In Case of Death (The Adventures of Gabriel Celtic Book 3)

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In Case of Death (The Adventures of Gabriel Celtic Book 3) Page 22

by J. T. Lewis

  “This would have been my home….down here,” she said while pointing to the basement. “Somewhere that I could hoard my treasures, somewhere that wouldn’t attract attention.”

  Looking back at me with a stern look…”Somewhere that hid what I owned from prying eyes, and that gave no one reason to want to take anything that belonged to me!”

  Chapter 71

  September 28, 1999

  “What do you mean look at the other location?” Abby asked in confusion from her cell.

  After Raven’s revelation, I was convinced of two things:

  1) That our Bill Jones probably did have some sort of abuse in his past that set him on his current path.

  2) That he, like Raven in her past, would probably want to avoid any outward sign of his wealth…essentially protecting it from others not unlike himself!

  “Work with me here kid,” I pleaded with Abby, “It would take too long to explain, but Raven has convinced me that we need to be looking for someone more into hiding themselves than showing off their wealth.”

  “We can always go back to the first area if this doesn’t pan out,” I added, trying to assuage her fears.

  “Ok,” Abby said with uncertainty. I could hear her gathering something to write with. “What should we be looking for?”

  I closed my eyes, mentally assembling the list of pertinent indicators.


  “Normal?” Abby asked, the frustration coming though the phone’s receiver like she was standing next to me.

  “The more normal the better,” I added, “Not showy, maybe even semi-dilapidated.”

  “Oh, and one more thing,” I added quickly.

  “Yes Gabe?” Abby asked with a sigh, now sounding more like a patient parent than I ever had.

  “There is a good possibility that there may be some sort of reminder of his past, a shrine if you will… something that would remind him constantly of where he has come from.”

  “Hmmm,” she replied, “Got any ideas what that would be?”

  “Not a clue,” I admitted.

  Thinking back on our earlier conversation however, I recalled Raven’s passionate description of her past obsessions. To her thinking, Bill would have had to have experienced some type of major abuse. It would have been portioned out to him to make him what he was.

  Someone would have to pay, she stated earlier, and if the cause of the abuse wasn’t available, he would have a need to express his retribution in other ways…on other people.

  In her mind, abuse would seem to explain the need to take so much from other people without regret, including ultimately their lives. But it was her thoughts on the “memorial” to her father that I was thinking about now. Twelve-year-old Raven’s dream was to have her dad’s always present Porsche beside her ‘dream house’ as just such a monument to her bastard father.

  I would have taken his precious car and destroyed it, leaving the bones in a place that I could look on them lovingly every day!

  “One suggestion would be an expensive car sitting behind the house, rusting away with the windshield broken out, something that doesn’t match anything else around it.”

  There was silence as Abby noted my ideas.

  “Ok, we’ll switch gears and head over to the other area,” Abby replied with another sigh, “If you are certain that’s what you want.”

  “It is Abby,” I answered seriously, “Raven has been quite convincing.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  I could hear the grin on her face through the phone, “What else has she tried to convince you to do?”

  “How about we just stick to the case, brat,” I replied, a small smile now also on my lips.

  “Roger that!” Abby answered with a playful exuberance, “Tran out!”

  The call ended then and I put the cell back in my pocket as I considered our sudden change of plans. I had been completely convinced by Raven of the psychological facets of our new search, but there was still a nagging doubt as to whether or not it was the right call.

  On the one hand, we could always go back to searching the other area if this one didn’t pan out. After all, what would we lose besides a day or two at the most?

  What we could lose in those two days however, was the other side of the equation. We could very conceivably be risking the life of yet another victim by moving off of our original search grid.

  And that victim could be one of us!

  Chapter 72

  September 29, 1999

  The room of my dreams greets me with the aromatic fragrance of coffee as I open the door inward.

  I stand by the door for a few seconds as I realize that I usually start the dream already in the room. The last time I had to enter through the door, it had seemed to indicate a new phase in my life. It had occurred right before I had come back to the States to find Frank’s murderer…as well as to meet my as then unknown daughter.

  I soon abandon these thoughts however as the pull of the coffee draws me farther into the room. I take my seat and grab the mug, greedily inhaling the hot elixir as I relax and take in my surroundings.

  The fire is blazing, the warmth and the fire itself both seeming more intense than usual. Even given that fact, the room is still comfortable as I listen to the hissing of the wood as it is consumed by the flames.

  Looking over at the table, I see that my grandfather has made yet another move in our continuing game of Chess.

  “You old devil!” I exclaimed as I realized that he has boxed me into a corner, a move I had not seen coming

  The situation demanded my immediate attention, and I studied the board for what seemed like an hour before finding a way out of my dire position.

  Satisfied that the crisis had been averted for the moment, I sat back and continued to sip on the heavenly brew in my cup.

  Before long, my suddenly heavy eyelids were slowly closing. Lowering the cup to my lap was my last conscious thought of the room as I drifted into yet another unknown dimension.

  When my eyes reopened, I was in an old building. The light coming through the cracks in the planks was dim, and I felt the icy wind of the dead of winter squeezing through the openings around me.

