Presents for Sue Ellen

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Presents for Sue Ellen Page 4

by Azod, Shara

  Sue Ellen didn’t want to open her eyes. She had been pretending to be a sleep for some time, when Blaine kissed her brow before leaving the large bed in which she now cowered in, afraid to open her eyes. Royce was still on the other side of her. He wasn’t asleep either, though he wasn’t pretending. Something told her he knew she wasn’t sleeping, but for now he was content to let her keep up the pretense.

  It was incredibly hard to lie completely still while Royce smoothed his large hands over her back and hips. He seemed fascinated with all of her many hills and valleys. He and his partner in crime definitely had a thing for big girls. The little episode last night in the office and in the limousine was only the beginning. She supposed the office was to shock her into compliance, while the limo ride was to keep her from noticing they were headed out of the city. Both worked like a charm. By the time they pulled up to the vast country estate wherever the hell they were, her body was one pulsating nerve ending, and it only got worse once they brought her to the bedroom.

  They made love to her so thoroughly, she was more than a little sore this morning. First, they drew her a bath, even providing a shower cap for her hair. Figures these two would know about black women and getting their hair wet. After bathing every conceivable inch of her person, she was lotioned and placed in the center of the biggest bed she had ever seen in her life. That was when the real fun began.

  Sue Ellen shivered remembering the way Blaine feasted on her poor little pussy for what seemed like hours, actually growling when Royce finally managed to pry his mouth away. She had been licked, sucked, kissed and even lightly bitten from head to toe. Then the real fun began. Tying her hands above her head firmly to the headboard, they took turns tormenting her; spanking her right on the pussy! And damned if she hadn’t loved every minute of it. They made her beg, plead, they drove her to the brink of insanity. She actually began to threaten them bodily harm if they didn’t take her. And boy did they take her. There wasn’t an orifice left on her body that hadn’t been possessed by the dynamic duo with her whole hearted and enthusiastic approval. There was no way she could face them in the harsh light of day.

  Blaine and Royce were beyond strange. Here were two of the most gorgeous men she had ever laid eyes on, and they not only wanted her, they seemed to be possessed by some fierce desire Sue Ellen had never even heard of before. She wondered if Charity’s life was like this, being married to two men and all. How did her cousin survive it? They had lain bare her every insecurity and busted that baby wide open, not allowing her to hide anything about herself or her desires. She had never felt so raw, so exposed before in her life.

  She had never even had sex with the lights on before. That wasn’t really saying a whole hell of a lot; she had only had sex three times before yesterday. Man, oh man, had she made up for lost time.

  “Are you going to pretend to be asleep all day?” Royce’s voice whispered seductively in her ear.

  The man’s voice should be illegal. When he was all excited, his burr got so thick she could barely understand it. This morning, it was light, but none the less deadly.

  “No,” her reply was muffled by the pillow which made a perfect place to hide her flaming face.

  “Ellie, baby, aren’t you even going to kiss me good morning? I am felling awfully neglected here.”

  Yeah, right. As if!

  “Can I go home now?” Sue Ellen screwed up the courage to face him and wished like hell she hadn’t.

  The man’s green eyes twinkled with some secret joke to which only he had the punch line. His smile was just plain devilish. Her heart thumped loudly against her ribs as she just gaped at him. How could anyone look that damn delicious when they first woke up? It just wasn’t right.

  “And where is it you are calling home now, Ellie?” Suddenly the laughter left his eyes as he searched her face.

  She couldn’t meet his eyes. Guilt assailed her as considered the question. Where was home indeed? It wasn’t here in New York, if they were still in New York that was. It hadn’t been Miccosukee for quite some time. So where was it she belonged?

  Wherever that was, it wasn’t with these two men. Despite driving her body to heights she hadn’t even known existed, they were way outside her league. Plus, men didn’t marry women they shared with their buddies, well accept for Charity’s husbands that is.

  “Why do you let people think you and Blaine are brothers?” she asked changing the subject.

