Into Each Life

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Into Each Life Page 10

by Shelia E. Bell

  Prodigal removed the bracelet from her hands and placed it on her tiny wrist. “Teary, I want you to promise me something, okay?”

  “Sure, anything, you know that.” She was puzzled and had no idea what he was about to say.

  “Teary.” He paused for a few seconds before going on. “Promise me that we’ll always be here for each other. Promise me that we’ll never let anything or anyone come between our friendship.”

  “Is that all you wanted to say? You know nothing can come between us, not ever. That should go without saying.”

  “Wait, listen to me, Teary. I’m serious. You’re the only person who knows everything there is about me. You’re the only one who I trust completely. I mean, don’t get me wrong; I care deeply for Faith. I might ask her to marry me one day. And I know you love Skyler, but…”

  She interrupted. “Say no more. I’ll always be here for you, always. Do you remember when we were little and we pricked our fingers to pledge our bond of friendship?”

  “Yes, I remember.” A smile came across his face as he remembered that afternoon at Willow Lake.

  “Well, that bond is still in tact, Prodigal, and I’ll never ever breach it. You’ve never judged me. You’ve never put me down. You’re the one person I can truly be myself around and I love you for that.”

  Prodigal was transfixed by what Teary had just said to him. For a moment, nothing and no one else mattered except the two of them.

  It was his turn. “No matter where I travel in life, no matter what I do, or who I’m with, you’ll always be my best friend. You’ll always know where I am, and whenever you need me, I promise to come running.”

  He pulled her into his arms and embraced her as tight as he could. He wanted to tell her that he not only loved her but that he was in love with her, but he didn’t want to ruin what they had. He inhaled the sweet fragrance of her hair, and gently twirled one of her locks between his fingers.

  “Girl, you’re something else,” Prodigal said to her, his gaze fixed on her. “It’s no wonder I love your silly butt. By the way, don’t think just because you’re eighteen and a high school graduate that you’re grown. You still have to answer to me.” He yanked her hair like he used to do when they were kids.

  “Boy puhleeze. Don’t you start no mess, or I’ll whip your butt and send you running home to your momma,” she smiled.

  “Yeah, right,” he laughed before his face took on a serious look again. “Look at us. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives.”

  “Yes, it is, Prodigal.” A tear formed in the crest of her eyes.

  He reached out and hugged her again, only this time when he pulled back from her, their eyes locked, and he did what he had longed to do for such a long time. He kissed her full on the lips, unable to bridle his passion. Their hot tongues explored the inside of each other’s mouths. His arms embraced her shoulders before traveling to her delicate waist and landing on her thighs. In return, she wrapped her arms easily around his neck, holding on to him, pulling him toward her, never wanting to let him go. She heard his heavy breathing and felt his heart pounding, or was it hers?

  He hungered for her. He couldn’t believe he was finally holding the girl he’d loved for all these years in his arms. Her body was soft, yielding to him. He heard himself groan and he became aroused for her and only her. Oblivious to everything but the two of them, he was where he’d always wanted to be, longed to be. He couldn’t resist as he explored the sweetness between her legs.

  “Ahhh,” he said as he thrust against her. She put up no resistance, but answered with pleasurable moans of her own. Her hand touched him where he’d dreamed of her touching him and he rose to meet her.

  Suddenly, as if someone had prodded him with a hot poker, he pulled back, being careful not to allow himself to think he felt anything but true friendship for her.

  She didn’t fully comprehend what had just happened between the two of them or how she felt about it. She told herself it was just a kiss between friends — an innocent kiss. She stole one last look at her best friend before both of them pretended that what had just happened, hadn’t.

  “Does seven sound good for you and Faith?” Teary asked, her face still flushed.

  “Seven sounds fine.” Prodigal responded, clearing his throat.

  They walked out hand in hand, in silence, down the long, winding corridor.


  Teary rushed out of the auditorium and darted past her family in search of Skyler. She didn’t see him anywhere, and he had promised her he would be there.

