The Eager Boy

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The Eager Boy Page 21

by Sean Michael

  “Okay.” Okay, he guessed it was time to catch a bus and go home. “I’ll be back Wednesday, ready to work.”

  “You need any help with the showers?” Rec asked as they headed toward the locker room.

  “I’ll just…. It’s gonna be slick. I’ll take care of it at home.” He didn’t want to fall again.

  “I’m happy to help—no judgment or shame. And there’s a wheelchair-accessible stall. If you want—it’s entirely up to you.” Rec held the door open for him.

  “Thanks.” He wheeled himself through. “I can probably manage, thanks.”

  “Probably?” One of Rec’s eyebrows went up.

  That made him laugh and feel a bit better. “I can totally manage on my own.” Especially as he wasn’t actually showering.

  “Okay, cool. I’ll see you on Wednesday.” Rec squeezed his shoulder and headed out, leaving him alone in the locker room.

  He sat there until someone else came in, then wheeled himself out and headed for the bus stop. His muscles were tired, but pushing through all the shit had gotten him this far, and he’d be damned if he stopped now.

  REC GOT up early on Wednesday morning and went in to put in an hour of weights before his first client. Today was his busy day. He had Allen at nine for an hour and a half. Allen was training for a marathon, and they were building up his endurance. Then he had the new guy—Barclay—at eleven. He was legs today. Figuring out what he could do. Rec suspected today would be harder than their first session because the guy wasn’t going to be able to work his lower body muscles as hard as he’d worked his torso and upper body the other day. After that Rec had to head out to the Goodlife Fitness down the road and run three different group classes, and then he had a last client session at eight tonight. Thank goodness they weren’t all Wednesdays.

  He took a quick shower up on the Doms’ floor after his workout and ran into Tyrone in the locker room as he was getting dressed. They exchanged pleasantries, and Tyrone seemed to have a few moments, so he decided it was as good a time as any to bring up a proposal he’d been thinking of.

  “I wanted to talk to you about maybe putting together some classes.” He’d signed on to do the Goodlife ones because he had the time and they were decent money, but he thought that some courses would make a great addition to Iron Eagle’s repertoire.

  “Classes, eh?” Tyrone leaned against a set of lockers. “What sort of classes?”

  “Well, we could do all sorts, depending on what the clientele is looking for. Cardio dance, cardio step, muscle building, stretching. I bet with the obstacle training course out back, you could do a ninja warrior course or two. I think folks would eat that up. You could run a survey to figure out interest.”

  “That’s an interesting idea. I’ll suggest it. In the end, it’ll come down to what the boss wants, but I’ll definitely bring it up. I take it you’re interested in teaching if we do put some together?”

  Rec nodded. “Oh yeah. I’d love to.”

  “And you’ve got some experience with what the routines might look like with these kinds of courses.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been doing a few down the road for about six months now.” And anything he didn’t know, he could totally do research on. Like the ninja warrior course.

  “Okay. If you get tagged for actually putting together the courses and setting up the schedules and stuff, it’s your own fault.” Tyrone gave him a wink.

  That had him chuckling. “Gotcha. I hate to propose and run, but I’ve got to go—I’ve got a client.”

  Tyrone waved him off and started stripping out of his street clothes.

  Rec pushed Allen hard for an hour and a half, pleased with the progress the guy was making, then did some paperwork as he waited for Barclay to show. He was looking forward to this session, to seeing where Barclay was at with his legs. He knew this was where the real work would be.

  The man was a little early again, and that pleased Rec. He liked punctuality and dedication. He liked not having his time wasted, and being on time or early meant he was being respected.

  Going over to Barclay, he shook his hand and led the way into the gym. “So how are you feeling? Were you very sore after Monday’s session? Any residual soreness?”

  “I’m good.”

  Rec had a feeling that would have been Barclay’s answer no matter what the truth was. He’d have to watch and make sure the guy didn’t push himself too far. It really would be more of a hindrance than a help. The trick was figuring out where the line lay between working hard and pushing too far.

  “You have a good day yesterday?” he asked.

  Barclay shrugged. “It was a day. I just want to get back to my old self again.”

  “You’ll get there, I swear. I know these first few weeks are going to feel like you’re moving slower than a snail’s pace, but they’re the foundation for everything else.” Dedication and desire would take Barclay far.

  “Sure. Yeah.” Barclay wore sweats and a T-shirt, the bottoms loose, covering up Barclay’s musculature.

