The Billionaire's Christmas Bargain: Billionaires in Bondage, Book 3

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The Billionaire's Christmas Bargain: Billionaires in Bondage, Book 3 Page 2

by Joely Sue Burkhart

  The woman smiled and held out her hand. “Kelsey?”

  “Nice to meet you.” Kelsey took her hand, a little surprised that she wanted to shake hands. Lilly didn’t shake, but drew her into the room before letting her hand go.

  “Thank you, Ryan. Could you let Gillian know to stop by in twenty minutes? Thanks.” Lilly sat down and then indicated the chair beside her. “Please, have a seat. Thank you so much for agreeing to see me.”

  Kelsey sat where indicated and tried to look around without gawking like a peasant. She’d never eaten at a restaurant with real linen tablecloths. Or candles. Hell, most of the time she ate out of a takeout box or fast-food bag. “I’m sorry I didn’t dress up more. I had no idea—”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Lilly broke in. “I should have warned you, but honestly, Dmitri’s has gone a little more upscale than it used to be. I’ve worn jeans here plenty of times myself. I’m only dressed up today because I’m meeting my fiancé at five to go over some wedding details and I didn’t know how long we’d need to chat.”

  “Congratulations,” Kelsey said. “When’s the date?”

  “I haven’t let him set the date yet, but I’m trying to put him off until the first of the year. I have some work to finish first. We’re putting the final touches on the project now, so I guess I’m running out of reasons to delay.”

  Kelsey tried not to frown, but that didn’t sound good. At all.

  “It’s become a joke between us,” Lilly went on to explain. “Neither of us want a huge affair and I’d rather let the holidays be over before we make it official. I’m just happy to be with him, you know?”

  She envied such easy happiness. It didn’t come cheap. “So how did you get my name and why do you want to see me?”

  Lilly smiled. “You’re direct. I like that.” She poured herself a glass of wine and offered Kelsey some. Ugh. Every wine she’d ever tried had been sweet, fruity crap. She shook her head. “As I said on the phone, I got your name from Diana Temple, who used to be pretty active in the local scene. I haven’t been to a club in years, and my circle of dominants are too old for what I need.”

  “Circle of dominants.” Kelsey cracked a smile. “Sounds like a killer circus act.”

  Lilly laughed. “Sometimes it is a circus act! This time, I’m specifically looking for a younger but still mature and strong Domme for a particular client. You fit the bill.”

  “Client? So this is someone who wants to hire me.”

  “Indirectly, yes. Before I found Donovan, I was a professional Mistress. One of my old clients reached out to me for one of his friends, and once I heard the name, I knew immediately who he was talking about.” Lilly paused, her gaze locked on Kelsey’s face. “Before I tell you, I need to have your promise of discretion.”

  “Of course. I’ve been camming for over a year now. I know how touchy most clients are about keeping their secrets, even when I’m just the girl on the opposite end of their laptop camera.”

  “Another reason your name was given to me as someone who might be open to this situation.” Lilly still hesitated, as if she didn’t trust her.

  Kelsey’s hackles started to rise. This woman didn’t know her. She couldn’t possibly know what Kelsey had been through. If she gave her word…

  Lilly let out a sigh. “I’m sorry, you think I doubt you, but that’s not it at all. I’m just nostalgic.” She gave herself a little shake and looked Kelsey directly in the eyes. “The client is Gordon Maxwell. You probably don’t know that name, but he works for the Caine family.”

  The name sounded familiar, but Kelsey couldn’t pinpoint from where. She shook her head a little and Lilly gave her a sad, wistful smile.

  “When I first joined the scene seven years ago, the biggest BDSM party of the year was the New Year’s Eve Masquerade at the Depot.”

  “Oh, yeah, I’ve heard about those parties, though I never went to one. I only moved to St. Paul two years ago.”

  “They ended three years ago because their sponsors passed away in a car accident the day before the masquerade. Nathan and Melissa Caine. Their son, Harvey, was also in the accident and almost died too. Evidently it’s taken him several years to recover physically, but Mr. Maxwell’s afraid he still needs to recover emotionally from what happened.”

