SIX: A Men of the Strip Anthology

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SIX: A Men of the Strip Anthology Page 21

by Marie Skye

  Her cheeks flushed, as she bit her bottom lip and nodded. I grabbed both her wrists and jerked her where she was flushed against me. My lips brushed against her ear. “Then Dare me,” I whispered.

  And Dare me she did. For two weeks straight. We agreed, no rules. Just fucking. Same place. Same time. Every night. All of that ended just a few hours ago. She went back to her life. I went back to mine. Or rather to start mine. Seeing Danielle every night was probably the closest I’ve ever gotten to an actual relationship. Not that I would call that a relationship, but I sure as shit wouldn’t mind seeing her again.

  I heard the sound of voices on the other side of the door and exhaled sharply. Here we go. I opened the door, in preparation for the students to start filing in, and stood just outside the door. They were all dressed the same. The boys in their navy or khaki slacks with a white knit top. The girls had either a navy or plaid skirt, also with the same white knit top. After all these years, you would think someone would make these uniforms not look like shit. A teacher across the hall smiled at me before I walked over.

  “First day?”

  I nodded and adjusted my collar. “Don’t be nervous; they’re all well behaved. For the most part. But we have it easy. Twelfth grade.” She kept talking as students started filing past me into the room. I really wanted to say to her that I didn’t care, but I also had to remind myself to be professional. I froze as the scent of Magnolia wafted past me. I turned just in time to see the foot heels of a pair of Chucks, and the long strands of raven colored hair fly past me. It couldn’t be… could it? It was merely a coincidence.

  I froze.

  But what if it wasn’t?

  The bell rang, and I finally focused on the teacher that was still talking. “I should go, Mrs.…um…”

  “Miss,” she smiled as she patted her hair. “Miss. Barkley. You can call me Veronica.”

  “Of course.” I walked past her to my classroom. I could feel my heart pounding a hundred beats a minute. I grabbed the handle to the door and shut it behind me, as I walked in.

  I barely scanned the room, grabbing the attendance sheet. No one was paying attention to me. I was too busy being a nervous fuck anyway. I started going down the line, calling each student, until I got down to the letter B’s, for Delton’s last name looking for Delton’s sister, and a familiar laughter had my eyes darting up, and I froze. Fuck. Me.

  My eyes quickly searched the room, not wanting to see what I already knew. Sitting just a few rows from the back was Danielle. She sat listening to whatever story the people around her were telling her, smiling without a care in the world, as if I hadn’t just fucked her a mere 24 hours ago. None of the students were paying attention to me. Of course, I didn’t give two fucks about them. The person’s attention I wanted was smiling at whatever her friends were saying. I focused on her. Really focused on her. Not just what she had looked like with her lips wrapped around my cock, and not what she looked like right before she came, but really fucking looked at her. Her hair, her eyes, her nose, her face.

  You. Have. Got. To. Be. Fucking. Shitting. Me!

  I clapped my hands so loudly they echoed, and that had all the students quieting down and turning to me.

  “Bardot,” I called out. She barely did a full glance at me, and called out ‘here,’ before she spun her head around and looked at me so fast, I’m surprised her head didn’t fall off. I felt her watching me as I continued the rest of role taking.

  “I’m Mr. Knight.” I watched as Danielle’s eyes slowly met mine, and then widened. She slowly parted her lips into the perfect O. I kept my eyes directly on her, as if I was daring for her to look away. “I’ll be your World History instructor for the time being with Mr. Tomlin out. While my methods are similar to his teachings, I also appreciate variety, so you’ll be getting a lot of that.”

  I strolled to my desk and leaned against it. Danielle still had her eyes on me. “Things I do not tolerate - Disrespect. You give me respect, and I’ll give you mine.” I could see from my peripheral vision, some of the students nodding. “Lying. I will not tolerate any type of dishonesty from any of you. If you dare to do it, I promise you,” my voice lowered as I narrowed my eyes at Danielle, “It will not be good for you.” She blinked.

  I finally turned my attention to the rest of the class and did what I was getting mediocre pay for.