  That threw him, allowing her to move back a little, away from temptation. She needed to get her bearings and find a line of attack. She needed to get back to her apartment to call Charity so she could get the hell out of here. But how? She didn’t even know where the hell here was!

  “It’s easier,” Royce admitted, reaching out to play with her hair. He let his fingers trail from toying with a lock to her cheek.

  She couldn’t allow him to stroke her like that. It got her all discombobulated. She needed to keep her wits about her.

  “Are you gay? Or bisexual or something? Is that why you share women?”

  He didn’t fall for the bait. Instead of getting angry, he guffawed. A full throated belly laugh.

  “No little one, neither Blaine nor I are bisexual…Or gay. We share because,” suddenly becoming thoughtful he plopped down the pillow, pulling her the crook of his arms. Damn him! “Well, I can’t really explain it. It is kind of like we are two parts of a whole. We complete each other. I guess we are brothers really. Something like spiritual twins born to completely different parents.”

  Like Cassian and Ashton, at least the way Charity described her husbands. She would love to say she didn’t get it, but she did. Having witnessed her cousin’s husbands first hand, she could totally see how they complemented one another. It was kind of like a symbiotic relationship without being so obviously needed. She supposed weirder crap has happened.

  “I am not little in any way,” she snapped, unable to say anything else.

  “I know you aren’t talking down about yourself again,” Blaine suddenly appeared carrying a tray laden with things that smelled absolutely delectable.

  Sue Ellen’s stomach growled despite her best efforts to squash her hunger pains.

  “Looks like I got here just in time,” he smiled setting the tray on the table by the bed and kissing her. “Morning, Beautiful.”

  That’s it, she had had enough!

  “Would you two stop doing that? It is really starting to piss me off!” she thundered, jumping out of the bed and actually stomping her foot.

  “Doing what?” Blaine semed genuinely confused, pissing her off even more. As if they didn’t freaking know!

  “Calling me beautiful! I am not beautiful, damn it! Don’t you think I know that? I am average, overweight and average. You don’t have to bring me here and fuck me just to get me to stay, you could have asked, or better yet, given me a raise with the rise in position. But don’t call me beautiful when we all know I am not!” She stomped her foot again foe emphasis, just because.

  She really didn’t mean to that. It made her look childish. And oh crap! She was naked a jaybird! How the hell had she managed to forget that little detail? Crossing her arms over her front she looked futilely around to try to find something, anything to cover her many, many extra curves.

  “What are you doing?” Blaine asked, his light mood gone.

  Royce didn’t say a word; he just fixed her with one of those damned stares of his, all dark and intense. Damn, it was sexy.

  No, no, no! She wasn’t going to allow herself to get all hot and bothered by them again. Too bad it was too late.

  “I need a shirt or robe or something,” she muttered, trying her damnedest not to anticipate what her punishment might be for that little outburst.

  Wait, when the hell had she started thinking in terms of punishment when it came to her bosses? And they were her bosses, last night aside.

  “Pit yer hans doon, Ellie.”

  All hell, Royce’s accent was out in full force.
She had wanted to piss him off hadn’t she? Wasn’t that her plan? So why was her heart speeding double time and her pussy suddenly sodden?

  “Get on the bed, Sue Ellen,” Blaine instructed in a voice brooking no argument. “Lay flat on your back with your arms above your head.”

  It was a ridiculous command. It was equally ridiculous that she moved to obey without thinking about it. Only when Royce’s hands gripped hers, keeping them firmly in place did she want to kick herself.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  She so totally should have used their anger to get them to send her home. Instead she was stuck awaiting some sexual torment, and she would love every minute of it damn their hides! Now, here she lay, her legs spread wide open…When had she opened her thighs?

  Blaine was looking at her down there with such intensity she was fascinated by the display of emotions that marched across his face. There was longing, determination, and something deeper she couldn’t name. She saw his hands move, saw it swinging, but it didn’t connect in her brain that he would hit her there until she felt the sting against her clit, spreading a sizzling burn radiating from her very core, melting her inside and sparking a dark need that only allowed a desperate moan to slip past her lips. Her hips lifted as if begging for another. She could feel her juices flowing freely as Blaine delivered three more sharp, short smacks before plunging two fingers deep inside, stroking her g-spot just right.

