Timeless Tides

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Timeless Tides Page 11

by M. R. Polish

  Karis hated seeing so many having to learn the art of fighting, but the armies needed to grow. The people of every world needed to be prepared for an unwanted ending should they fail.

  Brady clasped hands with Jarion. “We’ll see each other again. Thank you for everything.”

  Poseidon heaved a sigh. “I fear we will all lose many we love soon. Please tell my brother that I am well.”

  A sad smile lifted the corners of Karis’s mouth. “You’ll be able to tell him yourself.” Her heart ached with his request, and even more her determination to unite families deepened.

  Inside the portal walls a blinding light filled the space. It was the only one Karis knew of that had that manifestation while entering or leaving Perditus.

  The moist air weighed heavily on her as the portal closed. Karis was glad they transported outside of the city. Even though Zeus was in Shamike, she didn’t want to arrive with Marin’s men waiting to grab them.

  Everything looked the same as when they left a few days ago. She yawned, feeling the strain of world jumping with no sleep.

  Brady placed a hand at the small of her back. “Let’s get to The Center. We can rest there for a bit before reporting to Zeus.”

  Grimacing, Karis shrugged. “Maybe. Shamike and the other worlds need us. There might not be time to sleep.”

  “You won’t be any good to anyone if you don’t rest.” Pursing his lips together, Brady shook his head. “I just don’t want anything to happen to you.” He glanced at her stomach before meeting her tired gaze. “To either of you.”

  It was easy to understand his worry. Karis’s own mind plagued her with horrible possibilities of what could happen to Brady. She forced a smile for Brady’s sake. Grabbing his shirt collar, she pulled him closer. “You let me worry about us. Besides, if your mind is on me you won’t be able to fight and then where will we be?”

  He chortled. “Woman, you have such a hold on me that you just don’t understand. My mind constantly thinks about you.” Leaning in, he brushed his lips across hers.

  In Brady’s arms the world slipped away. Nothing else mattered as their kiss melded them together in ways her soul felt. His warmth radiated to her, heating every inch from head to toe. Tingles raced along her limbs, as their energies meshed together.

  A clearing of a throat echoed in Karis’s ears. “Perhaps I should come back later? I’m sure the war can wait.”

  Heat rushed to Karis’s cheeks, but not from the kiss. She turned to greet their visitor, unable to look her in the eyes.

  Brady chuckled. “Atty, you have the worst timing.”

  “It appears that way.” Atty laughed. “Zeus saw the portal and sent me to get you. He doesn’t want his queen to be welcomed home unescorted, considering the situations.”

  Karis smiled. “Thank you. I’m glad it was you who came and no one else.” Standing straighter, she smoothed down her tunic under the vest. “Let’s get gong then. I’m sure Zeus has a plan already set in place.”

  Atty grinned. “He always does.”

  “What of Azul? Has there been any news?” Brady asked.

  “It’s been confirmed. He’s still alive, but in Baratrum.” Atty held a stern face as she turned and walked away, not leaving room for anymore questions.

  Karis hurt for her. When Brady was gone and she didn’t know what happened to him her grief doubled. Not only was he gone but she didn’t have a way to help him and his pain. She could only imagine how Atty felt, not knowing if Azul was alive or dead.

  They followed Atty close, the city still remained behind the tall wall, but a secret passage door opened as they neared. Inside the city life blossomed. Although clouds washed out the colors, leaving everything tinted in gray hues. Once again people buzzed around the streets, talking and smiling. Hope hummed in the voices of everyone around Karis. She stopped to take it all in.

  Once the people of Shamike saw her, they all stopped what they were doing. Whispers floated on the air of “Their queen”. Silence rolled over the city like a wave as all heads turned to her. One by one, they made room for her to walk on the streets by lining each side then bowing, waiting for her to pass.

  The reception was much different than she envisioned. The last time she saw her people respond this way was when her father, King Perious, was alive.

