In Case of Death (The Adventures of Gabriel Celtic Book 3)

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In Case of Death (The Adventures of Gabriel Celtic Book 3) Page 6

by J. T. Lewis

  Realizing that I must look like a slobbering teenager, I quickly brought my eyes back up to hers. A playful smile lay happily on her lips as I realized I had lingered long enough for her to notice.

  I had not had a reaction like this to a woman in years, and found myself confused by it. I could feel a slight film of sweat forming on my forehead and my heart was going a mile a minute. Willing myself back to professionalism, I remembered the question at hand.

  “We have some working theories, but we are a long way from anything concrete.”

  She nodded, a little more solemn than before. Had she been enjoying the attention?

  “I’ve had some fresh coffee made, come have some before you get busy with Calvin’s office.”

  I followed her to the sitting area and took a seat. While she poured us each a cup, I thought back to our time together decades earlier. It hadn’t all been bad; I had loved her, or at least thought I did at the time. And as far as the bedroom went…

  I felt my heart rate increasing at the thoughts now in my head. Feeling once again embarrassed, I sat up straighter in my chair and tried to concentrate on the case.

  “What about you?” I asked as she handed me my cup. “Have you and May come up with any more revelations since we last met?”

  She laughed gaily as she took her seat, “No, I think we may have reached the limits of our investigative skills.”

  “I don’t know,” I added, “It really was quite impressive what you two dug up by yourselves. I was impressed, still am actually. We still haven’t confirmed your theory, but most of it feels right to me.”

  Raven beamed at my compliment before taking a sip of the hot brew in her cup. She seemed reflective for the next few minutes as we quietly enjoyed our coffee.

  “I really did love him you know,” she said as she continued to stare at her cup. “I can only imagine what you must have thought of me all of these years Gabe.”

  “Hey, listen, that’s all in the past,” I started, troubled as to the direction that the conversation had taken. “We have both made good lives for ourselves, there’s nothing to feel bad about.”

  A sad smile, “I hurt you back then Gabe, and for that I am very sorry. I know you think that I am just a gold-digger, and I will mostly admit to that now. But I just had to have something better than I was raised with. I couldn’t stand being poor.”

  Although Raven had been raised in the right part of town, there had always been rumors of economic troubles surrounding her family. Her dad had made a good living as an executive for a big company in the city, but he had apparently had a huge gambling problem. They had been able to keep their house through numerous downturns in finances only through help from his family. I knew that Raven had had to sell her car at one point during our relationship, but she would never discuss it, even with me.

  “Look,” I said, setting down my cup and looking her in the eye. “I was hurting for awhile, I’ll admit that. But that’s life. You have to admit, we probably would never have been happy with each other.”

  “But you will always hold a special place in my heart Raven; you were my first real love. We’ve both moved on with our lives, and as hard as that can be sometimes, I don’t regret a thing.”

  She smiled warmly at my little speech before announcing, “Where would you put me now Gabe, in your heart that is?”

  “Excuse me?”

  Nervous laughter from her then, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to jump you with that right now. It just sort of came out.”

  Sitting up straight in her seat, “I guess I meant to ask, do you think there is any hope of rekindling anything between us? I have to admit, I’ve thought of it a lot since I saw you again the other day.”

  I was shocked! And speechless!

  Where had that come from? I seemed frozen in place as I tried to wrap my mind around what she had just said.

  Exuding a comfortable confidence, she leaned over and patted my hand. “I see I’ve surprised you…good!”

  Standing up, she offered her hand to help me up. I took it and stood up next to her.

  “It’s nothing you have to think about today my dear friend. You have a case to work, and I’m not going anywhere. Just give it some thought.”

  With that she reached over and gave me a little peck on the cheek.

  “Now, let me show you Calvin’s office.”

  Chapter 20

  September 16, 1999

  Raven led me into Calvin’s office, but I would be in need of help finding my way out of it when done. The short trip to the large wood paneled room was lost to my mind.

  To say that I was surprised by her question a few moments ago would be a supreme understatement. I was flabbergasted!

  Since Betty’s death two years before, I had given no thought to romance of any kind. Raven’s declaration had left me stupefied, but the fact that I seemed to be even considering it added a layer of confusion that I was ill prepared to handle.

  Swinging her arm left to right across the room as if to say behold this, “Here we are, at the epicenter of the Forester Empire!”

  “Impressive,” I finally managed to eke out.

  Pulling up my hand, Raven deposited a ring of keys into the palm.

  “These should get you anywhere you need. I’ll have a small lunch ready at 1:00; I’ll return to get you then.”

  Relieved that she would be coming back, I thanked her while I took in the whole of the room. Looking like an executive’s office in a scene from a movie, three of the four walls were lined with bookcases. The fourth wall, the one behind the desk, had a huge window looking out upon the manicured grounds beyond.

  Deciding to start at the desk, I lowered myself into the plush leather of Calvin’s chair.

  It felt like heaven.