  “And what does that have to do with a Mistress?”

  “Honestly, we’re not sure. Mr. Maxwell says that Harvey never attended any of those parties and probably didn’t even know his parents were in the lifestyle, but he’s seen some behaviors that make him think Harvey could potentially be submissive. When I discreetly asked around about him, people described him as a spoiled, rich playboy.”

  “Ugh.” Kelsey grimaced. “So he’s used to getting his own way, partying with a new girl every night, no sense of commitment…”

  “Probably. He’s definitely wealthy since he inherited the Caine fortune, but since the accident, he’s locked himself in the family mansion. He hasn’t left the house in over a year. He won’t see anyone but the occasional doctor, but he refuses to get the final surgeries needed to minimize some of the scarring from the accident.”

  “So if he never leaves and never sees anyone, you think he’ll talk to me online?”

  “No.” Lilly smiled and that look made Kelsey sit up a little straighter, her muscles automatically tensing for excitement. That smile was secretive and wickedly amused. “We’re thinking the situation calls for something a little more devious.”

  Chapter Two

  Lilly passed a heavy gold-lettered menu to Kelsey, but didn’t open hers. “I’m hoping you’d be open to meeting Harvey in person.”

  Kelsey quickly scanned the menu and breathed out a sigh of relief that at least it was English. Mostly. She had no idea what foie gras was but she’d eat pretty much anything. It couldn’t be worse than the crap she ate most days. “What if he’s dominant? I can play a switch online, but in person, I can’t get the submissive energy right with a real partner. It’s obvious I’m faking.”

  “Mr. Maxwell is under the impression that not only will Harvey enjoy a Mistress’s firm hand but he’ll also appreciate a heavy one. Diana said she’s seen you in action at the club and you’re not squeamish in that regard. Would you be open to something like that?”

  “Sure, as long as my safety’s ensured and the price is right. I never meet my online clients in person, but with Mr. Maxwell and you in the loop, I’m sure we can cover the safety bases. But you said devious, so what else do you have up your sleeve?”

  “I can assure you that the price will be more than adequate and all safety concerns will be carefully considered. Mr. Maxwell has already offered fifty thousand dollars if you’ll try to help him.”

  “Holy shit!” Fifty thousand dollars. It was a dream come true. With that much cash added to the savings she’d already managed to stash away, she could purchase the bar she’d had her eyes on, fully renovate as needed, and still have plenty of capital to start the business right. Her eyes burned and she stared fiercely at the menu, refusing to show any emotion. That much money might be a drop in the bucket for bigwigs like the Caines, but for a nobody like her, it would buy her a way out of the hard life she was used to. After growing up so poor she’d often only had a hot breakfast and lunch if school was in session, owning her own business would be an impossible dream come true.

  “Exactly,” Lilly said, shaking her head. “These billionaires are pretty crazy with their money, although this is coming out of Mr. Maxwell’s pocket. I don’t think he’s as well off as the Caines, but he’s not hurting for money either. He loves Harvey like a son and is determined to help him. It’s important that you understand that Harvey is scarred. Will that bother you?”

  “I don’t think so, but until I see how bad it is, I guess I can’t be sure. Generally disfigurements don’t bother me. I’m not going to stare or be rude about it.”
/>   “Harvey’s become a recluse. No one goes in and no one goes out, except for Mr. Maxwell. So we’re going to have to be creative in order to even get you into the mansion. How would you feel about a little playacting?”

  Kelsey set the menu aside and leaned back in her chair. Now this, she was entirely comfortable with. “Oh, I don’t know. I’ve only got about a hundred different kinds of costumes put together for my online sessions.”

  “If you have a maid costume, we’re set.”

  “French maid costume complete with a frilly little apron and flirty skirt? Check.”

  Lilly laughed and clapped her hands delightedly. “Perfect. Mr. Maxwell insists on meeting you first. I took the liberty of asking him to stop by in half an hour for dessert. We’ll finalize the last few details and you can discuss payment arrangements with him. Does that work for you?”

