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The One Pound Ponygirl

Page 10

by Charles Graham

  Clipped around her neck, the coin was centered perfectly between the rounded slopes of her offered breasts and as he stepped back to allow her to see her reflection in the tall mirror, Gabrielle gazed at the gleaming golden disk, knowing what it signified. By accepting it and light-heartedly signing the Bill of Sale that had transferred her ownership from her to him, she had unwittingly…and ironically, considering his plans for her…given him free rein to control and transform her into his pony-girl.

  Now that her training was complete, she knew he was right. She was worth vastly more than the solitary pound he had paid for her. Because not only was she an obedient, docile pony-girl, she was also his responsive, enthusiastic lover and willingly-submissive participant in her own ever-deepening subjugation to his thrilling dominance.

  Loving and needing his Mastery, Gabrielle quivered in arousal, understanding that he would never release her and that she would never want to be freed and as she met his calm, steady eyes and recognized that he wanted and desired her equally as much as she longed for him, her belly fluttered and rippled with fierce heat to the knowledge that she would spend her life serving him and obeying his commands. Living the erotic fantasy that he had made her everyday reality so that when the leash to her collar tightened and she was led out into the warm morning sunshine, Gabrielle high-stepped gracefully behind her Master, adapting without conscious though to the limits placed on her by her restraints and ankle-hobble as she tried to imagine what sort of test he had in mind for her.

  The carriage was ready and waiting outside the barn and after she was harnessed between the shafts he took his seat, she walked smoothly forward in response to the slap of reins against her shoulders. Across the yard towards the gate into the paddock, but then, to her consternation, straight on past it, rather than the usual turn into the grassy field.

  Gabrielle had never really taken much notice of the track leading up to her Master’s house, with other things on her mind and never having seen or heard anyone using it, she had simply assumed that it was private and ignored where it might lead. Until, as he steered her down the centre of the lane and around a bend that took her out of sight of his home and barn, she realized that she had no idea where he was driving her, or whether the track led to other houses or a public road.

  Either way, she had very little choice and when he gave her the signal to trot and reinforced the order with a flick of his coach-whip across her naked buttocks, a thrill of alarm and arousal rippled through her body as she obeyed.

  With her booted feet thumping against the packed earth and her hobble-chain jingling merrily to announce her approach, anyone walking along the track would be sure to hear her and as she imagined hikers or bird-watchers gaping at her semi-nude, harnessed body as she trotted past pulling her Master, she felt her nipples stiffen and her sex ooze wetly at the thought of how incredibly desirable and helplessly provocative she would look to their eyes.

  Any man who saw her would want to take her for himself, any woman would surely envy her for having such a strong and dominant Master. But she belonged only to him and although others might look and dream of possessing her, the collar around her throat and the coin sparkling and bouncing between the twin globes of her breasts proclaimed that she was his and she knew he would protect her and keep her safe.

  There was not even the tiniest shred of doubt in her mind and as Gabrielle realized that the extent and certainty of her absolute trust in her Master was the final proof of her willing and joyful submission, hot jets of her juices thundered into her belly as she climaxed to the knowledge that she had truly and irrevocably become his pony-girl.

  She stumbled and lost her smooth, even pace as spasms racked her belly…and was instantly punished, the coach-whip hissing out to brand lines of smarting heat into her flanks and her Master snapping, “Steady, pony-girl. Keep the rhythm and lift your knees as you have been trained.”

  Gabrielle squealed in anguish, her bottom stinging with fire, longing to explain the reason for her mistake and tell him of her final capitulation. But Gabrielle was a harnessed, bitted pony-girl and a pony-girl’s errors, no matter how well-justified or understandable, were never excused or overlooked and as the coach-whip cracked down a third time, she was forced to obey her Master and endure the devastating havoc churning in her flooded belly as she trotted on along the narrow track with glistening silver rivulets trickling slowly down her pumping thighs to mark her surrender.

