Wild Knight: a bad boy romance novel

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Wild Knight: a bad boy romance novel Page 14

by Jaxson Kidman

  I stepped around the island and walked toward Knight. The connection between us was still wild and hot. Smoldering embers from the night before waiting for something little to kick it back up into a blazing inferno.

  I thought maybe it would be awkward for us. Knowing we had done something so wrong. Yet it wasn’t wrong at all. It was exactly what we both wanted. And we took advantage of it.

  I sipped my coffee and let out a sigh.

  “You okay?” Knight asked.

  “Yeah,” I said. “I’m…” I smiled and looked away.

  Knight touched my arm. “Hey, sweetie. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Knight, I’m better than okay. At least right now. But reality is going to get us soon. You know?”

  Nodding, Knight looked down at the counter. He gripped the edges and every muscle in his arms flexed.

  Fuck, he was turning me on again so badly.

  I couldn’t help but touch his arm. Feel that hardness. Just like his cock.

  “There’s nothing to worry about,” I whispered.

  “I know,” Knight said. “That’s what makes it even crazier. There is nothing to worry about. Because it meant so much.”

  “Oh, Knight,” I said. “I wish I could do something.”

  “You can. Come with me.”

  “Go with you? Where?”

  “Anywhere we want,” he said. “You and me. Just think about when we were younger and we first met. We totally believed that the stupid fence and tracks could keep us apart. We should have run then.”

  “We were teenagers!” I said and laughed.

  “I’m not laughing. I would have run away with you that night. When we were under the stars…”

  “Knight,” I said. “I get it. I feel the same.”

  “Then let’s go. Fuck this shit. Fuck this life we’re living. We both want and deserve better. We love each other.”

  Knight quickly snapped his mouth shut and turned away.


  There it was. Hanging out there. The one thing that made this situation different. Maybe I was a whore for sleeping with Knight when I technically had a guy in my life. But I loved Knight. And Knight loved me. I always wanted to believe that love could do anything it wanted.

  I grabbed Knight’s arm and pulled at him. “Look at me, Knight. Right now.”

  He slowly turned. “Priya… I fucking love you.”

  Talk about the fast track to my panties. I jumped up and Knight caught me. I wrapped my legs around him as tight as I could. He turned and put me on the island. I grabbed his face and couldn’t take it any longer.

  We started to kiss like the apartment building was on fire and we were trapped. It was so hot. It was so sloppy.

  Knight put one hand to the small of my back and pulled. I felt the bulge of his cock pressing between my legs. There was only a thin pair of PJ bottoms separating my pussy from his touch.

  His other hand grabbed my right breast and squeezed tight. I had no bra on and, again, it was just a thin piece of cloth that kept his bare touch from my bare skin.

  “Fuck, Knight,” I groaned. “I fucking love you too. I swear.”

  We kissed again. His hand slid up from my breast to my face. His other hand then joined. He held my face and kissed me over and over. I grabbed at his jeans, hooking my fingers through the belt loops. I pulled him tight. I wanted him inside me. I wanted to feel his cock. I wanted him to…

  The apartment door opened.

  Knight jumped back and away from me. We looked at each other, knowing how dangerous our situation suddenly was.

  I moved off the island and grabbed my coffee.

  Knight took his mug and walked to the coffee pot. He yanked it away from the coffee maker and topped of his cup.

  “Good fucking morning!” Damon bellowed as he walked into the kitchen.

  He dropped his bag on the floor and ripped sunglasses off his face. He looked half high, half drunk, and definitely as though he hadn’t slept yet.

  “Damon, you’re home,” I said, trying to sound like I gave a shit.

  “How’s things here?” he asked.


  “Not you,” Damon said, snapping his fingers at me. “Knight. What the fuck?”

  Knight turned. “What’s wrong?”

  “The fucking island. What did you two fucking do?”

  I felt my heart drop.