  Skyler, where are you? She thought as she ran until she reached the double doors leading to the outside of the huge Convention Center. Just as she reached out to open one of the doors, Skyler yanked it open.

  “Skyler, where have you been?” Her eyebrows arched in a frown. She didn’t know if he had lost track of the time or what had occurred.

  “Listen, baby. I couldn’t bring myself to come up front so I just stayed in the back of the auditorium until the whole thing was over,” Skyler explained.

  “But why?” she asked, not knowing whether to be angry or feel sad. “Look, you knew that today was an important chapter in my life. I wanted to share it with you and see your face when I walked across the stage.” Her voice was high and her body twitched.

  “You are sharing it with me. I just didn’t want any confusion. You know your parents don’t like me much. And as for your boy, well let's just say, you know how much he hates me. I just didn’t want to mess up anything for you. I love you too much. I wanted this day to be special for you, girl. You looked good up there, baby. I’m proud of you.”

  He drew her close to him, kissed her on the lips while holding her tight and caressing her.

  “Please, not here,” she mumbled.

  “As you say, madam.” He gestured by bowing his head toward her. “Look, I’ll make it up to you. I promise. Now come on, let me see that pretty smile of yours.” He moved a lock of hair back from her face and rubbed his hands across her cheek. She forced a phony smile. She couldn’t stay mad at him for very long. He had just that kind of affect on her. “Hey, are we still going to Chili’s?” he asked.

  “Yes, but first I have to go back inside and let my parents and family fond over me and all that stuff first; you know what I mean.”

  “No, I don’t. I’ve never had that. I wish my parents had been alive to fond over me and all.”

  She could have crawled up in a corner. She hated it when she made senseless, stupid remarks like she just did.

  “I’m sorry. Look, it won’t take me long to say my good-byes to them. Are you going to wait on me or do you want me to meet you there?”

  “No, I’ll wait.” He gave her a kiss on her cheek and a tap on her butt. “Now go on and hurry back.”

  “Okay.” She giggled, running back into the auditorium.

  Back in the auditorium, Prodigal and Faith’s families were busy taking snapshots of the two of them.

  “Stand over there by the fountain, Prodigal,” Fantasia said as she took several shots with her digital camera. “Now, the both of you get together and give me one of those, I’m so glad to be out of school kind of poses.” She took more pictures while Faith’s parents captured their share too.

  “Hey, you guys, that’s a wrap,” Mrs. Meadows finally announced. “I think we’ve taken enough pictures to fill an entire photo album.”

  Fantasia looped her arm inside the arm of her brother’s.” “Faith, mind if I steal your man for just a minute?”

  “Sure, take your time with him. He knows where to come when you’re finished,” Faith teased.

  “Come on, bro. Let me talk to you for a minute.”

  “What’s up sis?” Prodigal said as he waked off arm in arm with his big sister.

  “I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. You have a promising future ahead of you and a good girl by your side. I know you’re going to do well out in the real world. Daddy would be proud of you too, you kn
ow.” The admiration Fantasia felt for her brother was overpowering. Of all people, Fantasia understood how difficult living without their daddy had been for Prodigal. Out of the three of them, she believed he was the one who suffered the worse.

  “Thanks, Fantasia,” he said and hugged his sister. “You’ve always believed in me. You’ve never put me down in any way; and I love you for that.”

  “I love you too, Prodigal.” They hugged each other before they resumed their conversation.

  “What time are we supposed to go over to Faith’s for the cookout?”

  “Around eight-thirty.”

  “What else do you have going on?”

  “Faith and I are going to meet Teary and her boyfriend at Chili’s. We aren’t going to stay very long. I already told Teary that I want to spend some time with you before you leave.”

  “Sounds good to me. Now go and say your good-byes to everybody until later. I’m going to take Hope to the mall. She wants to get an outfit for the youth lock-in the church is having next weekend. By the time we finish doing that, you and Faith will probably be heading back from Chili’s.”

