Timeless Tides

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Timeless Tides Page 6

by M. R. Polish

  “I can’t believe this is how I’m greeted. After everything I’ve been doing for you.” Diana jutted her chin as she raised an eyebrow. Her red dress dragged the ground behind her as she stepped closer to them. Snuggly fitting her body, it left little to the imagination. Her dark hair was curled and pulled back with small ringlets that fell around her face. The gloss on her lips matched the crimson dress.

  Atty was the first to drop her weapon and replace it in its hiding spot. “Sister, you know better than to sneak up on me like that.”

  Diana laughed. “I don’t think it was me who was doing the sneaking.”

  Azul sheathed his sword and relaxed his shoulders. “I for one am glad to see you.”

  Diana let her eyes roll over him. I bet you are.

  He grimaced. “Diana, you forgot that I can read minds.”

  She smiled. “Oh, I didn’t forget.” Chewing on her lip, she moved closer. The scent of her flowery perfume floated on the air around her.

  Atty stuck her foot out, tripping her when she took another step toward Azul. Losing her balance, she reached out for anything to help her. Atty grabbed her hand and hung on, helping her to stand upright. She leaned in to her sister’s ear. “Don’t even think about him,” she whispered so only Diana could hear.

  With a long exasperated sigh, Diana nodded. “Fine.”

  “Diana,” Brady started. “We’re here for Karis’s necklace. We could really use your help. Have you been able to get close enough to Marin to know if he has it?”

  Diana laughed again. “How do you think I live here?” She looked around the hall. “Come on, let’s find a place to talk where you won’t be seen.” She led them up the hall and around many corners.

  Brady couldn’t help but think of Karis as he walked the halls. This is where she grew up. One of these rooms was hers. He could almost hear her laughter hanging in the air. He grabbed his arm with their bonded tattoo and could almost feel her. Her pulse beat strong under his skin, and he knew she was still alive. Don’t worry, my love. I’ll be back like I promised. Just don’t give up.

  He tried to picture a tiny raven-haired little girl roaming the palace halls, brimming with curiosity and playfulness—anything to keep his mind from the current situation. He couldn’t help but smile as he thought about how the baby Karis carried could be just like that. Growing up here would be quite the contrast to his life on Earth.

  Diana ascended a set of winding stairs. The next landing, she tip toed to a door and opened it, gesturing them inside.

  Once they were all in, she closed the door, locking it with a wave of her hand. Brady forgot how inner power was used for so many things on Shamike.

  “So? Can you tell us how close you’ve gotten to Marin?” Brady wasted no time. Time was precious and Karis couldn’t afford for him to dawdle.

  “I’ve gotten very close to him. Closer than any one of you predicted.” Diana smiled. “I’ve become his mistress. His intended Queen.”

  Her words and a locked door unsettled Brady’s nerves. His jaw ticked. There was only one queen. Azul shuffled his feet and glanced at Brady. He didn’t need to say anything. Brady understood his concern for what Diana was saying.

  “What about the necklace? Have you seen it?” Atty asked.

  “The gold one with swirls filling the inside around a ruby stone? Yes, I’ve seen it.”

  Brady exhaled as he looked upward. Thank you.

  Diana lowered her head. “I know that I won’t be queen and that my mission here is temporary, but at least for the time let me enjoy it. I know Marin has done despicable things, but I am getting to know him on a different level.” Don’t judge me.

  “Diana, we don’t judge you,” Azul said. “But we worry for you. If you become emotionally connected to him, it can only bring you harm.”

  She nodded as she moistened her lips with her tongue. “I know. I just wanted you to know.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes. She turned away and unlocked the door. Hesitating, she held her hand on the handle. “I can keep him busy tonight, his room will be empty. He keeps it in a box, but I don’t know where. That’s all I can tell you.” Opening the door, she fled before anyone could respond.

  Atty sucked in a sharp breath. “I guess we should find out which room is hers and which is his.”

  Azul shook his head. “I think I already know. He thinks he is King, and there is a royal chamber for that title. King Perious would roll in his grave to know he is there.”