  Damon grabbed a towel and pointed to a small spot of coffee on the marble. I must have bumped it when Knight had me on the counter.

  “You can’t have fucking messes here,” Damon growled.

  “You’re right,” Knight said. “My fault.”

  Damon looked at Knight. “You look like shit. Why don’t you take off and go take a shower? You’re devaluing my apartment by the second.”

  Damon cackled.

  Knight put the coffee mug down.

  He didn’t speak a word. Not to Damon. Not to me.

  I cupped my mug tight, wanting so badly to grab him and hug him. To tell him to fucking ignore Damon.

  But I couldn’t.

  I had to bite my tongue.

  I had to watch Knight walk away.

  I put my coffee mug down and said, “I need to use the bathroom.”

  “Too much wine again?”


  “Fucking drunk,” Damon snapped.

  I went into the bathroom, but I didn’t throw up. I sat and cried.

  The throwing up would start in a few weeks… because I was pregnant with Knight’s baby.




  “Can I see him?”

  The question caught me off guard. I looked at Annie and wasn’t sure how to respond. I wasn’t aware she was going to sit right there at the table until Knight and the Reap figured out what to do next.

  “See… him…?” I asked.

  “Your son.”

  “Oh, Annie, I don’t know.”

  She nodded. “Of course. You know, I’m a ruthless bitch. But somewhere inside me I always pictured a normal life. But my former husband ruined that. Then Damon. And in some ways, you did too.”

  “I never meant for…”

  “Sure you did. You followed your heart and that’s perfectly fine. I see you and Knight together. It’s good. I remember the first time I saw you and him together. I knew you were trouble.”

  “Come upstairs, Annie,” I said. “You can see Kyle. But you realize that there is no chance it’s Damon’s baby.”

  “I know.”

  “Aside from his injury, he and I… we weren’t together. Like that. Okay? I was merely a puppet. At least that’s how he made me feel. I was convenient for him. The innocent type that he needed to make himself look good.”

  “I’m sorry you suffered through that.”

  I nodded.

  I led the way up the stairs.

  I had no idea if this was a good idea or a bad idea.

  When I opened the door to the nursery I found that Kyle was wide awake. Just lying there on his back, eyes wide open, his little arms and hands swinging at nothing but air. He was making noises and just trying to figure his body out.

  “Hey, baby,” I said.

  Kyle looked right at me. He smiled big.

  “Oh my Lord,” Annie said. “Look at him. Precious angel.”

  I reached down and picked Kyle up. I hugged him, smelled him, and it sent a shot of love through my body. Exactly what I needed at that moment.

  “He’s perfect,” Annie said.

  “Yes, he is,” I said. “Kyle, this is my friend… Ms. Annie.”

  “Pleasure,” Annie said. She reached and gently shook Kyle’s tiny hand.

  Kyle gave a toothless grin.

  Annie touched her cheek. “Oh my… my heart is melting.”

  “You should hear him cry at two in the morning,” I said. “I’m not so sure your heart would be melting then.”

  “Oh, if Gran… Ms. Annie were here… nope. Never mi
nd. He’s perfect, Priya.”

  “Thank you. Would you like to hold him?”

  “May I?”

  “Sure. You can sit in the chair. I have to feed him. So I’ll get myself ready, I guess.”

  Annie’s eyes welled up with tears as she held Kyle. I still wasn’t sure how I felt about the situation though. But it was too late. She had the baby in her arms.

  I watched as Annie sat down, eyes glued to Kyle.

  “Annie,” I said. “I’m really sorry for what you’ve gone through.”

  She looked at me. “I’m not. I’m ruthless. There were times when I wanted you dead, Priya. Just so you know. I’ve lied. I’ve cheated. I’ve stolen. I’ve had people killed. The normal family life passed me by a long time ago. But right now, for a few minutes, I’m going to pretend I have it. If that’s okay with you.”

  “That’s okay,” I said. “I get it.”

  Annie rocked in the chair and took deep breaths, smiling.