  “Sounds like a great game plan to me, big sis. I’ll see you later then.” Prodigal turned and headed back inside to search for Faith. But before he could make it any distance, she walked up.

  Fantasia leaned over and kissed Faith on her cheek. “I’m proud of you too, but you know that already,” she said, and reached out to give her soon to be sister-in-law a hug and a kiss.

  “Thanks, Fantasia. That means a lot to me. I heard that you’re going to be taking your second march across the stage in a few months.”

  Fantasia raised her hand in a high five motion and responded, “You got that right, and I can’t wait either. Are you going to be able to come with Prodigal?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world.”

  “Great. Well, look, don’t let me be the one to hold y’all up. I know you’re supposed to be meeting Teary, so let me get out of here and go find Momma and Hope. I’ll see you later tonight.”

  “Okay,” the both of them said.

  Faith then turned her attention to Prodigal. “Prodigal, have you seen Teary?” Faith asked.

  “Naw. The last I saw of her, she was going to look for Skyler. She’s probably outside with him somewhere.” Just as he finished his sentence, Teary appeared. She gave Prodigal an awkward look. He returned her gaze with an uneasy one of his own. Sensations from their earlier encounter remained fresh in their minds.

  “Have you said all of your good-byes?” Teary asked Faith.

  “Sure have,” said Faith.

  Prodigal nervously answered rubbing his hands across his forehead. “Yeah we’re ready.” He began to look around. “Where’s Skyler?”

  Faith noticed that Prodigal was rather fidgety. “Are you all right?” she asked him.

  “Sure, just still excited about today, that’s all,” Prodigal replied. He then stole a quick glance in Teary’s direction. She immediately looked away. I’ve got to keep it together. It was just a kiss between friends, nothing more. A chill moved up and down his spine. Got to be cool. “What did you say, Teary?”

  “I said, he’s outside waiting on us,” Teary repeated. “Are y’all going to follow us or ride with us?”

  “Faith is driving. We’ll follow you,” Prodigal answered.

  A white Chevy Malibu was a surprise graduation gift to Faith from her parents. Prodigal disliked the fact that she always had to be the one to drive them from place to place. Before her parents bought her the car, they often let her use their Park Avenue from time to time. Prodigal wasn’t angry with his mother for not being able to buy him a car. He was angry with his father. Why did his daddy have die? Why and how could he just check out on life like he did?

  “We’ll see you there then,” Teary said.

  “Yeah sure,” Prodigal responded without the least bit of excitement in his voice.

  When they arrived at Chili’s, Prodigal excused himself and dashed straight to the back of the restaurant. He went into the recreation area to try his hand at a game of pool. Skyler made his way to the bar and ordered himself a beer.

  Teary and Faith had the hostess to seat them at a table in the non-smoking section. The two girls chatted most of the time about their plans for the future now that they had graduated.

  “Now that we’re officially free to conquer the world, what’s your next move, Teary?” Faith asked her as she placed the straw to her lips and sipped on her cherry Cola.

  “Marriage, but don’t tell anyone yet.” Teary bent over and whispered.

  “Did you say marriage? You and Skyler?

  “Yes, me and Skyler.”

  Faith was shocked to hear her talk about marriage. “When are you two getting married?”

  “It’s going to be soon, real soon.”

  “Fill me in on everything. How and when did this come about? And don’t leave out any of the juicy details either.”

  “Girl, you’re crazy,” Teary remarked, taking a swallow of her diet Cola. “But okay, here’s how it happened. Skyler popped the big question one evening after we returned from seeing a movie. We were at his place listening to music and gulping down tacos. He started out by telling me, ‘We’ve been together for almost a year. Everything is right between us, baby. You know that don’t you?’ I told him, ‘Yeah, of course I do”. I didn’t know exactly where he was going with the conversation.”

  “You had no idea what he was talking about?” Faith rested her chin in her hands and leaned in closer.

  “Nope, but he looked serious and acted like he was searching for the right words or something. That’s when I started getting a little nervous,” Teary said, squirming in her chair.

  “Nervous, why?”