  For several minutes she was driven onward, until the fierce heat in her buttocks died to a not-unpleasant tingling and the contractions of her belly slowly eased to leave her only half-satisfied and deliciously aware that it would require only a brief, casual touch of her Master’s hands or lips to bring her passion back to fever-pitch.

  Although she did not know it, Gabrielle’s test was about to begin…

  When she negotiated a sharp bend in the track, Gabrielle gasped in fright as she saw a low, red, open-topped sports car parked some hundred yards ahead of her. With someone sitting in the driver’s seat. She hesitated momentarily, her eyes widening in humiliation as she realized that she would be in plain sight of the driver, but as her Master called, “On, pony-girl,” and his coach-whip cracked menacingly over her head, she made herself overcome her embarrassment. She lifted her head high, pulling her shoulders back to display her body as proudly and beautifully as she knew he would want.

  Looking straight ahead and lifting her knees high, she did her best to ignore the car and its occupant, pretending that she had not seen it and concentrating on the perfection of her trot as she approached the vehicle.

  Until, level with the car, the reins tugged at her bit and her Master called, “Whoa, pony-girl. Halt.” She was brought to a stop, directly opposite the driver.

  Her face flamed a vivid crimson, but she knew what she must do and immediately spread her legs and displayed her body as she had been trained, her brain reeling in horrified dismay at the picture of obedience and submission she must present. She didn’t dare turn her head to look at the driver and as a soft, throaty gurgle of laughter reached her ears, her blush intensified as she learned that the driver was a woman.

  “So, you really weren’t joking that evening then, Matthew? You actually were taking…ah, yes…Gabrielle, isn’t it, away to be trained as a pony-girl.”

  “Indeed I was, Amanda. And as you see, she is now fully trained.”

  Gabrielle gave a low moan of horrified shame as she recognized the voice and realized that the woman was none other than Miss Harrison, the brunette who had ridden in the lift with her and Matthew on the very first night of her captivity. The woman who had not even questioned the fact that Gabrielle had been tied up and gagged, with the marks of Matthew’s whip still clearly visible on her naked bottom and her thighs stained with the evidence of her enforced climaxes.

  Gabrielle had never dreamed that she would ever see her again, but now she was here and as her Master ordered, “Be silent, pony-girl.” Gabrielle shuddered, wondering why the brunette had turned up and fearing that it was no accident.

  “She really is a pretty little thing and I must say she looks absolutely delicious standing there in her costume harnessed to that carriage. I was very impressed watching her pull you. She must be stronger than she seems.”

  “Not really. The carriage is very light and well-balanced, so it’s not as hard as you might think. And Gabrielle has had a lot of practice and encouragement.”

  “Mmm. I can see the sort of encouragement she’s had. It’s in your hand and I can still see the results on her bottom.”

  “True. Well, a pony-girl needs to be disciplined and obedient. And Gabrielle is.”

  “I can see that. So, what now?”

  “You asked me to let you know how Gabrielle’s training turned out and I thought you might want to see it firsthand. So, I suggest we all go back to the house and I’ll show you how to drive a pony-girl. Then you can take her for a run. How does that sound?”

  “I’d love
to. Shall I follow you, or what?”

  “Oh, there’s no need for that. I used to have a car like yours and if I remember correctly, there’s a tow-ring under the back bumper. I’ll just attach Gabrielle to that and she can follow-on behind.”

  Already stunned by the casual way her Master had invited the brunette to use her as a pony-girl Gabrielle froze as he took a long length of chain from under the carriage seat and after clipping it to her collar and the tow-ring, took his place in the car alongside his guest.

  As Miss Harrison started the engine and drove slowly forward, the chain tightened to tug irresistibly at her collar and she was forced into motion.

  She wanted to refuse and protest, but there was nothing she could do and as her Master half-turned to keep his eye on her and called, “Lift your knees, pony-girl. Don’t let me down,” she had no option but to obey.

  Tethered to the car, she began to trot as the speed increased, her breasts bouncing and the tail-dildo pumping into her anus as she responded helplessly, her eyes filling with horror to the unwanted, unstoppable arousal that surged through her belly as she retraced her steps back along the track towards her Master’s home. Knowing that by the time she reached it, it would be impossible for her to hide her sexual heat from him and the brunette.