  Brady nodded. “Well, at least we know why Diana hasn’t killed him yet.” He winked at Atty. “Never send a woman to do a man’s job.”

  She slugged his shoulder. “Sometimes I hate you.”

  Brady smiled. “Yes, I know. Come on, let’s find the kitchen. I’m starved.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Keeping to the shadows, Azul led the way to the king’s chambers. Low hanging orbs filled with light hovered magically, dimly lighting the passageways. The red plush carpet on the upper levels silenced their footsteps. Pictures of past royalty hung on the white walls.

  Brady glanced at each picture, hoping to catch a glimpse of his beloved. Even a younger portrait would fill him with joy. He missed her and wanted desperately to see her. The entire summer they’d been apart in one way or another and it was draining him.

  Azul stopped at the end of the hall. Opening the door, he slipped inside. Brady and Atty followed close behind him. The room was definitely suited for a king. Gold vases decorated the room with sprays of flowers that obviously came from a woman’s hand, littering the space in charming arrangements.

  A padded foot trunk sat dutifully at the end of the oversized four-poster bed. White sheer drapes hung from the bed’s canopy, the ends billowing out on the floor. Each gold bedpost bowed in an arch, concaving toward each other on both ends of the bed. Intricate swirls were carved into the golden flesh, and in the middle of the headboard was a design Brady saw before.

  His heart skipped a beat as he darted closer to the bed. “This design is just like her necklace.” He splayed a hand over the ruby stone in the middle of the swirls.

  His bonding tattoo warmed as he touched the mark. Brady hung his head. It had to be here. It had to be close. There was no way he could leave without it now.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll find it,” Atty said, giving him a weak smile.

  Brady nodded. He couldn’t force a smile even if he wanted to. They all looked through the room searching for the precious piece of jewelry. Minutes ticked by like mere seconds. Brady knew they couldn’t stay much longer. Diana couldn’t promise them the whole night, only part of it.

  Every creek in the flooring outside the room made Brady tense. Each time someone walked past the door he was sure would be Marin.

  His eyes kept darting back to the bed. The headboard played tricks with his mind, not letting him think of anything else. Swiftly, he shoved all of the things back into the trunk and shut it. Once on his feet, he stormed over to the headboard and began searching earnestly. It had to be there. Where else would it be?

  “Atty, toss me your knife,” he said over his shoulder.

  She walked the short distance across the room and silently handed him her weapon of choice.

  Brady gripped the smooth handle and pushed the tip of the blade between the ruby stone and the gold holding it. A gentle nudge and the ruby fell out. The pendent they searched for lay curled in a nest of its own chain in the hidden cavity of the bed.

  Nothing else in the world mattered at that moment to Brady. He found the one thing that could help Karis. “We found it.”

  “Hurry, grab it so we can get out of here,” Atty whispered beside him.

  “I don’t think that’s going to happen,” Marin said as he burst into the room. His long tailored black silk cloak dragged the ground as he strode closer. His green eyes shot straight to the necklace Brady held in his hand. One guard blocked the only exit behind him.

  Brady glared at the infamous man he’d heard so much a

  Diana skirted behind him, attempting to hide her face behind a veil draped over her head, but Brady saw the sorrow in her eyes as she stared at her sister. “I’m sorry, sister.”

  Atty took a step forward, glaring at her. “Sorry? You set us up and that’s all you can say? We are no longer sisters.”

  A loud commotion outside the palace roared with battle cries. Marin looked away from Brady to march to the window. “That better not be your so called calvary coming to help you, because they won’t make it in time. My guards are trained to defend me to the death.”

  Brady shoved the necklace deep into the pocket of his jeans. “Funny, seeing as half of those men you call our calvary are your guards.”

  Marin twisted to face Brady. “What did you say?”

  Brady smirked. “Those men down there trying to break down the doors are your guards. For someone who thinks they know so much, you really have no clue. Do you?”