  Shivering, I wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to get warm as I gazed around the structure. At one time, the building may have been a chicken coop, but it appeared as if that function was in its distant past. As I looked around the whole of the inside of the dilapidated shed, I could not find an indication of its present use. There was nothing of value stored here, and the only indication of anyone having been here at all was a stack of stones built up in the middle of the floor, looking like a small but unused fireplace.

  Shivering now, I pushed open the old door, hoping to find a house nearby. The hinge squeaked slightly as I exited into a blizzard of blowing snow and wind. Taking a step out into the blinding whiteness, I decide that maybe the shed was the better option. Turning around to make my way back, I found that the shed was no longer there!

  Wondering if I could actually freeze to death while in a dream, I decide to head back the way I had started. The snow was deep, at least two feet of it by my reckoning as I slowly trudged through the heavy whiteness.

  I went on for what seemed like hours, my energy draining away with every step as I lifted one heavy leg at a time forward. My aching bones seemed ready to snap, and my muscles felt more like Lead than anything living.

  I stopped suddenly in midstride; my senses controlling my actions as I was nearly blinded by the whiteness around me. Suddenly, I made out the edge of a crevasse before me, the bottom unseen in the swirl of the wind and snow.

  Although being somehow warned to stop, I had no energy left to try another route. My body was now spent, and my faith in anything had waned into nothingness.

  Falling to the ground, the heavy snow fell in around me, covering me in an icy coldness that now seemed fitting for my end.

  As my mind numbed from the biting chill, I tried to focus on Betty witho
ut success.

  Am I to be denied even the thought of my love in the end? I questioned the universe as the blackness closed in around me.

  Suddenly, I was unceremoniously grabbed by the shoulders and hoisted out of the ice!

  I now found myself sitting in the piled snow, staring at what must be an angel before me.

  The man in the stark-white fir-trimmed parka was smiling at me lovingly. He had intense light blue eyes, and long flowing dark hair that gleamed in the brightness of the world around us. His teeth glowed with a sparkle that outshone the winter, and I unashamedly thought that he must be the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on.

  Unscrewing the top off of a flask, he held it before me.

  “Take a swallow of this,” his voice flowed like honey over the noise of the wind, the German accent pronounced.

  I took the flask and gulped down what must have been Brandy, the warmth immediately spreading in my stomach. I immediately felt 100% better and tried to take another drink before he snatched the flask back out of my fingers.

  “Now, now Gabriel, you must not be the greedy one. Not until we have much understanding.”

  I was confused, my mind still numb from the cold but my body craving the warmth of life. I noticed then that the back of my neck was getting hot.

  “My name is Wolfgang, and I have a cabin, it is nearby. It is ready for you friend, with warm fire and much food!”

  He spoke with the choppiness of someone speaking in a second language.

  “I have also much brandy. All yours this is.”

  “I’m ready,” I croaked, my voice weak with exhaustion.

  Trying to rise, Wolfgang placed his hand on my shoulder, easily pushing me back down. His infectious smile still beaming like a lighthouse, he continued, “Only one thing must you do to go to cabin. Only promise little thing.”

  “Sure,” I readily agreed, my body craving the warmth and nourishment the cabin offered.

  “Follow me you must.”

  “Lead the way Wolfgang, I’ll be right behind you,” I answered excitedly.

  Shaking his head, his smile still bright as the sun, “Follow me you must…forever.”

  I shook my head in confusion, thinking I must be hallucinating.

  “You want me to what?” I asked; the excitement of before waning slightly.

  “I give you much in return Gabriel: money, power, much women.”

  A sinking feeling in my stomach had now replaced the warmth and excitement of before. I looked at my savior again; his beauty seemingly diminishing before my eyes.

  “Thanks anyway Wolfgang, I think I can go on now on my own. And thanks for the brandy!”

  Starting to get up again, Wolfgang unceremoniously pushed me into the snow once more, harder this time.

  “You not understand my friend,” his breath on me revealing his sudden closeness, his light blue eyes seeming to have darkened.

  “Choice now is warm cabin, or deep crevice.”

  My insides froze at his statement as the back of my neck simultaneously started getting hotter. I stared at the man before me in disbelief as his words echoed inside my head.

  “You would send me to my death?” I asked him unbelievingly. “You don’t even know me!”

  Wolfgang shrugged his shoulders, his bright smile returning once more.

  “It is way of world my friend. Something for nothing is not what I offer. But plenty is yours for the taking my friend. Just need one word from you Gabriel…just say ja and it yours!”

  Suddenly something caught my attention over Wolfgang’s shoulder. A small golden orb had appeared behind him, dancing happily back and forth as I watched.

  “I need answer Gabriel…busy man am I.”

  I heard his words, but I was watching the orb in fascination as it appeared to grow larger.

  “What word was that again Wolfgang?” I asked distractedly as the glowing orb grew as big as a man.

  “Ja…just say ja!” he glowed, his excitement over my ‘conversion’ apparent.

  I felt her before seeing her, but there was no mistaking who was there. The beautiful apparition appearing from within the glowing orb was Betty, and she had never looked better to me!