  Rec already knew that the guy’s upper-body muscles were actually pretty good, if a little rusty. They could fix that easily. He suspected Barclay might be doing a bit of free-weight work on his arms at home, and God knew wheeling the chair around could build up more than a little muscle. But Rec had no idea how much work Barclay’s legs were going to take until they put in some time.

  Rec stopped at the first machine. “Okay. We’ll start with your hamstrings.”

  Barclay grunted and grabbed his crutches. Rec stepped back, knowing his help would not be appreciated. Barclay was clearly determined—and stubborn—and he got himself to the machine. Rec started with five pounds and worked slowly up before cutting the weight back and getting Barclay to do his first rep.

  He explained which muscle group each machine worked as they moved through them, though he suspected that Barclay didn’t need the lessons. Still, it filled the silence, and Barclay didn’t tell him to stop.

  Barclay’s left leg was much stronger than his right, which, given his injuries, made total sense. Rec made a few notes so he could tailor Barclay’s future workouts. He’d put together a set routine for Friday, and once Barclay had run that, he’d know where to tweak it.

  By the time the half hour was up, Barclay was clearly done. He nearly fell moving back from the last piece of equipment to his chair. Rec wasn’t surprised, and he didn’t make a big deal out of it.

  He did call a stop to the workout. “Okay, that’s our half hour. You did a great job today. It’s the first time you’ve worked those muscles in a long time, and your right side has to relearn everything. I’m really pleased with how much you pushed today.”

  Barclay snorted, looking less than impressed.

  “It’s the first time you’ve worked out your right side since the injury,” Rec repeated. “Trust me, you’re doing great. I can see that the muscle you’re going to be working out the most is your patience.”

  Barclay actually laughed at the joke, looking almost surprised at himself. Rec clapped him on the back.

  “Did you need help getting to the locker room or dealing with the shower?” He liked to be early for his classes at the Goodlife, but he certainly had time to give a helping hand if it was needed.

  Barclay refused, just as he’d done on Monday. Rec did make sure he made it to the locker room okay. He didn’t offer to push the chair there—he was pretty sure his offer would be refused and Barclay would be affronted.

  “I’ll see you on Friday, then.”

  “I’ll be here,” Barclay assured him.

  “Good. I’ve got to get going, so I’ll leave you to it.” He gave Barclay’s shoulder a squeeze. There was something about Barclay that drew him in, made him want to get to know the guy better, to get more than a few words out of him.

  He’s a client, Rec reminded himself as he headed out. Still, he couldn’t shake the feeling that Barclay needed him as more than just a personal trainer.

  More from Se
an Michael

  An Iron Eagle Gym Novel

  Lance Packet just got a contract to shoot an erotic BDSM deck of cards; the only problem is finding models. So far everyone he’s interviewed thinks he’s looking for sex for hire. Then in walk three perfect examples of men: Tide and his friends, Tyrone and Bran.

  Tide Germaine is a model and a Dom. He and his best friend Tyrone opened The Iron Eagle Gym as a place for gay men in the lifestyle to work out, do scenes, and congregate with like-minded men. The modeling is just another job for Tide, but it soon turns into a grand seduction as Tide falls for the shy, self-conscious photographer. The problem is Lance doesn’t believe he’s in Tide’s league, and he’s not at all sure about the Dom and sub thing.

  It’s not going to be easy, but Tide’s going to have to convince Lance he belongs at Tide’s side as both lover and sub.

  Sequel to The New Boy

  An Iron Eagle Gym Novel

  While new couple Tide and Lance spend time deepening their relationship and further introducing Lance to the joys and vagaries of being a sub, established couple Tyrone and Bran discover that they still have a thing or two to learn as well.

  A new job finds Bran run off his feet, and a visit to the eye doctor leads to the discovery of a brain tumor. Bran is terrified. He strives to be the perfect sub for his beautiful master and sees the tumor as a personal failing as he tries to handle every last phone call, e-mail, and text that comes in, no matter how early or late. When Tyrone finally finds out about the tumor Bran’s been keeping a secret, he realizes he’s been taking his sub for granted, and he works to rediscover his boy and their relationship. Of course, that’s easier said than done given that Bran’s job is taking up all his time and he would rather pretend the tumor just doesn’t exist than actually deal with it.

  It’s going to take all of Tyrone’s prowess as a master to help guide Bran through these troubled waters.

  An Iron Eagle Gym Novel

  When Master Damien Richardson (Day to his friends) takes over the front desk manager job at the Iron Eagle Gym, he knows he’s going to need an assistant. But finding the right person for the job is harder than he thought it would be. When he meets Saw, he thinks he’s found the solution to all his problems, and maybe something more.