  Squaring her shoulders, so she could hold the weight of all their hopes, she began to walk. She felt like a fake. Who was she to deserve such respect? She hadn’t earned it. Not yet. It was her father who helped the people flourish. He was the one who loved everyone in his world.

  Stopping, she looked around. She didn’t have much to offer them, yet they were giving all to her. Her heart thundered in her chest. A small break in the crowd led to a set of stairs. Dashing up them, she turned to face the curious faces. Brady walked up to the edge of the stairs, but she held her hand up, stopping him from coming up. This was something she needed to do herself. She was their queen and needed to stop using him as her crutch.

  “People of Shamike. I am one of you. My father was not only your king, but mine as well, and he taught me many things. One of which was that respect must be earned, not taken. I am not my father, although right now I wish I were. He would have all the answers we need to succeed. All I have to give you is a promise.” She sucked in a breath, holding it in, hoping to get through the next part without showing them how weak she truly was. “I promise that I won’t stop fighting alongside you until we are all brought home as families once again. Too many of us have already lost, and so the only thing left to do is win. We’ve lost those we love, our homes, our freedoms… Now we are going to fight back and take what is rightfully ours. Our future.”

  The throng of people cheered, filling the streets with excitement. Karis waited for them to quiet before continuing. “We will be leaving in a sennight. I know that is soon, but we can’t afford to wait longer than that.”

  Zeus appeared at the edge of the crowd, his arms folded, but he nodded at her. A small grin played at the corner of his mouth.

  Karis waved him up to the top of the stairs with her. “For those who might not know, this is Zeus.” Another set of murmurs rippled through the mass. Karis spoke up, “He was born here, many of you might remember him or his family. He was who we sent to earth when the sorting of the worlds was done. He is a great leader and is now my commander-in-charge. He is in control of the army and anyone who will be joining us as we go into battle.”

  A cry erupted near the back of the crowd. An older woman pushed her way vigorously through the throng. “My son!”

  Zeus straightened and looked out over the faces. Jumping down, he cut through the crowd, meeting the woman, picking her up in a tight embrace.

  Tears rolled down Karis’s face. That woman has lost not only one, but two sons, both of which she will be reunited with soon. Poseidon will be overjoyed to know his mother still lived. “This is what I hope for all of us. Not just Shamike, but every world that has lost.”

  Brady climbed the steps two at a time, taking Karis by the hand. He gave her a quick squeeze. “You’ve inspired me. I can only imagine how they feel. I’ll follow you anywhere, to any battle.” Brady lowered his hand to his side and kneeled in front of her, bowing his head.

  Karis touched Brady’s head as she looked at the many people who mimicked his actions. He glanced up, and nodded. It was the beginning of the end, and now they had a leader.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Rows upon rows of tables lined the back fields behind the palace, each holding weapons of every sort. Thousands of men and women mingled at each station, wanting to cram every lesson in before their departure.

  Over the last day, many came straggling in to help with the war. Anyone a world could sacrifice came to fight. Each one set apart and sent to earth for years to live in safety arrived with curious trepidation. This was the army of the prophecy. Karis swallowed the fear she felt for each of them. Were they sent to live only to die? Her heart jumped to her throat where it fr

  Even with a slight overcast, the heat beat down on them, slowing down the strongest fighters from Shamike.

  A few men from other worlds laughed with Magnus.

  “I’d take this heat in Thurg any day. This is winter to me,” a man who was taller than the others said. His slender frame held nothing but pure muscle.

  Magnus nodded, clearly enjoying the banter. “I know. The hottest days in Aridam are in the winter.”

  “Psh. Winter? Winter doesn’t even exist in Armis.” A man who rivaled the Vikings on Earth grinned.

  Karis chuckled, but when they turned to look at her, she sobered and shook her head. “What?”

  Zeus jumped up on a table. The white open shirt he wore, with dark pants made him look even fiercer, with all the muscle that could be seen. Even with the sheer vest, which he wore under his shirt, left nothing to the imagination.