  “I’ll show you how much I know.” Marin hissed as he raised his hand, grasping air as he clenched his fist, throwing a surge of power at Brady.

  Using his inner powers, Brady sped to the other side of the room before the energy could hit him. Azul crouched low, ready to fight. His mouth curved up in a wicked grin.

  Atty backed up so she could keep her eyes on her sister, but not have her back to Marin. Keeping them both in her sight was the smartest thing, even in a room that size.

  More shouts broke the night air. Footfalls thundered in the hall outside the room and the guard looked at Marin for instructions.

  “Check it out, don’t let anyone in this room,” Marin said, dismissing him.

  The door shut quickly behind the guard, but not before Brady saw Zeus in the hall fighting another guard. “You have a lot of faith in one guard. Especially when you don’t know what you are up against.”

  Marin laughed. “You mean you three? And of course my guards who turned rogue. No, I don’t think I need faith. I merely have strength on my side.”

  Atty scoffed. “You really are clueless. Did you even know that one of Shamike’s very own is back and leading this so called militia?”

  Marin cocked his head. “There is no one missing from Shamike that I am worried about.”

  “Are you sure about that? Because he’s right outside this door.” Atty nodded to the door, her eyes still on Diana. She was staring her down, making her hatred sink into her soul through the windows of her eyes.

  The door opened and the same guard rushed back in, leaning back on the door it slammed shut. His breath was heavy laden and with each rise of his chest he winced. “Sir, I am greatly outnumbered and their leader… I am not trained enough to take on a man such as him.”

  “Who is their leader?” Marin roared as he asked his guard.

  The guard’s eyes widened. “Zeus, sir. From Earth.”

  Marin tensed but dropped his shoulders almost immediately, trying to appear unaffected by the news. “Well, this only makes it more interesting.” He grinned. “You won’t have to die alone.”

  Marin thrust out another stream of power, hitting Azul before he could dodge the energy. Standing, he tried to fight the invisible attacker as it wrapped its cords of magic around his throat.

  Brady rushed at Marin, making him drop his hold on Azul, tackling him to the ground. Whatever power he had held more strength than Brady possessed and in seconds he was tossed off and discarded like a chew toy.

  Atty ran to where Azul dropped to the ground. Checking to make sure he still had a pulse, she got up and lunged at Marin. In one swift motion, a shield pulsated out from his palms, throwing her back. He laughed at her futile attempt to take him down.

  She tried again, feigning to the side and then charging at him from an angle. She grabbed him around his waist and pushed hard, knocking him over, taking her with him. She pressed her palm done on his chest, and the sound of sizzling, burning skin crackled under her touch.

  Marin mouthed a couple of words and the necklace in Brady’s pocket heated up, burning against his thigh. A shock of power like lightning zapped between them and Atty flew up hitting the ceiling before falling to the hard floor.

  Marin laughed. “You three are no match for me. Because of your precious Karis, I have more powers than all of you combined.”

  The way he talked about Karis made Brady’s throat burn. He got up and charged at Marin once more, diving for his stomach he ran him into the wall. Hands grabbed him from behind, pulling him off. The guard’s grip was stronger than Brady anticipated.

  “You stupid fool,” Marin seethed. “Did you really think you’d make it out of here alive?”

  The guard held Brady in a choke hold. Brady’s fighting instinct kicked into high gear. Stepping back and to the side, he placed his left foot behind the guard’s leg. Pulling his head out of the hold, he forced the guard’s arm behind his back and kicked his leg out from underneath him, dropping him to the ground. Throwing a quick jab to his head, the guard fell to the floor.

  A cry rent the air. Atty and Diana tussled on the ground. Brady looked over his shoulder to check on his friend, taking his attention off Marin. A blow to his head knocked him back. Ringing in his ears screamed at him for his mistake.

  Azul pulled himself into a crawling position on all fours. Crimson light emanated from his palms against the floor. A sizzling crackle resonated in the air. Raising a hand, the red pulsated out from him, shocking Marin. Slowly, without his powers breaking contact with Marin, Azul stood up holding his side. The scent of burnt electrical filled the air as Azul held his ground.

