Presents for Sue Ellen

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Presents for Sue Ellen Page 2

by Azod, Shara

  The woman was built for loving. She had a true hourglass figure that had him hard every second of every day. Her dark skin was all smooth and creamy, inviting a man’s touch, not to mention the face of an angel. But the thing that drove Blaine out of his mind was just her. Open, honest, and sweeter than raw sugar, she was the perfect woman. She crawled inside his skin, haunted his dreams. He did the only thing he could do, pension his father’s executive assistant and promote Sue Ellen. He had been biding his time, waiting for the right moment, but now, he realized he might have waited too long.

  If it had not been for Royce, Blaine probably would have made his move a long time ago. Maybe. Most people believed they were brothers because of the last name. The truth was, Royce and Blaine had met and quickly become inseparable from their first year at the University of St. Andrews. They shared everything, meaning everything. They had the same tastes, thought drastically different styles. Where one was, so was the other. There was never really any question of whether or not Royce felt the same white hot attraction to Sue Ellen that he had. They were of one mind about the matter.

  Sue Ellen wasn’t a physical thing. She was not someone to conquer and move on. She was The One. Sweet and amendable without being a complete pushover. She had a quick wit, though often muttered under her breath, and a kind, generous heart. A far cry from the gold digging bimbos that they used to date, or the uptight women he grew up with, Sue Ellen was real. Intelligent and unpretentious, she wouldn’t dream making snap judgments or trying to play them against one another. Best of all, that woman was just gagging for a collar; she just didn’t know it yet. She was perfect for their dominate natures -- the kind of woman you kept.

  When Blaine had heard Sue Ellen talking to her cousin about leaving New York, leaving them, it had scared the shit out of him. How could she not know how badly they wanted her? She was rarely out of their sight, they had come up with multitudes of ways to keep her at work with them just a little longer. She couldn’t have honestly thought they really needed her to stay late to organize receipts, but obviously she had. Subtly be damned now, it was time to make it perfectly clear to Ms. Sue Ellen her days as a sad, single assistant were over. She was about to be claimed, permanently.

  Watching Royce kiss her was a heady sight. The way she melted against him, soft and trusting had his cock knocking on his zipper to be set free. Blaine’s fingers trailed a slow path up her thighs as he lifted her skirt, coming to a complete stop when he encountered the tops of her thigh high nylons. There was no way he could swallow the moan spilling from his lips just imaging the way they looked. The elastic lace hugged her upper thigh snuggly, damn near blending into the smooth soft flesh.

  “Royce.” Blaine’s voice was little more than a gravelly grunt, proof positive his control was about to snap. “Look.”

  Sue Ellen uttered a little whimper when Royce’s lips left hers. Poor baby. They would take care of her needs sooner than she thought.

  Royce glanced at him in question a split second before his eye dropped to where Blaine had his hands. The widening of Royce’s eyes as the other man sank to his knees before her told Blaine all he suspected was true; but he never suspected the next words that came out of Royce’s mouth.

  “Blaine, she’s bare,” Royce whispered softly, leaning in to inhale her center. “Not a strand of hair. So beautifully smooth.”

  His friend’s words caused a low moan in both Blaine and Sue Ellen. Blaine wished like hell it was him on his knees in front of her, but he didn’t want to stop holding her long enough to make that move. She might catch a case of nerves and run away, and he just couldn’t allow that.

  “Tell me,” Blaine ordered. He wasn’t sure he wanted to hear what Royce would say, but he knew he would possibly die if he didn’t hear every minute detail.

  “Her nether lips are smooth and puffy,” Royce breathed. He must have reached out to touch her, to pull her lips apart because she started whimpering in earnest, her hips bucking slightly. “Ah hae died an' gain tae heaven!”

  Whatever Royce had found, Blaine knew it was serious because his burr came on thick and pure. Leaving the skirt to Royce, he reached underneath her shirt to cup her beautiful breasts. He didn’t bother trying to remove her bra; he didn’t think he could take that. Her breasts were heavy, filling his hands to overflowing. His hands kneaded them automatically, luxuriating in the feel of them. His finger pinched and rolled her nipples, loving every gasp, every tortured moan he induced.