  Karis smiled at Brady’s first reference to the Shamike attire looking like pirates, when Poseidon, his brother, was the King of the Sea on Earth. How many humans would find it amusing that the Greek God of all looked more like a pirate than a man who ruled Mount Olympus?

  Glancing over at the man she loved, he wore the clothes of Aridam. His sculpted body from years of training and fighting called to her through the sheer fabric of his tunic. She was partial to the Aridam woman’s clothing, and also chose to wear them. The billowing pants gave her more flexibility than a dress from Shamike would offer. And, the long, thin, cream-colored material of her tunic helped hide her arms from the sun, yet let the slight breeze wisp across her skin.

  Zeus held a hand up, quieting the mass of fighters. “We are all here for the same reason, and I am here to train you. Each station there is a new weapon and power to focus on. Start with your strengths, as you will be relying on those the most. When you do challenge yourself with a new power or weapon, please listen to those most adept with them. Many of you might know who my instructors are, but I’m sure most do not.”

  Karis followed the rows of tables with her eyes. A few familiar faces stood out, but most were men and women she had never seen.

  Atty stood at the first table with heavy weaponry. Clubs with spikes, swords, daggers, and others lay out on the table, visible for all to see.

  Karis smiled at her as Zeus gave her recognition with the soldiers. “Even though she was not born through my blood line, she is my daughter in every way.”

  Zeus went down the string, introducing each instructor. Karis immediately understood why Zeus trusted them so well. It was hard for her to comprehend the excitement she had looking at the procession of Greek Gods as they lined up next to Atty when their names were called. They had fought together, loved together, and lost together. There would be no greater company than to be led into a battle with them.

  The haunting timbre of a drum beat in the distance. Rhythmically, enchanting the throng of soldiers.

  Zeus cried out. “It is time! Learn, train, but remember who you are. You are not a slave to your enemy. Do not let them trap you.”

  Karis walked over to Zeus. “I want to help as well. What can I do?”

  Zeus chuckled. “Stay alive.”

  She gave him a lopsided grin. “Besides that. Jarion who is the lead commander on Perditus taught Brady and me a lot. He’s the one who gave us the vests.”

  Zeus exhaled slowly. “Karis, I know you want to fight, but I’m not sure you should go.”

  Scoffing, Karis glared at him. His lack of faith in what she needed to do insulted her. “I will not ask these men and women to fight and then stay behind like some coward.”

  He shook his head. “I’ve seen many battles, led almost all of them, so I know how you feel, but…”

  She raised her hand, interrupting him. “No. I’m going. You might need me to save you while we’re over there and you’ll be happy I ignored your pleas.”

  Chuckling, Zeus picked up a sword from Atty’s table. “Brady sure has his hands full with you.” He handed her the weapon. “Train with Atty. I have a feeling you’re a lot like her and a sword will compliment your energy.”

  Grabbing the hilt, Karis lifted the sword, getting a feel for its weight and balance. “I’m impressed that you have such faith in me.” She smiled, grateful he decided against protesting her plans to go with them. “Zeus,” she said as he turned to leave.

  Stopping, he looked back at her. “Yes?”

  “Thank you. I want you to know that I’ll be safe. I have a lot to live for and more than just my country is relying on me.” She placed a hand over her stomach. His worry warmed her heart, but there wasn’t time to be cautious. The war took precious things like that away from her.

  “I know you will.” He gazed out over the training crowd. “But they lost your father, and then they lost you when you were banished. I don’t think they’d survive if something were to happen to you.”

  She held the sword up. “Then stop worrying, because nothing will happen.”

  Training with Jarion was like child’s play compared to the excruciating long days that Zeus demanded of all who were going to fight. Brady’s super speed quickly became tested again and again as Zeus raced the fastest runners to discover who would be heading in first. They would be less likely to be noticed as their speeds let them bypass guards without being noticed. The ones racing were already calling themselves the Breakthrough Group. If having a code name helped their nerves then Karis didn’t care what they called themselves.

  Karis’s stomach twisted when time after time Brady won each race. She hated knowing he would most likely be one of the top ten going in to Baratrum first.

