Wild Knight: a bad boy romance novel

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Wild Knight: a bad boy romance novel Page 12

by Jaxson Kidman

  I looked back at Knox.

  He nodded. “Let’s go, brother. Let’s get to your house. Check on your family.”

  “You realize what this is,” I said.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “This is Damon,” I said. “I know it.”

  “Why now?” Knox asked. “It’s been how many weeks? He got what he wanted.”

  “He didn’t though,” I said. “Fuck. He didn’t get the family. We’re in a war here, Knox.”

  Slam put a hand to my shoulder. “If so, then we fight until we win.”

  I looked up at the garage. I could have just hidden in there and fixed up cars, made tons of cash, drank myself stupid, fucked anyone I wanted.

  Instead, I chose this life.

  The outlaw life.

  The family life.

  Now I’d have to fight with my life to protect both.




  I stood at the fence and stared as far as my eyes could see. There was no sign of Knight. There hadn’t been a sign of Knight for a long time now. All I knew was that Knox had some stitches on his head. And nobody would talk about Knight. It was like he disappeared. He allegedly set a car on fire, got arrested, and then was never heard from again.

  My heart ached because I wanted to know the truth. I wanted to see him one more time. I wanted to kiss him again. It was so dumb to say that I had a first love and it was like this. Two people standing on opposite ends of the fence, sneaking kisses, sipping warm beer. It was like a romance movie, right?

  Except this ending really sucked.


  I didn’t look back. I knew it was Matteo.

  He stepped up to the fence.

  “What are you doing out here?”

  “Waiting,” I said.

  “Stop waiting,” Matteo said.

  “I just want to know what happened.”

  “So do I,” Matteo said. “Time moves on, Priya. You know that. He bolted from school and left town. That’s all I know. He’s on his own.”

  “Because of you guys,” I said. “Because of this stupid fucking fuckity fuck of a fucking fence.” I tried shaking the fence. I felt the anger and pain rise up. “What’s the point of it? Tell me, Matteo. Oh, someone lives on the other side of the fence. Big fucking deal. You guys are all assholes. You’re all fuckers. Fuckface fuckers.”

  Matteo grinned.

  I wasn’t laughing.

  I swung and slapped him across the face.

  “Don’t laugh at me!” I screamed.

  “Jesus, Priya,” Matteo said. “The guy took off. We didn’t make him take off. We have our spot here. He has his over there. I helped you. I tried. I can’t control what someone does.”

  “Shut up,” I said. “He’s gone. I’m hurt. So maybe I’ll be gone too. I got an offer to do something. I could finish school somewhere else. I can disappear now.”

  Matteo gently touched my shoulders. “Then do it, Priya. Get out of this town. Forget all of this. Escape and take care of yourself. Okay? Please. This isn’t like you.”

  “Kiss me,” I blurted out.


  “Kiss me.”


  “Because. I’m lonely and my heart hurts. So kiss me. Take me. Do all the things to me you’d do to some girl at a party.”

  “No,” Matteo said. “Sorry, Priya. That’s not how this works.”

  Matteo hugged me.

  I cried.

  I missed Knight so much.

  I knew in my heart time would heal me. Memories would slip to the back of my mind. But they would never go away for good. That’s not how it all worked. I had lost my Knight and I had no idea why he was gone or where he went. Or if he was coming back.

  “Jesus, I’m so sorry,” Matteo said. “I can’t explain it, Priya. This is how shit goes around here. The fence. The tracks. It just keeps things apart. You know that. Same with the fucking football teams around here. You go south and there’s a shit ton of beef with other towns and teams.”

  “But it’s just a game,” I said. “High school kids…”

  “No, it’s not that at all,” Matteo said. “A lot of us grew up with nothing. Same goes for the kids over there. Yeah, they think they’re rich, but they know how hard life can get when your feet hit the ground. We have nothing else but our word and our dreams. We’ve been left stranded. Either parents taking off, getting divorced, working ten fucking jobs to pay their bills. This world is a mess. This town is a mess. I’m sorry you’re a mess, Priya.”