  “What did he find, baby?” Blaine whispered in her ear, nipping on her lope before licking away the tiny hurt. “Have you been a bad girl?”


  It wasn’t really more than a breath of air, but it was more than he expected. Her answer had come immediately, without obfuscation. Oh, hell yeah, he liked that.

  “She has a piercin', reit thaur oan 'er bonnie min' bean.”

  Blaine’s heart stopped at Royce’s pronouncement. His hands froze, his breathing became labored. A pierced clit? Oh, the hidden depths of their little assistant.

  “Is that true honey? Did you have your clit pierced?”

  She nodded, gulping in air. Looking down Blaine saw Royce’s head buried in her pussy, one of her legs wrapped around his shoulder. The sounds of vigorous lapping battled with the heavy panting of all three. Blaine watched, completely entranced at Royce’s bobbing head. The smell of arousal assaulted his senses with a fury. Soon he would be where Royce was now. He just had to wait a little while longer.


  Never in his life had Royce tasted anything sweeter. Her honey flowed on his tongue in abundance, and he was anxious to catch every drop. He was addicted, but then, he had known he would be. His tongue couldn’t decide which was more enticing, her hot, syrupy channel or the delightful little clit decorated with a small gold hoop with a golden ball in the center. As much as he loved wrapping his tongue around the tiny piece of jewelry and tugging, torturing her with pleasure, he had to return to core.

  He couldn’t seem to stop, loving the way she tasted, the way she came apart due to the ministrations of his tongue. He could sense Blaine doing his best to quiet her increasingly louder cries of joy. They had to take this home, but he couldn’t pull himself way. Opening the lips of the prettiest chocolate covered pink pussy he had ever seen in his life he suckled her clit in his mouth like he was going down on a tiny dick, inserting two fingers inside her with deliberate slowness.

  “Do you like that, baby? Do you like the way Royce licks you? Is he making you feel good?”

  Blaine’s whispered growls fueled Royce’s passion. Even hotter was her soft breathless answers.

  “Yes, yes, oh yes!” This is the way he wanted to hear his woman, their woman. All panting with passion, pliable and willing. Hell, if he could keep her naked in bed every second of every day he would.

  “Are you coming again, baby? Are you going to drown him with that sweet, tangy honey?”

  “Yes, please. I want to come!”

  Did she really just ask for permission to come? Royce damn near came on himself. He had to bury himself inside her, like yesterday. He had to hear her scream, begging for release. He needed to take her to the highest peak; sandwiched between him and Blaine, so wild with blind, raw need she couldn’t remember her own name. He doubled his sucking vigorously in her clit as his finger increased in speed pistoning in and out of her slick center. Twisting his fingers, curling them upward until he found the spongy little spot he was looking for.

  Her hips gyrated against his face in response, pounding against him. She had a death grip on his hair, smashing him closer to exactly where he wanted to be. He welcomed the pain, he kept him from throwing her down and pounding into her like an animal.

  Shite, he wanted this woman! He wanted her physically, emotionally, any damn way he would get her.

  “That’s it, baby. Come for us. Show us how beautiful you are when you come.”

  She came on Blaine’s command. Feckin’ perfect.

  “We need to take her home, Blaine.”

  Blaine had managed to muffle her shrieks, but just barely. Royce didn’t want anything standing between them and their woman. They needed to go where they could be completely free.

  Thankfully, Blaine agreed. There were times when Royce despaired Blaine would never agree they needed to make a move to bind Sue Ellen to them. If they hadn’t been walking behind her during that phone call, he shuddered to think that they might have lost her.

  Well, come to think of it, they would have just followed her to wherever the hell she was from. No matter where she went, they would have found her.

  Smoothing down her skirt, he rose and slowly buttoned her shirt. He was so damn hard he hurt. His cock was stretched so tightly, it felt it might burst its skin.