  The waitress tapped at the door and came in to take their orders.

  “I’ll have my usual,” Lilly said, handing her menu to the young woman.

  “And I’ll have the same.” Kelsey gave a smug look at Lilly. “If it’s nasty, then the deal’s off.”

  Lilly quirked her lips and settled back in her chair with the wineglass. “Oh, I don’t think that’ll be a problem. Dmitri would die if he ever served anything ‘nasty’.”

  “So if this guy’s a recluse, how are you going to get me inside?”

  “Right through the front door.”

  The meal was as incredible, as Lilly had promised. Kelsey had never had such decadent food, even though it looked deceptively simple. Just pasta and sautéed spinach with a white sauce, topped with medium rare beef tenderloin. But the simple white sauce blended with the sharp, earthy bite of blue cheese, drizzled with a balsamic reduction that elevated the dish to the best thing she’d ever eaten in her entire life. She forced herself to slow down and enjoy every single bite, rather than wolf it down for fear someone might take her plate away before she was full.

  “Dessert is even better,” Lilly promised, and Kelsey nearly wept with bliss at the thought.

  While they were waiting on Mr. Maxwell to arrive, Kelsey asked the waitress what whiskeys the restaurant had.

  “American, Irish, Scotch… Pretty much whatever you want.”

  American whiskey would probably be the cheapest, but if she was getting the biggest job of her life… “I’ll take a Scotch.”

  “We have some very nice Macallan, twelve and twenty-five years.”

  She had no idea how much a single glass would cost, but the older stuff would definitely be more expensive. She opened her mouth but a man spoke from behind her.

  “Let’s have the twenty-five-year-old Macallan. Three glasses, please.”

  “Only two,” Lilly replied quickly, starting to push her chair back so she could stand. “I don’t drink the hard stuff.”

  “Please, stay seated, ladies. Miss Harrison, thank you for the invitation.” The man took Lilly’s hand and bowed low, kissing the back of her hand.

  “A pleasure as always, Mr. Maxwell. This is my friend, Kelsey Marley.”

  He straightened and met her gaze. He had the kind of dark, intent eyes that never seemed to miss a thing. For his age, he was incredibly fit, with a dapper tweed suit that screamed genteel European manor house, aided by the faint burr of an accent still in his voice. She offered her hand and he ducked his head to press a kiss to her hand too, his fingers cradling hers but not squeezing or taking control. A very submissive gesture, as if he was well used to dealing with a powerful Mistress. Maybe that’s how he’d come to the decision to hire a professional for Harvey. “Miss Marley, thank you for meeting with me.”

  “What can I do for you, Mr. Maxwell?”

  “Gordon, please, or even just Maxwell, as the young Mr. Caine calls me. It’s for him that I’ve come.” He took the seat across from Kelsey and waited while the waitress served their drinks.

  “Would you like dessert now, Miss Harrison?”

  “Give us some time to talk first,” Lilly replied. The young woman nodded and quietly pulled the door shut behind her.

  Gordon looked approvingly around the private room. “I like your setup here, Miss Harrison.”

  “Please, call me Lilly. There’s no formality here between friends.”

  He glanced at Kelsey as if asking her permission too, so she nodded. It was all very pretentious and proper, which made her want to say something highly inappropriate like fuck yeah, Gordie. She bit her lip to stop herself from blurting out a curse word or a sexual innuendo just to see him jump.

  “I’ve explained the basic situation for Kelsey,” Lilly said. “But if you have some additional background, I’m sure it’d be helpful.”

  He swirled the amber liquid in his glass and lifted it so he could breathe in the fumes before taking a small sip. “I’ve known Harvey all his life. I joined the Caines when I was younger than he is now, so losing them was a blow from which I still haven’t recovered.”

  Maybe it was the expensive Scotch and not emotion that made his voice thicken, but Kelsey suspected it was the latter. Although she held a sip on her tongue, letting the flavors fill her mouth, and it was all she could do not to shudder with pleasure. Sunshine and smoke, a warm golden day of perfection with apple trees in the background and sweet hay and flowers. When she finally opened her own bar, she’d have to invest in a bottle of this stuff no matter how much it cost.