  “This is better than the chemo,” she finally said. “I feel alive right now.”

  “The cancer…”

  “It is what it is,” she said. “The bastard is going to kill me. But not today. And I want you to know something, Priya. Keep your family close. Make it all count. You truly love Knight then you ride that Knight for the rest of your life.”

  I smiled. “I’ll keep note of that.”

  “I’m sorry I had to drag the Reap into this,” Annie said. “But it’s the only way to turn this cycle off.”

  I nodded. I understood.

  The only thing I could do was hope that it would work out.

  That the Reap would get through this mess. That Knight would come out of it without being killed.

  My baby needed a father. My baby deserved a family.

  I left the bedroom and realized we had no pictures on the wall in the hallway. I reached out and touched the wall.

  I burst into tears, keeping them silent.

  I couldn’t lose him… my Knight.




  The apartment was cleaned up and I would never rent it out. Instead, I replaced everything possible and turned it into a hideout pad. A place for the Reap to go if they needed it. Or if Priya ever got tired of my ass and wanted to kick me out for a little bit.

  I stood in the garage with a mostly completed car and threw back a beer.

  We had everyone in the garage. Ari and Elijah had a map on the trunk of the car, trying to figure out where Damon could have been hiding out.

  Word on the street was that he was dealing heavy. He was keeping quiet and pushing a big lot of drugs. Looked to me like he was trying to show some muscle to someone. Maybe the cartel. Maybe he wanted to mix the corporate world with the cartel underworld. Not a good mix, but to each their own.

  For me, I had a smoking gun right in my back pocket.

  I took my phone out and tossed it to the table. “There it is.”

  “There is what?” Knox asked.

  “I got a bid on this car. A guy named Pierce. He wants to pay all cash, five grand over what I asked for it.”

  “What does this matter?” Knox asked.

  “Pierce is from the other side of the tracks, Knoxville,” I said.

  “Oh, he’s going with the full name,” Slam said. “This must be good.”

  “Pierce fell on hard times when his old man got whacked for some insider trading. I dug around and found out that he’s been moving with Damon. Sort of a right hand man kind of thing.”

  “And this guy is dumb enough to buy a car from you?” Knox asked.

  “I list the cars under the legal business name. All he knows is that he has cash to burn and he wants this car.”

  “Holy shit,” Matteo said. “So what’s our play here?”

  “I set up a meet. You guys get ready for the ambush. But there won’t be one.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’m going to grab that motherfucker and he’s going to call Damon. That’s when the ambush happens. Pierce calls Damon and then we get him. Simple as that.”

  “What do we do with Damon then?” Knox asked.

  I smiled. “We take him to his mommy.”

  I stood outside the shower holding a towel.

  Priya opened the shower door and let out a deafening scream.

  “Holy shit,” I said. “Well, if everything in life falls through, you can make it in horror movies. Really nice tits and you can scream.”

  “Stop it,” Priya said. She grabbed her breasts. “Give me the towel you fool.”

  I walked to her and I dried her off. I rubbed the towel against her soft skin, smelling the beauty of her soap. She was clean and delicious.

  She turned around and grabbed her wet hair, lifting it up. I watched the way water droplets hit her neck and it fucking drove me nuts.

  I dropped the towel and touched her shoulders. I moved forward and pressed my lips to the droplets of water. My tongue gently licked them up. They tasted soapy, but fuck it, it was from Priya. Anything that came from her was perfect to my taste.

  “Knight,” she whispered.

  “It’s okay, sweetie,” I said. “We’ll talk later. First, we have plans.”

  I moved my hands to her hips and pulled her against me. Her ass rubbed against my jeans, bringing my cock to life. I was twisted up, fighting for room, the blood pumping through my shaft, growing harder by the second.

  I sucked in a breath and walked Priya to the double vanity sinks.

  I tugged at her hips, making her bend over a little. Her breasts were fucking perfect. They were so full, creamy, her nipples a dark color.