  “Ellie, sweatheart, we ur gonnae gang haem an' finish whit we started, okay? Ur ye okay wi' 'at?”

  Sue Ellen just blinked, her big brown eyes staring uncomprehending, looking a thousand kinds of adorable. And he was way too wound up. She probably couldn’t understand a word he said. Luckily Blaine was there to translate.

  “He said we are taking you home, baby. Are you ready to go?”

  “, there is so much work I need to get done…” Her head swung between him and Blaine as if she had never seen them before. Her hair was slightly mussed, her face flushed, her lips kiss swollen, and she had never looked as hot to Royce as she did right now. “Why are you doing this? What kind of game are you two playing?”

  He was afraid of this, he had warned Blaine she would think they were up to something. Nothing could be further from the truth, but that was something she was going to have to learn. Just like she was going to learn to trust them.

  “Wood ye loch tae play a gam, loove? Ah ken lots ay games.” Damn, he really needed to watch the accent, but the woman drove him crazy.

  “I have no idea what you’re saying, but you can’t possibly want me.”

  Royce went completely still. “And why is that, loove?” His temple began to throb, knowing in his gut what she would say but not wanting to hear it. Blaine had bet him they would have to discipline her, but Royce had known better. She was naturally submissive, but in no possible way a push over.

  “Well, look at you,” Sue Ellen swung her hand pointing from his head to his feet. “Both of you!” She swung around and pointed and Blaine.

  “And?” She was going to say it, and then he was going to spank her. He was going to bend her over the desk and make that luscious ass all nice and warm, and he was going to enjoy every second of it.

  “Be careful what you say, sweetheart,” Blaine muttered, stepping back and looking vastly amused.

  The ass was smirking, waiting for it. Royce’s hand started to itch in anticipation. Thank the fates it was Friday, because once they got her home Sue Ellen wouldn’t be leaving the bedroom for a good little while.

  “And look at me. I mean, I am passably pretty I guess. I am not saying I am a dog or anything.”

  Maybe he would go easy on her for that.

  “But I’m not exactly a size six, you know,” she unfortunately went on. “I’m chubby, I don’t wear fashionable clothes, I don’t like to mingle with high society types and I’m black!”

  “Are you done?” Blaine asked for him. Royce was currently biting his tongue, waiting for the full force of her tirade.

  “No, I’m not done!” Sue Ellen puffed up her chest, visible pulling herself together. “If this is some kind of sick ploy to get me from quitting, it won’t work. I’m not stupid you know! I’m not your type, and I’m damn sure not some cheap slut you can just use and keep on a string! You don’t need me, so why are you doing this? To teach me a lesson? Does it amuse you to play with the mind of the fat little black girl? Are you going to make me pay for daring to --”

  “Enough!” Royce winced at the sound of his own roar. There was no doubt the entire office heard that one. “Blaine, woods ye please collect Ellie’s things frae 'er desk an' hae th' motur brooght aroond? We will be doon in a minute.”

  “Will you be able to contain yourself if you do this here?” Blaine asked, collecting his coat off of the coat rack near the door.

  “Nae a chance.”

  Chapter 4

  Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer. ~ Swami X

  Sue Ellen had no idea what was in store for her, but some innate sense of self preservation told her she was in deep trouble.

  “Wait, Mr…er, Blaine!” She really didn’t feel right calling him Mr. Hamilton. Not anymore, after he had his cock grinding against her ass and his hands all over her breasts. “You can’t leave me in here with him.”

  “You wouldn’t fare any better with me,” Blaine gave her a kind of half smile that would have been really very endearing, if only she wasn’t scared shitless.

  “I wouldn’t?” And why the hell not? She had only stated the facts. She had no idea what got Royce’s panties all in a twist like that, but she had been completely upfront.

  Blaine kissed her; a soft, slow meeting of lips without the tongue that had recently explored every inch of her mouth. It was the sweetest kiss she had ever experienced.

  “I’ll see you in the car, sweetheart.”

