The Devils Daughter

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The Devils Daughter Page 19

by Cilla Lee

  “Oh, sorry darlin' I'm a hugger” she says and winks at me

  “No problem I love hugs Maggie excellent at them” Maggie pulls me to her and hugs me again

  “So, what's on the agenda for the night”

  “Well it's Stryker's birthday so I'm going to the club to celebrate that”

  “Oh god is that tonight” I nod my head feeling a little anxious Colt and Stryker have been together all day and I haven't heard from him and I'm just waiting for the phone call from the hospital or the Sheriff

  “How about we come with and have a girly night why you watch over your stupid boyfriend?” I smile nodding my head

  “Sounds like a plan” I say and they both smile


  It takes us a few hours to get dressed and I decided to wear the skin tight red dress I bought a few weeks ago, it's backless so you can see my brand even though you won't see it because I'll have on my Property Jacket. I put on my gold strap heels that come halfway up my calf, I do a smoky eye make-up look but not too much, red as red can be lipstick and my hair in a messy bun that took me ages to look messy but sexy.

  “Dam Niya” Maggie says as I walk down the stairs

  “You don't look so bad yourself Mag's” she had on a pair of low rider jeans with a leather vest that emphasised her tits her hair was down in waves and her smoky eye look was hot for a woman in her late fifties she was sexy and new how to work it.

  “Ok, you two, suck” Marie says as she comes down the stairs and I turn to look at her. She has on a nice tan dress black heels and her hair was up in a ponytail. She looks at us shaking her head

  “I can't go out with you two looking like that”

  “You look good” I say and she rolls her eyes

  “I look like shit compared to you two”

  “Don't be so dramatic Marie, you look fine”

  “Yeah fine, but you two, look.... well fuck your two-look amazing” she says

  “You just need some make-up and your hair redone the rest looks great” Maggie tells to her

  “Come on” Maggie grabs her arm and takes her back up stairs

  “Give us ten Niya” I watch the two women walk back up the stairs. I sit at the table and feel my stomach rumble, I haven't been feeling well lately so I grab some crackers to munch on nothing to heavy, as Maggie and Marie come back down I stand up.

  “Wow you look …. wow” I say (dam Maggie’s good with make-up)

  “Fuck was I that bad” Marie asks but I shake my head at her

  “No, but wow you look good” she smiles

  “Any single men tonight” I snort and they both turn to look at me and they laugh “So, hello any single men” Marie asks again and we both nod yes “Are they cute” I look at Maggie

  “Depends on what your type is”

  “Breathing with a pulse and a huge dick” she says and Mag's slaps her arm

  “Don't talk like that in front of Niya” Marie rolls her eyes

  “News flash Mag's, I'm sure Niya knows what a dick is” she says and I try to hide my blush

  “Your embarrassing her you idiot” Marie winks at me and I smile

  “You know what a dick is right?” she asks and I lose it and laugh, Maggie hitting her again and Marie holding her arm giving Maggie the stink eye

  “Right let’s get this party started” Maggie says and we head out to my car


  We pull up to the clubhouse and music is blaring out of the walls it's so loud, people are everywhere, as we get out of the car we get a few whistles. When we get inside I see Colt and Stryker upside down both of them holding onto a keg while Tiny holds Stryker up and Gunner holds Colt up. Stryker stops first and Colt drops down and the second he sees me, he wobbles over to me and grabs me and we both almost fall over

  “Fek bebe ya herrr” he says slurring his words and leaning on me almost making me fall

  “Jesus Colt how much have you had to drink?”

  “Nod mucc bebebe” he slurs

  “God, you smell horrible”

  “Umm haphen ff(hick) ffunnn”

  “I think you've had too much fun why don't you go to bed” he pulls me to him again harder and he almost trips

  “Yyu wen (hick) wena go do bb (hick) bbad bebe”

  “No Colt I think you should go to bed”

  “I” he sways and I hold him up but he shakes his head “Immm gunnn (hick) phrew uppp” I grab the large bin next to me and Colt throws up over and over as I rub his back. The second he stops he stands up and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand still swaying

  “Better” I ask and he give me a huge smile

  “All’s goood bebe”

  “I think you need some water” he nods his head and I help him over to the sofa, he falls down and sits back “stay” I say and he nods. I make my way to get Colt some water when Star stops me

  “Him and Stryker have been drinking all day” I turn to look at Colt and Stryker is sitting next to him and there laughing

  “I can tell” I say and she smiles than goes to walk away but stops and I look at her

  “What?” I ask her, she shakes her head smiles and walks off (that was weird) As I get to the bar Maggie and Marie smile at me

  “He looks like he's had enough” I nod in agreement

  “Try and tell him that”

  “Are you getting him another drink” Maggie asks but I shake my head


  “Good call but you better hurry” I turn to see Blaze and Gunner with a tray of shots

  “Dammit” I grab a bottle of water fast and get to the table just at Colt was about to down the shot and I take it out of his hand scull it and hand him the water

  “Hay” Blaze says

  “No more he's had enough” they all laugh as Colt pulls me to his lap and goes to kiss me but I pull back and he looks at me

  “Dunt ya wena kiz me bebe”

  “Not with you just throwing up” he smiles and looks at me

  “Gud pint” Colt drinks a couple of bottles of water and after an hour feels a little better

  “You not drenkin bebe” he says still slurring his words still, I shake my head with feeling sick and worrying about him I'm happy with soda

  “No, I'm driving Maggie and Marie home soon”


  Maggie and Marie drag me up for a few dances and they have drink after drink and by three Razor has had enough and dragged Maggie off to their room everyone laughing an hour and a half later I turn to Marie who's been talking to Sheryl.

