Not So Silent Night

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Not So Silent Night Page 2

by Sheri Velarde

  Soon her best friends in town, Rachel and Kevin, showed up, and she became too busy having fun to pay any attention to what Blake and Clay were talking about. Playing pool, having some beers, the time just flew by. Especially after Rachel got her to spill about why she looked so happy.

  Once she finished telling a slightly more demure account of meeting Alexander, Rachel giggled. "You dirty little hussy. About damn time!" Kevin just chuckled along with his wife, both of them clearly happy that she had gotten lucky after a drought of epic proportions. "I can't wait to meet this Russian stud when he gets here!"

  Anna blushed. "Please don't say anything to embarrass me and scare him off! He's Russian; he's probably not used to our crude senses of humor."

  Kevin cackled again. "He can't be a prude. He just gave it to you good in your workroom."

  Rachel went into hysterics with her husband's last comment.

  Just then, a hush overtook the entire bar. Anna turned and saw Alexander had walked in, and nearly every head in the bar had turned towards him. He was quite the striking sight, but there was something strange about the way the Owen brothers and their band of friends went stiff at the sight of Alexander. He seemed to sense something himself, for he turned and looked at them before deliberately turning his back on them and walking over to Anna and her friends.

  He pulled Anna to him and kissed her as if they had been lovers forever. "I hope I didn't keep you too long."

  "I somehow managed to survive, but just barely," Anna teased, before turning to her friends. "These are my best friends, Rachel and Kevin. Guys, this is Alexander." She gave them a warning look as they both snickered slightly.

  Kevin stuck his hand out. "Nice to meet you, man. Heard some good stuff about you from Anna."

  Rachel started to giggle again as she too offered her hand to Alexander. "Yes, it really is nice to meet you." She went into hysterics when Anna slapped her and pushed her away.

  "Sorry about my friends. They are, well, I don't know if there is a good word to describe them." She shrugged and looked up into Alexander's amused eyes.

  "They are charming. So, you have been talking about me?"

  "You might have slipped into the conversation. I had to say who I was waiting for after all." Anna blushed and shot Rachel a look before she said whatever dirty comment she had on her mind.

  He chuckled as he turned toward her friends. "I hope you don't mind if I steal your friend for the rest of the night."

  "Please, steal away. She needs to have some fun with a mysterious Russian now and then." Rachel cackled out right. However, the merriment stopped when the Owen brothers approached in a menacing manner.

  "Who's your new friend here, Anna? Haven't seen him around here before," Blake said, pushing right up and stepping in front of Alexander.

  "Because he is visiting from out of town, not that it is any of your concern, Blake. Besides, we were just leaving. So if you will excuse us." She grabbed Alexander's hand and pulled him toward the door. For a moment, she swore Blake and Clay were going to stop them; their eyes seemed to be black with anger. Worried, she looked up at Alexander, whose own eyes seemed darker and fiercer. She thought she heard some sort of growl come out of him right before the Owen brothers backed down and let Anna lead the way out of the bar. She didn't even put her coat on as they left, just grabbed it on her way out the door. Alexander became nothing but a ball of tense muscles beside her, and she knew that if they lingered, a fight would ensue.

  She nervously held her breath until they were safely in Alexander's rental car and driving the couple of blocks back to her store and home. "I'm so sorry about them. I don't know what the hell all of that was about. Sure, the Owens are a bunch of jerks, but I have never seen them act so rudely before. I thought we were going to have to fight our way out of there. And we were certainly outnumbered, even with Kevin and Rachel on our side."

  Alexander reached over and took her hand. "I would not have let anything happen to you. I know their type well, and I would have protected you."

  "Well, you certainly are a big guy and all, but there were more of them. They all run in a pack around here. The jerks all seem to stick together."

  "Their kind always do," Alexander said tensely.