  Before she could think of anything to call him back, he was gone, the door clicking softly behind him. Royce was there, turning the lock as soon as the door closed. His eyes never left her as she stood there fidgeting, not sure what to do. She knew he was pissed, but about what she really couldn’t say. Did he think she was rejecting him? Yeah, right. Like any woman would reject a man like Royce Hamilton.

  “Look, I wasn’t saying I’m not interested,” Sue Ellen began as he moved from the door to his desk, his gaze never wavering from where she stood. “I just, um, don’t want either of y’all to think that this seduction or whatever is going to keep me here. I am going home.”

  “Seduction or whatever,” he whispered her words right back at her, pulling something that looked suspiciously like a paddle out the desk drawer.

  Her eyes widened as he caressed the object and damned if it didn’t send a shiver down her spine. What the hell was thinking of doing with that?

  “Come haur loove.”

  Strange how her feet moved without her permission. Stranger how she was starting to clearly understand his thick Scottish burr. The madder he got, the thicker it got, and the sexier. Before she knew it, she was standing right beside him.

  “Bend ower th' desk, hans flat oan th' surface an' dornt move.”

  She couldn’t have heard him right. Her mouth opened, but not a sound emerged. He kept a paddle in his desk? And he was going to spank her with it? It was sick -- depraved, and she got wetter just thinking about it. It wasn’t her who moved to comply with his instructions. She wasn’t the woman who shivered with delicious anticipation. That wasn’t her gasp as the twill of her skirt whispered over her thighs, then her hips. It was her evil doppelganger, a bad twin she hadn’t known existed.

  The first swat stole her breath, burning at first, then melting into a shimmering kind of red hot pleasure. She could have sworn she heard him moan, just a little, but it was quickly drowned out by another swat, and then another.

  “Ye will ne'er refer tae yerself as fat, e'en in yer thoughts. Dae ye kin me?”

  “Yes.” Was that her voice all breathless and sultry?

  “Ye wulnae compaur yerself tae anither hen, onie hen. Kin?”

  Another what? “Uh…”


  An orgasm snuck up and knocked Sue Ellen over from out of nowhere. Her body shook as she fell forward, unable to stop it and unable to care.

  “Aw, heel..”

  She didn’t have any time to process what he could have possible meant by the harsh groan. There was something incredibly thick pushing against her soaking pussy lips. It took a minute and at least an inch before she realized it was the bulbous head of his cock demanding entrance. She just didn’t have the willpower to deny him,
even if she wanted to. Truth was, she didn’t want to. Her body was on fire, satisfied yet needy all at once. She wanted it, she needed it now!

  Her thighs spread, allowing him full and complete access.

  “Och, aye loove. Jist like 'at!”

  Yes, just like that. He was impossibly big, stretching out her inner walls, filling every millimeter. Her back arched, her hips rocking back on his massive pole. Nothing had ever crammed so full! Nothing more than incoherent whimpers passed her lips as he slid inside with inexorably slow deliberation. Damn, it was sweet!

  “Please,” “she managed to sob once he fully seated, unmoving.

  His large hands caressed her burning behind, soothing as well as inflaming the areas so recently spanked so well. Who knew you could come from a spanking? And the rewards! Maybe she should have pissed him off sooner.

  “Sae feckin' beautiful!”

  Royce sounded so sincere, she almost believed him. Sue Ellen was not given to flights of fancy. No matter how she might dream or fantasize, she knew she was not beautiful. Besides, what woman wasn’t beautiful to a man bent over his desk with his cock stuffed inside her? And when the hell was he going to move?

  Taking matters into her own hands, she rocked backward, grinding into his crotch. His answering hiss only spurred her on, sliding forward until only the tip of his penis remained inside, and then slamming back once more. She had worked both of their bodies into a nice little rhythm when the smacks started again, this time from his bare hand.

  “Oh, dear heaven, yes!” she gasped, only incited to move faster. She pitched back and forth, banging that big, beautiful cock for all it’s worth.


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