A Taste of Winter: 1 (Red Masks)

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A Taste of Winter: 1 (Red Masks) Page 6

by Gia Dawn

  She felt his thighs tremble as she whimpered her need and marveled at his self-control, knowing hers was fading fast. “I need to come,” she breathed against the bed. “I can’t control it any longer.”

  But her Master had already made other plans. Before she could suck in another breath he stuffed a second finger in her ass, forcing another cry from her throat as he opened her even farther. But this time his fingers clamped around her clit, pinching the inflamed pearl of flesh so hard it brought her nearly to the edge.

  Her cunt clenched as she felt the orgasm course along her nerves, her ass answering in a pleasure she would never have anticipated and the double stimulation beyond any bliss she’d ever anticipated.

  “Let me feel you inside me,” she ordered, pushing back against him, more than ready to take him all. “Do it now before I come without you!”

  And he obeyed, driving the length of him deep between her thighs as his fingers thrust again into her ass, while he continued to strum her clit. The combination was enough to send Alaina flying over the edge as the orgasm ripped up her stomach to tingle in her hair.

  She felt her body clench around his flesh, fisting him so strongly he barely managed another thrust before she heard him suck in a breath and felt his legs tremble against hers as he leapt to his own release.

  When it was over and Alaina lay spent upon the bed, he rose and turned off the lights, returning to untie her hands and remove her mask.

  “You are more than I had dared to hope for.” His voice was as gentle as she’d ever heard it. “Magnificent.” Then to her surprise he sat beside her and pulled her into his lap, his hands raking her hair from her face.

  She struggled to make out anything of his features but the room was black and she couldn’t see a thing. Tentatively she reached out to brush her fingers across his mouth, growing bolder when he did not stop the gesture.

  “I wonder what you look like,” she admitted, the dark giving her courage, “and whether I have ever seen you or passed you on the streets.”

  He remained silent and removed, forcing a sigh from Alaina’s lips. “It doesn’t matter,” she added haughtily. “I don’t have any plans to track you down.”

  His breath heaved out on a sigh. “To both our benefit,” he said cryptically, crawling farther on the bed and pulling her with him, snuggling them close as he’d never done before. “You have obeyed every rule of the house. I admire you for that.”

  “Mmmmmmm.” Alaina wanted to ask him if he’d played by the same rules but then decided she didn’t want to know the answer. It didn’t matter. Not now. Not when she felt closer to him than she ever had before.

  For long moments he held her, silent and still and Alaina had almost fallen asleep, soothed by the sound of his breath against her cheek, until he rolled over and sat up, leaving her cold and alone.

  “Good night,” he murmured, trailing a last caress across her cheek before he rose and headed for the shower.

  Unsettled after he left her, Alaina rose and got dressed in haste, this time being the first to leave. As she drove herself home she felt the very first stirrings of regret, already wanting more to the relationship than a series of sexual encounters. Better to be the one to break it off than wait for him to dump her, she thought miserably as she navigated the empty streets. At least then her heart would be broken of its own accord.

  She doubted he would miss her for longer than it took him to find another partner, one who was just as anonymous behind her mask—one who would please him just as well.

  But her heart wasn’t buying any of her attempts at reason and Alaina lay sleepless until well past dawn, wondering when he would send for her again.

  Chapter Five

  Alaina had been thrilled that Zayne had given her carte blanche on the garden design despite the fact she had no real experience in the field. But her instincts had been perfect. She allowed herself to gloat and she could already tell how the flowers would look finished and in full bloom. Today she was transplanting the old-fashioned rosebushes, pruning them into some semblance of order along the back wall of the property and trying to save as many of the original perennials as possible before the big machinery came and plowed over everything as the main renovation work began.

  Three weeks had passed since her last night at the Red Mask Society. Three weeks of torture and longing and waiting for her mysterious lover to call. But when the phone stubbornly refused to ring she’d put her misery out of her head and turned to work instead.

  Besides, she had Ryan to keep her on edge.

  He’d taken an overly keen interest in her new job, showing up at least once or twice a week to criticize her work or offer some suggestion on how she could better maximize her time. His latest obsession was with her work on restoring the gardens. On occasion, he actually rolled up his sleeves to dig in the dirt or muscle out a weed that proved particularly stubborn.

  Now she could see him out of the corner of her eye talking with Zayne and she was struck again by the feeling she’d had when she’d first seen them together—the sudden clench of her sex becoming a growing ache of longing as she thought about the two men together making mad passionate love to her.

  Silly thoughts for a silly girl.

  Her erotic nights were officially over. Until she could gain some perspective on her recent past at the Red Mask Society, Alaina was in celibate mode. No men, nowhere, no how, most especially the two she was working with so closely—even if in her darkest desires she wanted them above all others.

  Which was entirely ridiculous. Ryan was the last man she would ever have a relationship with. She could just picture him judging her every move, giving her lessons on exactly how he liked to be handled, his mouth pressing into that glorious frown that meant he was displeased—just like the stranger behind the concealing mask.

  A tremor of recognition shook her as she watched Ryan turn and stride toward her. He was the same height. The same weight. The same—

  It could not be possible.