  If her Master had been alone, she might well have enjoyed the novelty of her enforced display of obedient subjugation, but as she saw Miss Harrison’s eyes in the rear-view mirror, drinking in her jiggling breasts and flexing thighs, she groaned into her bit-gag, intensely conscious that when the car stopped, she would have to demonstrate her carriage-pulling skills with the brunette in the driving-seat.

  Amanda Harrison braked her car to a halt outside the large barn and as she got out, her gaze went immediately to the figure of the harnessed blonde standing between the shafts of the carriage with her eyes fixed on Matthew Torrance.

  It was obvious that Gabrielle was embarrassed, but there were also clear signs of nervous excitement and sexual arousal in her flushed face and as Matthew went to the back of the car, Amanda saw her hollow her spine to present her body as he stood up and smiled at her.

  “Well done, pony-girl. You looked quite lovely trotting behind us. I enjoyed it and I’m sure Amanda did too, so I want you to be a good, obedient little pony and give her a nice, smooth ride around the paddock. OK?”

  It was the last thing Gabrielle wanted to do, but as he gazed into her eyes and she saw how pleased and proud of her he was, her humiliation faded away and was replaced with a blend of curiosity, excitement and acceptance. She was a pony-girl and if it was her owner and Master’s wish for her to demonstrate her skills, then she would obey as perfectly as she could and show the brunette just how well trained she was.

  Meeting his calm stare, Gabrielle nodded her head and as he smiled again and patted her gagged cheek, she took a deep breath and stood motionless while he unclipped the chain from her collar and stowed it under the seat of the carriage.

  “Right, Amanda,” he said cheerfully, “I’ll just give you a quick run-through of the basics and then you can try it yourself. It’s pretty simple, really.”

  Gabrielle looked straight ahead, avoiding eye-contact as her Master showed the brunette her harnessed body and explained how the reins worked. Then, as Amanda tried them for herself, she turned her head left and right in response to the tug of the bit between her jaws.

  “...and if you want her to go faster, just use the reins like this.”

  “Yes, I see. But what if she doesn’t obey?”

  “Oh, don’t worry. She will. But, if necessary, that’s what the coach-whip is for. Not too hard, a smart flick with plenty of wrist across her buttocks and she’ll soon get the message.”

  Amanda gave a tinkling laugh. “I’m sure she will, Matthew,” she agreed smilingly, “I know I certainly would. But, isn’t that a bit…well…tough on her?”

  “I would never do anything to harm Gabrielle,” he replied flatly, “or cause her real pain. She knows that and trusts me, but a pony-girl has to be disciplined to obey the reins and a touch of the whip makes quite sure that she doesn’t forget it or become slack. But don’t take my word for it. Ask Gabrielle.”

  The brunette hesitated, then shrugged and giggled, “OK. I will. So, how about it, pony-girl? Is he right? Do you need a bit of encouragement now and again to keep you up to scratch?”

  Embarrassed by her helplessness and inability to answer because of the bit between her lips, Gabrielle refused to respond or look at the brunette, making it as clear as she could that although she might be harnessed as a pony-girl; she still had her pride and spirit. It was a brave attempt to assert her independence and show that she didn’t consider Amanda to have any real authority over her, but it didn’t work and as the reins jerked sharply and the bit sawed at Gabrielle’s lips and tongue, she was forced to turn her head and meet the brunette’s hard stare.

  “I asked whether you need to be whipped occasionally to remind you of your place,” Amanda said coolly. “But it’s quite clear to me that you do. So let’s get one thing straight right now, pony-girl. When I’m sitting on that carriage, you do what I say, when I say, or you get whipped. Understand?”

  Gabrielle gulped and shot a glance at her Master, hoping he would step in to remind Amanda that she was only a visitor and had no right to talk to her like this, but as his forehead creased in a momentary frown, she saw that he had no intention of intervening.