  I looked up at Matteo.

  He had in some strange way become my best friend.

  But as I hugged him that day I knew it was our last day together. I knew I’d probably never see him again, just like Knight.

  I couldn’t get swallowed up in the town anymore. I couldn’t stand at the fence like a sad puppy dog waiting to get picked to be bought. I couldn’t stand to stand there at a fire, sip warm beer, and watch everyone decide who they would hook up with that night.

  My body was cold. My heart was aching. My head was muddled.

  I broke away from Matteo. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. That was the closest to any physical contact we ever had.

  I then did something crazy.

  I climbed the fence.

  I stood on Knight’s side of the world.

  And you know what? It didn’t feel any different.

  A day later I packed up and moved to live with my grandmother.

  I had a new home, new town, and a new school.

  The past would stay in the past and I would seize the future.

  What I didn’t know was that the past wouldn’t stay away for long…




  It was the first big parenting decision we had to make.

  Should we bring a newborn to a funeral?

  There wasn’t much of a choice. I wanted to be there for Knight and nobody else could watch Kyle. So there I stood, hovering over Kyle as I put him into a black outfit. He looked so handsome, even though the situation was far from that.

  Al was murdered.

  Knight didn’t want to talk about it and I knew better than to try and push him. He’d only get pissed off and shut down on me. I didn’t need that.

  “He’s missing his leather cut,” Knight said from behind me.

  I looked back and almost fell over. Knight was as cleaned up as I’d ever seen him. His hair washed and slicked back. The scruff on his face touched up a little. A fresh long sleeve shirt, clean jeans, and his Reaper’s Bastards leather cut over the shirt. He looked goddamn gorgeous, enough to make my inner thighs tremble. I wanted to put Kyle down for a nap, lock the front door, and then have Knight put me down. His face, down between my legs…

  “I don’t think they patch in infants,” I said.

  “Knox would. He’s got a kid. He gets it.”

  I picked up Kyle and turned, offering the baby to his father. “Hold your son.”

  I loved the look on Knight’s face when he held Kyle. There was a sense of love and pride in his eyes. And some fear. I knew it drove Knight crazy that he couldn’t protect everyone he loved. And I knew that he thought about Kyle’s future way too much.

  “I’m sorry about today, little guy,” Knight said to Kyle. “But this is just part of the life. If anything, you should sleep. Hard to explain who Al was to me. He was a bum. A burnout. A loser. But I couldn’t toss him to the streets, you know? So I bought the building and I let him stay there for free.”

  “And that’s why you’re a good man,” I said, breaking Knight’s attention from Kyle. “We have to leave.”

  “I know,” Knight said. “Come here, sweetie. I need my family.”

  Knight hugged me and Kyle tight. Nothing felt so good than being held by him.

  We left the house and got into a truck. I knew Knight didn’t feel right without his motorcycle but he took care of his family.
br />   The funeral was different.

  It was literally just us. And some of the guys from the Reap. But I figured they were there to make sure nothing happened to us. The bottom line was that someone did murder Al. I wondered if whoever did it meant to go after Knight.

  I held Kyle in my arms as a priest said a quick prayer. We were in the far corner of the cemetery. Everything felt cheap and rushed. That came as no shock since I figured Al was poor and had nobody in his life.

  Knight was the only one to approach the casket. He put his hand to it, bowed his head for a few seconds, and then pulled away. I saw the look of disappointment in his face. He blamed himself for Al’s death.

  I didn’t like that.

  I looked back at Knox and saw his stone like face.

  There was something happening and I hated being left in the dark.

  “Come on, sweetie,” Knight whispered to me. “We’re done here.”

  We turned, leaving Al behind us. The poor old man was maybe better off that way. In the ground. At peace. Nothing to worry about.

  “All I can hope for is that wherever the fuck he is now there’s porn,” Knight said with a chuckle.