  “You ready to go home Marie” Razor had offered her to stay at the clubhouse but she wanted to go home and Skype her son that lived in the Asia somewhere and it was the perfect time to talk with the time zones being different, she was going to catch a cab but seeing as though I wasn't drinking I offered her a ride.

  “Colt I'm taking Marie home”

  “Ok bebe don't be long”

  “Go to bed I won't be long” I tell him giving him a quick peck on the lips.


  The drive was quiet Marie stopped drinking a few hours ago, so she was sober, enough to talk to her son

  “Did you have a good night” I ask her and she smiles

  “The best I've had in years” the guys are certainly gorgeous, I smile knowing how she feels being with the guys how much fun they can be can really make a night great

  “So, your son how old is he” she smiles at me

  “He's twenty-six”

  “Wow where is he again”

  “In Singapore working for the American embassy”

  “Wow I bet that's interesting” she shrugs her shoulders

  “He's happy”

  “Is he your only child” she nods

  “Yeah his father and I divorced after a few years of marriage”

  “Oh, I'm sorry”

  “Don't be were better friends than lovers”

  I drop her off and give her a wave as I pull back onto the road a few minutes int
o the journey I hear a loud pop and the car starts to swerve. I slow down and pull off onto the shoulder and get out and see the front tyre blown “Shit” I curse myself because I left my purse back at the clubhouse and my heels are not made for walking a definite no. I open the bonnet and get the tyre and jack out “You can do this” I tell myself. I watched a video on it once how hard can it be “FUCK” I yell at the stupid tyre I'd been trying to loosen the nuts for the past half an hour and the stupid tyre kept turning making it hard. I throw the tyre unbolty thing on the ground and climb into the car and get the manual out “Changing tyres changing tyres” I say as I look through the book “Argh changing tyres” I read through the manual and curse myself it took me twenty to jack the stupid car up and it tells me I have to loosen the tyres with the tyre still on the ground (good one dumbass) I berate myself I slam the car door and try and figure out how to let the stupid jack down. I finally figure it out and go step by step reading the manual “Ok this is easy” within forty minutes I've changed the tyre and realise the sun is shining “Dammit” I say as I get in the car and head back to the clubhouse, by the time I make it back its six o’clock my hands are sore and my toe is throbbing where I kicked the tyre but at least I now know how to change a tyre.


  As I pull into the clubhouse that morning birds are chirping and I seem to be the only person awake apart from one of the twins who opens the gate for me.

  “Where have you been?” he asks sounding a little annoyed

  “I had a flat”

  “Why didn't you call?” I roll my eyes at him

  “I would have but I didn't have my phone” he shakes his head at me

  “Thought you chicks these days had those things permanently attached to your body”

  “Sexist much” I say and he frowns (such a serious guy)

  “Go inside” he says turning around ending the conversation (ok than)

  As I walk in the main room I see some people fast asleep on the floor the sofas and even someone on the pool table, I see my purse and walk over the two chicks on the ground and grab it. I look around but don't see Colt, I head towards his room and I'm almost at the door when Pixie comes walking towards me smiling. I watch her as she gets closer and stops, leans on the door frame and smiles at me

  “Morning” she says with a big smile

  “What do you want Pixie?”

  “Can't a girl be friendly?”

  “You friendly”

  “Yes, me your so suspicious Niya”

  “Ok what's your game?”

  “Nothing no game, just wanted to see you this morning that's all”

  “Ok” I say watching her closely, I push the door open wider still staring at her (what is her deal) her smile widens as I push the door open more and I freeze (what the fuck) she leans in and whispers “Told ya so” and walks off down the hall towards the kitchen laughing, I'm frozen Colt is naked in bed with Star next to him naked as well, I feel my heart shatter into a million pieces, my hands begin to shake. Star looks up and jumps out of bed, I just stand there frozen to the spot unable to move

  “Niya” she says but I turn and run out of the club not looking back....


  The Devils Daughter

  The Devils Baby

  The Devils Stripper

  The Devils Apprentice

  The Devils Fighter

  The Devils Beauty

  The Devils Sister

  About the Author

  An avid reader of erotic novels and romance, the love of a book that can excite the senses has fuelled my passion for writing. The last few years have been an uphill battle to complete and publish my story, never having dreamed that my dream would ever come true. But Colt and Niya have become close friends and family and with every stoke of a key more character emerged and came to life, the story continues with The Devils Soldiers mc and I hope you enjoy their lives as much as I have writing it and giving them life.

  Would love to hear feedback, contact me or follow me via…




  If you find any mistakes in the book I would love to hear about it, even though I’ve worked hard editing, there may be some little mistakes if so drop me a line I’d love to hear from you.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  About the Author




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