  A burst of energy shot past Brady, hitting Azul. The warm flow buzzed the air around Brady. Azul dropped his hand and cupped his head, closing his eyes tightly. Atty jumped Diana, stopping the surge. Azul groaned as he hobbled backwards, tripping over the guard, landing unconscious.

  This was his chance. Brady dug deep and focused on his speed. Lunging at Marin, he ran so quickly he wasn’t sure anyone saw him. He wrapped his hands around Marin’s neck.

  A heat penetrated Brady’s middle that was so hot he had no choice but to let go. Marin’s fist recoiled from Brady’s torso, leaving a fire in its place. The pain was excruciating and unlike anything Brady had ever felt before.

  Brady only vaguely recognized the door swinging open wide and seeing Zeus enter the room—along with a string of guards. But he didn’t care. The intense inferno in his stomach took over all of his senses, including sight. With the room blurring out and attempting to become darker than night, all he could do was hope Karis would find another way to survive and forgive him for failing.

  Zeus took the scene in and attempted to analyze the best way to get them all out alive. “Atty, get out of here, meet me at The Center,” he commanded, not wanting to lose his daughter. They didn’t have to be blood for him to have the paternal instinct to protect her. His blood boiled seeing her in pain. His eyes glanced over Diana and his soul tore. Family going against each other was intolerable and he wouldn’t stand for it. “You are no longer my daughter. You better run because I will only give you so long to leave my sight.”

  Diana didn’t hesitate as she grabbed up the tail of her dress and scurried out of the room and away from the one person she called father.

  Zeus stormed through the fury of guards and militia. A guard picked Azul up and pulled him from the room before he could stop him. His focus was on Brady. He was the one Karis needed more than Azul, so it was him he had to protect. He was on the floor clutching his stomach.

  Another guard tried to ambush him, but when he touched Zeus’s skin he was sent back into the wall with a high electric current. Zeus kept his eyes on Marin, who began backing away toward the door.

  Marin raised his hand and sent a surge of power to Zeus, but he blocked it. He was stronger than Marin knew, but he was grateful. He needed that upper hand. He didn’t’ need to use theatrics to use his powers, he could merely feel them and control them. A clash of thunder vibrated the palace and lightning filled the
sky. He dared Marin to charge at him with his eyes.

  The room sizzled with electricity. Zeus let his power build around him, sending sparks to each guard fighting with his men. One by one, they dropped to the ground. The shock from his voltage incapacitated them, leaving them vulnerable and unthreatening.

  Marin’s eyes widened as he scooted to the door. “Zeus, I could use a man like you in my guard. I could give you things you’ve only ever hoped for. You don’t want to be on the wrong side when this is all over do you?” He swallowed hard.

  Zeus laughed. “You can never give me what I want. It’s because of you that I don’t have it. So when this is over I’ll be glad I’m not on the wrong side.”

  Marin tried another stream of power, but Zeus was faster, sending a block up around himself before the energy could hit him. Marin stepped back, his jaw went slack when he realized his attack wasn’t working. His eyes darted around at the room, staring wide eyed at each of them before he ran out the door.

  Zeus knew he didn’t have a lot of time before more guards arrived. He scooped Brady up in his arms and left the palace. He glanced down at him, Brady’s chest rose fitfully with each breath. Thankfully, Brady passed out so he wasn’t conscious to the pain. Whatever happened to him was bad. Hopefully there was a healer in The Center or Zeus didn’t know what to do.

  Chapter Twelve

  Karis sat outside her tent brushing her wet hair. Her swim in the ocean with a few of the Syrenaes did little to lift her spirits, but it was good for her to check in with them while Zeus was gone. She couldn’t help but feel responsible for them as well as everyone else.

  A burning pain in Karis’s arm made her drop the brush to the ground. She cried out, unable to restrain herself. Gripping her arm with her free hand, she expected there to be blood with so much pain.

  “Alexis!” She held her arm close to her chest as she ran to Magnus’s tent.


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