  She and Alexander were already back at her shop, and he pulled the car around and parked next to her van. He got out and opened her door before she realized it. "Let's forget about them for tonight. I want to recapture what we experienced earlier. The need, the desire. I won't let a pack of wolves sniffing around get in the way of what you and I have."

  The moment she found herself in Alexander's strong arms again, Anna too began to forget about the strange interaction between the town's good old boys and her new lover. All she could think about was getting him upstairs, naked and into her bed. She fumbled for her keys in her purse and unlocked the door, practically running up the back stairs, taking her clothes off as she did. She turned to kiss Alexander and noticed him still at the door, making sure all the locks were in place. Feeling slightly annoyed he was more concerned about the doors being locked than getting her naked, she called down to him, "Are you coming up here, or am I going to have to take care of myself?"

  That seemed to get his attention, for he bounded up the stairs, two and three at a time and soon had her pressed against the wall, kissing her with even more passion than earlier in the evening, if possible. "Oh, I promise I will take care of you many times tonight. Just want to make sure we are not disturbed." He kissed her again before she could reply. He picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as they stumbled inside her apartment.

  Anna had already kicked off her shoes and taken off her sweater. Now she worked on removing Alexander's clothes. He, however, was already attacking her breasts, literally tearing apart her bra with his teeth to get at them better. She was just as eager to get at him. They barely made it into her entryway, where he pushed her against the wall and started pulling her pants off, all the while nipping and sucking her breasts until she thought she would go insane.

  Alexander sat her down and took his mouth from her breasts as he got her pants off, and ripped his own clothes off as quickly as possible. "I have thought of nothing but you all night. You have bewitched me somehow, but I like it."

  At the word bewitched, Anna stiffened despite the desire flowing through her. How could he possibly know, she wondered to herself. However, the thought soon flitted out of her mind as Alexander sheathed himself, lifted her up and thrust into her in the same motion, filling her completely. She screamed in pleasure and dug her hands into his shoulders, her nails drawing blood, but it only seemed to make her lover hotter. "You drive me insane with desire," he said as he pounded her into the wall.

  Apparently not able to get as much leverage as he wanted, Alexander let out a huff of frustration as he picked her back up, carried her the short distance to her kitchen, and sat her down on the table before pulling her legs up onto his shoulders. The new position opened her up, so he could plunge even deeper into her. Anna arched her back, clawing at the table, not able to contain the sensations of bliss running through her body. She screamed incoherent sounds as she came, just as her lover threw his head back in pleasure with a visceral growl.

  After letting her legs down, Alexander leaned his entire body over her and kissed her with passion. "I do not see how it is possible for me to ever get enough of you."

  "Same here," she panted. "Maybe one of these times we will make it to a bed."

  He laughed. "That can be arranged. Round two there? Just point the way." Scooping her up in his huge arms as if she weighed nothing, he proceeded down the hall, following her pointed finger towards her bedroom. They were kissing and making out like teenagers the entire time.

  Just as Alexander reached down to open the door to her room, they heard loud howling, like more than one wolf was out, sitting right outside her shop. Alexander stiffened. "It's okay; we have wolves around these parts. I think they like my alley. I usually hear
one outside my window at night, sniffing around, but I have never heard this many. It sounds like the whole pack is out there tonight."

  She slipped out of Alexander's arms, went to her bedroom window, and peeked out. An entire pack of six to seven wolves howled up directly at her window. She felt the tension radiating off Alexander as he peered down at the wolves from behind her. "Like I said, we see wolves a lot around here. A whole pack showing up in town is a little weird, but nothing to get worked up over."

  She turned her back on the window and wrapped her arms around her sexy Russian. "But I don't really care about wolves tonight. I don't know how long I am going to have you. I want to make sure that I use all of the time I have to my advantage." She kissed him with as much passion as she could. Slowly, the tension in Alexander's body began to fade, and the lust and desire took over as he kissed her back.