  Sawyer Whitehead lost his master to a tragic car accident some years ago, and since then one opportunity after another has gone sour on him. Thoroughly convinced he’s cursed and a jinx to everything and everyone he touches, he refuses to officially become Day’s assistant because he knows that as soon as he does, something terrible will happen. He’s even more determined not to get involved with Day, despite his attraction, because it would kill him to be responsible for tragedy befalling the lovely man.

  Day must convince Saw that he’s not cursed and that together, they can face any challenge that comes their way—in both their professional and personal partnerships.

  An Iron Eagle Gym Novel

  Way’ra Bernard is only twenty years old when his parents kick him out of the house. He has been brought up to believe being gay is wrong and he is going to go to hell for it. He tried very hard not to be gay but couldn’t change the way he felt. Now he’s living furtively in a closet on the third floor of the place he’s working as a janitor—the Iron Eagle Gym.

  Neal McPherson is an unattached Dom in his midtwenties and a member of the gym. One evening after working out, he notices Way’ra on the stairs and he’s immediately attracted and intrigued, so he asks Way’ra out. Unable to come up with a reason to refuse and also interested in Neal, Way’ra accepts.

  There are a lot of obstacles to the relationship they attempt to build after their date, not least of which is Way’ra’s upbringing and his lingering doubts about the kinky sex Neal enjoys. But with patience and persistence, Neal might convince Way’ra not only to accept himself, but to loosen his inhibitions enough to explore and find a happy ending together.

  An Iron Eagle Gym Novel

  Neal and Way from The Closet Boy are back, only now they’re Dom and sub, and exploring their relationship through the lifestyle. Way is eager to learn everything, and more in love with his master every day. For his part, Neal can’t believe how lucky he is to have found such an innocent but sensual boy.

  As they learn what works best for them both, Way has trouble obeying some of the rules Neal imposes. Like the no touching himself rule. Neal wants Way to learn control, but Way, after so long holding back, has trouble not indulging. The two men must work together to find the balance that brings them each the most satisfaction and happiness.

  Readers love the Iron Eagle Gym series by Sean Michael

  The New Boy

  “This is classic Sean Michael and a fun story that is quick and easy to read.”

  —Prism Book Alliance

  The Perfect Sub

  “The characters are fabulous! Tide and Landon are as perfect as ever for each other. I love how they complement each other in all aspects of their relationship.”

  —Diverse Reader

  The Luckiest Master

  “Great storytelling, lots of sizzling sexy-time, and the sweetest couple you can wish for. Enjoy.”

  —Three Books Over the Rainbow

  The Closet Boy

  “Their journey is sweet, hot, sexy and filled with love.”

  —Divine Magazine

  The Dom’s Way

  “It’s a playful and kinky journey of the hottest kind!”

  —Rainbow Book Reviews

  Often referred to as “Space Cowboy” and “Gangsta of Love” while still striving for the moniker of “Maurice,” SEAN MICHAEL spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd collection, and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the Kama Sutra by channeling the long-lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to Chicago.

  A longtime writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn the advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys.

  Barring any of that? He’ll stick with writing his stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty bodies together to see if they spark.




  Twitter: @seanmichael09

  By Sean Michael

  Add Love and Mix


  Bases Loaded


  Daddy, Daddy, and Me

  Daddy Needs a Date

  First Steps

  From the Get Go


  Guarding January


  Just the Right Notes

  Making a Splash

  Of Love

  Out of the Past

  Perfect 10

  Sports Pack (Print Only Anthology)

  The Swag Man Delivers

  Unlikely Hero

  Unto Us the Time Has Come



  #6 – The Supers


  #39 – The Teddy Bear Club


  The New Boy

  The Perfect Sub

  The Luckiest Master

  The Closet Boy

  The Dom’s Way

  The Eager Boy


  Published by


  5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886 USA

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of author imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or
locales is entirely coincidental.

  The Eager Boy

  © 2018 Sean Michael.

  Cover Art

  © 2018 L.C. Chase.

  Cover content is for illustrative purposes only and any person depicted on the cover is a model.

  All rights reserved. This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of international copyright law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines, and/or imprisonment. Any eBook format cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press, 5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886, USA, or

  Digital ISBN: 978-1-64080-233-9

  Trade Paperback ISBN: 978-1-64080-232-2

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2017918590

  Digital published April 2018

  v. 1.0

  Printed in the United States of America




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