  Her hands reached out over Wolfgang’s shoulder, caressing my face with love and warmth. A tear rolled down my cheek as I gazed at her, a small smile forming on my lips.

  “We pronounce it differently in the states Wolfgang,” I muttered, never taking my eyes off of my beautiful Betty.

  Nodding his head happily, “Ya…it is pronounced yes…no?”

  “No,” I said, taking my eyes off of Betty for a moment to look into his, “It’s pronounced Fuck You!”

  Eyes darkening to almost black, Wolfgang grabbed my shoulders roughly before flinging me effortlessly over the edge of the cliff. Surrounded by nothingness, I could hear an evil cackle from above me as the dark eyed beast watched my descent with glee.

  Chapter 73

  September 29, 1999

  I found myself on my bedroom floor, the covers of the bed twisted around me, the rhythmic cackle of laughter turning out to be the alarm clock next to my head.

  Freeing one hand from the sheets, I slapped it on the clock to silence the infernal noise. Lying back again, I pulled the covers around me as I shivered uncontrollably.

  I had never felt a vision so real!

  My muscles ached from the trek through the snow, and I felt as if my blood had turned to ice.

  For all the realism however, I had no clue as to what the dream meant in my life. I had never met nor knew anyone with the name of Wolfgang, and I had no plans to ever go anywhere that cold…wherever that place was.

  Finally deciding that coffee would warm me quicker than anything, I untangled myself from the bedcovers and got dressed as quickly as possible. Inadvertently moaning in pain when I started down the steps, I could not believe the amount of pain my muscles were in.

  What the hell happened last night? I mumbled to myself through gritted teeth. Limping painfully across the kitchen toward the coffee pot, I started a strong batch brewing before crossing the room and donning my winter parka. Zipping it up to my neck, I went back to the coffee maker and waited for it to finish with my arms wrapped around me for warmth.

  “Are you ok Gabe?” I heard Abby ask from the doorway, “Why are you wearing a coat?”

  Walking up to me with a worried look on her face, she put the palm of her hand on my forehead.

  “What the hell Gabe? You feel like you have spent the night in a meat locker.” Grabbing my hand, she led me out of the room. “I didn’t hear you leave during the night.”

  “I d-d-didn’t,” I uttered through chattering teeth, “J-j-just one h-h-h-helluva dream.”

  Leading me into the living room, Abby gently pushed me down into my recliner before grabbing a blanket off of the couch and covering me up while shaking her head.

  “I’ve never known your visions to cause anything like this before,” she uttered as she left the room. Returning again in a few moments, she carried a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and my Cincinnati Reds baseball cap in the other. Handing me the warm cup, she quickly pushed the cap down on my head.

  The warmth of the mug felt good in my palms as I greedily gulped down the hot brew.

  “Please,” I croaked, handing her the empty cup. Shaking her head in wonderment, she took the cup and returned in a few moments with a refill.

  By the time I was half way through the second cup, I was starting to feel a little more like myself.

  Seeing that I was recovering, Abby lost her worried daughter look and gave me a smile.

  I was struck with a realization at that moment as I looked at my daughter’s smile. There was nothing that warmed the heart more than having your child beaming at you in happiness.

  I smiled back, “I feel better now.”

  Shaking her head, “Gabe, what happened last night?”

  Slowly, I described the dream to her, the details still vivid in my

  “It seemed like I was literally walking in the cold for hours Abby. I’ve never experienced anything like it before.”

  “Any idea what it means?” she asked while holding my hand in hers.

  Shaking my head, “Nothing that I can put my finger on, but it definitely doesn’t feel like it has anything to do with the case we are working now.”

  Remembering a detail, I shared my reaction to entering the room through the doorway.

  “Hmmm,” she replied thoughtfully, “A new phase in your life huh?”

  She grinned then, “Well, your last phase hasn’t worked out too bad, has it?”

  It was my turn to smile then.

  “Not too bad,” I replied stoically, “But you can also be a real pain sometimes!”

  “Ah!” she squealed, slapping my hand away in mock anger before leaning forward and wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

  “You love it you old coot!” she mumbled into my ear as she hugged me tightly.

  Truer words had never been spoken.


  Feeling more like myself, I got up and started breakfast for three. Preacher was on his way over before we all headed back to Greensburg to continue the search. Although I had enjoyed my time with Raven the day before, I was anxious to join the search for our elusive Bill Jones.

  I was ready to put this nightmare to bed!

  Preacher arrived with a smile on his face as usual. Indicating that he take a seat, I set a cup of coffee in front of him before heading back to the stove to dish out the food.

  “I was thinking Preacher and I would ride together today,” I said to Abby while setting their food before them, “We could take the newer homes to the West while you and Nate continue on the East side.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Abby said before filling her fork with eggs and popping them into her mouth happily. “I’ve got no problem spending the day with Nate again,” she finished with a grin.

  I shook my head. I had never met anyone that I could count on to follow through on her work like Abby did. On the other hand, she also would never miss a chance at giving me grief just for the fun of it.


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