  Surely the fates would not be so cruel as to have thrown her into Ryan’s bed then have her relish every second of the night.

  Her legs shaking so bad they could not bear her weight, Alaina was grateful she was already kneeling on the ground so she wouldn’t face even more humiliation by dropping like a stone at his feet. And she was more than glad her sunglasses hid her sudden shock.

  Digging her hands deep into the muddy flowerbed to hide their trembling, Alaina waited in dread as he approached, not knowing how she was going to manage to carry on a casual conversation when every nerve she had urged her to run screaming for cover—or screaming into his arms, whichever came first.

  Determined to ignore his presence and hope that by some miracle he would walk on past, Alaina buried her head in the thorny bushes with their beautifully scented blossoms until the man came to stand so close behind her she could feel the heat that radiated from his skin.

  “Good afternoon, Miss Winter,” he said, kneeling on the ground beside her, looking all too delicious in a formfitting white t-shirt and faded jeans—a marked change from his usual Italian suit attire. “I was just speaking to Zayne about adding a fountain near the main entrance.”

  “Uh-huh.” It was him, she realized with a certainty as she recognized his voice. How in hell had she missed the signs? How in hell could she have been so stupid? Her head spun with the knowledge, her stomach roiled and she felt like she was going to pass out as he knelt beside her, reaching out to touch her shoulder.

  He must felt her tremble for his face grew pale with concern as he took the clippers from her hand and forced her to face him. “Alaina, are you well?”

  “Take off your shirt,” she demanded.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. Take off your damned shirt.” Her heart hammered as she raised her eyes to his face, hoping against hope she would see nothing but confusion in the eyes staring back at her. To her horror she saw both guilt and regret in the clench of his jaw and the muscl
e that jumped at the corner of his mouth. Before she could stop herself she clawed the collar of his shirt, ripping it down to his stomach and baring the tattoo for both of them to see.

  “Alaina, please,” He reached out to catch her before she could run but betrayal and humiliation gave her a newfound strength and she was on her feet, grabbing the garden shears once again.

  Shaking her head, she held the clippers before her like a weapon as she backed away. “You knew. You knew, you bastard, you knew right from the start.”

  “I knew.” He rose to stand before her, his hands held out in supplication. But I can explain—“

  “Explain?” Alaina’s rage rose to beat back her shame, her gaze glued to the shadow of the tattoo beneath his shirt, the exact same one she had traced with her fingers—had tasted with her tongue. “No, you can’t explain. Not now, not ever. Get away from me before I call the police. And you had better not mention a word of this to Zayne or I promise I will have you arrested for stalking. And don’t you ever, ever, show up here when I am working or make any attempt to contact me at all.”

  Refusing to acknowledge the pain she saw flicker in his eyes, Alaina turned and ran, needing to get away from him as fast as possible—no longer caring whether she looked like an idiot or not.

  That ship had already left the harbor and headed out to sea.

  * * * * *

  Zayne proved entirely immune to her tirade when he met her for dinner later that week. “Ryan was a man who wanted his woman very badly.” He shrugged, reaching out to take her hand. “I would have done the same in his position.”

  Alaina shook her head. “You are too much a gentleman to pull a stunt like that.”

  “Am I?” He took her chin in his fingers, forcing her to face him, his eyes as black and deadly as sin. “I am a man who takes what he wants and doesn’t give a damn about the consequences. Believe me when I tell you that I have done much worse for love and suffered the consequences accordingly. But I have also suffered a very great loss and I would sell my soul to the devil himself if I could have just one more minute in her arms.”

  With a grunt of dismissal he sat back in his chair. “Politeness has no place between a man and a woman, at least not when the need to possess is stronger than civility. Ask yourself if what you really desire is someone who asks permission to touch you or who begs your pardon as he thrusts between your legs.”

  This was an entirely new side to Zayne. But she was also aroused by his passion and torment and began to appreciate that Ryan had such feelings for her he was willing to go to extreme lengths to have her in his arms.

  “Should I forgive him so easily then?”

  Zayne’s chuckle was dastardly. “Oh no, you should make him pay in ways I cannot begin to speak of.” With that, he reached into his pocket and handed her a note. “Think well before you let him go. We do not desire a thing with such desperation until after it is ripped from our grasp.”

  With that he stood and tossed a wad of bills on the table. “Good night, Alaina.”

  After he had taken his leave, she sat for a long time staring at the paper in her hand, noting the elegant way he had written her name. Then, before she could change her mind, she tore the note open.

  “The god in me and the beast in me

  And all deep things come up to light;

  And I would barter my soul to be

  The prize of love for a single night.”

  ~George Sylvester Viereck

  I know you think me more the beast but I have never felt so much a god than when I had you in my arms. I miss you. I need you. Please meet me again. You will remember the place and time. Ryan

  Glancing at the clock, Alaina realized that if she didn’t leave that instant she would never make it to the Red Mask by eight. And he had always been a stickler about punctuality. Madame Brisson handed her the mask when she arrived, her smile holding both apology and concern.

  “We will have a little chat later.” Alaina snatched the mask from her hand. “But right now I can’t afford to be late.”

