few years, but try as I might, I know the two of us will never be bosom chums. We are from different worlds, and the two of us will never be able to be heart-to-heart sisterly friends, though I do HIS LADY’S KEEPER Marly Mathews 15

  respect Elizabeth,” she admitted, however grudgingly.

  Aye. He’d hit the right spot. He knew that by mentioning the friendship or lack thereof between she and Elizabeth would get a reaction and he’d been correct.

  The color in her cheeks made her even more alluring. She was so pale that it gave her a healthier glow. Even though she closely resembled Mallory, her willowy build made her almost look as if she’d blow away in a great storm. She was perfectly proportioned in all of the right spots. She gave the impression of being taller than she actually was, since he didn’t think she could stand much more than five foot five. Her light blond hair made her look like an angel, and her green eyes made a slow fire burn in his belly. She had high cheekbones, accented by her aristocratic nose and slightly protuberant almond shaped eyes, which sparkled like gemstones. Her hair was swept off her forehead opening her face up. Then, her crowning glory was the dimples she sported when she smiled. A man could fall in love with those dimples.


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