  Ninety minutes later, the bell finally rang, and I let out the breath I was holding throughout the entire class. I watched Danielle slowly pack her things. Her friends were trying to talk to her, but she clearly wasn’t paying attention. Her attention was focused on me, and me alone.

  “I’ll meet you guys there; I wanted to go over something with Mr. Knight,” I heard her say. The other girls giggled, and I pretended I wasn’t paying attention as I cleared the board. A few seconds later, the door closed. I stood facing the board, even though I could feel her presence behind me. And fuck me, did it make me hard.

  I set the marker down before turning around. She played with her bottom lip between her teeth, as she looked everywhere but at me. I finally sighed. She shut her eyes briefly, before finally looking at me. “I didn’t know you would be my teacher.”

  I quirked a brow. “That’s what your concern was? That you didn’t know I was your teacher?” I lowered my voice, as I glanced to the door. “I didn’t know you were Dani! Little flat chested, toothpick-sized Dani, who read those club books about babysitters that never went past middle school, and I never understood why!” I started to pace. This shit could not be happening. I did not just spend the past two weeks fucking not only my student, but my best friend’s sister. I paused. Student. I slowly turned and faced her slowly looking her up and down. “I think we have a bigger problem, not just that I was fucking one of my best friends’ eighteen-year-old…”

  “Seventeen,” she said quietly, cutting me off. Not only did I flinch, but I took a small step back, as if a fucking police raid was about to crash through the door any minute, tie my dick up with barbwire, and leave me to be eaten by a swarm of angry Asian Lady Beetles. Before I could say more, she continued. “Age of consent is sixteen,” she rushed out.

  Because yeah, that sure as fuck made this whole shit show that much better. I looked her up and down, and thought back to when we first met. She sure as fuck didn’t look seventeen. She was highly developed. Her tits were practically spilling over her dress, and her body had this ridiculous amazing hourglass figure. She was fucking sex on heels when I first saw her. Even now looking at her in her plaid navy skirt and the button down white blouse that had a gape, because her tits are so lavishly plump. My mouth was already watering to taste her again.

  Oh, the irony, she most certainly was not flat chested, or toothpick sized. No, she was fucking stunning, as she stood there with her long hair that needed my hand wrapped around it, as I punished the shit out of her by making her gag on my cock over and over again. Then I would paddle her ass until it was almost blood red, threatening her with my cock again, if she so much made a single sound, and only then would I fuck her. I would fuck her good and hard. And she would take it, and not because I’m making her. Because she wants it. But, I won’t let her come. I’ll pull out right before she does, and make her sit on my desk, legs spread wide, so I can stare at her needy pussy as I came all over her crisp white shirt.

  The only thing preventing me from ripping that fucking blouse off of her, and bending her over this desk, and fucking her with the most brutal punishing fuck I could think of…was because she was in fact…my fucking student. Oh yeah, and my best friend’s sister.

  I shook my head as I snapped out of it. “I didn’t know,” I exhaled sharply. “This can’t happen anymore…it shouldn’t happen. I’m sorry.” But I wasn’t sorry. I was livid. She stared at me as if she wanted to cry, and I could see the tears forming, just threatening to fall. We both know she would never allow that. Crying was allowed only when we were fucking. She tilted her chin up, making a point to give me the most determined
look she could muster. After a moment, she finally spoke. “As you wish, Mr. Knight.”

  Before I could react and change my mind, she had already turned on her heels and was out the door. I pulled my phone back out and stared at the picture Delton had sent me. Fucking prick. Clearly, Delton had no idea how much his little sister had grown the fuck up. He also had no fucking idea that the tight hot pussy I’d been fucking the past few weeks, and bragging to him in great detail while he was in the desert, was his own damn sister.

  I stretched my neck and sighed. Even knowing all of this, I still fucking wanted her.


  “Why do you look like you got pissed on?”

  I paused stuffing everything in my locker and turned to Sin. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”

  I heard him chuckle. “I didn’t ask if you were fine…but I suppose if you’re going to open up a topic of conversation, what’s eating your shit?”