  Sensing how much the wolves still bothered Alexander, who knew Russians were scared of American wolves, she pulled him to the bed, her hand stroking him and making him hard as she did. "I think I have something in mind a little more interesting than staring at wolves."

  She pushed him roughly onto her bed, crawling on top of him. She positioned herself so that she could take him into her mouth, but also so he could taste her as well. She wiggled her ass above him, and then lowered herself to his mouth, begging to be licked and sucked. The sight of her wet and throbbing pussy right in his face seemed to make Alexander forget all about the strange wolves as he enthusiastically delved into her, attacking her slit before pulling her wide and sucking on her clit as if in a frenzy. She really started to suck him harder and take him deeper into her mouth, picking up her rhythm and driving him over the edge just as he did the same for her.

  He came just as she started moaning from yet another orgasm that his perfect tongue caused. She sucked him even deeper down her throat and swallowed every last drop of his cum, making Alexander's entire body shiver from pure ecstasy.

  Sure, they had both come in fine fashion, but Anna was nowhere near being done with her hot Russian. This might be her only night with him for all she knew, though her instincts told her this was not the case, and she was damn sure going to make the most of it. She used her special powers of concentration to make sure that her lover remained hard; she then got up and turned to face him. "Oh, I am not finished with you yet." Grabbing a condom from her side table she hurriedly put it on. She then straddled him and slid down the entire length of his shaft, feeling like she had impaled herself and loving every moment of it.

  Alexander groaned his pleasure and gripped her hips, thrusting up into her with extraordinary force, as if he couldn't push into her enough, as if he needed to be inside her even more. Anna was just as eager to have him inside of her. She rode him as hard as she could, leaning down and gripping his hairy chest for more leverage as she forced their bodies together at an intense speed.

  Just as she came yet again, Alexander expertly flipped them both over so he could push into her as deeply as possible. He picked up his speed and virtually pounded her into the mattress. She was still in the midst of an orgasm when he exploded into her, sending her even deeper into heaven. He threw his head back and roared, sounding more like an animal than a man, and his body appeared to shimmer again, but she just couldn't find it in her to analyze the strangeness of her lover. She felt too damn good. She had never felt this relaxed, this satisfied, in her entire life. Besides, she had some strangeness of her own she hid. So what if her lover was some sort of supernatural being? All of her lovers had been. This one was simply better at the lover part than any before him.

  Alexander collapsed on top of her and then rolled over, pulling her close to him where she snuggled into his chest. They were just lying there, still trying to catch their breath, when the howling outside started again and with greater intensity. Then the scratching and banging started, as if the wolves outside in the alley were trying to get into the house.

  Immediately, Alexander stood up and strode to the window. "Stay here; I will go take care of this."

  Anna followed him to the window, stepped in front of him, facing him, and held up both her hands. "No, I know a better way to handle this situation. It may freak you out at first, but I am sure you have seen some unusual things in your life." She turned confidently to the window and threw it open, despite it being freezing out and her being completely naked. Alexander stood puzzled as she mumbled words under her breath. A strange mist suddenly appeared out in the alley, at first right at the level of the second story window, but then it abruptly dived down to ground level, right where the wolves were. Cries of pain and then anguished howls filled the air as the wolves ran off. The mist settled in all around the house, surrounding it. "There, they won't be back tonight. In fact, those particular trouble makers won't be setting foot inside my store ever again."

  Anna shut the window and turned around to Alexander, waiting for the questions to begin. "What are you?" he asked in an awed tone.

  She just smiled. "I could ask you the same thing, but I think I already know, at least in essence if not in detail. But as to your question, I am what is commonly referred to as a witch. My whole family has been full of witches for hundreds of years. Though I admittedly have a hard time with my abilities. When I am down, my magic fades. However you have made me so happy tonight, my powers are stronger than I have ever seen them. They are surging through my body, and it feels amazing. That's how I could so easily deal with Blake and his pack of no good werewolves."

  Alexander startled. "You knew they were werewolves?"