  Zeus stood beside her, watching the final race. “Karis, I’ll need you to make a portal to send them over, then we can follow.”

  That snapped her from her thoughts. “I can’t.”

  Zeus frowned. “What do you mean, you can’t?”

  “I need Brady. I can do all of my powers except that one on my own. A portal takes both of us.” She watched as Brady gulped a tall glass of water near the finish line.

  “Interesting. Are you sure it’s your power then?” Zeus stared at her, no longer interested in the race. The winners have been called, and he knew who would be in the initial troop.

  “Of course it’s mine. I wouldn’t be able to perform a power that wasn’t mine.” Could she? Her hand flew to her necklace, feeling the usual vibration that hummed from the pendant. Someone had used her powers through her necklace, nearly killing her. Was she using another’s energy when making a portal?

  No. She shook her head. Each time she made a portal it was her and Brady. If others were around, they weren’t always there. Dropping her gaze, she could no longer look at Zeus in the eyes. Was she stealing another’s powers? How could she attempt another portal wondering if or who she was draining to make them happen?

  Placing a hand on her shoulder, Zeus spoke in hushed tones. “Karis, we all have a part to play in the battle. Until we’re able to repair the portals from Marin’s destruction, we are relying on you. We need you to create them. If you are using a power not of your own, then their sacrifice will be rewarded in the end. That would be their part in this war.”

  Nodding, she continued to finger the pendant.

  Letting out an exaggerated sigh, Zeus slapped his thigh, swiping off the dust from the day’s hard work. “Okay, so I guess I’ll have to exclude Brady from the first group since he’s needed for the portals as well. I hate to see him stay behind. He’s the fastest I’ve ever seen. No one has even come close to beating him.”

  Her face lit up. “Then send him, send us both. I can create a shield to protect them as they enter Baratrum.”

  “I don’t know. It will be risky.” He ran a hand through his hair. “You don’t even know if you can create a shield that big.”

  “I can try. Besides, we need them to go scope out Marin’s hiding place before we get there.” She didn’t want to have to pull out the Royal card, but she would if it came down to it. It already felt
as if she were begging her own commander.

  “Alright. It’s settled. You leave first thing in the morning.” Zeus stomped off toward the group of racers.

  The morning. One more night before her world crashed down. Or would it survive? Wrapping her arms around her middle, she caught up to Brady and gave him a smile. His worried look told her that Zeus had already divulged the news about her joining the Breakthrough Group.

  “She’s not even fast,” one of the racers said, not even looking her way.

  Zeus mulled over the man’s statement before replying. “I know, but she can create a shield to protect you from the guards near the entrance. Remember, we don’t know the world, or what could be waiting for us there. No one besides Marin has seen the inside of Baratrum and lived to tell about it. We might need a shield more than we know at this point.”

  Karis swallowed the lump of rejection forming in her throat. If she didn’t speak up soon, all of Zeus’s plans would be foiled. “I’m not fast, this much we all know. I won’t be going inside the city with you so I won’t be an interference. I’m just going to help you get past the guards.”

  Another racer, the sentry from Thurg nodded. “Alright, I say she goes. We might need help getting in. We’re fast, but like Zeus said, we don’t know what we’re going up against. What if we aren’t fast enough?”

  A murmur of agreement spread through the small group. “I don’t like it,” Brady conveyed to Karis’s mind.

  She lifted her mouth into a soft smile. “I know, but you need to be with this group. We need to know what we are fighting before everyone arrives, and I can’t make a portal without you.”

  Brady blew out a long breath as he looked over each soldier. “Okay. So, we leave first thing in the morning. We get in, we search out the city, or whatever it is, and then get back. No one fights, no one dies.”

  Zeus nodded. “Very wise. I think you just made Captain.” He chuckled before scanning the faces of the other racers. “Just as Brady said, you shall do. Be swift, be wise, and be safe. Brady, you will report back to me as soon as you arrive, yes?”


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