  “Och aye, ellie. Come fur us. Shaw us hoo bonnie ye ur when ye come,” Royce whispered harshly in her ear, biting her lope before his wicked mouth traveled downward to her begging nipples. “I loove th' way ye come.”

  Well Royce was definitely excited given how thick his accent had become. All rough and low like that; it was just served to stroke her as surely as Blaine’s fingers were now doing. Sue Ellen was helpless to hold on, coming not once, but twice as they played her body like a finely tuned instrument.

  “Do you know why you were punished, Sue Ellen?” Blaine rasped, kissing her inner thigh.

  Oh, damn but she needed more! She needed either man to take her hard and fast right now! She might have just come, but she needed a real completion. She needed a thick, hard cock possessing her in the most elemental way. She ached for it, burned for it.

  “Because I said I wasn’t beautiful?” She really didn’t have the time or patience to play games. She knew exactly what set them off, even if she didn’t understand it. Chubby chasers, they had to be.

  “That's a guid lassie. come haur love.”

  She hadn’t noticed Royce had let go of the hold on her hands until she moved to climb on top of him. She had probably kept her arms “in position” since the beginning of her punishment. She couldn’t bring herself to care just now. She was in desperate need. She wanted to cry in relief when finally she had Royce’s hard, throbbing tool right where she needed him. She sank down on him slowly, relishing every inch that stretched her unbelievably full.

  When she tried to move, however, Royce’s large hands help her tightly.

  “Dornt move, nae yit!” Beads of sweat formed on Royce’s brow, his jaw clinched tight.

  Good. It was gratifying to know he was suffering as much as she was. Damn it all, she needed to move!

  Then she felt it, something cold and wet against the puckered rosette of her bottom. There had been some anal play last night, but just a finger or two. Blaine and Royce both had promised they would take her there, but she hadn’t really believed them. Or maybe she had wanted it? She knew this wouldn’t be just a couple of fingers as she rode Royce to glory. She also knew also she had to do was object to stop it. Still, she said nothing.

  She wanted this, even if she was terrified they would split her apart. It didn’t really make sense, seeing as Sue Ellen still believed this was some kind of manipulation instead of genuine attraction, at least a small part of her did. It was just too wild to think otherwise. Yet, she wanted to experience this wildly forbidden act with the two of them just once.

  “Relax, sweetheart,” Blaine grunted. She could feel the bulbous head of his cock seeking entrance, her body seizing on instinct.

  Royce assisted without a word, pulling her forward to kiss her so senseless, she didn’t have the presence of mind to worry about what Blaine was doing behind her.

  “Aw, fuck! So tight!”

  Sue Ellen felt the stinging burn as Blaine finally made his way inside her inner ring. The scald receded slowly as he slid with infinite care deeper inside. She was beyond packed. She didn’t think her body could take anymore, until they began to move.

  Three harsh cries melded together as Royce and Blaine began their dance, perfectly coordinated, exquisitely timed. Any discomfort she had felt before was long gone. Her body was one mass of sensations, one after another blending together to drive her higher and higher. Royce thrust deep inside her womb, hitting her g-spot on every stroke, while Blaine stoked a forbidden fire, making her hotter than she had ever been. Combined they were forcing her to feel ecstasy so pleasurably intense, it bordered on pain. She was panting, straining to reach that ultimate goal. Her clit mashed against Royce’s groin every time Blaine bottomed out, adding fuel to her already out of control fire.

  “Oh, shit, I can’t…I can’t…” She didn’t know.

  “Yes you can, baby,” Blaine growled, grasping her hips to force her down more fully on Royce’s rock hard cock before pulling her back onto his own. “Come for us, baby. Come now!”