  For the time being, at least, he was going to let Amanda take charge of her and as Gabrielle realized how foolish it would be to antagonize her…and more importantly him…she suppressed her annoyance and forced herself to nod.

  As her head bobbed, the pound coin around her neck flashed in the sun and caught Amanda’s attention.

  “What’s this, Matthew?” she asked, reaching forward to examine it and as the tips of her fingers brushed the upper slopes of Gabrielle’s breasts, the pony-girl gasped to the fierce jolt of tingling arousal that shot through her body.

  Matthew chuckled, “That’s the pound I paid for Gabrielle,” he explained casually, “When she sold herself to me. I had it made into a pendant for her.”

  “What do you mean, she sold herself to you? You can’t buy another person.”

  “Would you like to see the Bill of Sale that Gabrielle signed? It may not be entirely legal, of course, but both she and I abide by its terms and as you can see, our contract has proven to be perfectly enforceable.”

  “But…a pound? Surely, that’s pretty cheap for a pony-girl, isn’t it?” Amanda queried, her words mirroring almost exactly the point that Gabrielle had raised months before when she had unwittingly signed away her freedom.

  “I prefer to think of Gabrielle’s purchase as the bargain of a lifetime,” he said and flashed Gabrielle a warm smile. “Wouldn’t you agree, Amanda?”

  She let the coin drop, “Well, it certainly was for you,” she agreed a trifle reluctantly. “And I have to admit that Gabrielle seems pretty happy about it, so I guess it’s all worked out, even if the whole thing doesn’t make much sense to me.”

  “Maybe it will after you’ve taken Gabrielle for a trot around the paddock. Go on. I’ll wait by the gate in case you need any help. Enjoy yourself.”

  Slight pressure on her waist-belt told Gabrielle that Amanda was in the driving-seat behind her and as the reins slapped across her shoulders, she walked smoothly forward, lifting her knees high, towards and then through the gate leading into the paddock.

  Once safely inside, Amanda began to test her ability to control Gabrielle with the reins to her bit and as she discovered how easy it was to make her hapless beast of burden do exactly what she wanted, her confidence grew quickly.

  Still at walking pace, she drove Gabrielle in a series of shallow arcs to the far end of the paddock, feeling a delightful sense of power as the pony-girl curved left and right in response to her wishes. When she had completed the half-circle turn that left the carriage facing the opposite way and she s
aw Matthew leaning nonchalantly against the distant gate, she pulled back on the reins to bring Gabrielle to a halt.

  “Very good, pony-girl,” she said, stealthily lifting the coach-whip from its holder, “I enjoyed that, so we’ll do it again. Only a lot faster.”

  Gabrielle wasn’t surprised, she had expected it from the first moment her Master had offered the brunette the chance to drive her and known that it would only be a matter of time before Amanda would want to test her speed.

  Attempting to refuse would only get her whipped and annoy him, so there was little point in making a futile gesture. In any case, she was proud of her hard-earned fitness and knew her Master would enjoy seeing her run. Plus, she hoped, it would highlight how weak and out of condition Amanda was in comparison to her and rub the brunette’s nose in it. Not a very charitable thought, perhaps, but Gabrielle wasn’t feeling very charitable towards her and wished she had never turned up to spoil what had been a lovely day with her Master.

  Determined to show what a real pony-girl could do, Gabrielle tensed as the reins lifted, then surged forward powerfully as Amanda gave the signal and cried, “Giddy up, pony-girl. Go, go, go!”

  A shrill squeal of alarm from behind her brought a gleam of amusement and satisfaction to Gabrielle’s eyes and as she felt the reins flap against her buttocks realized that the brunette had been caught unawares by the speed of her acceleration and had dropped them.

  Amanda had lost her means of control and Gabrielle wasn’t about to stop and let her recover them.

  Racing across the grass as fast as her jingling hobble-chain would permit, she headed straight for her Master, ignoring the brunette’s shouts for her to halt and enjoying her knowledge that all Amanda could do was hang on and wait for her to stop of her own accord.


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