  I slammed my locker door shut. I turned to face Sin. Even though he offered to listen, I guess, the way he lounged there more intrigued with his peach, and the way he was eating it, you would think he was eating a girl’s pussy. I cocked my brow at him, as he licked his lips. I hesitated. “Never mind, all good.”

  The rest of the four men came in, preparing for tonight’s work. After I oiled myself, I started to make rounds. It’s what we did. Get the women hyped up for tonight’s activities. Take a few minutes to give them a little more attention, then what they’re used to, and you’re pretty much golden. Is it leading them on? Probably. But, it’s a business. That’s first and foremost here.

  An hour later, rounds were about done, and four hours after that, my shift was over. I was just finishing up the last of a few pictures with a bachelorette party before I grabbed the rest of my stuff from my locker. I grabbed my keys and headed out the back, and found myself walking toward the same way I always did, and then minutes later, I was standing in front of the same movie theatre I stood in front of every night. I didn’t even know what the hell I was doing. Was Danielle inside? Would she even want to see me?

  I paced outside the theatre, and before I knew it, fifteen minutes had gone by. If she was in there and hadn’t come out by now, there was no way to avoid her. I took a few deep breaths before walking in. I nodded at the usual crew working, before heading into the same movie room I’d been going to for the past few weeks. I glanced at her usual spot. She was there. But she wasn’t alone. Her arms were crossed, to cover herself, as she got up and moved a seat over. It wasn’t her I was looking at. It was the drunk fuck that was trying to get near her.

  He reached out to touch her, and she swatted his arm away. I could feel my blood boiling as I made my way up the stairs towards them. Her protection was my first priority. Neither of them saw me coming. My arm wrapped around his neck as I pulled him off her. I tossed half of his body over the railing, still holding him by his neck, so his legs were flailing.

  The sound of Danielle gasping had me looking back. “Did he hurt you?” Her eyes were focused on the fact that I was practically strangling a man, and could kill him with the pressure of my arms. I squeezed tighter as I barked her name out. “Danielle!” Her eyes met mine. “I said did he hurt you?”

  She slowly shook her head and removed her hands from her mouth. “He’s just a drunk. A drunk that came in. He would’ve left eventually.”

  I glanced down at the man still struggling in my arms. “And if he hadn’t, then what? What if he hadn’t, Danielle? What if I hadn’t walked in here? Who knows what the fuck he could’ve done to you!” She flinched as my voice grew louder. I took a deep breath to calm myself before glancing back down at the fucker. He was turning from red to blue, and his attempt to fight me slowed.

  I finally released my arm, and he dropped the five feet to the bottom, and landed with a thud, as he started wheezing to catch his breath. I placed my boot on the railing, as I leaned over, arms crossed, as I watched him try to get to his feet a few times as he stumbled.

  “If I catch you in here again, I’ll fucking kill you.”

  He didn’t even look back at me, as he stumbled the rest of the way out. I waited until the door closed before I slowly turned my attention to Danielle. Ironically, she looked pissed. I reached into my back pocket, pulling out my Benchmade switchblade. Her eyes darted to it, as I stepped to her. I grabbed her arm, and held her hand open, as I placed the knife in her hand. “You need to have something on you for protection at all times. Especially if I’m not around.” I closed her hand around the knife, but I couldn’t will myself to let go.

  She furrowed her brow before meeting my gaze. “You can’t be around,” she finally whispered, and my hand dropped finally. “Danielle,” my voice came out as a whisper. She shook her head and walked passed me. All I could do was look after her, because she was right. I can’t be around.


  Walking the halls, the next morning didn’t make me feel any more different than the day before. In fact, each fucking day proved harder than the day before. Danielle sure as fuck wasn’t helping and she knew it too. The way she deliberately hiked her skirt up as she stood against her locker, and subtly twirled a lock of her hair as she glanced in my direction before class each morning.