  She looked in the mirror at me.

  I eased my right hand around her body and down, feeling the smoothness of her mound. My middle finger grazed her fresh wetness. I dug at her hood, peeling back her tender clit, sliding my finger right over it. I made just one circle and Priya quickly bit her lip, groaning. Her legs parted even more, her ass jutting out at me.

  She was ready.

  She fucking wanted it.

  With my left hand, I unzipped my jeans. I reached in and grabbed my thick cock and wrestled it free. Holding my root tight, I slapped my cock against her bare ass, making damn sure she could feel how hard I was.

  How hard she fucking made me.

  “Goddamn, sweetie,” I growled. “And to think I came in here to help you dry off and get you to bed. Look what you did.”

  “All my fault,” she purred as my finger rolled over her clit again. “You better punish me for it.”

  Oh, now she was just playing fucking games with me.

  I slid my cock down her ass and tucked myself tight between her legs. But I didn’t fuck that sweet pussy of hers. No way. See, I could fucking play games too. I slapped my hands to the outsides of her thighs and forced her legs closed. She let out a gasp but that was nothing compared to the sound that came out of her pretty little mouth when I started to pump my cock. Sliding the top of my shaft against her soaked labia. My cock running hard against her pussy but not inside her.

  Priya put a hand up to the mirror. “Oh, fuck, Knight. Please…”

  “You want my cock, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I want your cock inside me.”

  “Say it again,” I ordered. “Look me in the fucking eyes and say it, sweetie.”

  Priya looked in the mirror. “Fuck me, Knight. Fuck me with your huge cock right now.”

  I brought my hands to her ass and spread her wide open. I pulled my cock back and lined myself up with her beautiful pink pussy. The head of my cock touched her folds and they clung against it.

  I thrust forward and entered Priya.

  Her hips bucked back at me, putting my cock to the hilt inside her.

  I held there for a second.

  Goddamn… how could it be so good all the time?

  It was like the first time fucking her each time I did so.

  I settled my hands to the middle of her
back. My fingers reaching around, feeling the edges of her breasts. And I stayed right there as I started to fuck her. I pounded at her, gritting my teeth, listening to the sounds of bodies slamming together. It echoed in the bathroom along with her groans and my grunts.

  The best part was that the harder I fucked her, the harder she fucked me back.

  We stared at each other through the mirror, but that wasn’t good enough. Not with my balls twisting and turning, wanting to release. I needed to fucking see her face. I needed to fucking taste her lips.

  Fuck, if everything went wrong tomorrow… I’d never see Priya again.




  Knight ripped his cock out of me. My knees bent and smashed against the sink. My hand slid down the mirror. Before I could look back at the mirror, Knight grabbed my waist and spun me around. I let out a cry as he slammed his body against mine. His hands grabbed the backs of my legs and he threw me up on the sink.

  “Holy fuck,” I managed to mutter before Knight kissed me.

  Then he said, “I want to taste you as I fill you with my cum.”

  Knight kissed me again, stealing my breath.

  His cock slipped right back inside me. A few hard thrusts later and his cock was spilling everywhere inside me. Fucking me against the bathroom sink, his warm seed clinging to my insides. His tongue racing inside my mouth, commanding me everywhere.

  Knight grunted each time he fucked forward at me. Even after his cock was done releasing in me, he held there, grunting as he was still pulsing.

  “Jesus Christ,” he whispered, his lips grazing mine.

  “What the fuck was that about?” I asked. I grabbed his face. “That was… that was like you saying goodbye to me.”

  Knight pulled me off the sink, his cock still inside me. He then turned and walked me out of the bathroom to the bedroom.

  He exited my body and I felt a warm gush between my legs. I gasped and grabbed for the sheets. I watched as Knight tucked his amazing cock away. I never got to say goodbye to it. My favorite thing in the world.

  Knight then lifted me up and tucked me into bed. He climbed over me and was over the covers.


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