  Anna laughed. "Of course I knew. Half the town knows, but I have a sense about these things. Just like I know you are a shifter, but not wolf. Not anything I have encountered before. What are you?"

  Still looking slightly amazed, Alexander answered. "Bear. Actually descended from the Russian line of royalty as the earliest czars were weres. You are the first supernatural being I have ever met who is not a shifter. Tell me more about your powers. We have legends of magical creatures, but to have one as a lover..." He trailed off, his eyes as wide as a child's on Christmas morning.

  "Like I said, my capabilities tend to come and go. I am consistently good with nature. Plants, flowers, wind, rain, all come easy to me. But actual spells, like the protection spell that I just put around my property? I am usually unable to work powerful magic, at least not anymore. Not since—". She stopped abruptly, not wanting to go there with her new lover.

  "Since what? Your grandmother's death?" Alexander took her hand, clearly trying to comfort her and get her to open up.

  Anna shook her head, hesitant. "No, not really, though her passing certainly saddened me. My powers began to wane long before my grandmother's death. However, it is not something we need to talk about right now. The wolves are gone and will leave us alone for the rest of the night. There are much better things for us to do than spend our time discussing my past." She stood on her tiptoes, wrapped her arms around him, and planted a kiss on his lips. "You are only in town for a short time. I don't know how much longer I have you and the pleasure you bring. Don't you think we should concentrate on us?"

  She pulled him into a more passionate kiss. She felt he still wanted to talk, that he had more questions about her, about her powers, about her past. However, his body was indeed more interested in her advances, and to her delight, his libido won out. He muttered something in Russian and pushed her back onto the bed before climbing back on top of her and diving right in to her. He was not gentle, but Anna did not want gentle tonight, she wanted wild. She was loud in her encouragement for more. Soon they were both shouting their releases. Alexander shimmered ever so slightly, but this time, no annoying werewolves listened in.

  Alexander rolled off her, smiling and looking very satisfied. "My goodness, I cannot get enough of you, woman. It's even better now not worrying about shimmering in front of you."

  Anna propped herself up on her elbow and smiled right back at him. "I know the feeling of not getting
enough. I hope you are not planning to sleep tonight. I am going to wear you out and then some."

  Alexander pulled her back down to him. He kissed her with passion but not in a hurry to do anything else. "Sounds perfect. But let's talk some first. I find you to be the most interesting woman I have ever encountered, even before I learned you were a witch. And as I have said, the only supernatural creatures I have previously met have been fellow shifters. So you are doubly fascinating to me now. Tell me more about you; I want to know more than the physical side of you. Please?"

  He was so sincere Anna could only sigh and give in, even though talking about herself and her past was never her favorite subject. "Okay, I am an open book. Just be warned, I intend to turn the tables and ask all about you too. You are not the only curious one. But you asked first, so go. What do you want to know about me?"

  "Tell me about your powers. I want to learn anything I can about them, see if they match up to the myths of my people. You know, they say weres and witches who mate produce powerful offspring, very powerful."

  Anna held up her hands "Slow down there, tiger, I mean bear. No talk of mating yet. We just met. Yes, there is a strong sexual connection between us, which could maybe be something deeper, but let's let time take its course, okay?" She paused as Alexander nodded, though she could tell from the look on his face that he thought there was definitely more going on between them than sex. However, he was wise enough to not say anything out loud. She did, in fact, agree with him, but couldn’t let her thoughts and heart go there just yet. Her heart still needed mending from traumas from her past.

  "But I will say what you heard about the mixing of witches and weres is true. Many packs often search for those of magical blood when they are looking to increase their breeding stock. You are magical by nature and so are witches. We just don't shift, though some very powerful witches can learn how to. I've never tried it, but it is said to be draining on those who are untrained. In fact, I suspect it is why the wolves have been hanging around me ever since they moved into town. Not that I am interested in some rednecks with no brains or manners." She wore a look of disgust as she talked about the wolves.


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