  “That’s disgusting,” I said.

  “His laptop is disgusting,” Knight said. “Gives a whole new term to the words sticky keys.”

  “Okay, stop,” I said. “I’m holding a baby.”

  We met up with Knox and Slam. Knight hugged them both. Matteo and Ari were in the background, looking around.

  “You head home,” Knox said. “We’ve got everything we could out there. Trying to figure this out.”

  “Figure what out?” I asked, figuring it was worth taking a shot.

  Slam reached out and touched Kyle’s cheek. “Nothing, Priya. You just keep taking care of this little guy. We have the future of the Reap right in front of us.”

  “A mother’s dream,” I said.

  Knight put a hand to my back. “We’re going to head home. You guys going to the clubhouse?”

  “Yeah,” Knox said.

  “I’m going to have a bunch of shit moved to the garage. If that’s cool. We have a bunch of projects to work on.”

  “That’s fine,” Knox said.

  “Are you getting rid of your place?” Slam asked.

  “No clue,” Knight said. “Doesn’t really matter. Cops are all over the place. Searching for clues. I don’t want to be there right now myself. Hate the fucking mess that it became.”

  That was the end of the conversation.

  We got back into the truck and rode away.

  The ride home was silent with the exception of the last five minutes as Kyle let out cry after cry. He was hungry.

  I watched as Knight drove with intense patience.

  We got home and Knight took care of Kyle. Never once getting upset that a baby was crying. He gently carried Kyle upstairs to the nursery. He set everything up for me to feed the baby. I sat in the chair and Knight gave me Kyle.

  Knight kissed my forehead and I grabbed at him. “Hey. You’re an amazing father. I hope you know that.”

  “Thanks, sweetie,” he whispered. “I’m going to grab a shower. Try to clear my head a little.”

  I nodded. “I’m going to put him down after I feed him. Then I’ll join you.”

  Knight grinned. “You just made my fucking day.”

  We kissed and Kyle reached up with his right hand and smacked Knight right in the face.

  Knight laughed and left the nursery.

  I finished feeding Kyle and thankfully he fell asleep really fast. I put him down, let out a long sigh, and then hurried toward the master bedroom.

  I stripped myself naked in the bedroom and blasted into the bathroom.

  A man never had such control of my body and needs like Knight did…

  I wanted control. At least for the moment. I stood behind Knight as the water hit us from all angles. I had to admit, I loved being spoiled with the amazing shower. The shower head right above us dripped like a perfect, gentle rain.

  I touched his back, feeling the ripples of intense muscle. He just stood there, hands balled into fists, resting at his sides. He was all mine. I was all his. The way we had wanted for so long.

  My hands slithered up his wet skin to his round shoulders. They were so big I couldn’t even hold them. I dug my nails into his skin and came forward, pressing my lips to his back. I kissed a crooked line from shoulder blade to shoulder blade. I loved the taste of my outlaw’s skin.

  I then allowed my hands to trace his arms, feeling the thickness of his biceps, the perfect horseshoe of his triceps. Those were arms of strength and protection. Arms that would forever hold me. No matter my pain they would keep me feeling alive and safe.

  When my hands reached his fists, I made fists over his. I pressed my chest forward, rubbing my breasts against his back. My nipples were painfully erect. My nipples and breasts were so tender from breastfeeding and it was like they had two switches. One to be a mother to Kyle and another to feel pleasure from Knight. It was hard to explain but the more I rubbed my breasts against his strong back the better they felt. I bit my lip, my breathing starting to go crazy. My pussy shuddered with excitement and need. I had myself so turned on I could feel myself almost gushing.

  All from just standing in the shower with Knight.

  My left hand then moved from his hand to his body again. I felt muscle, the thatch of his pubic hair, and finally, the root of his amazing cock. I began to stroke his cock, tracing his steel shaft to his thick head. I gripped right there, super tight, twisting my hand.