  “Because. I thought he was about to break up with or that something bad had happened. I didn’t know what to think.”

  “I feel you on that. Keep on.” Faith insisted.

  “Then he said, ‘I want you to know that I love you, girl. I think I fell in love with you the first time I laid eyes on you in that mall. I know I don’t have a lot, but you know I’m trying. You know that I do have a lot of love for you.’”

  “What did you say? Did you just about fall out or what?” Faith shrieked, taking another gulp from her soda until the swoosh sound was heard, letting her know nothing else was in her glass.

  “I didn’t have time to react, because that’s when he said, ‘I want you to marry me, Teary. Tell me you will.’”

  “Oh, no,” Faith shrieked, hitting her hands up and down on the wood table.

  “Oh, yes, girl. I started boo-hooing and then I said, ‘Yes, I’ll marry you.’” He grabbed my hand and put this on it.” Teary reached inside her purse and pulled out a diamond cluster engagement ring. Faith’s eyes grew as big as marbles.

  “No, he did not,” Faith gasped at the sight of the ring.

  “Oh yes he did,” Teary countered. “Then he said, ‘Teary, I’ll make you happy. You’ll see.’”

  “Why don’t you have it on your finger?"

  “Because, I told you. I haven’t told anyone, not even Prodigal. You’re the first one who I’ve confided in.”

  “I can’t believe you haven’t told him,” Faith responded, looking over her shoulder in Prodigal’s direction.

  “He’s the main one that I don’t want to tell. You of all people know how he is.”

  Faith felt a rush of satisfaction at hearing Teary say she and Skyler were going to get married. It removed some of Faith’s insecurity when it came to Teary and Prodigal. Teary being married to Skyler would pave the way for her to have Prodigal completely. No more sharing him with Teary. She exhaled and continued to listen to Teary.

  “Dang, Faith. I wish Prodigal and Skyler could get along.”

  “Me too, but I don’t see that happening any time soon.” Faith responded.

  “Yeah, I know. Anyway, we’ve been looking for an apartment for a few weeks now. I thin
k we’re going to get a townhouse in the same complex where he and his roommate, Johnny, live.”

  “When are you going to tell your family?”

  “Skyler said he thinks that the best thing would be for us to go ahead and get married before we tell them. I think he’s right.”

  “Teary, I don’t know if that’s the best thing to do.” Faith sighed.

  The waitress came and refilled each of their glasses. “Are you ready to place your orders or do you want more time,” she asked.

  “Yes, we’re ready,” Faith spoke up. The girls ordered a couple of appetizers. They didn’t want much to eat since they all had other plans for later. Teary and Faith waited until the waitress turned and left before resuming their conversation.

  “Teary, you know your parents are going to be heartbroken if you don’t tell them.”

  “You know for yourself if they find out that we want to get married, they’re going to hit the ceiling. I don’t want to hear the story about the two of us being unequally yoked. I don’t want Daddy to start preaching about Skyler not being in church. So what if Skyler doesn’t go to church. He’s still trying to make a difference in his life.”

  “Still, Teary, don’t you think you should at least tell them before you get married?” Faith asked.

  “No, I don’t. Like I said, Skyler’s had a really hard life and I don’t want to hear their mouths. I don’t need the drama in my life. I love him just as much as you love Prodigal and that’s all that matters.” Teary hoped that Faith would see her side of it. “I know you understand, don’t you?”

  “I know you love him. But I also think that the two of you should make sure that this is what you’re ready to do. You’re so young. Does he even have a steady job yet? I mean one that can support the two of you. What about his education? Is he going to stay in college? What if you get pregnant? There’s just a lot to think about. And I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “I hear everything you’re saying, but I can’t worry about being scared, and I’m not too young to know that I love him. Everything has to work out for us. As for getting pregnant, I’m on the pill. But Skyler wants children to have children right away, so I’m not worried about that either. I can’t let him slip through my fingers. He needs me. He doesn't have any one in his life but me. I won’t let him down.”


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