  Shaking off my reverie, I pulled out my notebook and laid it on top of the desk. Finding the key to the middle drawer, I opened it and looked in. Four or five thin folders stared back at me, probably some of his most important papers. I felt a bit uncomfortable about going through the man’s life, and I worried just a little about what I might find more than what I might not.

  It took a full fifteen minutes to comb through that first drawer. I took a few notes about different papers I came across, but I wasn’t sure yet what I was looking for. I realized on the way over that morning that I could conceivably look right at something I needed for the case and never even know it. Recording what was here was probably the only option for today. That way, when I investigated May’s house the next day, maybe something would hit me over the head.

  To completely work my way through the desk ended up taking a couple of hours. Although the desk seemed like one of the highest priority areas of my search, I still had two filing cabinets to go through before I could start on the bookcases.

  This might take awhile.

  “Ready for lunch?”

  Unbeknownst to me, Raven had quietly entered the room at some point in the last few minutes. I wonder if she had been enjoying the look of confused apprehension that had been on my face moments before.

  “Yes, I believe I am.”

  I stood up for the first time in hours, finding my joints rebelling at the shift of positions. Pocketing my notebook, I started to follow Raven out of the room.

  “I hope you like quiche lorraine? I adore the French and their cuisine, don’t you?

  Not realizing that she had asked me a question at first, I suddenly grasped that I had instead been staring at her figure in the well filled out white pants.

  I stumbled through an answer, “Umm, yeah, I guess.”

  I felt like a horny teenager. What the hell was wrong with me?

  “I haven’t had too much French food,” I interjected, trying to save the conversation. “Quiche you say?”

  “Yes!” Raven replied excitedly, “Then this will be a real treat for you!”

  We arrived at a well lit room filled with windows and plant life.

  “Welcome to the solarium! It’s one of my
favorite rooms in the house.”

  Indicating a chair with her open hand, I took my seat. Unnerved by my actions a moment before, I concentrated on the food and the conversation of old friends. I had to admit, the food was delicious, determining that she must have a chef on the payroll.

  It felt good to catch up; as there were a lot of details of our lives that were understandably unknown to the other. Questions containing ‘what ever happened to’ and ‘remember when’ abounded during the meal, and it was a truly enjoyable time.

  I found however that I had trouble keeping my eyes off that damn pendant that seemed to beckon my eyes toward it and its sumptuous surroundings. She was certainly pleasant to look at I admitted to myself as the memory of her white pants again appeared in my mind.

  Reaching for the glass of ice water, I concentrated on drinking the liquid instead of taking the cold shower I seemed to desperately need. The persistent memory of her walking before me on the way to lunch continued to haunt my mind however.

  At least she hadn’t caught me in the act like she had earlier.

  Chapter 21

  September 16, 1999

  The ding of the timer went off as the tanning bed powered down.

  Hector threw up the lid, seeking the cooler air of the little room as he started to gather up his clothes.

  He hated tanning.

  Already dark skinned, the identity he had chosen was even darker, the darkest of his whole stable. He would need to hit the bed twice a day before his plane left tomorrow night.

  Now for a shower!

  His heart rate raced as he made his way to the car for the short drive home. He was already getting excited about the next phase of his preparation, shaving. He could feel himself getting hard already, and he hadn’t even gotten out of the parking lot yet!

  He loved his work!

  He could make his alter egos anything he wanted, and he made very specific demands upon himself for each and every one of them. But there was one thing common to all of them…they were hairless.

  Initially, this practice had worked well because of wigs and other costume requirements needed in the course of his work. But the need to shave his whole body had become more…so much more!

  He had found that the act of shaving itself was erotic. In fact, it had become one of his favorite erotic diversions. The blade pulling sensually at the skin…so close to cutting and drawing blood, and yet if done right…

  Of course this was even truer around his genitals. He would always save that pleasure for last. Usually he had used up all of the hot water by that point, but the cold water pounding his skin actually added to the sensual climax as he shaved off the last patch of hair.

  His erection was pushing at his waistband by the time he pulled into the parking lot of his apartment. Adding a sense of urgency to get into the house, Hector actually giggled to himself as he exited the car.

  “Hold on my sweet,” he spoke to the engorged appendage, “Soon enough we will see what you have in you today.”

  Hector literally ran up the sidewalk as he rushed to his door, shedding his clothes the second he entered.

  He had stirred himself up good this time, he thought to himself with a smile. He wasn’t sure at this point if he could even make it to the shower!

  Chapter 22

  September 17, 1999

  I jumped up off of a couch in a darkened room and walked over to the dying fire in the hearth. There was still warmth coming off of the glowing embers that I felt on my stomach. I realized that my shirt is undone, as well as the button of my pants.

  Where was I?

  “Gabe? What’s wrong?”

  I turned back to the couch and glimpsed May pulling herself up off of the pillow she had been laying on. She was a younger version of May, whose clothing looked as disheveled as mine. My eyes locked for a few moments on her small luscious breasts peaking out of the unbuttoned shirt.

  God she looked good!

  I had finally recognized the time and the place. May’s apartment in college was in a beautiful old house just off of the edge of campus. She seldom used the fireplace, reserving it only for special occasions. This had indeed been one of those occasions, or at least it was supposed to be.