  I had to start carrying a fucking folder like a damn prepubescent boy in front of my pants to hide my growing erection not only from her, but from the other female teachers that were flocking to me. I wasn’t clueless. I knew damn well, the obvious crush, especially since half of them were married, but I didn’t give a fuck about any of them. I still wanted Danielle. Who I kept reminding myself was my best friend’s sister. My best friend’s sister who was seventeen. Even though she was technically the legal age of consent. Which in fact was true. I did verify that immediately the first day.

  “So, what do you say? Do you think you could chaperone?” I slowly turned back to whatever the fuck her name was. I had been staring at Danielle, talking to Smith Hilton, the Captain of the Lacrosse team. Lacrosse was the only thing he was good at, because that fucking idiot, from what I’ve gathered, has either fucked his way through school, or no one gave a shit and just passed him through to not deal with his dumb ass. When I told him he couldn’t submit a paper with words written as if he was writing a damn text message with emojis and shit, he attempted to ‘school’ me by saying:

  “Why not? I’m just taking a lesson from our ancestors. Didn’t the Egyptians write in hydraulics?”

  He wasn’t joking. Senseless fuck.

  But, now here I stand with this little fuck standing closer to Danielle than he needed to be, with his lame attempt at making her laugh and touching her. He’s fucking touching her. I decided right then and there, my mission in life, was to fuck him up.

  “We could ride together.”

  I glanced back down at… shit, what the hell was her name? I cleared my throat. “Let me check my schedule, and I’ll get back to you.” I wasn’t getting back with her. Before she could say more, I checked my watch. “I have to go; tutoring is starting soon.” She nodded and was about to say more, but I walked off instead. Smith had just waved bye to Danielle, and she was putting shit into her locker. I acted interested in my folder, as I walked a little closer to her, and spoke low enough where I knew she could hear me. “Supply closet in my classroom. Now.”

  I didn’t give her a chance to offer a rebuttal of any kind, mostly because I didn’t really give a shit.


  Tutoring wasn’t really tutoring per se. It was mostly fuck-off hour. Students came and went. Played with shit on their phones, and I was here mostly for decoration. I glanced at the supply closet toward the back of the room I told Danielle to meet me at ten minutes ago. She’d already texted me twice, asking me if I was coming. She had no fucking idea that’s exactly what I would be doing.

  Making her wait was part of her punishment, whether she knew it or not, and I sure as fuck was enjoying it. My eyes narrowed as Smith walked into the room and took a look around looking confused
as fuck. Pretty much his normal everyday look, so no shocker there. It was obvious he was looking for Danielle. He finally distracted himself with some of his teammates. That’s when I decided now was the perfect time, if any. I casually stood up and acted like I really gave a shit what any of the students were working on. I even did the whole smiling and nodding, and went as far and pretending as if I was actually interested in a few of their projects.

  I wasn’t.

  I finally made my way back to the supply closet. No one was paying me any attention, as I opened the door, and shut it softly behind me. Danielle was crouched in a corner, and when she saw it was me, she stood up and crossed her arms. Based off her expression, I’m definitely going towards she’s a little pissed.

  “What the hell, Darius?!” She hissed at me in a loud whisper. “You had me come in here, and made me wait for almost twenty minutes…” And just like that, the sound of my name coming from her lips brought me back. Despite our current situation, I still fucking wanted her. I wanted her spread before me. I wanted her raw. I wanted her fucked. As she continued her lecture, I took the moment to let my gaze travel up and down her body. Her cheeks were flushed. Her black raven hair that fell in waves around her were itching to be wrapped around my hand.

  She stomped her foot, and my attention went back to her. “Are you even listening right now?” I moved off the door and walked towards her.

  “No, I’m not.” She gasped as I pulled her tightly against me. My hands slowly inched up, dragging her skirt with it, until I reached the swell of her ass. Any anger she had before, immediately left her body, as her breathing quickened. She rubbed against me, and fuck; all that did was make me want to bury myself deep inside of her. Laughter from the other side of the door also made me realize that this was still an annoying as shit fucked-up situation, and as I started to retreat, her arm went around me before I had a chance to back away.


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