  Knight groaned and thrust forward at me.

  I brought my other hand to his cock and went right to work on him. Two hands on his thickness, pumping as fast as I could. Feeling him grow harder against my touch. My body pressed against his. Kissing his back furiously. Biting at his hard skin. Sighing when he groaned. His ass gently bucking back and forth.

  “Yes, Knight,” I whispered. “Fuck, baby, yes. Let it all out, Knight. Right now.”

  Knight made a deep feral sound. His hands then clamped down on my wrists and he tore me away from his body. Then like a ten foot tall monster ready to attack in some horror movie, he slowly turned, eyes looking down at me. Only they weren’t eyes of evil, they were eyes of lust. Wild and wicked lust. So much so that I was suddenly paralyzed and entranced by him. When his hands touched my waist, I felt myself on the verge of orgasm. Instantly.

  “Fuck, sweetie,” he growled at me. “You’ll never understand what you do to me. The power you have over me.” He inched closer to me, pushing me back toward the wall. “The fucking years I spent searching for you. Waiting for you. So many times I tried to replace you and found nothing but an empty bed and a broken heart.”

  “Jesus, Knight,” I whispered. “What…”

  He put his mouth right to mine.

  I crashed against the wall and let out a whimper. His tongue was in my mouth, commanding me. Then just as fast as he was there, he was gone. His mouth latched to my neck like a vampire. He kissed, sucked my skin, and pulled away as I clutched at his arms.

  His mouth moved down to my left breast. “Fucking hell, sweetie. I would always watch you. I would always want you. I would fucking fight the world for you. And in some ways, I did. I made it so you were safe and then I disappeared to give you a chance to run like hell.”

  “What does…”

  I lost my words when his mouth covered my breast. He engulfed me, sucking hard, his tongue moving left to right. I slapped my hands against the wall, wishing I had something to hold onto.

  But I was screwed.

  It was just slippery tile and nothing else.

  Again, Knight was moving fast.

  He pulled away from my breast and kept going down.

  His hands still holding my waist. His lips trailing down without kissing. I shivered when he reached my belly. I hated the way I looked after giving birth. Everyone told me it was something to not obsess about. Yeah, right.

sp; Knight moved right down, not a care.

  That turned me on even more. It gave me hope that he really did love me.

  I felt his hot breath against my shaved mound. He kissed me a second later.

  “But you couldn’t fucking stay away,” he growled. “You were everywhere inside me. I’d look for you. I’d fucking pick a fight just to win, just to let some of that anger out. And then you were suddenly there. Climbing out of a car. The devil’s fucking car. While I was throwing punches at the reaper you were arm in arm with the devil. The both of us fated to swim in the storm of death. Goddammit. Fuck both of us.”

  I looked down just in time to see Knight go right after my pussy.

  His beautiful tongue sliced straight up and down against me, forcing me to thrust at him. His hands slipped around to my ass and held tight, holding me to his mouth as he had me. His tongue circled in all directions before finally settling against my clit. That was more than I could take.

  I felt the orgasm beginning to crest.

  “Knight,” I said. “Knight, I’m…”

  He broke away from me and looked me dead in the eyes. And he finished my sentence. “… coming…”

  His mouth moved right back against my pussy. My toes curled and pulled across the wet floor as I lifted up, seeking relief. But Knight pulled me back down against his tongue.

  I started to come.

  My mouth wide open, trying to scream. But there was no sound. My body shaking with erotic fury as I poured from my core into his mouth. He was fucking drinking me, savoring me, swimming in me. And it was fucking perfect.

  Knight then pulled away and stood up in a hurry. He put one hand between my legs, gently massaging my soaking wet labia. His other hand softly touched my chin.

  “And now, life and death, you’re forever mine,” he said. “That I know for sure.”

  His lips met mine again and he placed his cock against my body.

  With one hard thrust, Knight was inside me.

  He held there for a few seconds too, just leaving the moment for us to have together.


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