  “He’s always been impossible.” Gordon met Kelsey’s gaze in challenge. “It’s very hard to refuse him anything he wants.”

  She arched a brow and shared an amused look with Lilly. “Then he’s never dealt with a Mistress.”

  “No, he hasn’t, at least to my knowledge. He went away to school at only fourteen. When he was home, they crammed in every trip and special event they could. He never wanted for anything, and as he got older, he did have some problems drinking and partying too much. He’s extremely intelligent, so things have always come easily to him. The only thing he ever really worked at was sailing, and he did that because he loved it.”

  Kelsey couldn’t comprehend that lifestyle. To have so much money, a family who loved and indulged him. To never be hungry or cold or alone. Then to hear he’d done nothing but party and sail his entire life. It was hard to feel sorry for the poor little rich boy who’d had a charmed life.

  “The accident changed everything.”

  Guilt twinged. Losing parents was a hard thing for anyone to endure, no matter their age and affluence.

  “He’s always been searching for something,” Gordon continued with a wistful, sad smile. “I think, deep down, he’s always been trying to find the one person who wouldn’t care about his money. Who’d care about him instead. He’s never had that outside of his parents and me.”

  “If he’s used to people only wanting him for his money, then how do you think he’s going to react when he realizes you hired me for him?”

  His bushy eyebrows rose with surprise. “I don’t intend to tell him about our arrangement at all, and I certainly don’t expect our bargain to be a happily ever after, Miss Marley. Show him what I believe to be a dormant, incomplete side of his life. That’s all I want. If he knows, then he can do something about it. I just want him to start living again.”

  She sighed. This isn’t Pretty Woman and he’s no knight in shining armor. It’s a job. Take the money and buy the bar you’ve always dreamed of.

  It’d never bothered her to take men’s money to pretend to be their secret fantasy come to life. But they’d been fully aware of what she was and what they wanted. It’d certainly never been live, face-to-face action.

  When the man in question had no idea that money had exchanged hands.

  Kelsey cupped the tulip glass in her hands, staring down at the table so she could gather her thoughts. She couldn’t take the money, do the job and run. Even if it hurt to see he
r dreams going up in smoke. Resigned, she raised her gaze back to Gordon’s. “It’s not right. A submissive’s first BDSM experience can be life changing.”

  “I know. That’s what I’m hoping.”

  “But for him not to be aware of who I am, why I’m there… It borders on non-consensual because he can’t choose for himself. It’s a lie, and I don’t want to be a part of deceiving him.”

  “There’s no other way,” Gordon replied hoarsely, turning to Lilly as if she could help change Kelsey’s mind. “I’d love to bring him to a club or introduce you formally at dinner, but he can’t. He won’t leave the house; he won’t talk to anyone. I’ve tried for years. This is my last hope to try to bring him some peace.”

  “I agree, the setup is problematic at best.” Lilly met her gaze, and Kelsey breathed a sigh of relief. Lilly got it and wasn’t going to try to strong-arm her into a situation that didn’t make her feel comfortable. Kelsey wouldn’t have fallen for that, but she’d hate to lose a possible friendship with another Mistress over something like this. She had too few friends in this world. “Maybe if she doesn’t have to keep up the masquerade the entire time? Just a flirt, a test, and if it goes well…”

  Gordon shook his head and sighed heavily, leaning back in his chair. “We’ll lose him if we reveal the truth too quickly, but I do understand your concerns. Honestly, I like you much better as a result, even if your reluctance complicates things. I just don’t see how I can get you into the house without complete subterfuge.”

  “How long were you wanting to hire me?”

  “Ten days, starting tomorrow if possible. The holidays are very difficult for him, and he’s planning something that I think he’ll regret. I’d hoped to provide him with a distraction.”

  “I’m definitely good at distraction and I can start tomorrow pretty easily.”

  “If we can get around the consent dilemma,” Lilly said slowly, drumming her fingers on the table. “Why can’t you tell him the truth, without telling the truth?”


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