  “Nothing,” I mumbled as I pulled my eyes back to the fire. We were both silent for a few moments as I mulled over what an idiot I must be.

  This was to be the night!

  The night we took our relationship to the next level!

  We had been friends since we were brought onto this earth. We loved each other too, a deep abiding love unlike any we had ever experienced with another. To top off the package, I found her body intoxicating. It was the perfect time to become a couple, to experience the oneness that we both knew would happen.

  Or was it?

  “I don’t know,” I finally sighed, “I think I’m an idiot.”

  Turning, I walked back to the couch and kneeled in front of her.

  She was so beautiful.

  “You are anything but an idiot Gabe,” May said as she stroked the side of my face. “What’s really wrong?”

  “I don’t know!” I repeated in frustration, “I love you more than anything, you know that. And there is nothing I would rather do right now than explore every inch of your body. It’s just…”

  May leaned forward and gently held my face in her hands as her blue eyes sought out mine. “Tell me what’s wrong, Gabe.”

  “My heart is beating out of my chest,” I started, “I love you so much! And my body’s reaction to yours could be described as monumental.”

  May smiled at that. “Believe me Gabe, you are not alone.”

  She leaned forward and kissed me tenderly. Pulling away, she continued to look into my eyes.


  “But my brain is stopping me,” I blurted out as I leaned back a little more.

  May’s pale blue eyes never waivered as they took me into her soul. I thought they would turn mad or sad, but they just continued their apparent soul seeking stare. We stayed like that for what seemed like minutes before May finally leaned back into the couch with a sigh.

  “I know.”

  “You know?” I wasn’t sure I understood.

  May nodded, her eyes still held fast to mine.

  “I know Gabe, I felt it too. But I just assumed it was something we could work through together. I can’t explain it exactly, but it felt like a warning.”

  “Exactly!” I exclaimed. “Like we would be screwing something up!”

  May nodded as she leaned forward once more and took my face again in her hands.

  “Like we would be ruining our friendship.”


  I sat up in bed with a start, the neon segments on the clock reminding me it was once again 5:30.

  I rubbed my eyes as I went over the dream in my mind. Why did May keep popping up in my head?

  I shook it off as I remembered that I was driving to Indianapolis that morning to go through Tom’s office. I jumped up and headed downstairs to get the coffee going.

  Calvin Forester’s office had taken me all day yesterday to get through, even though I had no idea if I had found anything. Although I expected Tom Lassiter’s office to take much less time, I had a two-hour drive each way so I wanted to get an early start.

  “Hi,” I heard behind me as I poured the water in the coffee maker. Turning, I saw that Abby was standing there in her bathrobe, her hair a mess and her eyes puffy.

  I never tired of greeting my daughter at the start of a new day.

  Giving her a hug, I asked if she wanted anything for breakfast.

  “I’ll just make some cereal,” she barely mumbled as she sat down at the table. “After a cup of coffee first.”

  “Nate here?” I asked as I reached for a third cup.

  “No, he went home, he has to give a deposition or something early and wanted to get some sleep.”

  I smiled at my daughter’s inadvertent admission, suspecting that neither of them go
t much sleep when they were together.

  “How did it go yesterday?” I asked, having missed talking to her the night before.

  “Not bad I guess,” she said a little more energetically as I sat a cup in front of her. “We’ve got a pretty good idea now of what to look for. Preacher is going to head over to Kentucky today to look into Mr. Hamilton’s estate, while I hit Cincinnati to check out Larry Callestrano’s. We’ll see if anything turns up I guess, although we didn’t find anything unusual in Mr. Forrester’s estate; except of course, that it was quite extensive.”

  I nodded understanding as I sat down with my cup. “He was quite the successful man.”

  “I’ll say,” Abby said between sips, “His widow is quite well off.” I noticed a gleam in my daughter’s eye before the next sentence escaped her lips. “You should hook up with her!”

  She giggled as I nearly spit out my coffee.

  “Where did that come from?” I asked in surprise.

  “I’ve seen pictures of her,” she gleamed, “She’s hot, besides being rich. You’re not a bad looking man yourself, and you guys used to date, right?”

  “Don’t worry about me,” I stated as I went to get more coffee, ruffling her hair as I went by. “Raven Forrester was a long time ago,” I said nonchalantly as I thought back to my reactions of yesterday. “She’s just a client now,” I half lied.

  “Whatever,” she said with assurance, “You could do worse is all I’m saying.”

  “I’m heading up to Indy today,” I piped in, hoping for a change of subject.

  “Ah, another old flame,” Abby said with a grin.

  She was getting to be quite annoying.

  “Can we stick to the case please my over-imaginative daughter? We have plenty to worry about without creating a love life for me.”

  Abby didn’t relinquish her grin, but she did acknowledge my request with an, “Ok dad.”

  “I’ll probably be gone most of the day, maybe all of it if I find something pertinent. Either way, I think it might be a good idea for all of us to meet here tomorrow morning to see if we have anything that strings together.”


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