  Sue Ellen exploded from within, her body flying apart at the seams. She heard her voice scream, but it sounded far, far away. She heard Royce and Blaine’s combined cried, felt the rush of their own releases, but she couldn’t stop! One explosion built up to another, her hips jerked on their own, milking both men for all they were worth before her world faded to black.

  Chapter 7

  The woman who runs will never lack followers. ~ Ashley Dukes

  Sue Ellen was up to something. Over the weekend, another desk had been added to the executive office, one for Sue Ellen. Blaine would be marrying her, just because they would spend most of their time here in the U.S. Royce was okay with that, though he would need an heir eventually. He would have to adopt his own child he supposed, for the sake of his hereditary title.

  Would Sue Ellen be pissed to learn he was actually an Earl? Most women would love it. Sue Ellen was so unlike other women though. She wouldn’t be turned on by a title or by wealth. That was one of the many things he loved about her.

  “Stop staring at me,” the woman in question growled as she pretended to go over spreadsheets.

  Royce knew she was pretending because she had yet to turn the page of the massive report in her desk.

  Sighing she threw down the pen she had a death grip on and glared at him.

  “And why this so-called promotion when I am only doing the same things I was doing as your executive assistant?”

  “Have you ever considered that we never intended for you to be just an executive assistant?” Blaine challenged.

  The fact that with her promotion to be the assistant to the CEO and the CFO of Hamilton & Associates did not come with the raise they had specifically instructed pissed both men off to no end. There was no doubt the bitter Lianna was behind it. She was the one to submit Sue Ellen’s paperwork to Human Resources. She would have typed up the job description as well as the salary and benefit requirements. He and Blaine had set up a meeting this morning with Human Resources and Lianna, determined to get to the bottom of this and other issues. It seemed whoever Lianna didn’t like was getting the shaft on the compensation department. No wonder they kept losing all their best workers. Blaine’s father had obviously ran a very lax operation. That would end now, with Sue Ellen as their new Director of Operations.

  Not that she would readily accept the position. Despite their best efforts this weekend, Sue Ellen still had it in her head they were seducing her to stay on the job. It was a ridiculous idea, but one the idea had taken root in that fertile brain of hers, she r
efused to let it go. As if they couldn’t find a qualified executive assistant and a willing mistress anywhere! Nothing they said or did seemed to get through to her that she was much more to both of them than a convenient piece of ass.

  For some reason, when Sue Ellen looked in the mirror, she didn’t see the vibrant, intelligent, sexy woman she was. It burned Royce to no end that she had no clue how desirable she really was. She spurned compliments, denigrated her own charms and seemed content to watch life pass her by. That would never do.

  As soon as he and Blaine left this office for their meeting, Sue Ellen would run. Both men knew it, and both were prepared for it. What she didn’t seem to realize was wherever she ran, they would follow until they convinced their little vixen she was the only woman for them.


  Sue Ellen waited a full ten minutes after Blaine and Royce left for their meeting before she bolted.

  It had been hard enough to walk in this morning, her face literally on fire by all the speculating covert looks from her coworkers as the Dynamic Dastardly Duo escorted her between them to their office. She couldn’t even say she was surprised to find all her things moved to a desk inside their office. The damn room was certainly large enough, and since her stupid phone call to Charity last Friday, they hadn’t let her out of their sight.

  This was her one and only chance, she had to take it. There was no way she could work here now, even she wanted to. Everyone knew what had happened between her and Royce, and many probably suspected what happened over the weekend. It wasn’t like either of the two men had done a thing to disabuse anyone of the notion she was sleeping with them. It was humiliating!

  Once she made it outside the building, Sue Ellen paused and considered her options. She couldn’t go back to her place. That would be the first place they looked for her. She couldn’t afford a plane ticket right now, payday was this coming Friday. That left one option, the bus.

  She detested taking long bus trips. The people were often rude, smelly, and sometimes unsavory. There was no help for it. It was bad enough she was showing up on her cousins door a week before Christmas hat in hand with nothing but the clothes in her back, she couldn’t ask Charity to pay for her escape.


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