  “You know the way.” Manette opened the door that led to the private rooms. “I wish you pleasure,” she whispered as she helped Alaina don the mask.

  A buzz of electric energy hummed through her veins as she made her way down the dark hallway, wishing she had a glass of champagne as her mouth went dry, anticipation and nerves making her throat as barren of moisture as the desert. As her mouth dried out her palms picked up the moisture, forcing Alaina to run her hand down the side of her dress as she came to stand before her master’s room.

  Before her knees turned to jelly she rapped lightly on the door. When he called for her to enter, her body began to shake, the now-familiar ache between her legs growing to an unstoppable need as she turned the knob and did as he commanded.

  To her surprise the room was bright, several candles throwing shadows along the walls as she stepped in and closed the door behind her, seeing him standing across the room, unmasked, so she could read every nuance of emotion that feathered across his face.

  He looked amazing in a black tuxedo, bow tie undone and shirt unbuttoned, one hand threading through his hair as he approached. She’d never seen him do that before, never seen the tiniest hint of uncertainty in his behavior and she could not tear her gaze away as he rubbed the stubble along his jaw before he caught the gesture and dropped his hand to his side.

  Before she could stop herself she’d taken a step toward him, ready to comfort, ready to hold. Damn. The man made her weak with desire, especially now when she knew who he was, remembered the way he’d made her feel, the heat of his touch—the rasp of his skin.

  If she was totally honest with herself she had to admit there was a part of her that had always known who he was. How could she not have missed the subtle purr of his voice or the way his eyes glittered wickedly behind the mask? The same way they glinted when he was micromanaging on the job, as if he enjoyed the game they played, liking the way she icily agreed to his every command.

  “Give me one good reason I should listen to a thing you have to say.” She crossed her arms across her chest to keep from reaching out to smooth his hair back into place.

  “Because I cannot live without you, my beautiful Alaina, either at work or in my bed. And I have a very great favor to ask of you tonight.” He circled behind her, his breath hot and welcome against her skin. “A very great favor for a very old friend.”

  Alaina froze in place as she caught sight of the other man sitting across the room, recognizing him instantly. Zayne Saladar. How had she not noticed him before?

  “Are you willing?” Ryan’s voice was beyond intent as he ran his fingers through her hair, skimming his knuckles along her cheek. “You may leave the mask on for now—but you will remove it before the night is over.”

  Alaina let Ryan pull her back against him, his body already taut and stiff with need. “Is he going to watch or do you plan to share me?”

  “Which would you prefer?”

  To her shame she remembered all the times she had fantasized about being taken by the two men. The images once again took root in her mind and latched on with such force she couldn’t deny the thrill that raced along her flesh. Already she had grown so wet between the legs she thought both men must smell her arousal and she wasn’t far wrong when Zayne stood and crossed to stand beside her, one hand holding out his glass of champagne for her to sip, the other running down her stomach as he brought his face close to her neck.

  “You smell like paradise.” Some of her doubt must have reached him for he pulled away and tipped her face to his. “You do not have to do this. Just say the word and I will leave. But I would rather stay,” he added, so softly she could barely hear. “I have been looking forward to this for many days now.”

  He placed the glass of champagne to her lips, urging her to drink. Needing the distraction, Alaina took a decent swallow and wondered how the encounter was going to play out. Would they take turns? One man watch while the other—r />
  She didn’t have to wait long for an answer as Zayne nodded to Ryan, who immediately grabbed both her wrists and pulled them tight behind her. Now her breasts were raised for Zayne’s inspection and he wasted no time in plucking at their tips, rubbing them hard between his fingers until Alaina gasped in pleasure and pain.

  Ryan’s body was like a rock against her back, the growing length of his cock pressing between her legs as he pulled her even closer, lowering his head to nip her neck with his teeth.

  Not content until she was fully bared to both their gazes, Zayne unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it over her shoulders as Ryan released one of her wrists at a time and let the garment fall carelessly to the floor.

  Her bra went next followed by her skirt and panties, leaving her clad in only her stockings.

  “On or off?” Zayne snugged his finger beneath one lacy top. “Would you like to change places before you decide?”

  “Most certainly.” Ryan waited until Zayne had moved behind her and taken over the capture of her wrists before he moved to stand before her, his eyes as dark as midnight as he studied her anew.

  “On,” he pronounced thoughtfully, reaching out to tuck his hand between her legs. Alaina jumped at the touch and groaned in renewed desire as Zayne slid one knee between her legs and spread them wider, giving Ryan greater access. He took it, spreading her flesh and tucking one thick finger deep inside her cunt, never once taking his eyes from her face as he gauged her reaction.

  Alaina trembled as he withdrew before taking a second finger and adding it with the first while his thumb drew lazy circles around her swollen and sensitive clit.

  In the meantime Zayne trapped both her wrists between their bodies, freeing up his hands to torture her breasts, pulling and pinching her nipples until they grew hard as pebbled stone—sending waves of agonized pleasure up her spine and causing her to shake like a leaf blown in the wind.

  Each man looked different. They smelled different. And Alaina wondered how different they would taste and if she had the nerve to beg them to let her kneel and take them into her mouth, one at a time.


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